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Dawn of a New Legacy

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Elite Eevee

While some of our patiences are at the breaking point, it is true that we have things to do to keep us busy. Also, I am someone who repects the fact that you guys have lives outside of writing this.


Soul Trainer
i don't have a life out side of this well unless u count other fics. in my school i'm invisable unless something bad happend then i get blamed.


legendaryrider said:
Prediction:The timetraveler will not be killed just what happen to the charizard and the others but that mewtwo will be killed unfortunatly.
keep going your doing great.
I wrote the Guardian vs the Goddess scene, so I know what happens, and I can tell you its not that. For one thing, even with Raven and Serra, they don't have the power to free a mind as powerful and as transcendent as the Guardian's. It doesn't even think on the same level as they do.

I have no idea what's taking everyone else, but I'm going to go find out:D


Deaf camp? o____o;; What's that, if you don't mind me asking? I had no idea she was away... n____n;; I feel smart.

:OOO I didn't know Tenchi wrote! You did a good job on that, too! Although Misty turning ebil made me a little sad. Dx Not that I like her.

Hmm...I think it's time for another re-read of all the chapters. XD


The Tenchi is a new co-writer on Doanl. You haven't seen any of my writings on this fic yet, cept for the Prophecy. However, I can guarantee that you'll like it.

Yep, spex is back from deaf camp, she and I correspond via e-mail pretty regularly.

It seems that Azure and Gatene haven't quite finished their portions of the next chapter, so just have patience :D;;;;;;;;;


Oh, I'm sorry if that came off as impatience, I didn't mean it that way at all. n_____n;; I apologize.

x_____x;; Oops. Sorry again. I'm a little out of it. I must have misunderstood you.

Chosen Legandary Trainer

Yes, I did mean when is the next chapter coming out. Thanks Sakuryuu

Master Alltro-N

The Deserts Spirit
I Got It!! She is trying to build suspence befor she premiere the battle vs. Celebii( unless i somehow missed it). Either that, or she forgot...Hopefully it is the first one.

Master A-N Out


XD {laugh} But Tenchi just said she's been busy...it's not really a mystery as to what Azure's doing. I don't think she's foing it on purpose, but it's sure working that way, isn't it?

Master Alltro-N

The Deserts Spirit
True enough...How long ago was the last chapter posted, anyway?

Master A-N Out
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