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Dawn of a New Legacy

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Sorry, but we just don't know. Everyone else is just laden with stuff, so it's been difficult. Gatene says that he'll try to get it soon, though:D;;;

Master of Legends

ok its a good stroy and i like it but i dont want to wait!!! (btw this is blazikens1234s new account iv been here since chappie 2 came out) so iv been waiting loooooooooooooooooooooooooong time to see this next chappie... yet where is it!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Just wait. All of the people who are working on this story are all having very busy years at school and at home. Personally I'm still amazed the thread is still up. I think they should just delete it and start from scatch again considering it's been so long since the last chapter was put up.


Y'know, even I'm getting a bit annoyed with the wait. I finished MY contribution five months ago T_T

I'm gonna try to find out what's takin so long


Frolicking Story Dictator, perhaps I should. However, I will think this over.


I'll do that first chance I get, I haven't had time for much of anything over the last week, due to an English project:D

Master Alltro-N

The Deserts Spirit
Arseus, where'd everyone go... Did everyone forget this story? One minute CT was going to talk to spex and next thing i know it's a year later! could be just talking to the wind here...ant this was such a good story...*sigh*

Master A-N Out


Just me
Please don't bump an ancient fic. :/ It seems pretty clear this isn't about to be continued, so I'm closing it...
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