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Dawn of a New Legacy

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Burnt Flower

Horror Mistress
Such excellent chapters! :D

There were some spelling errors in these chapters - including the lost ending (interreputed-interrupted, pokemon-Pokemon, Serra’s-Terra’s, pokemon’s-Pokemon’s, don”t-don’t, won”t-won’t, didn”t-didn’t, wasn”t-wasn’t, Terras-Terra, ususal-usual, aren”t-aren’t, contiients-continents, Techinally-Technically, wapish-waspish, can"t-can’t, sttared-stared, dinnertable-dinner table, consantly-constantly, were-was, peturbed-perturbed, wouldn”t-wouldn’t, pulsuating-pulsating, ofSharpedo-of Sharpedo, determindedly-determinedly, senstation-sensation, couldn”t-couldn’t, ain”t-ain’t, Pixels-pixels, of-off).

Heh, as I always do, I have to mention your grammar errors, so here are some examples:
“Which is unlikely.” interreputed Hydro.

The period before the second quotation mark should be a comma. 'Interrupted' is misspelled. Like this:
“Which is unlikely,” interrupted Hydro.

Another example of the same case:
“You’re always hungry.” Raven snapped, her dark eyes flashing.

Once again, that period should be a comma:
“You’re always hungry,” Raven snapped, her dark eyes flashing.

You forgot to seperate paragraph for each new speaker in this paragraph:
“Get ready, my pokemon’s coming.” chuckled Hydro.
“Miloooooooooo!!! Tic tic miloootiiii!!”
“Lin lin lin lin lin oone oon!!”

That last quotation mark isn't needed:
“Hey, girls! Come on, it’s almost time for dinner!” yelled Shadow, poking his head through the door.

You forgot to add a space after the first period:
She was taught to make plants explode from the very soil and whip at their targets.She learned how to fight with lighting speed like the Zangoose and the Scyther.

Now I'm oficially addicted to this story. I want to read more and more chapters, but sadly only two are posted every day (is there another site where this fic is located?) So Serra is finally developing her powers - the last test was so hilarious; I'm glad you chose that ending instead! :D
My favorite lines from that scene were:
<Uh oh...I think they landed in the Sharpedo basking pool.> signed a worried Terra.

She hopped on one foot, as there was still a lone Igglybuff clinging determindedly to it.

I laughed so hard when I read them! :)

This line was a big surprise for me:
“Celebi, the Guardian of Time. Jirachi, the Wishing Star. Both are Andros now.”

Maybe the situation is even worse than I thought...

Your characters are so loveable and I'm getting quite attached to them; my favorite being Serra, Raven (who reminds me of me :p) and Shadow, but I like them all anyway. I want more backstory about each character, though.
I was quite surprised by this line about Terra:
The room rang with the gun’s sharp reports, but Terra, being deaf, was not peturbed.

Maybe I didn't read correctly the chapters when she just appears, but it really was a shock to me!

And I'm glad that you're adding some romance (since it's my favorite genre after action). I'm really starting to like the Raven/Shadow and the Serra/Blade relationships. Some of my favorite scenes were:
Blade was behind her, and found himself staring dreamily at the back of Serra’s head for a good while until Raven’s hand descended on his ear, and a soft mind-voice whispered.

And Raven reminded me of Misty here. :)

She was too absorbed to notice Shadow staring at the back of her head, a goofy grin plastered on his face...

Heh, how sweet...

It's fantastic that you gave all your Pokemon a distinguishable personality. Some of my favorite scenes where the Pokemon's personalities shine through are:
Yes yes, shiny things....oooooh!! all nice and shiny....mine mine mine! thought the Linoone, rubbing his paws together gleefully.

Serra jumped as the doors to the kitchen swung open, and a large Machamp in a frilly cooking apron and a chef’s hat walked in, each of his four arms bearing trays of steaming food.

Of course, there were other memorable scenes like when Maverick appears or when the marshamllow-eating Igglybuffs attack (among many other moments), but these were just some remarkable examples. ;)

The only problem is that there are so many Pokemon with so many different names that I lose track or forget some of them while I read.

Both of you - Spectreon, and AzureFlygon are doing a fantastic job! :D
Last edited:

Elite Eevee

Well, tell Spectreon I'm sorry for sending the PM. On topic, that was a great pair of chapters. I agree with Burnt Flower on one thing. <goes hysterical> No! Why did the Lati twins have to become corrupt! I think you can figure the rest out. And Serra's last test was comical. Almost Monty Python quality. How long does the story last? It's to good to end.


Important...Must read.

Hello all, this is Gatene (duh!) I made a site for Spectreon's story, when she and Razor were on uhm, Chapter 4, when I first started reading it. Spectreon and Razor write, and draw. I do some spell checking, but I don't worry too much on grammar, unless it's totally messed up. I update the site, with pictures, chapters, whatever it needs. I also give the Chapters titles like the one I'm a bout to post, "First Andros Attack". I also give a description of each chapter on the site.

http://spectreon.mybesthost.com -- This is the start to the main site
http://spectreon.mybesthost.com/fanfic.htm -- First Fanfic page (There are links to the other chapters at the bottom of the page)
http://spectreon.mybesthost.com/fanfic4.htm -- Song of the Goddess Fanfic Page, which is more or less the second season of DoaNL

Be sure to always check the news when you check the site for new chapters, art, etc. With every update, there is new news.

Chapter 8: The First Andros Attack
By: Razor (aka AzureFlygon)

Gatene said:
Continuing on into the forest, the Goddess notices a change in the new scale Aeris bought her. Then it came, a vicious Caterpie-Andros. What else can this scale do?

The forest was dark, and the most light that the group had filtered feebly down from the small breaks in the canopy. Blade traveled in front, using a small knife to hack away overhanging vegetation. Behind him was Aeris, with Maverick bouncing along beside her with little regard for people’s feet.

After the third time Maverick tripped her, Aeris was forced to hold the energetic little Totodile. A relived Terra sighed behind the two, setting her agitated Vulpix down onto the ground and stretching her tired arms. Serra walked behind the girl with Bonedancer sleeping on her shoulder, looking into the box at the scale she had obtained earlier. Its glittering depths fascinated her, and she was soon so absorbed in it that she no longer looked where she was going.

Suddenly, her foot caught a thick root, and she fell forward. Terra had sensed the vibration, however, and turned to catch her before the girl could get a mouthful of dirt and leaves. Bonedancer squawked in protest, now wide-awake and flapping. After she had calmed the Missingno down, Serra smiled to show her thanks. Terra shrugged in reply, silently giggling at the occurrence. The deaf girl looked at the scale, considering, and began signing rapidly.

<Do you want a string for that?> she said, <I can fit it onto a necklace so you don’t trip anymore...>

“Uh...” stammered Serra, not understanding the sign language.

“She wants to know if you want her to fit that thing onto a necklace,” said Raven quietly from behind Serra.

“Oh, Yes, that would be nice,” said Serra, finally understanding.

Terra smiled and brought out a small length of cord. She gently lifted the scale, studying it carefully for the best way to tie it, and then rapidly looped the string around the object so that it formed a small, X-shaped cradle. With that finished, she tied it off and handed the new necklace proudly back to the awed girl.

“Thank you!” said Serra, amazed.

<No problem,> signed Terra.

The group began moving once again, and Serra put the box that had held the scale into her pack. Raven walked stately behind the girl; occasionally catching herself glaring back to make sure that Shadow hadn’t cut ahead of Hydro, who was walking behind the psychic. Fortunately, the blonde-haired boy had stuck to the back of the group, contenting himself with making faces at Hydro when the trainer had his back turned.

All was quiet in the forest, and only the occasional calls of various tree-dwelling Pokemon and the hacking of Blade’s knife pervaded the silence. Serra looked around curiously, and was aware of warmth seeping through her chest. She looked down, and saw with horror that her scale had lost its brilliance and was now a deep, forest green. She lifted it to see what may be wrong, and was surprised to find that it was the source of the warmth.

Suddenly, the calls of the Pokemon stopped, and the entire group felt an extreme unease as when something is going to happen. The air was still and heavy, and the silence weighed on the group as if it were a solid object. Serra gasped as the scale flared hot in her hands, dropping the now black object. She gasped as it hit her chest, though, and hurriedly picked up the string and held it away from herself.

With a deafening screech, a small, flashing chrome form leapt at Blade from the bushes. The boy yelped and jumped out of the way, at the same time bringing his knife up in an attempt to stab the monster. A sharp clang resounded through the woods, and the group gasped as the creature was thrown to the ground.

“It’s an Andros Caterpie!” exclaimed Aeris.

“It has a camera,” said Raven, “put it out of commission before it can send a picture to the Rocket’s!”

Aeris threw Maverick out into the battlefield, while Terra had Dark Flame use a Flamethrower at the small machine. The Andros dodged with surprising speed for a Caterpie, and again lunged at the humans. They scattered out of the way, trying to avoid the sharp, venomous antenna sprouting from the metal Pokemon’s brow.

Serra watched the creature with wide eyes, amazed at seeing an Andros. The creature looked like a Caterpie, except that it was now mostly metal. Only a few legs and its tail were still organic, the rest of its wormlike body shone with mechanic brilliance. Its eyes were red sensors, and the markings on its sides were glowing black power units.

Suddenly, the girl realized that it was coming for her, and she willed her legs to move. Her body would not obey her, however, and she stood paralyzed as she watched the poisonous points of the antenna glinting sharply in the filtered sunlight.

A bright spurt of flame obstructed her view of the creature, and Serra dove out of the way as Dark Flame leapt on the mechanical Caterpie. She ran over to Aeris, glad to be free of the creature’s mysterious spell. She suddenly noticed that the scale was no longer hot on her chest, and she looked down to find that it had returned to its former deep green.

Dark Flame and Maverick teamed up to defeat the monstrosity, and the combination of fire and water soon cracked the metal of the Caterpie’s body. The abomination screamed in a metallic screech as it finally split in half, the red sensors of its eyes fading and finally going dark as it died. The metal body twitched on the ground, and went still.

“Do you think we killed it before it sent the video?” asked Hydro, poking the still body with a stick.

“There’s no way to know,” sighed Raven, “We can only hope...”

“Well,” said Shadow with a snort, “Let’s get out of here before any more of them come!”

“That’s the first good idea you’ve had in a long time,” smirked Bonedancer, his eyeless sockets dancing with malevolent glee.

Shadow was about to come up with a retort, but stopped when he saw that Serra could take care of it. The girl grabbed the Missingno and held his beak shut, glaring at him pointedly. The miniature Aerodactyl skeleton grinned, and Serra raised an eyebrow. With a sigh, Bonedancer agreed psychically to apologize to Shadow.

“Sorry, Shadow,” he said, eyes still dancing.

“Accepted,” said Shadow grudgingly. He was still angry with the Missingno but knew when to quit.

“Now, let’s get to the next village so we can catch the ship,” said Aeris, “It shouldn’t be far from here...”

The group went back to hacking through the brush, and finally came out onto the edge of a tall cliff. Looking down, they could see the small village they were heading for, and the dock with a large ship tethered. It wasn’t very far away, so they took their time to get down the steep decline.

The forest was much thinner here, so they didn’t need to hack through anymore. Blade returned his knife to one of the many hiding places he had, and they continued silently. Raven, Blade, Hydro, and Terra were all thinking bleak thoughts of what challenges lay ahead, while Aeris and Shadow thought only of the next adventure. Serra, though, again drifted her thoughts towards the mysterious scale.

Why had it changed its color? Before this it had seemed only like a fascinating bit of history, but now it was much more. Serra was sure none of the others had noticed the change, how could they? The Andros Caterpie had taken up everyone’s attention. She lifted the thing yet again, and was slightly surprised to find that it had reverted to its original color and brilliance.

“Hey, Serra, what’s up with you and that scale?” asked Shadow from behind Hydro, “I don’t think you’ve taken your eyes off it since we left the store!”

“It’s interesting...” Serra replied, releasing her hold on the object.

“Interesting?” asked Shadow dubiously.

“Leave her alone, Shadow,” said the annoyed voice of Blade, who had stopped and turned towards the other boy, “It’s hers, and she can stare at it all day if she wants to.”

“Sorry, Blade,” said Shadow, looking chastened, “I was just wondering, that’s all.”

Blade turned back, and the group once again began walking. Hydro still had the stick he had poked the dead Andros with earlier, and was swinging it to hit small leaves and branches to pass the time. Suddenly, he pulled the stick back to reveal a small, angry Spinarak clinging to the end.

“Spinarak!” the creature cried, leaping off the stick and shooting a think, gooey string at Hydro.

“Yah!” yelped the boy, falling backwards as the string shot hit its mark.

“Spin Spinarak!” scolded the Pokemon as it scuttled into the tree once more.

The group laughed as Hydro struggled up from the ground, head and hands covered in white silk. He stood there helplessly, and crossed his arms in exasperation.

“Little help, here?” he asked.

Terra, still silently laughing, walked up and ripped off the thread. Hydro blinked, finally able to see again, and thanked her. Terra grinned, and returned to her place in the line.

Finally, they reached the village. It was not a long walk to the docks, and they now had enough room to walk in a group instead of a line. They began to relax among the bustling activity of the friendly village, and decided to stop for lunch.

Aeris led them into a place called ‘Carvanha’s’, and they got a large table. The place had a friendly atmosphere, and the food came quickly. Serra had never seen such good food, and dug into it with glee. The others watched her with mild surprise, wondering how the girl could eat so fast.

“Well,” remarked Shadow, “I know who I’m never going to have an eating contest with...”

The rest of the group laughed heartily, and tore into their own food.

. . .

“Well, we’re back at Pallet town,” said Aeris as they left the docks.

The ship rose up behind them, a waterborne tank. It’s smokestacks reached far into the sky, and the group would have to crane their necks to look at them. Wingull flew around in the dozens, calling harshly to each other while scavenging for leftover wrappers and food from tourists.

“That means out next stop is Viridian Forest, and then on to Pewter city,” calculated Hydro.

“I don’t want to go to Viridian,” said Serra in a whisper, almost seeming to shrink in fear.

“I understand,” said Aeris calmly, “We’ll take the detour through Mt. Silver, instead. It may take longer, but there’s some great scenery up there.”

The group continued through the remnants of the town, looking with sadness upon the once beautiful place. Terra and Aeris released Maverick and Dark Flame from their Pokéballs (they had become a handful on the ship and had to be recalled), and Hydro sent out Mirage for good measure. The Jolteon stood by his trainer, looking at the antics of the hyperactive Totodile and prissy Vulpix with amusement.

The group passed a large, rundown building, and Serra stared in curiosity at the broken windows and weathered red bricks. Raven walked beside her, and told her about the building.

“That used to be a Pokemon lab, where some of the best researchers used to study Pokemon. It’s been abandoned since the famous professor Gary Oak disappeared.”

“Oh,” said Serra, suppressing a shiver as they left the eerie building behind them.

Aeris led the group off into an old, overgrown path, and there were no more strange things around them. This forest was bright and happy, with frolicking Pokemon all over the place. It made the entire group fell better to see such sights, and they were soon laughing and talking together as they traveled.

It was only a few hours before the forest thinned and the land turned into a wide expanse of meadow. The path turned into a small rut through the turf, which the group had some difficulty following due to the tall grass. Aeris’ sharp eyes never faltered, however, and they kept a straight course.

The grass thinned at the edge of the meadow, and small pine trees began to appear in random places along the trail. A boulder or two were scattered as well, and these things became more frequent as the group gained distance. They topped the rise, and Serra gasped as she saw the towering peaks of Mt. Silver.

White clouds rose around the crest, obscuring the view of the mountaintop. A small, sparkling river wound it’s way across the face of the mountain, and a pine forest blotted the landscape until two-thirds of the way to the peak. It was one of the most beautiful sights Serra had ever seen.

But beautiful things often hold hidden danger...


Chapter 9

For those of you that are just joining, be sure to read the post above this one, for it has Chapter 8, and has links to the site where you can read the story at any time that you wish.

Chapter 9: Realization
By: Spectreon

Gatene said:
At what cost must the Goddess and the others pay in order for her to see herself as she is, a savior? Another attack is waged against the Goddess and the others. This time by something larger than a simple Caterpie, and more than one.

Aeris happily scanned the newly discovered meadow. As everyone set down their packs, she spoke her mind.

“We should spend the night here, and tomorrow, we’ll be able to go to Pewter City by detouring in the peaks of Mount Silver. This’ll be fun!!”

Hydro nodded in agreement and voiced his thoughts.

“Let’s send out all our pokemon. They’ve been cooped up for so long...”

Before long, the clearing was full of the bustle of the humans as they set up camp. The pokemon explored the clearing, or in Ghost’s case, attempted to steal some of the cooking pans. Serra fished out her tent kit and dumped out the contents. Scanning them, she then stood back. The pile of canvas and metal rods flew up, setting up by itself. When the process was done, Serra admired her newly built tent. Bonedancer nodded, pleased.

Around her, the others grumbled as they labored to build their tents. Maverick danced around underfoot, playfully nipping at people’s feet, until Aeris threatened to recall him. Dark Flame simply sat and watched their toils with bored amusement. Juggernaut, meanwhile, had simply lain down in a circle, basking in the dying sunlight. Skyfang was off hunting for wild Rattata. Zeronix chose to buzz curiously around, fascinated by the tents that were being set up. Fury was busy repeatedly ramming into a tree nearby, for reasons even he wasn’t completely sure of, except that it was good fun. Mirage the Jolteon was playfully giving Shadow small shocks, yipping and shooting off blue electricity. Risan was resting in the boughs of the same tree which Fury was in the process of destroying. And Ghost....was being Ghost. As Serra watched, Ghost streaked past, clutching a pan with Raven in hot pursuit.

Serra looked up at the looming mountains, fondling the scale which hung around her neck. The mountains were awash in a rosy light, as the dying sun sank beyond the horizon. As she sat, thoughts drifted around her mind.
“Will I really be able to beat any Andros? I couldn’t even beat an Andros Caterpie!! What can I do against a bigger Andros? I don’t even know if I am a real goddess....”

A few hours later, after the sky had darkened, Terra got a campfire going. Skyfang had arrived with a good amount of plump Rattata and Pidgey, which were now roasting on a spit over the fire. The aroma of the cooking meat wafted over to Serra, making her mouth water.

Serra stood up and walked over to join the circle of humans and Pokemon. Plates of food were equally doled out to everyone except for Juggernaut, who was so big, he needed three plates of food. Serra sat between Raven and Aeris, who handed her a plate filled with food. Gratefully, everyone dug in. The flickering fire let off a soothing aura of warmth, and the stars shone in the night sky, like a myriad of pearls on dark blue-black velvet.

Later, the pokemon were recalled and everyone went to bed with full stomachs, content and sleepy.

In the depths of the night, Blade suddenly woke. Checking his digital watch, it read 2: 13 am in glowing red letters. Blade looked to his tent flap, which was slightly open. Everyone else was asleep. Yawning, Blade crawled out of his tent. As he stood up, snatches of quiet song drifted to his ears. The verses were haunting and beautiful, yet held a deep sadness in them. Perplexed, Blade looked up, and started with surprise.

Serra sat in the topmost branches of a tall pine tree nearby, her beautiful form silhouetted against the silvery orb of the moon. She sang in a husky voice, her hair blowing in the slight breeze as the branches swayed.

Blade was astonished at how beautifully Serra sang. Her voice entranced him, and fell upon him like a silky veil.

Agilely, Blade climbed up the tree, carefully lifting himself from branch to branch. At last, he reached the top, and sat, listening to her sing. When the last notes echoed into the night and the song was complete, Serra turned to look at Blade, her face emotionless.

“That was beautiful. I didn’t know you could sing like that. How’d you get all the way up here? I had a hard time getting up here.” babbled Blade, slightly flustered.

Serra smiled slightly. “I levitated up here. I couldn’t sleep.”

“Me either. Were you worried about something?”

Serra looked away from him, and sighed.

“I’m just....I don’t know. I can’t be a real goddess. I don’t think I can live up to everyone’s expectations. I can’t even figure out how to fly or anything...” she trailed off. A tear ran down her cheek, and she hastily brushed it off, hoping Blade hadn’t noticed.

“Serra, we believe in you. You shouldn’t doubt your potential. From what Aeris tells me, you did a very good job of blowing up a warehouse. She saw you sprout wings. So we know you can do it. You just don’t believe in yourself.”

Serra felt slightly more reassured by Blade’s words. Standing up, she stretched.
“We’d better go get some sleep. Good night.”
Her eyes glowed a dim gold, and she hovered off the branch, gently drifting down to the ground. She proceeded to telekinetically pluck Blade off the tree and set him down. Both went off to their separate tents, each with their own private thoughts.

As Serra climbed into her sleeping bag, she slowly went to sleep with one thought lingering in her mind..
“He wasn’t so bad....maybe I should start being nicer to him...”

The next morning, everyone was packed and ready. Since they were on the fringes of Johto, Aeris was the leader. They quietly climbed up the jagged canyons, not wanting to chatter and attract unwanted attention. The view was spectacular. The morning skies were clear, so the view of the land was unhindered. On their right lay Kanto, while on the left, lay the sprawling, lush Johto. If you compared the two views, Kanto was the more scarred and desolate. From their winds came the scent of metallic blood, grime, and despair. The land was a stark landscape of ruin and hopelessness. However, Johto was fairly untouched, and brimmed with rich and verdant plant life. But that likely wouldn’t last for long. Everyone knew eventually Team Rocket would move to invade the other three regions after it was complete with Kanto. For this reason, Johto had taken precautions to guard itself. Guards were on patrol, and their borders were heavily under guard.

At late morning, the group took a brief break, stopping along the rim of a gigantic canyon. Hydro glanced down the gap, and felt queasy. Terra went off to scout and watch for any suspicious activity. Serra sat down, feeling uneasy but not knowing why. Everyone was on edge, and the atmosphere was full of tension. Shadow and Raven were sniping at each other more than usual, heightening the tension.

Serra yelped as the scale upon her neck flared hot, then went black. At the exact same moment, a scream rang out, echoing harshly among the cliffs.

Everyone leapt to their feet, and Hydro yelled.


He took off, the others in hot pursuit. Their packs were left, forgotten. Aeris strung her bow, while Shadow drew his katana.

They rounded the corner, and saw Terra. She was lying unconscious, bleeding copiously from a gash on her forehead. Above her...

Serra’s heart froze in her chest. Aeris swore loudly.

Two Scizor Andros stood, looming over them. Both looked like regular Scizors, except they were ash grey, and their eyes glinted a wicked, soulless red. Both were fitted with voice boxes. Serra noticed one of the Scizor seemed smaller and more skittery than the other.

“What are they doing here?” murmured Aeris, staring at the abominations.

“I think they were on patrol.” remarked Raven quietly.

“Leave Terra alone, you monsters!!” yelled Hydro, running over to the fallen girl. The bigger of the Scizor spoke, its tone harsh and mechanical.
“ All of you humans, drop your weapons and Pokeballs. Gather over there, with the fallen girl and the boy. Now.”

Angrily, Aeris dropped her bows and balls, as did Shadow and Blade, although they bore no pokeballs. Raven had nothing to drop at all. They moved over to join Hydro and Terra. Bonedancer hid himself behind Hydro, not wanting to get spotted.

Except Serra. She stood where she was, coolly meeting the Andros’ gaze.

“What is this insolence? Move over there, or be punished.” stated the same Scizor as before. Both Scizor raised their claws, which opened. There was a slight clicking noise, and gleaming gun barrels extended from within the hollows of their claws.

Serra took action. She broke onto a run, charging directly at the Scizor. Right before she hit them, she...vanished?!

The Scizor Andros looked around, baffled. Suddenly, Serra landed crashing upon the smaller of the Scizor, sending him flying. She had teleported above him!

Serra leapt at the bigger of the Scizor. Both went down, rolling over as they savagely kicked and bit at each other.

“Serra, be careful! You’re too close to the edge!” yelled Shadow.

Thorny vines erupted from the ground, twisting and coiling around the Scizor, ensnaring him. He struggled, but to no avail. Panting, Serra stood up, and turned to them, grinning.


A loud gunshot rang out, making everyone reel. Serras’s smile slowly vanished, and her eyes widened. Wincing, she brought her hands to her stomach. The other Scizor crouched slightly, his right arm upraised. Smoke drifted from the barrel of his claw.

Everyone stared in horror as a red flower blossomed behind Serra’s hands. Serra’s eyes filled with tears, and she slowly, inexorably, stumbled back. Her foot stepped on nothing, and she went over the edge.

Everyone stared at the edge, unbelieving. Blade stared at where Serra had stood only moments before, feeling a great emptiness in his heart.
“She’s..gone.” croaked Shadow. Raven said nothing, but the grief in her eyes betrayed her emotions. Aeris simply bowed her head, her hair falling over her face as she crumpled mentally.


Serra fell silently, devoured by the dark chasm. Tears ran down her cheeks as she clutched at her stomach. Blood trailed out of the wound, weaving a crimson ribbon in the air. Serra closed her eyes, sinking into grief and pain.

I’ve failed.


Failed everyone.

I’ve failed the People. I am not their goddess. I am nothing.

A failure.


Is this how I truly want to die?

I must shoulder my responsibility.

I can’t give up. I have a duty to the People. The People of wing, of fur, of claw, hoof, and fin. The People of the waters...the earth....and the wind. I am their goddess.

I’ll not give up. I will believe. Remember what Blade said...I must believe.


I can fly...I know I can fly. I can do anything I believe I can do.

I am a goddess. I have a duty.




The Mark on Serra’s forehead instantaneously shrank, stretched out, snapped back and spun rapidly. Serra’s body flared with searing golden light, a blazing nimbus of light in the darkness...

Elite Eevee

Alright! That was a great two chapters. It would seem that Serra really does have control over her powers. I wonder if the scale has anything to do with it.


Yay! I finally found the thread! I already read the chapters, but like Elemental Charizam said earlier, I need to re-read, too.

I love the ending to that chapter. It's so-so sad and beautiful.


Whoa! More chapters than I remember mysteriously popping up in this tread ^^

Okay, I'll post the next two. At this rate, we can probably get them through and to the new chapter in almost half the time ^^
I wrote the last part of chapter Eleven... it introduces some od my own characters. Well, everyone loves to hear about our favorite green-haired athelete! ^.-

Chapter Ten: The Armor

Aeris was doubled over, sobbing. Blade simply sat, staring blankly at the cliff. Hydro continued to tend to Terra quietly. Shadow simply sat, his head in his hands. Raven was the first to snap.

“You will pay,” she spat at the bigger Scizor, her voice trembling with unholy fury.

“Oh really, human? I’m so scared. Ooooh,” sneered the Scizor, his red eyes flashing with electronic amusement.

Raven let out a piercing shriek, her eyes blazing purple. She lunged at the Scizor, but the Pokemon was faster. He caught Raven by the throat and lifted her up into the air. Raven began choking as the massive claw cut off her air supply. Her hands scrabbled weakly at her throat.

“Leave her alone!! Don’t hurt her!!” yelled Shadow, leaping to his feet.


The Scizor looked down at the gaping hole in his chest with pure amazement. With little more than a sigh, he collapsed, releasing Raven. She leapt back, staring at the corpse with wide eyes.

“Look!” yelled Aeris, her finger shooting out to point. Everyone followed her gaze. As Blade saw what she pointed at, his breath caught in his throat.

Serra hovered high in the sky above the chasm. Her pearly brown hair whipped about her face. She was clad in gleaming battle armor. It covered her legs, arms and chest, but left her stomach bare. From her back sprouted beautifully arched wings. They were cream brown and streaked with gold. The air thrummed as her wings pumped, holding her aloft. She looked for all the world like an ancient angel, the stuff of legends.

“Guess who’s back?” Serra murmured quietly. The smaller Scizor backed away, his eyes bright with what seemed to be a dull fear. He was much smaller and younger than the one Serra had so effectively gotten rid of. He stood no chance. None whatsoever.

Serra gently touched down onto the cliff’s edge and stalked towards the Scizor. As she moved, her wings glowed and faded into nothingness. The Scizor suddenly stopped, realizing he had nowhere to escape. Behind him rose a craggy rock wall. Trapped.

Serra held up an armored fist.

“See this?” she said quietly, her voice full of venom.

Her fist opened to reveal wickedly hooked claws. The sunlight glinted off them, sending a dazzling display of light playing across the Scizor’s metallic chest.

Serra attacked with no warning. Moving in a blur, she brutally rammed her claws into the Scizor’s belly, and twisted. The Scizor screamed in a high piercing wail as Serra abruptly picked him up, her hand still buried to the wrist in his belly.


She threw him powerfully, and the Andros slammed into the cliff wall with a sickening crunch. He slid brokenly to the floor, his body shattered. Serra strode over to him, her face emotionless. As the Scizor lay dying, she knelt over him, and sang to him in a low croon.

Poised for flight
Wings spread bright
Spring from night
Into the sun
Don’t stop to run
She can fly like a lie
She cannot be outdone
Tell them the Goddess sent you
And will send more.

As the Andros’ eyes misted over for the last time and his body slumped, Serra stood again and walked to the huddled group.

Aeris spoke quietly.

“What happened to you, Serra?”

Serra looked down silently and closed her icy blue eyes. Her amour glowed and faded away, leaving her clad once more in her dark skirt and jacket.

“They deserved it,” she said flatly.

Bonedancer flew up to her shoulder.

“You discovered your true duty, didn’t you? And the Goddess Armor responded to your call. When you battle, call upon the armor. But do not become a heartless murderer. Use the Armor with mercy and valor, not for massacring.”

Tears slid down Serra’s pale cheeks.

“I-I’m sorry. I don’t know what came over me...” she whispered.

Shadow laughed nervously.

“Well, as long as you don’t turn against us, that’s fine-OW!”

He yelped as Raven slapped the back of his head hard. Terra moaned and stirred slightly, causing everyone to turn to her. Serra pushed past Shadow and Aeris, kneeling beside the deaf girl and speaking quietly.

“If I must use my powers to kill, I must also use them for good. Recover!”

Her eyes glowed a soft white. White particles of healing energy drifted towards Terra’s head wound, knitting the skin together and closing the wound.

“She’ll be okay, but she needs to rest for a while,” Serra declared when she was done.

Hydro stood up, looking at Serra gratefully.

“Thank you,” he spoke, with feeling. Serra only looked down with no response.

“It’s noon now. I’ll go back and get our packs so we can have lunch,” Aeris chirped, as cheerful as ever.

Later that evening, the group had made steady progress. As they stopped for another break, Serra sensed something was wrong.

“Raven, do you feel that?” she asked the psychic.

“Yes. There’s an enormous amount of psychic energy collecting above Kanto,” Raven remarked. “We’re in the Johto border now, but I can still sense it.”

“This doesn’t feel right...” muttered Bonedancer.

As the group looked down at the lands of Kanto, Aeris’ sharp eyes noticed something. Gasping, she whipped out a pair of binoculars from her pack, and frantically looked through them. First, she looked to the north of the group, towards Pewter. Then she whipped back to the river beside the ancient Power Plant. Finally, she looked down south, towards where Fuchsia city had used to be. Suddenly, she threw the binoculars down, and started swearing very loudly.

Blade was shocked at the violent outburst.

“Aeris!! What the-?”

Aeris looked up at him, her eyes despairing.

“Look. Team Rocket’s set up towers in the ruins of Pewter, the Power Plant, and the area Fuchsia used to be. The same kind of towers Zeiryu City has. Barrier-generating towers. And I’m willing to bet they set up a fourth one at where Indigo Plateau used to be.”

“Four barrier towers, each at the corners of the land? But that means-”

Blade was cut off as Raven pushed them all to the side.


They ran down the western side of the mountains, slipping and stumbling.

“Wait, why are we entering Johto?” spluttered Shadow. Raven shoved everyone down with her psychic powers.

There was a tremendous booming sound, and a thunderclap. Everyone except Terra covered their ears. The noise was extreme. A blast of white energy roared out from behind the peaks of the mountain, roaring past the trees and the boulders. The trees shuddered and swayed, while everyone was thrown flat upon the ground.

When the thunderclaps had died away, and the dust and energy fumes had dissipated, it was then that they dared to stand up.

The sight was one no one would ever forget for a long time...

An enormous sparkling dome enclosed Kanto. The barrier was white and translucent, and the surface constantly rippled. It was identical to the one Zeiryu City had, only a thousand times bigger.

“That’s why the Scizor were on patrol. To catch any stragglers...” remarked Raven.

Shadow and Terra could only gape at the barrier dome.

“In short... no one can get in there now. And no one can get out,” Aeris spoke, her words ominously dark.

“We’ll never get to Silph Tower now,” moaned Blade. Serra and Bonedancer nodded in agreement.

“Can’t you or Raven teleport past it?” asked Shadow tersely.

“If it was possible, Team Rocket would’ve overrun Zeiryu City with teleporting Andros Alakazam.” snapped Raven. Shadow, feeling stupid, could only mumble, “Oh.”

"There’s nothing we can do. We need to go to the closest town to rest and plan our next move. The closest one is New Bark City....my home,” Aeris said happily.

“You live in New Bark City?” asked Serra curiously.

“Oh yes! I still live in my old mum’s house...it’s where I started my journey with Maverick...ah, those were the days...” said Aeris, her eyes misty as she recalled happier days.

“There’s a plus side to this....Johto is still an active place for trainers...” remarked Hydro, grinning. “Which means...”

“WE GET TO KICK SOME PASTY-FACED NEWBIE TRAINER BUTTS!! “ He and Aeris chorused together, giving each other high fives and whooping.

“Come on, let’s go to New Bark!!” yelled Aeris, running off into the woods. Whooping, Terra and Hydro followed suit. Raven rolled her eyes and chuckled as she followed. Blade looked at Serra, smiling.

“Let’s go!” yelled the distant voice of Aeris. “Or are you two going to stand there all night?”

Serra and Blade followed suit, disappearing into the woods of Johto.

Chapter Eleven: 389... or more?

As the morning sun rose, its golden pink rays shone upon a group of exhausted travelers stumbling into the small town of New Bark. The town was silent, for everyone was still in bed.

“Finally... we’re... here...” yawned Aeris, but still managed to grin. The others simply stood, with bleary eyes and yawning loudly.

“Let’s go to my house, we can get a good night’s sleep...” Aeris continued.

“Don’t you mean morning?” asked Shadow. Aeris blinked, then shrugged. As they trooped towards one of the houses, Aeris fished a key from her pocket.

Her house was simple but clean. With white painted walls and a dark green roof, it was the picture of quaintness. As they filed through the door, they dropped their packs and weapons gratefully. Aeris immediately set about arranging things. She and Terra would share Aeris’ bedroom, while Raven and Serra would share the guest’s room. Blade got the couch, while Hydro and Shadow would sleep on the living room floor. Maverick and Dark Flame chose to sleep with Aeris and Terra, while Zeronix buzzed to the ceiling, and set himself down on a beam. Risan and the others chose to sleep outside in Aeris’ expansive backyard.

As Serra settled onto the floor, she was dimly aware of Raven climbing into the guest bed. Soon, sleep claimed her.

In a few minutes, the entire household was sleeping peacefully...


Serra awoke first, in the early morning. Startled, she realized they’d all slept through the day before. With a zombie-like movement, she reached over to the dresser and grabbed for her curious necklace, which she had taken off the night before. With a deft swing of her arm, she slipped it over her head. Yawning, she stood and went to examine several books in a bookshelf. As she sat down, she sifted through them curiously. Serra picked out a book, and read the title.

'DAWG', by Verd A. Na

She went through them all, reading each of their titles.

'The Awakening of our Zero’, by JLX: Interesting...a Medicham...she’d never seen one, but their battle prowess was famous.

'Dark One’, by Azure F. Gon: She sifted through the pages. It was an intriguing novel, about a dark Arbok. Serra read it, fascinated. When she’d finished, she put the book down gently.

'The Mountain’, by Indigo.....it was a classic adventure...Aeris would’ve loved this...

Oooh, two more books! By Azure F. Gon!

'The Shiny Assassin’, and ‘On Pain of Difference’...

She read all the books quietly, finally finishing with a book titled, “Pokemon? Master”. It was about a Ditto masquerading as a trainer.

Serra jumped and flinched involuntarily as Raven spoke from behind her.

“That’s a good book. I love all of them...they’ve very creative.”

Serra put the books back and nodded. From the kitchen came the sound of clattering metal and yelling.

“Uh oh...looks like Ghost found the silverware drawer,” sighed Raven. “Better go avert disaster.”

The two girls went down the stairs, conversing quietly and eagerly anticipating breakfast. A white and brown blur suddenly shot past them, and they had to press against the wall to avoid being slammed into by the escaping Linoone. As Ghost rounded the corner, they could see the end of a fork sticking out of his mouth.

“Come back here you little thief!” yelled Hydro as he ran up the stairs, “You can’t escape in this house, you know!”

Serra and Raven giggled at the antics of the pokemon as they continued down the stairs. They could smell the delightful scent of waffles wafting from the kitchen, and upped the pace.

Most of the group was already there, with the exception of Hydro, who was still chasing his Linoone. Aeris had just poured the batter into the waffle irons, and that was what was now making the scent that Raven and Serra had so eagerly followed. Blade was helping Aeris with the eggs, and Terra was cooking sausage.

Serra and Raven sat down, and in a few minutes, plates full of food was set in front of them. They thanked Aeris, Blade, and Terra politely, and set about eating the delicious breakfast. Serra threw Bonedancer a sausage, and the little skeleton caught it with ease.

Hydro finally came into the kitchen, holding a fork in one hand and a Pokéball in the other. He held up the fork proudly.

“Got it,” he said.

“You could’ve let him have the fork, Hydro,” laughed Aeris, “I wouldn’t have minded that.”

“You let him have one thing, and he’ll think he can steal more,” said Hydro, shaking his head, “It’s best to not let him have anything.”

Terra gave Hydro his plate, and he sat down to eat. Soon, there was no food left on the table, and Aeris laughed.

“Well, I guess everybody was hungry!”

The group nodded, and Shadow burped. Raven looked at the boy scathingly, but sighed. She wasn’t going to bother with a remark. Bonedancer, though, wasn’t above an insult.

“Good one, Shadow,” he said sarcastically.

Aeris intervened before the two could start a fight.

“Well, let’s get around so we can explore Johto! I’m sure Serra would love to see a real trainer battle!” she said cheerfully.

The group grabbed their shoes and backpacks, and headed out to the backyard for their pokemon. The creatures were already well awake and playing in the yard, except for Risan, who was lounging in a tree with a bored look.

The trainers called their Pokemon back into their Pokéballs, and set off through New Bark Town. The houses were all cheerful little cottages, and had almost perfect green lawns. Towering above all of these was a large, official looking metal building.

“What’s that?” asked Serra curiously.

“It’s the lab for this region. Professor Elm runs it... its where I got Maverick...” answered Aeris with a wistful sigh.

The group continued into the small stretch of woods west of the town. There were a few young children with their Pokemon, but none looked much like a challenging trainer. They decided to explore deeper into the forest.

Suddenly, a creature they had never before heard off leapt in front of them. It looked almost like a large snake a first, but was bright red. Three orange prongs protruded from a helmet-like mask on its face, and its yellow eyes could be seen glaring below it. The strangest thing about the creature was that it had six legs, but that fact was dwarfed by its tail, which rose above its body like a flag. Halfway up the tail, the bones seemed to change direction, and angled away from the creature. On this part of the tail, a large, butterfly-like bug clasped tightly.

With a snort, the creature unfolded huge, thin wings that seemed almost like that of a Salamence. It stood in the path, blocking the way of the group in an obvious challenge.

“What is that?!” exclaimed Aeris.

“I don’t know, but I’m going to catch it!” said Hydro.

The creature growled, revealing large, sharp teeth. Hydro stepped forward; Pokéball at the ready and a hard look on his face. Suddenly, the creature seemed to flinch, and looked off into the bushes.

“Glory, Glory where are you?” came a faint voice, “I told you not to run off!”

“Novasect!” roared the creature.

There was a rustling in the bushes, and a teenage girl came out with a haggard look. She had spiked, green tinted hair, and her eyes were a deep chocolate brown. The girl wore a purple tee-shirt, and purple shorts with green stripes. She looked at the scene curiously.

“What’s going on?! What are you doing to my Novasect?!” she asked angrily.

“We weren’t doing anything to it!” said Shadow with a snort, “It jumped out in front of us!”

“Oh, did she?” said the girl. She turned to the creature with a puzzled look, “Why did you do that, Glory?”

“Nova, Novasect!” growled the Pokemon, looking at the group challengingly.

“Hmm... she must want to battle!” said the girl finally.

She looked at the group, and smiled.

“I’m sorry, I must be acting very rude! My name is Tora, and I come from the Starian region. I just came to Johto yesterday, and I’m afraid I don’t know much about this place yet. Glory keeps running off to challenge random people, and I’m having a hard time getting her to stay in one place!”

“Oh, I have a pokemon that’s sort of like that,” said Aeris with a grin, “My Totodile hates to stay calm!”

“So, which one of you would like to battle my team?” asked Tora with a determined look in her eye.

“I will,” said Hydro, “My name is Hydro, and let’s make it a three on three match.”

“Okay Hydro, get ready for defeat!” said Tora as she sent Glory into the field.

The rest of the group took seats of some fallen logs to watch the battle, and Hydro sent out his first Pokemon. With a flash of red light, Mirage jumped into the battle with sparks flying off his spines.

“Glory, use Swords Dance!”

“Mirage, Double Team!”

The Novasect leapt into the air, and twirled in a graceful aerial ballet. Mirage ignored the other Pokemon, focusing on creating images of himself all over the field.

“Glory, cover the field with Fire Spin!”

“Mirage, get out of the way and use Thunderbolt!”

The Jolteon, using his tremendous speed, charged up the electric attack faster than the other Pokemon could react. Glory was hit with the electricity, and writhed in the air. She fell to the ground, creating a huge cloud of dust that covered the battleground.

Suddenly, a swirl of flame lanced through the dust. The Novasect rose into the air once more, fire spewing from her mouth as she used the powerful attack to cut her opponent’s speed and evasiveness.

“Glory, you know what to do!”

“Mirage, use Double Team again!”

As the group watched in awe, the fire Pokemon twirled around and sent the butterfly attached to its tail into the cyclone of fire. There was no sound, and suddenly the fiery tornado dissipated. Hydro looked in shock as he saw his Jolteon struggling against the butterfly, which was attached to its face.

The wings of the bug glowed, and suddenly Mirage stopped struggling. With a small squeak, the butterfly released its claws and flew back to the Novasect, wings still glowing with stolen energy.

“Mirage, return!” said Hydro, “Go, Ghost!”

Tora called Glory back to her side, and sent out another Pokemon. This one looked like vines and leaves that were shaped into a strange, dragon-like creature with four tails and bug eyes. This one wiggled the antenna on its head curiously, planting its leaf-like feet on the ground.

“Vinic!” it squeaked.

“Pepper, use Poison Gas!”

“Ghost, keep that thing guessing with Double Team!”

The Vinic breathed in to power up her attack, but when she looked around her, there were dozens of Linoone! Pepper choked on the attack, wondering which one to aim for.

Suddenly, a force hit her from behind, and she looked up to see the white form of her opponent as he ran away. With a snort, the Vinic sent a vine out and tripped the other Pokemon. As he went down, she sent a cloud of sickly purple gas over him.

The Linoone choked on the gas, trying to breath. As he was occupied, Pepper used her wings to send a dozen small, sharp leaves into the cloud. Ghost shrieked as his skin was sliced by the razor sharp edges, and he leapt out of the gas cloud with an angry growl.

“Ghost, use Headbutt!”

“Pepper, try to fly!”

The Linoone shot forward with a snarl and slammed into the Vinic before she could escape. The grass-type was thrown across the field, and she hit the ground hard. With a surprised squeak, she looked at her opponent again.

Ghost was already coming at her, and she scrambled to get out of the way. Pepper barely avoided another Headbutt, but was too tired to avoid the Linoone’s Bite attack. She tried to rise after the assault, but fell to the ground, fainted.

“Pepper, return!” said Tora as she recalled her Pokemon, “you did a great job.”

“Come on back, Ghost,” said Hydro, also calling back his Pokemon.

“Okay, go Midiya!” yelled Tora as she threw her last Pokéball onto the field.

“It’s your turn, Risan!” called Hydro as he sent out the Grovyle.

The creature that emerged from Tora’s Pokéball sent a shower of glowing sparkles over the area. It looked almost like a plesiosaur, but had large, Manta-like wings. A large sail rose over its back, and it had a red crest on its rounded head. A silver stripe ran across its shoulders, and it had large, deep green eyes. Other than that, its skin was a light, pinkish lavender color.

“Foluke,” it said calmly as it floated in the air.

“Risan, use Double Team, and then Leaf Blade!” called Hydro.

“Midiya, use Psychic!”

Risan immediately created doubles of himself all over the battlefield, and began to move in for his attack. The shining Foluke made no move, and merely stared at the many copies. Suddenly, Midiya’s eyes glowed, and all the illusions vanished.

The Grovyle froze just feet away from his opponent. His body began to glow in red light, and he was thrown into a tree across the field. The Foluke began to move towards him, eyes still glowing eerily as she preformed a Mean Look attack.

Risan suddenly leapt up and sliced his leaf blades across the Foluke’s sides. Midiya screamed in pain, faltering in her flight. The Grovyle became a whirling storm of kicking and slashing claws, which cut the psychic Pokemon down under the assault.

Midiya growled, numerous cuts and lacerations oozing blood. She shot towards the tired Grovyle, eyes glowing red. Risan answered by raising his leaves, and the two met in the middle of the field.

There was a huge explosion of dust as both attacks met, and a chorus of screams and growls could be heard within the cloud. Both trainers waited with anxiety, wondering what Pokemon would win the struggle. As the dust began to clear, they strained their eyes...

Both Risan and Midiya lay in the chaos, fainted. Tora and Hydro called them back, and Tora smiled.

“That was a great battle, Hydro!” she said, “I didn’t think it would end in a draw!”

“Neither did I!” agreed Hydro.

<Are your Pokemon okay?> signed Terra to both trainers.

“We ought to get them to a Pokemon center,” said Aeris.

“Do you mind if I come along?” asked Tora hesitantly, “I’m afraid I’m not familiar with the area, and I don’t know where the Pokemon centers are...”

“I don’t mind,” said Aeris. She turned to the others, “What about you guys?”

The others agreed, and Aeris turned back to Tora.

“It’s alright with us! I’m Aeris, by the way.”

“My name is Raven,” said Raven. She gestured to Terra, “and this is Terra.”

“I’m Shadow!”

“My name is Blade,”

“I’m Serra,” said Serra quietly.

“And I already know Hydro,” concluded Tora, “Thanks, everybody, for letting me tag along.”

“No problem,” said Shadow, “we get new people tagging along all the time!”

Raven reached back and smacked the boy on the head. He yelped, rubbing the sore spot she had created. The dark-haired psychic smiled, and the group continued down the path to the Pokemon center, one new member trailing curiously behind with her strange Pokemon at her side


Chapters 12 & 13

Chapter 12: Still a Pokémon
By: Spectreon

Gatene said:
Still in Johto, the group travels into an annual event of Pokémon battles. It only takes one bad trainer to ruin everything.

A while later, everyone took a break to get their breath. It was a long walk, made more difficult by having to cut a swath through the long, tough grass. Fortunately, it was peaceful, and there were no Andros to worry about. To the battle-worn group, the sudden peace was almost eerie. They had but all forgotten what it was like to live in peace.

Bonedancer suddenly screeched, startling everyone.

“Bonedancer! What are you doing?” Serra yelled once she overcame her initial shock.

“The Missingno call to me. I must answer their call.”

“You’re leaving? But..why?” Serra asked, aghast at this new development.

Bonedancer bowed his head slightly.

“I have completed my task. I have sufficiently trained you. It saddens me to go, but I must. I will come back, I promise.”

“You truly mean it?” asked Serra, her eyes bright with unshed tears. Bonedancer nodded, and affectionately nuzzled against Serra’s cheek from his perch on her shoulder.

“What’s happening?” asked Tora, puzzled. “Is that a Pokemon?”

“Sort of...he’s a Missingno.” explained Hydro. Tora still looked confused, so Hydro began explaining.

Meanwhile, everyone was bidding farewell to Bonedancer. Aeris inquired something she had been wondering.

“How can you go back? Don’t tell me you can go through the Kanto Barrier!”

Bonedancer clacked his jaw in amusement, and flapped his wings, launching into flight. The group waved farewell, and he dipped his wing in response. Serra could not help feeling regret as the young Missingno vanished into the winds.

Serra sighed slightly, and the group quietly moved along the path towards Cherrygrove Town.

As the sparkling cherry-red roofs of Cherrygrove rose into view, the group could hear the loud noises of what was unmistakably a pokemon battle. Aeris brightened at this.

“I forgot about that! Once a month, Cherrygrove holds a gathering for new trainers to battle each other! Remember that, Maverick? There was this girl called Trish, she had a Cyndaquil and a Sentret, but you beat them....”

As she rambled on happily with Maverick, they entered Cherrygrove. Serra looked around, amazed. There was a huge banner flapping in the breeze across the entrance, which proclaimed in bold letters:


There were hundreds of trainers mingling. Mostly young trainers, but all looked equally determined. There were a few older trainers, too. Some chatted about Pokemon, but mostly, they held battles.

Raven shook her head, frowning slightly.

“I can’t believe they’re having these kind of events, with Kanto in ruins! Don’t they realize Team Rocket will eventually attack them? And here they are, having pokemon battles like they have all the time in the world!”

Hydro consolingly placed his hand on her shoulder.

“Raven, you must remember that Pokemon are the center of our lives. They do it to hone their battling technique.”

Raven continued to grumble slightly, but she let it go. The group wove through the throngs of people and made their way towards Cherrygrove Pokemon Center. As the glass doors slid open, they were met by a friendly nurse, who retrieved Hydro and Tora’s pokeballs, and disappeared through a back door.

The young adults gratefully sat in the chairs along the wall. Raven and Shadow immediately began bickering, as usual.

“Aeris....may I ask you something?” Serra spoke up quietly from her armchair. Aeris looked up from her arrows, her face attentive.

“Am I allowed to battle other trainers?”

Hydro’s head snapped up, his expression one of surprise. Raven and Shadow stopped bickering and looked at Serra, astonished. Terra only looked at Serra, her eyes full of newfound interest. Tora looked around, puzzled. Blade simply sighed.

Aeris blinked, and for a long beat, said nothing. After a while, she spoke thoughtfully.

“Well.....that makes sense. You can’t exactly be classified as a human-not that it’s a bad thing, of course. As long as you can control your powers. Remember what Bonedancer said.”

Serra nodded satisfied. “I wish to try a trainer battle. Would anyone like to spar with me?”

At her words, the three Champions blanched, and shook their heads energetically. Serra looked slightly disappointed, but cheered up when Raven reminded her there was a entire town of idiot trainers out there that she could spar with.

The nurse bustled back to them, beaming as she gave Hydro and Tora back their pokemon.

“Here you go, children! All healed and fit!”

As they trooped out the door, Aeris heard Raven mutter under her breath.

“Do we LOOK like bloody children?!?”

As the morning sun hit their faces, Aeris shouted above the uproar.

“All right, people! Let’s have some fun!!”

The group broke apart to mingle among the trainers. Serra chose to tag along with Aeris and Terra, while the boys went off. Raven and Tora had disappeared into the crowd.

Aeris sighed happily, stretched as they walked.

“I feel like I’m a youngster now!” she chirped happily. Maverick leapt upon her head, so he was able to see above the crowd.

<You DO have the mentality of a youngster.> Terra signed, her eyes dancing with amusement. She neatly ducked under Aeris’ swipe.

Suddenly, a boy stood in front of them, halting their progress.

“Wanna battle?” he said, in a high-pitched voice, brandishing his Pokéball.

“Okay, but prepare to get your arse whooped!” grinned Aeris. The crowd parted, making a space for Aeris and the boy.

“My name is Ben, and I’m gonna win!” yelled the young trainer. “One on one?”

Aeris nodded, her eyes narrowing with glee. The boy did an elaborate throwing routine. The ball arced through the air, crashing against the ground to reveal a....

“CLEFFA??? Are you serious?? A Cleffa?” Aeris howled with laughter. The boy scowled as his small, pink star-shaped pokemon let out a small squeak from the ground next to his feet.

“Psht. Go, Skyfang!” Aeris’ arm whipped out in a blur, too fast for Serra to follow. Her Aerodactyl exploded from his Pokéball, roaring loudly. The crowd ducked as he swooped over them, wheeling around to land heavily by Aeris. Skyfang’s eyes widened with disbelief as he looked down at the small Cleffa.

<Let’s go. > chuckled Terra. <I want to find a victim.> Serra followed Terra, slightly disappointed that she could not see the battle. As she walked, there was a huge roar behind her, then a loud bang. The Cleffa flew past Serra, swirls in its eyes.

A few minutes later, Aeris caught up with them, grinning hugely, pocketing a handful of coins. The three girls wandered among the crowds, watching the various battles going on around them. As Serra watched, she saw Tora’s familiar Glory wheeling in the sky, locked in battle against a Fearow. Terra met another girl who was looking for a fight. The crowd separated once more as Terra and her opponent took up battle stances.

“I choose you, Caramel!” yelled the girl as she took out a ball. There was a flash as a Azumarril appeared before the girl.

Terra nodded, and she expertly threw her ball in a smooth, practiced swing. Zeronix appeared upon the battleground, buzzing in anticipation. Terra rapped out a series of commands, and Zeronix grew silent, focusing. The crowd gasped in admiration as a circle of phantom-swords whooshed around the Ninjask, whirling and clashing in a elaborate war dance. The girl sniffed in an annoyingly superior voice as she spoke.

“Caramel, she’s deaf! We ought to win this easily. Use Bubblebeam!”

Terra’s arms sprang to life, relaying commands to Zeronix that only the two of them understood.

Ten Ninjask appeared on the field in an instant. Each emitted a buzzing noise, and they all cast identical shadows. Serra was in awe, for it took an expert Double Teamer to do that. She herself had difficulty doing that.

The Azumarril looked around in confusion, his long blue ears rotating in hopes of somehow detecting the real Zeronix.

Suddenly, the real Zeronix shot towards the aqua rabbit, his wings making a squealing noise not unlike that of a fighter jet. The Azumarril instantly leapt at Zeronix, and the two collided in an explosion of Fury Cutters and Bubblebeams. The Azumarril fell to the ground, unconscious. Snarling, the girl recalled her pokemon, and threw out her second Pokéball.

A massive Gyarados exploded into existence, roaring and flaring his fins. Serra could tell instantly this Gyarados was poorly trained and obliviously didn’t listen to his trainer.

“Gyarados, get him with a Ice Beam!” yelled the girl, a hint of desperation in her voice.

The Gyarados ignored her, and hurtled towards the small insect, his savage jaws wide open. He bit down onto Zeronix. The Ninjask shrilled in pain as the Gyarados savagely shook his head from side to side.

“Gyarados, stop! Please stop!” screamed her trainer, but to no avail. Terra looked at Zeronix helplessly. She ran forwards, but stopped, realizing how stupid that would have been.
Aeris was beside herself with fury. Livid, she sprang forwards.

“YOU IDIOT!! HOW COULD YOU USE A GYARADOS YOU HAVEN’T EVEN TRAINED PROPERLY?!” she screamed at the girl. The girl was sobbing as she watched her Gyarados savage the Ninjask.

There was a loud, crunching noise. The Gyarados dropped his prey and roared in pain. Terra sprang forwards and scooped up Zeronix, who was bleeding nonstop. She shoved past the crowd as she sprinted to the Pokemon Center.

The Gyarados snarled and twisted to see who had hit him. Serra hovered in the air, clad in her Armor. Her eyes were determined and resolute.

The crowd erupted in a uproar, shocked at this new development. Serra ignored them all, her eyes fixed on the Gyarados.

“Gyasha rados gyaraaaa!!” she rapped out. The Gyarados instantly reared back, as astonished as the crowd. Whimpering in shame, he retreated backwards under Serra’s stern glare. Her trainer seized this opportunity to recall her Gyarados, and ran away, disappearing in the crowd.

Serra touched down, and instantly the crowd quieted. Murmurs ran through the people as they fought and jostled each other to get a better look at this strange pokemon-human.

Serra looked around, and fear rose in her eyes as everyone gazed at her, muttering and pointing. A young trainer stepped forwards, clad in the standard outfit. His eyes glittered greedily as he held up a Ultra Ball.

“You must be a new pokemon, and I’m going to catch you!” he stated, his cheeks flushed with excitement. Serra stepped back, confused, seeming to shrink into herself. She was frightened, with everyone staring at her like she was an object to be gawked at. Catcalls rose from the now-hostile crowd as all the male trainers leered at her armored body.

Aeris tried to fight her way to Serra. but there were too many people. The trainer who had stepped forwards raised the Ultra ball, and threw it.

Serra was caught by surprise, for she had not been taught what to do if a ball was thrown at her. The ball sailed through the air, and struck Serra’s forehead with a loud crack. Serra yelped and clutched at her forehead. Suddenly, she shrieked in pain as her body glowed red. The ball hummed as Serra was absorbed into the ball, and snapped shut in midair.

The Ultra ball bounced down onto the ground, all eyes upon it.

It trembled once....twice....



The crowd erupted into a triumphant roar, congratulating the trainer with his feat.
Chapter 13: Goddess Bait
By Spectreon

Gatene said:
The Goddess breaks free, and makes a spactacular entrance back into Johto, and displays yet another spectacular feat by defeating her captor's Pokémon. Now, Team Rocket is on the rise again, with a new leader to accompany it, and he has his sights set on the Goddess. Using Andros as his key to capture her, his operatives find more than just what they were sent to get.

The crowd surged forward, watching as the trainer slowly approached his newly gained prize, his eyes shining with anticipation and glee. As he slowly bent, his hand reaching out to grasp the Ultra ball, everyone gasped.

The ball had begun to tremble violently, steam hissing from its seams. The crowd and the trainer stepped back nervously as the ball shook more violently than ever. Hairline cracks spider-webbed throughout the glossy black-and yellow surface of the ball, and they could hear its internal gyros squealing.


The ball exploded, showering the crowd with metal fragments. Out of the smoke, Serra jumped straight up, executed a perfect flip in midair and landed feet first on the ground in a crouch.

By this time, Blade and everyone had rejoined Aeris, watching the battle unfold. Terra was still at the Center, however. Blade was transfixed by the grace and agility Serra moved with, the sunlight gleaming off her sky-blue armor. Raven passed her hand back and fro over Blade’s eyes, but he gave no response, to her great amusement.

Serra opened her mouth, revealing wickedly glinting ivory fangs. Wings erupted from her back, vivid blue. Each icy blue feather shone on the sunlight as a thin layer of ice coated them.

The trainer, having gotten over his initial shock, whipped out a Pokéball. A Flygon erupted from it, roaring. His wings blurred and hummed as the Flygon rose in the air majestically. Serra pumped her wings, rising in the air to meet the Flygon.

Serra stiffened, her wings outspread to their fullest extent. Her arms crossed her chest in an X shape. A faint outline of a green triangle formed in front of her, and flared bright green.

“Tri Attack!!” Serra yelled, flinging out her arms.

The triangle howled as it shot out a triangular beam, roaring towards the Flygon. The Flygon was hit pointblank, and spiraled down towards the ground, his wings limp. He hit the ground in a puff of dust.

However, the Flygon was a more experienced fighter than Serra and recovered quickly. He raised himself up again into the air. Golden particles of light collected at his mouth as he charged up a Hyperbeam at Serra’s direction.

But....she wasn’t there anymore.

Puzzled, the Flygon looked up, and his newborn attack died out in his mouth.

Serra was high above him, going down towards him dreamily. Her wings were again stretched to their fullest length. Her knees were bent and pulled up, the ankles locked together. Around her was a massive glittering aura of white sparkles.

The crowd gasped in admiration, dazzled by this display.

The Flygon paled, and with a sense of hopeless dread, tried to backmill, his wings pumping furiously.

“Icy Wind!!” howled Serra. The cloud of ice shards shrieked through the air, with deadly efficiency.

There was a slight thump as the Flygon thudded limply on the ground, pierced by a million shards of ice.

Snarling, the trainer withdrew his pokemon, and sent out another ball.


The armored behemoth roared out her battle challenge, her spikes extending, then settling back.

Serra’s wings faded, and she landed nimbly upon the ground, judging this new opponent.

“Cloyster, Spike Cannon!!” yelled the trainer.

“CLOYSTEEEEEEEEEEEEER!!” A deadly arc of spikes shot out, too fast to be seen. Serra was caught by surprise, and barely had time to dodge. All but one spike missed.

The crowd drew a collective breath as they saw the result. Blade moaned, while Aeris gasped.

Serra looked down. The end of a long, black spike jutted out her stomach. The other end stuck out the back.

“Typical. I get hit in the one exposed place...my stomach.” thought Serra angrily as she grasped the end of the spike with both hands. Drawing a deep breath, she yanked it out, groaning with pain. Her breath came out in harsh gasps, and she threw the bloodied spike at the Cloyster. The Cloyster clamped her shell shut, and the spike bounced off harmlessly.

Serra put her hand to the gaping wound, and concentrated.

“Recover..” Her hand glowed white, and the pain dissipated instantly. As she drew her hand away, the crowd saw her stomach was smooth and whole again.

“Cloyster, try Spike Cannon again!” yelled the trainer, a definite tone of annoyance in his voice.

But Serra was faster. She leapt up, making a split second decision.

“Cloyster is water, weak to grass. Need a fast attack that can go through the gap in her armor...gotcha. Leaf Blade should do it.” she thought.

She raised her arms to hug her shoulders, and her eyes became a dull greenish color.

Serra whipped her arms out, and a vertical boomerang-shaped leaf spun out, too fast for the Cloyster to react. It hissed through the air and right through the small crack, where the actual Cloyster itself was hidden.

The Cloyster yelped and sagged, her carapace going limp. With a clattering noise, she fell over, immobile.

As the trainer recalled it and stomped away, Serra turned to face Aeris, her armor glowing and disappearing. A huge grin was upon her face as she trotted forwards to meet the group. It was now afternoon, but the sky still hovered high in the sky.


A Team Rocket operative, clad in black garb and boots, lounged in the Kanto side of the mountain. He perked up as he saw three large cargo heliplanes, which were crosses between a transport plane and a helicopter, head towards his direction. The man stood and waved, beckoning the aircraft to him. The air thrummed as the heliplanes landed upon a rocky ledge, the horizontal blades scything through the air. Sparse weeds upon the ledge swayed in the breeze caused by the roaring engines. Their cargo doors slid open, revealing their bounty.

A small gap opened in the barrier next to the operative at the exact same time.

A seething swarm of Andros Rattata erupted out from all three cargo heliplanes, squealing and chittering. They were among the most dangerous of the Andros, for they worked as a collective mass and they were unstoppable. Their metal fangs snapped up and tore anything to shreds, and moved on, literally like a disease, leaving ruin and destruction in their wake. The swarm of Andros squeezed through the hole, faster than an eye’s blink.

The operative gazed after the retreating tails of the swarm as the gap swirled shut once more. As he turned, a man stepped out from one of the heliplanes.

His hair was dark brown and long, while his eyes grey. He wore the officious tunic and cloak declaring him as the Giovanni of Team Rocket. Out of respect for Giovanni, the famed man who had started Team Rocket, all his predecessors were referred to as Giovanni.

In two years, this man had transformed. No longer was he the double-agent scientist Dr. Dorian, secret agent to Team Rocket. In the space of time following the Goddess’ escape, Dorian had climbed ruthlessly to the top, finally becoming the Giovanni after the previous Giovanni had died of unknown and suspicious causes. Dorian was intent on only one goal: Capture the Goddess.

The operative trotted up to Dorian and bowed in respect. Dorian’s steely grey eyes narrowed.

“I received a disturbing report earlier. Two Scizor found dead on patrol duty.”

The operative paled slightly and nodded.

“Yes, my master. Our men found them a coupla days ago. One Scizor had a hole blown clean through his chest. The other....every bone in his body was shattered, and his internal organs were maimed. Seems like someone stuck a huge fork in his stomach and twisted it like spaghetti.” he shuddered.

Dorian’s eyes widened. Could it be? He spoke quickly and curtly.

“Operative, send a capture unit in our largest transport heliplane. Tell them to bring their finest men and equipment. Have them follow the Andros. If they see a girl that has..powers...capture her and bring her to our base in Goldenrod City. But do not kill her.”

The man saluted and nodded. With a swish of his cloak, Dorian turned on his heel and strode towards his heliplane. A image of a beautiful grayish-brown haired girl with haunting blue eyes was set in his mind’s eye.


Geoffrey was an hermit, an old man who lived alone in a small cottage to the east of New Bark. He lived simply and peacefully with his Dunsparce. That afternoon, he chose to go out and enjoy the scenic beauty of his surroundings while smoking his daily pipe. As he sat quietly on his rocking chair on his porch, he felt an unusual sense of foreboding. As he gazed up upon the mountainside, he noticed the smallest trembles of the plants. That’s odd...he thought.

Uneasily, he squinted at the bushes on the slope of the mountain. They were trembling violently. Something unseen was moving at an impossibly rapid speed down the mountain, something big.

The elderly man stood up and walked down his porch, leaning onto his cane. The bushes on the edge of the clearing where the slope ended were now shaking. A pair of glowing red eyes emerged from the bush, and Geoffrey sighed in relief. A Rattata, that was all....two? No, three...four..five! Ten! Fourteen? Something wasn’t right...they were all black and grey, and their eyes were an bright, unnatural red. Their fur seemed to be thin, short wires...And those fangs..

“Rattata rattata rattata rattata RATTATA!!!”

From within the house, the ancient Dunsparce stirred. He could hear a loud screaming from outside. The Dunsparce stiffened as he heard the distinct sounds of ripping. As abruptly as it had came, the screaming stopped.

Horrified, the Dunsparce inched towards the front door. Now he could hear a faint scrabbling. The pokemon flap on the door trembled, and a jet black Rattata stuck his head through. The Dunsparce froze with terror...for the Rattata’s fangs were soaked in blood. The Rattata’s red eyes scanned the room...and came to a stop on the Dunsparce. He squealed, and a thunderous torrent of Andros Rattata erupted through the flap, their fangs and claws ripping into the flesh of the Dunsparce.


New Bark rang with the screams of humans and Pokemon alike as they fled for their lives. Buildings collapsed, swallowed by flames as the Andros Cyndaquil slowly, resolutely advanced. The Rattata were running free, hunting down people. Bands of three, four Andros Rattata leapt on passing people, ripping into them, and soaking New Bark in the blood of innocents. The maddened Rattata were unstoppable. The flames roared hungrily at the ashes of a once-glorious town.


Serra stiffened, her head snapping to look beyond the distance. So did other people. Smoke was rising from the direction of New Bark. And they could hear a faint scrabbling growing louder by the minute. Aeris, Terra and everyone were huddled around a table outside. As the afternoon had grown late, trainers slowly left, until there were only about a hundred people left.

“Do you hear that?” asked Serra quietly. Terra shook her head, drawing laughter from Hydro and Aeris. But Raven nodded, her piercing purple eyes clouded with worry.

Screams echoed from beyond the entrance to Cherrygrove. Alarmed, everyone stood, gazing at the entrance. A band of people ran into, screaming. They were survivors from New Bark.

“Everyone, run for your lives!!” A man screamed. “Team Rocket has attacked!”

Cherrygrove erupted in a uproar as people turned to flee. But too late. The first wave of Rattata slammed into Cherrygrove, leaping upon those closest to the entrance.

Aeris swore and drew her arrows. Terra stood next to her, drawing her guns. Both fired missiles into the advancing swarm. As Rattata and Cyndaquil dropped, more erupted in their place. Shadow whipped out his katana, as did Blade with his sword. Both blades sang as they lopped off heads and legs, but there were simply too many. People’s screams rang harshly, above the maddened squeals of the Rattata. Some trainers, including Tora, sent out their pokemon to join the battle. Hydro stood behind Terra, protecting her from Andros which she wouldn’t hear coming behind her.

Raven stood by herself, and was blasting off telekinetic waves at the Rattata as they surrounded her at all sides but she kept them at bay. Serra had activated her armor again, and flew high in the sky upon draconic wings, strafing the Andros with blasts of fire. She spun in the air, and a ball of rippling heat formed between her clawed hands. The heat spun into a roaring fireball, and Serra lobbed the Fire Blast at a group of Rattata. She grinned as the fire exploded against them, and the shrieks of dying Rattata rose to join the noise of the battle.

A lull came in the battle. Blade ran his hand across his sweaty forehead, and looked up at Serra. His eyes widened with horror. He alone saw the danger. A heliplane rose silently behind Serra, and only he saw. The door opened, and a man with a rifle knelt, taking aim at the back of Serra’s head.

The cry of, “Serra, look out!” died on his lips as he locked eyes with Serra. For a moment that seemed like eternity, they were lost in their gaze.

The sharp report of the rifle rang out, and Serra jerked. The tranquilizer dart lodged in the base of her neck took its effect, and Serra’s eyes closed. Her wings crumpled and faded, and Serra fell to earth. Her body tumbled and fell head over heels, and as everyone turned to look, the heliplane roared under Serra, catching her neatly.

“Nooooo!!” screamed Blade. He fought against the Rattata savagely, hacking and slashing a path, trying to get to the heliplane that had ensnared Serra.

Raven saw the heliplane as it dove to catch Serra. Her eyes blazed purple. A rippling wave erupted from her, blowing away the Andros in her radius. Raven ran through the stunned Rattata, and made a mighty leap as the heliplane came its closest to the ground in its dive to catch Serra. She landed, her fingers grasping the rim of the open cargo door. Black gloved hands reached out and grabbed the psychic, pulling her in. The cargo door closed with a swift snap and a click.

The heliplane’s engines roared to life as it flew up and away from Cherrygrove, bearing two new prisoners...Serra and Raven. Goddess and Psychic.


Chapters 14 & 15

Chapter 14: Psychically Speaking
By: Razor (aka AzureFlygon)

Gatene said:
Tora sends out even more new Pokémon to help the others with defending innocents and their Pokémon from the abominations known as Andros. Upon finishing the battle, her Foluke sends all of their minds into the heliplane that holds the Goddess and Raven. They all then take flight into the sky on their Pokémon, some borrowed from Terra, and they are attacked by the most dangerous Andros they have faced yet.

The battle raged on, for the Andros Rattata and Cyndaquil were not creatures that gave up easily. Metal fur flashed in the twilight, blinding a few unlucky trainers. The cries of injured Pokemon wavered from the battlefield, mixing with the screams of the humans.

“Glory, keep using Flamethrower!” cried Tora desperately from the safety of a rooftop, where her Novasect had dropped her for easier maneuverability.

The Novasect flew above the battle; burning away the metal beasts that were getting too close to exposed humans and Pokemon. Tora could tell that her Pokemon was tiring, though, and knew that she must send out her others.

“Midiya, Reaper, Eternity! Help them out!” she said as she threw three more Pokéballs onto the field.

Along with the Foluke, two other strange Pokemon emerged beside the determined girl. The first was bright yellow, and looked like a seven-foot centipede. It had a round head, and large, bright eyes. The hundreds of legs running down its body were shaped like lightning bolts, and it had a distinct, black stripe running down its back.

“Electipide!” it growled.

The other looked like a tiger, but was bright red in color. It had green stripes, and on its forehead and tail there were green spikes that seemed like grass. It had wide, intelligent eyes that immediately grasped the situation.

“Naihail!” it roared as it sent a spurt of flame across the battle.

The creature looked satisfied as it heard the pained screams of metal Rattata and Cyndaquil. With a lightning fast move, the Electipide darted forward with sparks flying from its body. A giant lightning bolt sliced through the sky, incinerating dozens of the Andros.

‘What are these things, anyway?’ thought Tora as she directed her Pokemon. She silently wished that her two other creatures had attacks that would affect the monsters, but knew that she had to make do with what she had.

“Midiya, help those people down there!” she commanded, looking at the shining Foluke.

The Pokemon nodded and floated down among the chaos. A red glow suddenly enveloped all the humans that weren’t fighting the Andros, and lifted them to the safety of the rooftop where Tora stood. Suddenly, the girl noticed her new friends fighting against the menace, and also a large helicopter-like aircraft coming up behind a flying person that appeared to be Serra!

She watched as Serra suddenly fell to earth, and as the helicopter/plane moved to catch her. A loud scrabbling noise suddenly brought her back to her senses, however, and she saw with horror that the machines were now attacking the base of the building with gleaming teeth and claws, trying to reach the victims beyond.

“Eternity, Thunder!” she cried.

The Electipide jumped to respond, sending another bolt of lightning down into the enemy’s midst. The supply of metal Rattata and Cyndaquil seemed to be inexhaustible, for no matter how many the Pokemon felled, there was always more to take their place! The normal Pokemon were getting exhausted!

Trainers below were beginning to fail in their marks and commands, and the Rattata were starting to get through. Luckily, Midiya was there to transport those in danger to the safety of the roof. Finally, the metal Pokemon stopped coming out of the forest, and Tora knew the end was near. She looked to the sky, checking on her Novasect.

Glory wasn’t there. With growing panic, Tora looked all over the battlefield, hoping to glimpse her Pokemon. Suddenly, she saw her. The fire-type was flanking their newfound friends, helping to hold off the wave of murderous rats as the last few scrambled through the clearing.

Suddenly, there was a pained roar, and Tora looked to the other side of the field to see a Charizard go down under the assault. She was about to give a command, but Reaper was faster. The Naihail leapt from the roof and tore through the mob of flashing teeth and claws, burning all as he made his way to the target. With a snarl, the fire/grass type brought his formidable claws to bear on the metal creatures.

With a small shudder, Tora looked elsewhere; Reaper could easily take care of himself. The group was finally out of the Rattata mob, and the last remaining Andros were fleeing though the forest. The clearing was littered with the dead bodies of thousands of metal Pokemon, and a few normal ones...

The people on the roof began to climb down the ladders that were situated on the wall, and Tora called the two Pokemon that were still on the roof back into their Pokéballs. With an experienced movement, she leapt off the roof and landed lightly on the ground below.

Her friends were not far off, and she ran to meet them. As she looked at them, she saw their faces were tired, and their eyes were welled with sadness. She could guess why, for two of their number were now gone. Serra had been taken... and Raven was who-knows-where.

“Are you all okay?” she asked, hoping that they wouldn’t be angry with her for asking.

“Except for a few slashes, I think we’re all pretty much in one piece,” answered the blonde-haired girl, Aeris.

“What about Serra? Raven?” asked Blade with a choked voice, “How do we know if they’re alright?”

“We don’t,” said Hydro, “all we can hope is that they can take care of themselves!”

“We have to save them!” said Shadow with a determined look. His hands were clenched in fists, and Tora could tell he was trying very hard to remain calm, “We have to save Raven!”

“But how will we know where they are?” asked Aeris with an exasperated sigh, “They flew off in that Heliplane! We’ll be lucky if they aren’t all the way to Kanto by now!”

Tora looked away as Glory nudged her arm, and she gave the Pokemon a questioning look. The Novasect snorted, and reached forward with delicate jaws to grab one of the Pokéballs at the girl’s belt. Suddenly, Tora realized something.

“You say Raven is a Psychic?” she asked suddenly.

The other looked at her, and Aeris nodded.

“I have someone that may be able to help!” exclaimed the girl, tossing the Pokéball into the air.

With the customary spray of sparkles, Midiya appeared in their midst. The Shining Foluke floated silently up to Tora, a questioning look in her intelligent eyes.

“When I found Midiya five years ago,” began Tora, “I found that she could communicate Psychically with humans, but only if the human had some degree of Psychic power already within them. The reason she is able to do this is because she was a project of Team Ebony, which is a break-off of Team Rocket that moved into Starian. She was spliced with some sort of strange Pokemon before she was born, and was somehow infused with legendary powers. If we try, we can contact Raven or Serra and find out where they are headed!”

“That’s worth a try,” said Aeris, “Let’s do it!”

“Now, Midiya will have to connect with all our minds, and it may feel strange, but don’t be alarmed. The process shouldn’t harm you.”

“Shouldn’t?” squeaked Shadow as the Foluke’s eyes began to glow.

The surrounding suddenly changed, and the entire group found themselves in some sort of blue mist. Another form flickered to existence beside them, and suddenly the group was staring at Raven and an unconscious Serra. Blade instantly ran to the girl’s side, trying to wake her.

“What is this place?” demanded Raven as she looked around her.

“Raven, it’s us!” said Aeris.

“Aeris? Blade? Shadow? Why are all of you here?”

“Tora’s Foluke helped us connect with your mind, so we can find out where you are,” explained Hydro.

“I don’t really know where we are, but I know where we’re headed,” said Raven darkly.

“Where?” asked Shadow.

“We’re headed for the Rocket base in Goldenrod. We don’t know what for, though,” she replied.

“We have to go, now,” said Tora suddenly as she received a silent message from her Pokemon, “Midiya can’t maintain the connection for long, unless you want you’re mind trapped here forever!”

“See you soon,” said Raven as they all faded out from the blue world.

Tora suddenly came back to herself. She was lying on the ground, and people were standing all around, murmuring to each other worriedly. She sat up, and saw all of her friends were beginning to come to as well.

“What happened to you?” asked one of the trainers standing beside her, “Did your Pokemon attack you?”

“Of course not!” laughed Tora.

The trainer had a bemused expression, and Tora decided to leave it that way. Suddenly, she saw something glittering on the ground, and picked it up. With a gasp, she saw it was the beautiful jade scale that had been around Serra’s neck. She pocketed the treasure, hoping that she would be able to give the item back soon; for she had a sinking feeling that she knew what it was...

With a snort, she leapt from the ground and ran to help the rest of the group from the dirt. Once they were all up, she called her Foluke and Novasect back into their Pokéballs.

“We have to get to Goldenrod!” said Shadow and Blade together.

“Wait a second!” said Tora, “First we have to heal our Pokemon, find a way to get to that city fast, and get supplies. It’s no use getting worked up yet, we have work to do!”

“How will we get to Goldenrod fast?” asked Aeris, “I only have Skyfang, and he can only take one passenger!”

“Does anybody have extra Pokemon that can Fly?” asked Shadow with apprehension.

“I don’t have any!” exclaimed Hydro.

<You forget that I have an entire herd of Flygon,> signed Terra with amusement, <I feel that that should be enough?>

The group nodded, as did Tora when the signs were translated for her. They set off at a brisk pace towards the Pokemon Center. Luckily, the building had been in the perfect place, and had not been attacked by the main force of Andros. Unfortunately, it was packed with trainers and their Pokemon.

As the group walked across the clearing, a red and green form bounded up to them. Tora smiled at the antics of Reaper as he batted the dead bodies of the Andros; he certainly loved to battle! With a sigh, she pulled out his Pokéball and called him back.

They entered the bustling activity within the center. There were trainers everywhere, with injured Pokemon and people being carried and led to countless different rooms. They were lucky just to have been able to enter! They pushed their way to a machine in the corner for revitalizing Pokemon quickly, and set their Pokéballs in it. There was a few seconds of light, and a small ding resounded to show that the Pokemon were healed.

The group pushed through to one of the many PCs lining the wall after picking up their Pokemon, and hooked up to it. Terra connected to a Place called Victory Island, which Tora had never heard of. The deaf girl spoke with someone on the screen by rapidly signing what she wanted, and soon four Pokéballs appeared in the machine beside the computer.

They practically ran outside, glad to be in fresh air and space. Tora sent out Glory, while Aeris sent out her Aerodactyl. Terra gave a Pokéball each to Hydro, Shadow, and Blade, and threw out her own. The three others mimicked her, and soon four large Flygon materialized in the clearing as well.

The deaf girl quickly instructed the three boys how to ride a Flygon, and leapt onto her own. Tora and Aeris had already mounted their rides, and they waited silently as the three clumsily jumped onto the dragon types. The group set off with grim faces, not knowing what lay in store for them along the way...

. . .

There were signs of the Rattata wave everywhere, as the group soon found. Houses were wrecked, trees were felled, and behind there was always the dark trail of blood, the blood of innocents. Yet, there were also signs of resistance. Dead Andros were scattered throughout the land, their metal hides scoured by the blazing sun.

The group soon found it to their benefit not to look below them, and concentrated on the task ahead. It would not be easy to free Raven and Serra, not at all... Only with quick wits, and even quicker reflexes, could they ever hope to accomplish what they had set out to do.

Tora had Glory angle higher, so that she could get a better look at the land ahead. She could just see the ancient ruins of Alph in the distance, and knew that they were close to their goal. She had been able to look over a map of the region with Raven while the others had been battling, and now knew more about Johto than she had when she had first set out. Suddenly, her pocket became warm, and then hot.

‘No...’ she thought, knowing instantly that something was wrong.

A horrible, high-pitched roar erupted from overhead, and the group of Flygon in front of Tora was barely able to dodge the flashing black creature fast enough as it ripped past them. The thing roared again, and Tora looked down to see the glinting, bladed wings and sleek, dangerous body of a metal Charizard. The flame on its tail burned blue and green, and its red eyes searched with malicious glee for a new target.

It spotted Aeris on her large Aerodactyl, and flapped its silver wings to gain altitude. With another screech, it shot towards them, wings taut and ready to slice into its target. Skyfang was able to dodge the assault, though, and escaped only with a small scratch on one leg.

The Aerodactyl was now angry, and so was Aeris. Tora only head a dim yell, but the next moment, the prehistoric Pokemon had begun to glow, and dozens of large boulders were hurling themselves at the black menace. With a growl, the Charizard tucked in its wings and preformed a perfect barrel roll, dodging most of the projectiles. It had a few new dents, but was otherwise unharmed.

Aeris yelled something else, and Skyfang’s mouth glowed with red power. A huge stream of flame erupted from the Aerodactyl, enveloping the Charizard and making it howl in pain. The black creature began to fall from the sky, and almost hit a Flygon. The docile Dragon Pokemon screeched and banked, knocking into Glory, who was close to it.

Tora was almost unseated, and she grabbed as she felt something fall from her backpack. Apparently, her pack had not been closed all the way, and she hadn’t noticed until now. The object fell, and suddenly struck the returning Charizard with a resounding metallic ding. Tora looked in horror as the surprised Charizard was enveloped in red light, and sucked into the spare Net ball that Tora had kept in her pack.

The ball fell to the forest below, and the entire group waited in suspense for the enraged Charizard to break out and attack them. When nothing happened, Aeris flew around and directed everyone to land. Tora and Glory shot to the place where the ball had dropped, and soon found the still object among the leaf litter. She picked it up gingerly, wondering what to do with it.

“How did that happen?” demanded Aeris as she leapt off Skyfang and walked to Tora, “What possessed you to try and capture it!?”

“I didn’t want to!” exclaimed Tora with a surprised look, “It fell out of my bag! I tried to catch it before it fell!”

“Well, at least now it’s harmless,” supplied Hydro, walking up as well.

“What am I going to do with it?” asked Tora, beginning to panic.

“No one here wants it, so why don’t you keep it, it may prove to be useful later...” said Shadow, providing one of his rare, useful insights.

<Let’s get into the air again,> signed Terra, <Before any more of them come!>

“Good idea, Terra,” said Aeris, “Let’s get to Goldenrod as fast as we can. Hopefully, there won’t be any more trouble...”

The group returned to their mounts; all except for Blade, who seemed to be lost in his own thoughts and had not moved. The Flygon were a little skittish, but that was to be expected; having a run-in with an angry Charizard was no little thing. The group left the ground, and soon the top of the Department store came into view over the trees.

Tora flew with silent thoughts running in her head. The scale in her pocket was as cool as it had been before, and she knew that there was no impending danger. She thought back to when they had set off; she had been so sure that her pack was closed! With a sigh, she looked to the clouds.

Something was different about them... Tora looked harder, and saw an indistinct, cat-like shape floating in the mist. She blinked, and it was gone. With a shake of her head, the girl looked back to the earth.

‘What am I going to do?’ she thought desperately.

. . .

The group landed by the bustling city of Goldenrod, looking at the high spires and the shining buildings with awe. Terra took the Pokéballs for the Flygon back, and they walked to the Pokemon center. There were almost no people there, which was a pleasant relief from the Cherrygrove center.

Tora broke from the group and strode to a PC, Net ball in hand. She logged on to her boxes, looking at the four Pokemon she kept in them. With an ominous feeling, she looked at her fourth pokemon closely, and sighed. Tora placed the Charizard’s Pokéball into the machine, and watched as its picture appeared next to the Pokemon she had named Layobra.

Suddenly, she remembered that any Pokemon needed a good name, whether it was evil or not. She pulled up the Nickname program, and thought hard. It was a metal Charizard... A dozen ridiculous names flashed through her mind, but the only good one stuck.

“Giarda, the Silver Menace,” she whispered, typing the name in quickly.

“Hey Tora!” said Shadow, who had suddenly appeared right beside her.

Tora yelped, and almost fell off the chair in her surprise.

“What!? What do you want!?” she asked quickly, heart still pounding from her fright.

“Sorry, didn’t think you were so jumpy,” apologized Shadow. He looked at the screen, “Giarda... that’s a weird name. Anyway, we’re about to leave, and we need you to help us pinpoint where Raven and Serra are, so come on!”

He left, and Tora quickly logged out of her box. She jogged to catch up to the group, and soon they had come outside again. Midiya was eager to point out the way, and they followed the shining Foluke as she led them through the dense crowds. They headed steadily north, but suddenly took a sharp turn near the Game center.

They continued for a little while, but Midiya stopped in front of a small, ominous looking building. A sign on the door read ‘Underground Tunnel: Enter at your own Risk’.

“Well, ladies first,” quipped Shadow, ducking a swing from Aeris.

Terra walked forward with an exasperated expression and opened the knob on the door, beckoning for all to enter. The place was dimly lit, and a small row of stairs led downward into a dark area. Midiya took off down the stairs, and the group hurriedly followed. Tora looked back, though, to see Terra bend down and pick up a strange-looking key from the floor.

They continued on into the darkness, hoping that their light would guide the way...


Chapter 15: Rude Awakening
By: Spectreon

Gatene said:
The rest of the team continued on, into the Team Rocket headquarters while the Goddess dreamt of a seemingly happy moment. She is then awakened by a strange Pokémon, and greeted. Taken to the Giovanni of present, she is fed lies about her friends, but will she believe it?

They chattered happily around the table back at Aeris’ house, each holding a glass of fermented Squirtle Water.

Ghost was pilfering through Aeris’ old books, throwing them aside, gathering the shiny golden bookmark clips from within, while Naihail played with the discarded books, trying to catch them while lying on his back.

Maverick danced happily around each of them, nearly making Raven trip a few times.

Shadow was making a fool of himself, standing on the kitchen table, looking as if he was about to do something foolish.

“Serra, Serra, you must wake up.” Shadow said in a voice that didn’t belong to him. The voice sounded female and had an undertone of steel will.

Serra looked to her right, and noticed Blade looking at her. He was smiling. As Serra gazed at Blade, he faded and became distorted, until he formed a blurred purple image of a blob with sinister red eyes and pearly white teeth.

“Geeeengaaaar!” The person she thought was Blade said aloud in a distant yet haunting voice.

Her heart was pounding; she didn’t know what was going on. She looked to her left at Terra, and her hair was suddenly wispy and ash white, her eye sockets empty.

“Get her!” The person she thought was Terra shrieked, her voice shrill. It sounded like nails scraping on a blackboard.

Serra turned around and ran, and she stopped running when she saw that everything was black. The Gengar made his way into the picture again, but this time he was huge. His mouth opened, a massive cavernous maw, and prepared to bare down on her body.

Raven gazed worriedly at Serra’s sleeping form as she jerked and whimpered in her sleep. She felt deep pity for the beleaguered girl, but she could do nothing, as she was tied up.

A man poked his head through the pilot door.

“Can’t you make her shut up?” the irate Rocket yelled. Raven lost her temper, and yelled back.

“You idiots, how can I? She’s drugged!” Raven’s eyes involuntarily flared purple, and the Rocket jerked.

“Holy crap, you’re a psychic! Guard, you there, knock her out or she could bring down the heliplane!”

Raven felt a burst of white-hot pain behind her skull. Lights exploded behind her eyes as she fell into darkness.

Raven came to, slowly. As her eyelids fluttered open, she took in her surroundings instantly. She was bound to a strange sort of cross-shaped machine upon a raised dais. The machine was massive, and rose high above her, crisscrossed with wiring and machinery. From each end of the horizontal bar, metal wires sprouted, looping down and up around the metal gauntlets enclosing Raven’s arms. A large metal band enclosed her chest to the vertical bar.

With a sinking feeling, Raven realized what this machine was. Her teacher, Mewtwo, had told her about it. It was a machine used to suppress psychic power and bounce them back at her brain, and would eventually trap her into her own mind, in an eternal mental paralysis.

The room was unusually large, the ceiling high above her. The cell was dimly lit, and cold. Raven sighed, and her eyes glowed faintly as she summoned her psychic powers. She yelped as the machine swiftly blocked her powers, painfully.

A man stepped out of the shadows. Raven identified him as a Rocket Elite, obvious from his more elaborate uniform than that of a grunt.

The Elite grinned and held up a remote. His thumb brushed an activation button.

“Enjoy your stay, psychic freak.”

He pressed the button, and left. The machine roared and rumbled to life, steam gushing out the bottom of the dais. A metal band shot out from behind Raven’s head and snapped shut over her eyes.

Raven let out a piercing shriek as her mind was assaulted by her own psychic power. The pain was unbelievable and nothing like anything Raven had ever felt. She jerked wildly around within her bonds, spasming and shuddering. Her screams echoed around the large chamber.

Serra twitched her head, a small moan issuing from her throat. Her tongue crept out, and wet her dry lips. She stirred, and blinked slowly in surprise as she noticed she was still clad in the Goddess Armor.
“I guess it doesn’t disappear if I simply go to sleep.” she thought foggily. Serra’s mind was still rather muddled from the drug.

Her wrists and ankles were painfully bound by rope. Serra’s knees were also drawn up to her chest, so she lay on her side in a fetal position. Her bleary blue eyes moved around, taking in her surroundings. She had been put into a tiny cell, windowless and grimy. The iron door was barred and locked, with only a small window. Bars had been placed onto them.

The cell was stark and full of hopeless despair. There was no lighting, too. Serra sighed, feeling a throbbing headache coming. The drug prevented her from using her powers, too. Whoever had done this knew her abilities. But how?

A pair of vivid yellowish green eyes appeared in the shadows beside Serra’s face. They seemed to penetrate into Serra’s soul itself, and she flinched.

“Wh-wh-what are you?” she murmured, her voice tinged with fear. The owner of the eyes stepped out of the shadows, and Serra’s eyes widened in surprise.

The creature was identical to the Mew carving in Victory Base. Except he was jet black, and two purplish-black feathered wings sprouted from his back. He spoke telepathically.

-I am Melos, the twin of Mew. Mew is the Creator. I am the Ender. I harvest souls and guide them to the Realms of Fog.-

Serra bowed as best as she could while in a fetal position and spoke shakily.

“I am honored to meet you, but why have you come?”

Melos bowed to the girl, his tail undulating gently.

-Rather, it is I to whom the honor is mine. I am pleased to have met the Goddess. I am in debt to you.-

“In debt? For what?” asked Serra wonderingly.

-You have sent me many fresh souls in your blessing. In your darkest hour, I shall come to your aid. And thus, the debt will be paid.-

Serra ‘s head snapped up as she heard footsteps pounding towards her cell. Melos stepped back into the shadows.

-Goodbye, my Goddess.-

He vanished as the door banged open, its rusty hinges squealing. Serra immediately went limp, and her eyelids slid down, but stayed open slightly. Two Rocket grunts burst in, and trotted over to Serra. The Rocket on the left whistled in awe as he looked over Serra’s form.

“No wonder Dorian wanted her captured. Check out that body!” he guffawed. The other Rocket hit the speaker in the jaw with a vicious backhand.

“Dorian’s orders were not to touch that girl.” the second Rocket said, his voice icy. The first Rocket spat as he rubbed his sore jaw.

“Ah, whatever. C’mon, we can’t keep the Giovanni waiting. “ With that, the two men picked up Serra roughly. The first Rocket had her legs, while the second one hoisted her by her arms. Both maneuvered Serra’s limp body out the door.

Serra inwardly rolled her eyes as the Rockets immediately began complaining.

“Hey, no fair. You got her chest.”

“Oh, quit it, would you! If you wanted some action, you could’ve just gone to the local strip house!”

They continued to squabble as they trudged down the dimly lit hallways.


The group continued to trudge down the endless hallway. The Foluke continued to float along, spraying sparkles everywhere. At last, Terra got so irritated, she turned around, looking at Tora.

<Can’t you recall her? All the lights could get us noticed.> she signed, annoyed.

Tora blinked at her, until Hydro translated for her.

“Oh, I see. Okay, but we’ll need another light source.” Tora replied, recalling Midiya into her ball. The hallway was plunged into abrupt darkness. There was a dim white flash as Dark Flame appeared. She looked around inquisitively at her trainer, her amber eyes flashing.

<Dark Flame, some light, please.>

The Vulpix nodded, and opened her mouth. She exhaled a ball of bluish-white fire, which floated up, and hovered in the air, exuding an aura of dim light.

“How did she do that?” exclaimed Tora, amazed. Terra smiled.

<Dark Flame is pyrokinetic. This way, if Dark senses something, she can extinguish the light, unlike your Foluke.>

The group resumed moving, led by the Vulpix and her will’ o wisp.

“Why hasn’t Terra evolved Dark Flame, anyway?” asked Tora, hoping to fill the uncomfortable silence. Aeris answered for the deaf girl.

“She considers Ninetales to be a proud and ancient race that should not be used lightly.”

Hydro broke in, talking animatedly.
“You know how there are supposed to be no wild Ninetales, right?”

The group nodded, and Hydro grinned.

“There have been rumors that a wild Ninetales clan lives far away, in an icy and snowy land.”

“But they’re fire types?” asked Shadow, puzzled.

“It’s said that by living within the harsh climate, the Vulpix learn to grow strong, and evolve. Supposedly they’re not white, but a grayish color with red eyes. Like a Shiny Ninetales. And they’re said to be a hundred times stronger than normal Ninetales. They have semi-psychic powers, and can place a curse on you. Some have the power of Seers, and some can employ ice-type attacks. They’ve been dubbed Snowfire Ninetales.”

“Why are we talking about them, anyway?” asked Tora curiously.

“Haven’t you ever found it strange that Dark Flame is pyrokinetic, and her flame is blue, purple and black, instead of the usual color? Who knows, Dark Flame could have been descended from Snowfire Ninetales. Her egg was floating in the ocean, did you know that? It washed up onto the beaches of Orre, and she hatched from it.”

“I doubt they even exist...it just doesn’t seem possible.” remarked Aeris. Hydro simply shrugged.

They stopped as they noticed a door set into the wall. The pale light of the will’ o wisp illuminated it. A battered sign hung crookedly upon it, declaring FOR EMPLOYEES ONLY in faded letters.

“Employees only, my foot.” snorted Shadow. Terra shouldered her way to the front, and took out her key. Inserting it into the keyhole, she twisted it. There was a slight clicking, and the door creaked open slightly, but it was stuck. The hinges were rusted over with age. Annoyed, Terra backed up, drew one of her pistols. With quick, efficient movements of her arm, she neatly shot off the hinges. The door wobbled, then fell over with a resounding crash.

Hydro raised his eyebrow, and stepped through. The group followed suit, vanishing into the passageways of Goldenrod Rocket Base.

The two Rockets stopped at a door. A large, sinister metallic Andros Houndoom stood by it, at guard. Its soulless red eyes swept over the trio, and nodded, allowing them safe entry.
The two grunts shouldered their way through the door, entering a large dimly lit office. With a grunt, the two men unceremoniously dropped Serra onto the ground. She yelped as her shoulder cracked painfully against the metal ground. One of the men ripped off her bonds, freeing Serra. The two grunts turned and bowed to someone Serra couldn’t see, then left quietly.

Sitting up and rubbing her aching wrists, it was then that Serra dared to look up. Behind the steel desk sat a man with long black hair. He sat gazing down expressionlessly at Serra, his hands folded together on the surface of the desk. The man was clad in a flowing black cloak, so he was obviously of high stature.

Dorian inwardly grinned as he looked down at the girl. Dorian had taken precautions to use a temporary dye to turn his hair black, and he wore colored contacts, transforming his grey eyes to a forest green. It would not do to have Serra recognize him. That would come later.

Serra’s beauty had taken him by surprise at first. Her eyes, both haunting and eerie, had captivated him. They seemed to hold a great sadness, Dorian noted.

So beautiful....he thought. Like an orchid spun out of ice.

Serra blinked, her mind still slightly muddled from the drug. The man seemed somehow familiar, but she couldn’t quite place him.

The man stood and placed his hands on the desk, propping him up as he leaned over to get a better view of Serra. He spoke in a smooth, charming tone.

“Welcome, Serra. I am the Giovanni of Team Rocket.”

Serra said nothing, only shot him a withering look. If only she wasn’t still under the influence of the drug. She would’ve killed him in a flash.

Dorian left his desk and walked around to the girl, who was still seated on the floor.

“I am sure you are under the false impression that you were created for good, to be a Goddess of Pokemon kind.”

Serra said nothing, deliberately keeping her face blank.

“Do you want to know the truth, Serra?” hissed Dorian, crouching down so his face was on the same level as Serra’s. “Do you want to know the truth of your existence?”

Serra remained expressionless. She refused to give Dorian any reaction.

Dorian reached back and slapped Serra, hard, across the face. The harsh sound rang in the silence. Serra reeled back, a bright red welt rising on her cheek.

“You were created to serve us! You are the Goddess...of the Andros. Why do you think your armor resembles that of the Andros so much?”

Serra sprang to her feet with shocking speed, her eyes blazing.

“That’s not true. Dorian wouldn’t do that. I’d trust him with my life!”

Dorian’s laughter rang cruelly, making Serra flinch.

“Since when do you trust people?”

Serra faltered, seeming to shrink into herself. Her eyes darted from side to side.

“I trust Aeris and the others. They like me..” she trailed uncertainly.

“Why do you think they like you? They only wanted to use you to fight for them.” smirked Dorian.

Serra’s eyes took on a dull crimson hue. “You’re lying.” But she said it without conviction. Her voice trembled, unsure.

“Join me, Serra. Lead your true people. Lead the Andros!” Dorian reached out for Serra. She jerked back, her eyes wide with fear. Dorian lunged forward, grabbing Serra. He drew her close to him. She stood as tall as his chin.

Serra cringed at the closeness, and terror rose in her stomach. She jerked, trying to break free, but she was still too weak. Dorian raised her chin with his finger and leaned forward. His lips touched Serra’s, brushing them softly.

Serra stiffened, unable to move out of shock at the unexpected kiss. Dorian broke away, and whispered to Serra.

“Join me...as my bride. Together, we’ll lead Team Rocket into glory.”

Serra’s knees buckled, and she sank. Dorian caught her, and moved to kiss her again. An ironclad fist rammed into his stomach, and Dorian yelped as the wind was knocked out of him.. Serra had been faking the collapse! As Dorian grunted in pain, Serra whirled, about to make a run for it.

Dorian lunged forward, brutally grabbing Serra by the hair. He yanked, and Serra screamed, falling backwards.

Terra looked around, noting the dim electric lighting set along the halls. She stopped at a corner, kneeling down. With a swift motion of her hand, she recalled her Vulpix. Terra made as if to stand, but suddenly froze. Her hands crept down to her guns. She stayed frozen in a crouch, seeming to be hewn out of stone.

“What is she doi-” Tora was gently muffled by Hydro’s hand.

“Shhh....Terra senses something. Just watch...” murmured Hydro.

Terra stayed quiet still. Minutes ticked by, but nothing happened.

Suddenly, Terra sprang up, leaping around the corner. She leapt sideways, firing her guns the whole time. There was a harsh cacophony of screams and gunshots, and Terra leapt backwards. The corpse of a hulking Andros Houndoom thudded limply against the floor.

Terra blew out her guns and holstered them, satisfied. The others were thunderstruck.

“How...wha...the..the...” stammered Shadow. Terra just smiled hugely, her teeth flashing in the dim hallway. Hydro spoke for her.

“She’s very sensitive to vibrations, and she has a good sense of smell.” Hydro grinned as he looked at Terra.

“How did you first meet Terra, anyway?” asked Tora curiously.

“I had been visiting Orre, and found her unconscious in the Orrean desert. The fool, she had been trying to beat a fully grown wild Steelix. But she captured him after all. You all know him as Juggernaut now.”

Terra turned and spoke to Hydro, her hands darting to and fro through the air. Hydro flushed red and looked away as Terra roared with laughter.

“She says that when she awoke to find Hydro staring at her, the first thing she did was to punch him in the nose.” translated Aeris, suppressing giggles. “And ever since, he was smitten with her.”

They all jerked as a scream rang out of the door behind them. The door that the Andros Houndoom had been guarding.

“SERRA!!” Blade yelled and charged at the door, throwing it aside.

“Wait for me!!” yelled Aeris and Shadow in unison. The two followed suit, with Terra, Hydro and Tora close behind. The group surged into the door.


Serra stood pinned against the wall by Dorian. She writhed as she tried to break loose, but Dorian’s hold was too powerful. Serra closed her eyes as Dorian reached for the seams of her chest armor plate. Suddenly, Dorian stiffened.

A blade of steel laid itself along Dorian’s jugular vein, forcing his head up. Serra’s eyes traveled along the hilt of the blade to meet the familiar hazel eyes of Blade.

“B-blade!” she choked out, and yelped in pain as Dorian pressed harder against her.

“Touch her further, and you will find this blade lodged into your neck.” hissed Blade. His voice barely masked his fury.

“Fool.” sneered Dorian. He jerked as Blade pressed the edge into his neck, creating a shallow cut. A trickle of blood seeped out.

“Let. Her. Go. Now,” stated Blade, his eyes boring into Dorian’s with piercing intensity.

Dorian blinked calmly, and slowly stepped back. Suddenly, he whirled and ran for the open door. Terra lunged forward to catch him, but he was too quick. In a flash, he had vanished into the labyrinth of the base.

Terra whirled and slammed her fist against the doorframe in anger. Hydro went over to her, reassuring her in a quiet, soothing voice.

“Don’t fret about that git, Terra. He isn’t worth it.” murmured Hydro, rubbing her back soothingly. Terra gazed up at him, and hugged him, her eyes welling with tears. She hated crying. But she felt like a failure. She’d let that man get away.

Terra moved away, swiping her tears away, determined not to show her tears. Hydro smiled knowingly, and the two old friends trotted back, rejoining the group.

Serra had slid down the wall, and sat with her head buried into her lap, her arms hugging her knees. Her body shook as she sobbed quietly.

Blade was alarmed, and moved to soothe her. But her reaction was explosive.


A force field erupted around Serra, enclosing her in a red sphere. Aeris moved to kneel next to Blade, her eyes full of worry.

“She’s traumatized. That man did something...”

Blade nodded, his eyes blazing with fury towards the man who had done this.

“We need to go!! What about Raven?” yelled Shadow, dancing around impatiently.

Aeris looked around at Shadow, rapping out orders.

“Shadow, Terra, and Hydro, you go find Raven! Tora, go with them. They’ll need your Foluke. Blade and I will stay here with Serra.”

Shadow and the others nodded, and trotted out the doorway, vanishing into the darkness.


I hate Dorian.

;227;: We all hate him, Crystallugia. Poor Serra...

Wow. Crochax feeling pity. Kodak moment.

Okay, back 2 story. That's sad how Serra has gone through so much. Why didn't she just blast Dorian with a wave of fire or something?


Whee! A reply! *hugs Crystallugia for no apparent reason*

Almost thought this thread was dead *wipes forehead*

Okay, Spec just mailed me with this...
"Crystallugia, you probably missed it, but the drug also hinders Serra's elemental powers. ^^"

Yeah, so that's why Serra doesn't go all elemental on the guy's A**. We all wish she could have, but...

Yea, a reply. I feel a toasty warm inside ^^ *skips away*
First thing tomarrow (actually, whenever I get on the internet, tomarrow^^), I'm posting the next chapters. Expect more fun stuff. One step closer to new chapters and new adventures!


Mesa will try to reply as often as I can, and I usually posts in subscribed threads whenever I wasn't the last one.

Spectreon said:
"Crystallugia, you probably missed it, but the drug also hinders Serra's elemental powers. ^^"

^-^; Yeah, I did miss that. Dangit! I wish Serra could have blow Dorian to pieces! Oh well. *sits and waits for next chappie*


Chapters 16 & 17

Well, since Razor is gonna post tomorrow, I guess I should post today (only 22 minutes left in today, so here we go...Chapters 16 & 17)

Yeah, Crystallugia, I think that we all wish that Serra could have blasted Dorian, but I also wanted her to know he was really Dorian, before she did so. It would have left Serra naive and would have caused her much more stress in the future, if she had blown him away. Of course, him touching her the way that he did, without her knowing the truth constituted a woop ***, but I'm sure that Spect and Razor have many more surprises in store for Serra and Dorian. Wouldn't it be something, if Dorian ended with a fatal blow by Serra's Gungnir (Chapter 21) and had the same impact on him as the ending of Kill Bill Vol 2?


Chapter 16: Saving Raven
By: Spectreon & Razor

Gatene said:
Travelling along the road to find the lost psychic, another Andros attack waged itself upon our wary team. Followed by a hidden danger, the team learns not to trust their eyes on this adventure.

Tora walked in front, behind her Foluke. With a sigh, she noticed the annoyance of Terra behind her. She could do nothing to stop the shining Foluke’s ability; they would have to take their chances at being caught. Suddenly, information poured into her head. She smiled at Midiya gratefully, and recalled the Pokémon. The light was abruptly terminated, causing Shadow to yelp in surprise.

“Hey, what was that for?!” he asked, annoyed.

“We don’t need Midiya anymore, I know the way,” said Tora with a grin, “It’s a long walk though, so it’ll take a while.”

“How would you know the way?” asked Hydro, “Have you been down here before?”

“No, Midiya told me where to go. Raven’s on the lowest level, and somehow her presence seems to be muted, but we can find her.”

Terra let Dark Flame out of her Pokéball, and they continued down the dark passageway. The appearance of the small Vulpix led Tora to thinking of their previous conversation about Snowfire Ninetales, and she wondered if there were any other variations within species. She had heard of such occurrences, and knew that such creatures were rare beyond any imagining.

“Do you think there are any other Pokémon that have variations like Ninetales?” she asked curiously, wondering what the others would think.

“I don’t have a clue,” said Shadow, “But I think I may have heard of such things a long time ago. When I was small, I saw a wingless Altaria. I wonder if that was a variation?”

“It may have just been a mutation,” replied Hydro, “But I once read about rare Ekans, who lived in the high mountains and had skin darker than anything known.”

<When I was in Orre, I heard tales about Cave Arcanine. They were described as demons that killed the unwary.> signed Terra with a thoughtful look.

“I’ve head about Zubat that never see the light of day. They’re white, and have huge ears so that they can see in the darkest pits of their caves...” mused Tora.

The group rounded a corner, and found their way blocked by a large steel door. Tora stopped, wondering what they could do. There was a small console on the wall beside them, obviously meant for a password that would grant entry. Terra stepped up with her guns at the ready, but Hydro stopped her.

“Wait, there may be an alarm...” he said quietly, looking around them suspiciously.

A sound came from behind the door, and the group scuttled around the corner to hide. They watched as two Rocket grunts emerged, talking and laughing with each other as if they were at some convention.

They looked supremely surprised as they were faced with Terra’s guns and Shadow’s katana. They never suspected Hydro behind them. There was no trouble, as the boy had cleanly knocked the two out with swift blows to their skulls before they could react.

“Let’s get through the door before it closes,” whispered Tora.

The group made their way through the door, which obligingly stayed open. Shadow dragged one of the grunts to the other side with them, for use if they needed to get back through later. As Dark Flame passed the grunt, she yipped and leapt on his head, cracking it against the floor.

Terra looked at the Vulpix sternly, and the Pokémon looked up at her with innocent eyes. With a sigh, the group continued on into the darkness. Tora brought the map up in her mind, pinpointing where they were now. There seemed to be a fork in the road up ahead... and danger. The scale, still in her pocket, warmed slightly. There was some inimical force in the distance.

“There’s some danger near,” she whispered to the group, “be alert...”

“How do you... know...?” asked Shadow. His voice faded, though, as he saw two pinpoints of red in the shadows.

“An Andros Pinsir!” whispered Hydro with shock as the creature came into the blue light of Dark Flame’s wisp.

Steel pincers gleamed in the light, their sharp points creating an intimidating flash. The red eyes sensors scanned the group, and, finding them to be intruders, flashed with malice. Silver teeth gnashed, and the creature made its way towards them, claws reflecting the light that hit them as it walked.

Tora backed up with pocket flaring, knowing that she would be unable to fight the creature in this small space. Terra moved to the fore, but not before Dark Flame. The little Vulpix growled at the hulking bug, ready to take on the malicious Andros with her flame.

<Dark Flame, use a Flamethrower!> ordered Terra with a rapid motion.

The Vulpix nodded, and let loose a stream of black flame that completely engulfed the Pinsir. It screamed in a mechanical voice, body beginning to melt in the intense heat. When the attack finally stopped, the creature was glowing white, and the walls around it were sagging from the heat it generated.

The Pinsir staggered forward blindly, eye sensors long gone. The group retreated from the white-hot bug, already feeling scorched from the waves of high temperature air. Suddenly, they found themselves up against the heavy door. There wouldn’t be much time until the creature ran into them, killing them instantly.

Tora suddenly realized that they didn’t have any water Pokémon between them, and knew that unless some miracle happened, they would die in the hall. Suddenly, Dark Flame leapt forward again. Terra tried to call her back, but the Vulpix ignored the calls.

The Pinsir growled, still moving down the hall with body burning. The fur on Dark Flame’s body began to turn black and curl as the heat waves hit her, but she stood firm. She yipped, opened her mouth, and let loose a bright white beam that hit the Pinsir with a loud, screaming hiss that grew in intensity until everyone in the group except for Terra had to cover their ears to keep out the sound.

The light faded, and the group looked up to see the Vulpix standing before them, looking a little singed, but good as ever. There was no more heat; it was actually cold in the passage, if that was possible. Tora felt no more heat from the scale in her pocket, and took that to mean that the danger had passed.

The group, looking bemused, followed the Vulpix down the passageway. Suddenly, the light from the fire wisp hit something, and the passage turned into a beautiful display of reflected light. A large, clear pillar stood before them, and Terra moved forward to look.

Inside, barely visible, was the blackened body of a dead Pinsir. The deaf girl put her hands on the surface, and pulled back with a surprised yelp. Her hand was wet and cold, and there was the imprint of a palm in the face of the pillar.

“It’s a column of ice!” exclaimed Tora suddenly, realizing the nature of the pillar. Her voice sounded both shocked and awed.

“How?” yelled both Shadow and Hydro with astonishment. Both seemed overwhelmed by the occurrence. As everyone gaped at the sparkling pillar of ice, Dark Flame let out a soft trill.

“I guess the rumors were true,” said Tora, “Snowfire Ninetales do exist...”

Terra smiled and pulled Dark Flame to her, hugging the Vulpix tightly. The Pokémon wriggled and reached up the lick the girls face, eyes bright.

“How are we going to get past it?” asked Hydro.

The group looked, but there was no clear way around the ice. Suddenly, Shadow had an idea.

“Hey, why don’t we have Dark Flame or some other fire type burn a hole through the ice, so we can crawl through?”

<Dark Flame has used enough energy already,> signed Terra.

“I’ll use my Naihail,” offered Tora, “He has a good control of his fame.”

She threw the Pokéball into the air, and the lithe form of Reaper appeared within the red light. The Pokémon listened while Tora told him what to do, and nodded with understanding. The ice column shimmered with light as his flame bore through it, and soon they had a good-sized passage carved out.

“Well, let’s press on, shall we?” said Shadow with a smirk.

“Okay, then,” said Tora obligingly, “You first.”

Shadow froze, looking petrified. Terra and Hydro practically rolled with laughter at his fright, and Tora merely smiled.

“You do want to save Raven, don’t you?” she asked, eyes flashing.

“Of course I do!” scoffed Shadow.

With an indignant look at the other trainers, her bent down and crawled through the ice. The others waited while he made his way to the other side, and the Pokémon looked on curiously. Within a few seconds, Shadow’s voice traveled back to them.

“It looks clear; you guys can come through now!”

The rest of the group crawled through the cold ice tunnel in a line, with Dark Flame taking the lead. Reaper, who had insisted on staying out of his Pokéball, took the rear. It was slow going, but at least they weren’t being burned alive.

They came out in a dark area, and Tora could see two tunnels going off in different directions, just like the map had said. She accessed the mental picture again, looking for the right direction, but was surprised to find that both seemed to go to the same place. It seemed to be a matter of preference, but Tora knew better than to believe that.

“They both go to the same place,” she said aloud, “But I don’t trust it.”

“Neither do I” said Hydro.

Shadow shrugged.

“When in doubt,” he said, “Right is right.”

The boy moved quickly, walking into the right passageway with little regard for danger. The scale in Tora’s pocket flared, and she leapt forward to pull Shadow back by the scruff of his coat. He yelped, but was abruptly cut off as he saw the flash of metallic light. A huge scythe swept past the place where he had been, slicing the air. If he had stayed where he was, he would have been cut in half.

“Let’s proceed with a little more caution next time.” said Tora with a glare, “You’ll be no help to us or Raven dead.”

Shadow just looked at her with wide eyes, and nodded. Hydro helped him up from the ground, while Terra and Tora took the lead in the left passageway. Dark Flame’s wisp lit the path ahead, reflecting dully off the tunnel walls.

Reaper snorted and waited until Shadow and Hydro had begun to walk, then took his place behind them. It was a mostly uneventful walk, with few troubles. Once, Tora almost tripped on a rock, but Terra helped her recover he balance before she could fall and sprain an ankle.

Dark Flame’s light suddenly glinted upon a solid steel wall, and the group cried out in dismay.

“Does that mean we have to go all the way back?” asked Shadow with a snort.

“And take our chances with the traps?” asked Hydro doubtfully.

Tora looked at the solid object with disappointment; she sighed and turned to the others.

“I’m sorry guys, I guess I led you wrong,” she said with tears in her eyes, “There wasn’t supposed to be a wall here...”

Terra reached a hand to the shining, smooth surface as she turned to leave with the others, and yelped as it disappeared. She pulled back, and looked at her hand to make sure it was still there.

“What is it?” asked Hydro with concern.

<There’s nothing there!> signed Terra excitedly, <The wall is illusion!>

“Illusion?” asked Shadow with a growing feeling of hope.

<Go through, see for yourself!>

Shadow walked forward to the wall, and put his hand to it. He pulled back as his fingers passed through with no resistance.

“She’s right!” he said, “Let’s go through!”

Tora again took the lead, glad that she had not led them wrong, and they walked through the illusions together. There was a brief feeling of blindness as they passed, but they soon walked out of the image and into an area that was dimly lit from lights above.

Tora looked up where they had to go, and turned to the others.

“It’s not far from here, let’s go!” she said.

The tunnel took a slight curve as they walked, and doors began appearing in the wall. Hydro was curious as to what may be behind them, but he did not stop. Tora suddenly halted, making Terra and the others run into her. They almost toppled, but luckily Reaper had grabbed a hold of Hydro’s shirt and pulled them back from their precarious balance.

“This is it!” said Tora with conviction. She pointed at a door set into the wall.

Tora opened the door, and the group gasped as they peered in. Even Dark Flame and Reaper looked surprised.


At the far end of the massive chamber, Raven stood slumped in an upright position within her bonds on the machine’s dais. A metal band encircled her eyes, and her hair hung loosely over her face. But the most incredible part was the glowing electric blue tentacles around Raven. They all originated from her head, and branched out, undulating gently in the air. There were about eight in all. Each tentacle seemed to be comprised of eerie bluish mist with a glowing core-shaft of light.

“What is that?” murmured Tora, shocked.

“I think that’s an embodiment of her psychic powers.” whispered Hydro, not wanting his voice to echo around the massive, skeletal chamber.

Shadow pushed past the group and ran to Raven, his boots echoing harshly upon the reflective metal floor.

He stopped as all the tentacles jerked towards him. Raven must have somehow sensed him.

Shadow maneuvered carefully amongst the tentacles and reached Raven herself.

Gently, he reached up and brushed Raven’s hair aside. With a swift slash of his katana, the band around Raven’s eyes parted. Hydro and the others, coming up behind Shadow, gasped in unison.

Raven’s eyes had turned a pure milky white. With a trembling hand, Shadow stroked Raven’s pale cheekbones.

“Raven?” he whispered, his voice trembling slightly.

How can you see into my eyes like open doors
leading you down into my core
where I've become so numb
without a soul
My spirit sleeping somewhere cold
until you find it there and lead it back home

In an instantaneous motion, Raven’s head snapped up. Her mouth opened in a silent scream.

Shadow leapt back as all eight tentacles flared and roared to life. They whipped through the air with eerie precision, ensnaring Tora, Hydro, Terra, Shadow and the two Pokémon.

They were swiftly raised into the air, and hung there. Raven jerked her head around, still screaming voicelessly.

Wake me up
Wake me up inside
Wake me up inside
call my name and save me from the dark
bid my blood to run
before I come undone
save me from the nothing I've become

Raven suddenly shuddered, and went limp once more. A stark blackness welled up from within her, and slowly flowed across everything around her, seemingly to absorb all light and life into its infinite depths. It spread over the chamber and the tentacles, along with their prisoners. The last thing Shadow saw before the darkness flowed over his eyes was blackness...

Now that I know what I'm without
you can't just leave me
breath into me and make me real
bring me to life

Blackness.....a void. There was no life, no time, and no space. A light flared, its bluish white rays piercing the darkness. And an abrupt shudder. The blackness spins.....

A white crescent opened in the dark void. It fluttered, then opened wider, light streaming through. Shadow gazed out blearily through his eyelids, and shifted slightly.

Bring me to life....

Shadow flexed his toes and fingers carefully, checking them to ensure he was still alive. Carefully, he sat up, and gazed around. His eyes widened with shock as he took in his surroundings.

Shadow sat upon a vast icy plain. As far as the eye could see, black ice stretched to and beyond the horizon. The land was flat, and dead. Even the air didn’t seem quite right. There was no breeze. The air stood, as dead as the plain itself, stifling and stale. The sky was slate grey and cloudless.

Frozen inside without your touch, without your love
darling, only you are the life among the dead

Wincing slightly, Shadow stood up, gazing around. As far as he could see, there was absolutely nothing in this dead land. Suddenly, a whisper sounded behind him. He jumped and whirled around, his katana flashing through the air.

Hydro clapped his hands shut upon the gleaming blade in midair, preventing it from slicing open his skull.

“Take it easy, Shadow.” His voice was easygoing and serene.

Shadow heaved a shuddering sigh and slid the blade back into its plain black scabbard. Tora and Terra trotted up behind Hydro, looking just as perplexed as Shadow felt.

“What is this place, anyway?” wondered Shadow out loud.

“Look! What is that?” exclaimed Tora, her finger snapping up to point behind Shadow. Everyone followed her pointing finger, and gaped at the sight, thunderstruck.

It had not been there before, but it was now. A giant, gleaming object rose majestically before them. It seemed to be made of black ice, the same as the plain they stood upon.

The object was shaped like a spire, with many other spires extending outward in a radius around the main spire’s base.

Shadow walked to it, and gazed up. It was about four times taller than him. As the others joined him, Shadow squinted at the core of the monolith. There was a faint, indistinct shape within it...

“Raven!” Shadow yelled, agony upon his face.

And so it was. Raven was entombed within, naked. She stood with her arms crossed, covering her chest. Her eyes were closed. She wore an expression of peaceful serenity.

all that this time I can't believe I couldn't see
kept in the dark, but you were there in front of me
I've been sleeping a thousand years it seems
got to open my eyes to everything
without a thought, without a voice, without a soul
don't let me die here there must be something more
bring me to life...

Hydro gazed at Shadow, wonder upon his face.

“I think....we’re in Raven’s mind. And she’s trapped.”

His voice echoed through the icy, eerie expanses of the plain.


Chapter 17: Lost and Found
By: Spectreon

Gatene said:
The Goddess comes out of her shell, and is greeted by Aeris, and somehow is brought back to the reality that she does have friends, but the confusion of her existance is still heavy on her heart. Raven is found, but every attempt to free her was for naught. The Goddess receives some psychic messages from Raven, but will that help?

Serra was hunched over, still sobbing. The red force field continued to thrum around her, keeping Blade and Aeris away. Aeris eventually gave up and sat with her back on the wall, fiddling with her equipment. Each of the three Champions had the standard trainer tools-a PDA-Navi, and their pokeballs. The PDA-Navis acted as Pokedexes, too, and contained a trainer’s ID number, their personal information, and their contacts. Their color schemes were simple, coal black with steel grey accents.

Aeris idly flipped on her Navi, and the holographic display thrummed to life once more

"What are you doing?" asked Blade curiously. Aeris glanced up at the query.

"I'm going to see if I can contact Hydro and Terra." With that, she shifted her attention back to the Navi.

One of the pokeballs on Aeris' belt hummed, and Maverick flashed into existence, yipping indignantly at being kept in the ball.

"Sorry, Mavvy, but we had to be careful. You'd have tripped us up...” murmured Aeris, not taking her eyes away from the screen.

Maverick made a sound remarkably like a raspberry, and wandered over to Blade, flopping into his lap. Blade looked down at the blue reptile with amusement.

"Hey, little guy." he whispered, scratching Maverick's belly. The Totodile squirmed with pleasure, and bounced up as he noticed Serra. Cheeping worriedly, he trotted over to the red sphere, inspecting it curiously.

Both Maverick and Blade jumped as Aeris screamed a vehement curse and threw the PDA-Navi with all her might. Blade reached out to catch the soaring machine, but he missed by half an inch.

As the machine neared the wall, it gradually slowed as a rippling red aura surrounded it. The PDA-Navi revolved slowly and floated back to the dumbfounded Aeris.

The red sphere contracted, then spread out rapidly, fading as it went. The air itself rippled away from Serra as she stood up.

Aeris looked up nervously as Serra stepped towards her, her face emotionless.

"It's not your fault. Raven has taken them into her mind." Her voice was unusually quiet.

"So that's why my PDA-Navi can't track them? How on earth did that that happen?" asked Aeris, a tinge of disbelieving horror in her voice.

Serra simply shrugged.

"We can only wait for them and hope." With that final note, Serra stalked off and with a rapid motion, leapt to the ceiling. She slammed into the plaster, and her armored fingers stretched and sharpened into metal claws. Serra clung to the ceiling, spider like. Upside down, she crawled over to one of the ceiling beams, and dropped down on it. Serra crouched there, silent and brooding, staring off into space.

"Is it just me, or is she treating us like strangers?" asked Blade quietly. Aeris glanced up worriedly at Serra.

"I'll go see if I can talk to her." She stood up, stowing away her PDA-Navi. Aeris walked up to the end of the room, and climbed up on the desk. From there, she stretched up, her fingers brushing the undersurface of the beams. With a rapid motion, she jumped up, grabbed the edges of the wooden beam and flipped herself up agilely.

Crawling over, she sat down next to Serra. The girl simply glanced at her then looked away once more.

"Hey," said Aeris softly. "What's going on? Why are you acting like this?"

Serra's face whipped back to Aeris, and she was astonished to see Serra's eyes bright with tears.

"That man...the Giovanni...he told me I was the goddess of Andros, not Pokémon." Serra whispered, her voice soft.

"Is that even verifiable?" snorted Aeris. "Look, you of all people should know by now that we don't care what you were created to be. It's what you do with your life that matters."

"That's exactly the point." snapped Serra, the air around her instantly dropping to frigid subzero temperatures. Her breath puffed out in cold mist.

"I must do what I was created to do. That's the only reason I'm even here. That's all I'm good for. To do what I was created to do. Then I shall be satisfied. But now...I don't even know who I am anymore. It's very....confusing!"

Serra punctuated the last phrase with a snarl, her eyes flashing. For the briefest moment, her eyes shone with a red tint, and Aeris felt a twinge of foreboding. Her mind flashed back to when Serra had first acquired her armor. She had fought with the same mentality of a machine...cold, ruthless, and without emotion or mercy.

Aeris brushed the memory off, her eyes boring into Serra's with piercing intensity.

Serra finally looked away, her armor gleaming dully in the dim light. Aeris sighed, then perked up as she remembered something. Giggling, she poked Serra's bare side.

"Hey...hey...I wanted to talk to you about Blade. Tell me the truth. What do you think of him?"

Serra blinked, caught off guard by the unexpected query. She shifted uneasily.

"Um....he seems nice enough, I guess.." she mumbled, as the air returned to its usual temperature. Did it seem a little warmer than before?

"I really think you shouldn't treat him so coldly. He means well. Do it for me...please?"

Serra sighed, then glanced back at the young man, who as of now was playing with Maverick.

"I suppose it wouldn't hurt....But I warn you, if he does any funny stuff, I will personally rip out his trachea." she snapped.

Aeris grinned. "That's our Serra, the anti-Y chromosome."


Hydro walked around the pillar of black ice, inspecting it carefully. He stepped back, and looked up its length dubiously. Terra drew her guns, and made as if to fire at the pillar.

"NO, Terra! You could hit Raven!" yelled Hydro. "Let me try.."

Running forwards, he performed a high-flying kick, thudding against the pillar. But it left no mark. The boy yelped and hopped back on his one good foot as Terra looked at him, raising an eyebrow.

"I'm not sure how we're going to get through that." Hydro winced as he rubbed his aching foot.

"I don't care. Raven needs me! She needs our help!" Shadow yelled the last phrase, his voice cracking slightly.

Hydro blinked slowly, his long lashes hooding his eyes. He looked up at the obelisk once more, and sighed. This only infuriated Shadow more.

Shadow whirled to face the pillar, his eyes flashing. He unsheathed his katana, its blade flashing in the light. With a yell, he charged.

Shadow slammed into the pillar, but it did not weaken. He slammed into it again....and again. Again.





Shadow sank to his knees, sobbing quietly. Tora and the others could do nothing, helpless. All they could do was watch...

With a hoarse yell, Shadow dropped his katana and lunged forwards, slamming both his fists on the ice. He pressed his face against the cold surface, desperately seeking a reaction from Raven's stony face.

She gave none.

Shadow began crying quietly, tears coursing down his cheeks freely.

"Raven.." he whispered hoarsely. "I'm sorry.."

Raven did not move, did not react.

"I've failed you."

Serra suddenly jerked, and her hand flew to her heart.

"Serra...?" asked Aeris, her brow furrowing with worry.

But Serra could no longer hear her. Her eyes took on a glassy, reflective sheen and slowly turned deep purple. Rich, royal purple.....like those of Raven's.

Ethereal mist collected at her back, forming two faint, wispy lavender wings. As they moved, they seemed to ripple and shimmer dreamily.

Serra spoke quietly, but it was no longer her voice. It was a different voice, but a female's voice still. It sounded like it was a long distance away, and echoed with loneliness and hollowness.

"No, Shadow...you have not failed. I will give you aid....Shadow."

Serra sang then. It was an amazing voice, husky and throaty, and tinged with deep sadness. Aeris was entranced. Blade also turned to watch, as her voice rippled with power, flowing through the room and seeming to make it glow with energy.

There's a hero
If you look inside your heart
You don't have to be afraid of what you are
There's an answer
If you reach into your soul
And the sorrow that you know will melt away.....

Shadow felt power stirring within him, faint and distant. But it was there. His eyes blazed with newfound determination, and he raised his fist, drawing it back.

And then a hero comes along
With the strength to carry on
And you cast your fears aside
And you know you can survive
So when you feel like hope is gone
Look inside you and be strong
And you'll finally see the truth
That a hero lies in you...

Aeris yelped as the room began to glow even brighter, everything becoming white. She hastily jumped off the beam, going to stand beside Blade. Maverick chirped with delight and sniffed at the blazing white floor. Serra continued to sing, her voice going strong.

It's a long road
When you face the world alone
No one reaches out a hand for you to hold
You can find love
If you search within yourself
And the emptiness you felt will disappear...

Within the black ice, Raven stayed motionless. But her face seemed to change somehow......it now seemed to have a pleading look to it. The ice rumbled slightly, while the sky rippled and grew convoluted. A shrieking wind whipped up, scouring the dead black surface of the plain.

And then a hero comes along
With the strength to carry on
And you cast your fears aside
And you know you can survive
So when you feel like hope is gone
Look inside you and be strong
And you'll finally see the truth
That a hero lies in you...

The room was now nothing but pure, blazing white light. Aeris and Blade could still see Serra's faint silhouette. Her voice rang clear and strong, thrumming through their bones.

Lord knows
Dreams are hard to follow
But don't let anyone tear them away
Hold on
There will be tomorrow
In time, you'll find the way...

Thunder roared, and silver lightning flashed in the distance. Shadow yelled one word.


He plunged his fist with explosive force. As his knuckles slammed into the glassy surface, it rippled. Time seemed to slow down to an agonizing, meandering crawl...

The black ice crawled and writhed violently, as if in agony. It suddenly shattered, the surface becoming riddled and convoluted with cracks.

And then it exploded.

The world seemed to become white, blanking out everything else. For a brief moment, Raven stayed suspended in the center of the glassy shards, silhouetted in white light.

Time kicked in at last. There was a massive thunderclap, and the world faded to black, sinking downwards with a grinding whine. The last thing Shadow remembered before fainting was something warm and soft in his arms...

And then a hero comes along
With the strength to carry on
And you cast your fears aside
And you know you can survive
So when you feel like hope is gone
Look inside you and be strong
And you'll finally see the truth
That a hero lies in you...

The light faded away, and Aeris blinked, rubbing her eyes as they adjusted once more to the dim lighting. Serra's voice sustained the final note, then faded away to a dying murmur. Her eyes retained their usual icy blue hue as her wings stretched and faded into nothingness.

"What was that?" whispered Blade, his voice hushed with awe. Serra shuddered, and toppled off the beam with a yelp. Blade jumped forward and caught Serra in his arms. She was unusually light...and she smelled nice; like a blend of jasmine and sea breeze.

Serra squirmed slightly.

"You can let go of me now."

"Oh, right!" Blade said, flustered. He set Serra down as gently as possible and stepped back. Serra stood up, shuddering all over as her armor rippled and settled in small waves.

"What was that?" demanded Aeris, her eyes sparkling with wonder. "That was amazing!"

"I'm not sure...but I think Raven possessed me, and shared her wellspring of power with me. She has the most highly developed and powerful mind I've ever seen...her mind rivals that of the Alakazam themselves." Serra's voice held deep respect in it.

The trio jumped as harsh footsteps sounded outside the door.


Shadow blinked, and opened his eyes. He started as he noticed he was back in the chamber. Shadow looked up, and saw he sat in front of the trapping machine. Or what was left of it, anyway. It had been reduced to a hunk of riddled, twisted metal. Broken wires hung off it, merely sad remnants now.

Shadow raised his eyebrows, and got to his knees, getting to his feet a little stiffly. He looked around, and saw his other three companions lying around the room. They were still out. Fine. But where was Raven?

"I'm here, Shadow."

Shadow gasped and whirled around. Raven limped out from behind the ruins of the dais, wincing slightly as she massaged her aching forehead.

With a joyous yell, Shadow ran to Raven and grabbed her tight. He ignored her startled yelp as he kissed her gently, but passionately, making sure she was all there. Raven's muffled protests eventually faded away, and the couple stood silently in the hallowed chamber.

After what seemed like an eternity, Raven finally broke off the kiss.

"Enough! Enough! You're happy to see me, I know." Her voice was stern, but her eyes danced with happiness.

"I was so afraid you would...you know.." gabbled Shadow, love making his toungue loose.

Raven grew serious.

"I'll not soon forget what you did for me. I've gained a good amount of respect for you now."

Shadow laughed as he pulled Raven close to him once more.

"Admit it. I'm not that big of an idiot. And you must know by now that I'm your biggest fan."

Raven simply smiled, her luminous purple eyes alight with happiness.


Serra spun around, her hair whipping around.

"Hide!" she hissed at Aeris and Blade. The pair instantly ducked behind the Giovanni's desk. Maverick looked around, puzzled until Aeris reached out from behind the desk and snatched him back by the tail.

Serra straightened, and her armor rippled, congealing together to form new clothes-a Team Rocket outfit. The standard...black pants tucked into boots and a black sweater with a large, red R emblazoned on the chest. She looked the part of it, too.

The door flew open once again, and a sweaty Rocket grunt staggered in, panting fitfully. Serra recognized him as the same one who had commented on her body. His bloodshot eyes lit up as he saw Serra.

“Are you trapped, too? They’ve sealed all the exits, and I can’t get out! I thought I was the only one, everyone else’s evacuated...” babbled the man, obliviously in a state of panic.

“Sealed the exits? Evacuated? Why?” Serra spoke in a calm, icy voice, doing her best to imitate a classic female Rocket member.

“The Giovanni ordered the base to be evacuated. He said the Goddess was in here, so we all had to get out, and flush the wench out with Andros.”

Serra’s eyebrows rose slightly. Aeris murmured her thoughts to Blade.

“This isn’t good....damn that Giovanni. He’s a shrewd one.”

Blade nodded quietly, and turned his head to listen once more to the conversation.

“I see....so we are both trapped.” spoke Serra quietly. The grunt nodded, his eyes wide with fear.

“I’m not concerned about my safety or yours. However, it is your existence that worries me.” Serra’s voice took on a definite menacing tone.

The grunt blinked, puzzled. That woman seemed familiar....

“Oh, Jesus! You’re the Goddess! I recognize your hair!” The grunt backed up, his face contorted with fear.

“Damned right I am!” Serra’s clothes glowed and reverted back to the Armor form.

“Back off-I’ve got a gun!” The grunt pulled out his piece, and pointed it at the Goddess. His hand shook so hard, the gun wavered.

“Oh, please. I’m so frightened.” snapped Serra. In one fell motion, her leg shot up. The grunt shrieked in an unusually high-pitched soprano and clutched at his groin, his knees hitting the floor.

The gun skittered across the floor, then glowed with an electric blue aura and hovered up. It suddenly contorted, and the gun barrel twisted itself into a knot. Serra dropped the disfigured piece of metal with disdain, and turned to the desk.

“This guy isn’t going anywhere. Let’s go.”

Aeris stood up and quickly recalled Maverick, who disappeared into the Pokéball with a flash of white light. Blade stood up also, and the pair made their way around the desk to join Serra. Serra crept out the door silently, checking to ensure the path was clear.

The trio silently moved along, weaving their way in the endless maze of hallways.

“So how do we on getting out of here?” asked Aeris as they walked.

“I’m not sure.” Serra sighed, and for a brief moment, looked world-weary. Her eyes shone with ancient sadness. It seemed as if she had never known true peace. Which she hadn’t.

They grew silent once again.

Suddenly, loud footsteps echoed from a hallway to their right. Serra immediately flattened herself against the wall, and motioned for Blade and Aeris to do the same.

“What do you think it is? Andros?” Serra’s voice suddenly sounded tremulous. “I still don’t have the energy to fight one.”

“Don’t worry, Serra. Here’s what we do. We’ll ambush them...take them by surprise.” Blade grinned, and Serra began feeling a little better.

The footsteps continued to grow louder, until it was clear that whoever it was, would come around the corner any second. And they did.



Loud screams echoed and a roaring stream of fire whooshed past Aeris’ ear.

“STOP! STOP! It’s not Andros!” she yelled.

“Bloody hell, Serra! You can let go of my neck now!” snapped Hydro from under Serra’s arm lock. She flushed with embarrassment and let go, mumbling apologies as she did. Hydro rubbed his neck and looked over the scene. Dark Flame snapped her mouth shut, putting out the fire within. Raven leaned on Shadow, her face ashen as she labored for breath. Terra held her guns to Blade’s head, while Blade’s sword was at her neck. Both lowered their weapons, looking embarrassed. Tora put back Reaper’s Pokéball on her belt. She had been about to release the fire-grass tiger.

“Nice to see you guys survived.” grinned Aeris. Raven grinned back, and the group milled around for a bit, exchanging information and greetings. Soon, the group began organizing, and moved forward once more, with Blade, Terra and Hydro in front. Then came Serra, Tora and Aeris, who also helped Shadow support Raven.

They moved forwards with mixed feelings. Joy to be reunited. But also uncertainty for what lay ahead.


Well, another day, another chapter... Whoa, we're on chapter eighteen, already!? At this pace, it'll only be another three days or so...... well, I think we sound only do one chapter a day during the war for Jhoto, considering how long those chaps are. As it is, I think we've left some readers in the dust from sheer speed of posting... ^^;;

So, here just ONE chapter, okay? and it's a short one, and kinda pointless, but what're ya gonna do?


Chapter Eighteen: Giarda's an Ally

“Okay, so you’re the map, where do we go now?” asked Hydro’s clear voice as the group walked through the dark, dank passageway.

“Well, the map only shows three possible exits,” replied Tora silkily, “but two are sure to be guarded. The last one is certainly dangerous, but it’s hidden, so we won’t be caught.”

“Where is this ‘last Exit’?” asked Shadow with some degree of curiosity.

“A long way down; past Raven’s chamber by a long shot. The tunnel seems to emerge somewhere in the National Park,” answered Tora as her mind was fed information by the Foluke.

“What kind of danger is there?” asked Raven, who was walking beside Shadow.

Tora shrugged with a blank look, and the questions ceased. The group had again begun to walk in a semi-line style, with Tora and Terra taking the lead. Hydro and Blade walked close behind them, followed by Shadow and Raven. At the back of the line, Aeris and Serra walked in silence, both lost in their own thoughts.

Their footsteps echoed through the long, deserted tunnel, and the sound created an eerie feel to the air. There was sure to be no Andros left in the hideout, because it had been evacuated, but the group was still waiting on edge for something to suddenly leap and attack out of the darkness.

They reached the steel door that had blocked the passage before, and this time no one had any objections to Terra blasting it out of the way. As the deafening gunshots faded, they walked carefully through the large, jagged hole in the steel. As Tora looked down at the sharp, glinting splinters of metal, she was suddenly glad that she was not on Terra’s bad side.

The solid column of ice rose before them, and Terra showed the others the hole they had made in the frozen water. Aeris, Serra, and Blade looked at the column with surprise, but did not ask questions. They crawled through the tunnel, and soon made their way to the other side. Unfortunately, it was pitch black until Dark Flame, who had stayed on the other side of the pillar to investigate something, bounded through with her fire wisp to light the way.

They continued, and soon came to the fork in the passageway. Shadow shuddered as he remembered his experience with the scythe, and quickened his pace. Suddenly, there was a high-pitched screech, and a dark form flew into his face.

“Ah! Get it off me!” he cried, leaping to the side.

“It’s just a Zubat!” laughed Raven as she took a firm hold of the small bat and drew it away from Shadow. The small thing squeaked in protest, and struggled to escape from the firm grip that held it.

“It has something,” said Hydro as he moved to see the commotion.

Raven, while holding the struggling Pokémon in one hand, took a small item from the Zubat’s tiny claws. She held it to the light, and the entire group moved closer to see what it was.

“It looks like a rolled up piece of paper,” said Aeris, as she looked at it.

“It has something written on it” Mused Raven. She read aloud to the group, “Giovanni, it is my pleasure to inform you that the army is mobilized and ready for invasion. The WS will be leading the charge. Message ended.”

“WS, what’s a WS?” asked Tora with brow furrowed.

“It must stand for something,” answered Shadow with a glance towards the trainer, “But it could stand for just about anything.”

<Yeah, With Sauce, Wild Slakoth, Wimpy Shadow,> listed Terra with a glitter in her eye.

“Hey! Who are you calling wimpy?!” flared Shadow.

“Stop it, guys,” snapped Aeris, “This is serious! The Rockets are planning to invade, and they have an army. We need to get word to Johto and gather our own army to stop them!”

“Then I suggest we don’t sit around here talking,” said Blade, “Let’s get to that exit!”

The rest of the group nodded, and Tora led off again. Raven released the Zubat back into the air, and the little creature squeaked indignantly as it flew off. Dark Flame walked just ahead of Tora, lighting the passage with the eerie blue glow that came from the luminescent wisp that hovered about her.

The fork in the passageway was soon left behind them as they traveled down the left tunnel. Tora carefully avoided the rock that had tripped her earlier, and the light illuminated the shining surface of the illusion wall.

“Hey, I thought you said there was a passage here!” exclaimed Aeris.

“There is,” answered Tora, “Don’t be afraid to step through, the wall is illusion.”

To prove her point, the girl stepped forward and disappeared in the wall. Serra yelped, and Blade gasped. Soon, Tora’s hand appeared through the wall, beckoning them through.

Terra followed without pause, as Did Shadow and Raven. Hydro stayed behind to make sure the rest of the group got through all right, and then stepped into the wall himself. As he came out on the other side, he blinked his eyes to adjust to the brighter light from the panels on the ceiling.

Terra recalled Dark Flame, and they continued on with slightly hesitant steps. The group walked past the destroyed door where Raven had been held, and the Psychic girl shivered as she passed. Shadow brought her closer to him in a protective manner, glaring at the broken entrance with malice.

Suddenly, Tora turned to the right and walked through another wall. Terra, who was right behind her, jumped in surprise. The group milled nervously, but followed after a moment.

The passage was dark, but Tora had already released Midiya. The shining Foluke gazed at the rest of the group with slight curiosity, pure blue eyes passing into each soul as if the person’s skin was as clear as a still pool. Serra shuddered at the gaze, and Midiya abruptly broke of to look back towards Tora.

“Come with us,” said Tora in a strange tone, “There isn’t much farther to go, and the passage is mostly straight from here.”

They walked down the passage in silence, for the very air seemed to be waiting for something to happen. Nothing occurred though, and for an hour the group walked through the uneven ground with only the sound of dripping water ringing in their ears. There was a slight curve ahead, and Tora sensed warning warmth emanating from her pocket.

She slowed the pace, and recalled the sparkling Foluke. The dank walls of the tunnel began to glow as the luminescent moss growing on the wet surface did its job, lighting the way for the group. Tora inched around the corner, gesturing for the others to stay back.

She peeked carefully around the corner, and saw a huge, black shadow obscuring her vision. A loud, rasping sound seemed to come from it, and as it shifted, Tora caught a glimpse of shining metal and sharp horns.

Tora inched back towards the group, and gestured for them to move back. When they were finally far enough away, she sighed and told them what was there.

“We have a bit of a problem”, she said. “There’s a sleeping Aggron in the middle of the path.”

“That must be why this exit is unguarded,” said Aeris, “The Aggron chose this place as its territory, so the Rocket’s don’t need to worry.”

“But how will we get past it?” asked Hydro.

“I can do it,” said a soft voice from the back.

The group parted, and Serra came to the front. She looked strong, and her eyes glowed with purpose.

“I can talk to it, and ask if it will allow us to pass,” explained Serra, “If it doesn’t, I will battle it for the right.”

“That is very brave,” said Tora quietly.

“I am the Goddess, and I must do my duty,” said Serra simply, smiling.

The quiet girl grinned and walked carefully around the bend. The rest of the group looked after her, wondering if they should follow. Suddenly, there was a loud, bellowing roar, and an answering yell. The rest of the group ran forward, aiming to help if they could, but as they rounded the corner, they found that no help was needed.

Serra stood before the Aggron, whose eyes were already closed in defeat. She had conquered the creature with one blow, and the group stood gaping as she dematerialized her armor and walked past the metallic lump with no hesitation in her step.

With a shrug, Terra followed. The rest soon followed suite, and they continued down the passage with high hopes. They had overcome so many obstacles already, and they believed there was little in the tunnel that they could not pass.

Serra stopped, and the group craned their necks to get a full view of the barrier that lay before them. They could see the outside, yes, but it was obscured by the soundless, sparking green glow of a force field. Another panel was set in the wall, but Terra wasted no time in ignoring it and pulling out her guns.

Deafening shots echoed through the tunnel as the deaf girl fired mercilessly at the green wall. The barrier hummed every time she hit it, but did not break. After this failed attempt, Blade brought out various different weapons and tried his luck. The wall held firm.

The trainers brought out their Pokémon, and they all shot their most powerful attacks at the field of green. The hum turned into a squeal, but still the wall did not flinch at the treatment. Finally, Aeris called a stop to the relentless attacks.

“This thing is impossible!” she said vehemently, “I really don’t know how we’re going to break it!”

“I’ll try,” said Serra.

The girl glowed and rose into the air, forming her Goddess armor around her. Huge, fiery wings sprouted from her back, flapping and sending small embers into the air. Her hand began to glow, and suddenly a burning column of flame shot from her palms and struck the force field with tremendous power.

The group shied away from the heat, shielding their faces so as not to get flying sparks in their eyes. A screech rent through the tunnel, and the superheated air was blasted back towards them. They looked up with horror, actually able to see the wavering heat approaching, but suddenly there was a blast of white light. The temperature dropped considerably, and a wall of snowflakes approached the wavering air, nullifying it before it could do nay harm.

“I’m sorry,” said Serra as she landed, her ice blue wings fading, “Even I cannot break through this obstacle.”

“You tried,” said Aeris comfortingly, “That’s all that matters.”

Serra sighed with a sad light appearing in her eye, and walked to a corner to sit. She leaned back against the damp wall, feeling the luminescent moss against her, and suddenly felt that someone had come to sit beside her.

Serra opened her eyes, and was surprised to see Tora sitting next to her. She looked at the girl questioningly, raising an eyebrow, and Tora laughed gently.

“Hey,” she said, “I never got much chance to talk to you, and I thought that this is as good at time as ever.”

“But we have the barrier to worry about,” said Serra, “How can you be so relaxed?”

Tora laughed, and shook her head in amusement.

“I find that the best way to solve a really difficult problem is to leave it alone and relax,” she explained, “The answer will come to you in time.”

Serra looked thoughtful, but didn’t say anything.

“Anyway,” continued the girl, “I have something that I think belongs to you.”

Serra’s head instantly snapped up, and she looked at Tora with sparkling eyes.

“What?” she asked curiously.

“This,” said Tora. She reached into her pocket, taking out the long, black cord and the glittering object that was suspended from its coils. Serra’s eyes immediately lit up, and she gasped with wonder.

“I thought I’d lost it!” she exclaimed. She looked up as Tora handed her the necklace, “How did you find it?”

“It was in the field in Cherrygrove,” answered Tora with a glad smile, “I remembered seeing you with it, and picked it up,” Tora’s face suddenly grew serious, “I don’t know how you got one, though.”

“Aeris bought it for me in a shop,” said Serra.

“Ah, shops carry everything nowadays,” sighed Tora wistfully, “Be careful with it; there’s a lot of power in that thing.”

“Like what?” asked Serra, surprised.

“Hey!” exclaimed Tora suddenly, “I think I figured out a way to get through the barrier!”

“Really? What?”

“We can use Giarda! She’s sure to have the codes for opening the door in her databanks!”


Tora laughed.

“Oh, that’s what I named the Andros Charizard,” she said in a relieved tone, “It means Silver Menace.”

Tora rose and went to the others in the group, who were standing in a circle and talking quietly. They looked at her doubtfully when she told them of her idea, but seemed to be at the end of their rope. They had no options left.

“But how will we get it to listen to us?” asked Hydro, “Andros are loyal only to Team Rocket, and no one else.”

“Do you think a powerful psychic interference would work?” suggested Blade with a shrug.

Raven looked surprised, as did the others. The psychic girl looked at the group with wide eyes.

“I’ve never attempted something like that before,” she said, “There’s no telling what might happen...”

“Are you willing to try?” asked Aeris, looking apprehensive.

“Yes,” replied Raven.

Tora nodded, and suddenly remembered a problem; she didn’t have the Andros with her. She gasped, and realized that the only PC near the place was back in the dark hallway, just after the place where Raven had been held. She hurriedly mumbled an explanation, and ran off at her top speed, bent on getting the Charizard before it was too late.

. . .

It was only a half hour before the girl had returned, breathless but exhilarated. She smiled, and told the others to stand back as she threw the green and black orb into the air. The green light from the barrier glinted off the metal of the creature that now stood before them, and it looked at them with hatred glinting in the soulless red eye sensors.

Raven steeled herself, and stepped forward so that she was in a direct line of sight with the massive Andros. It looked at her, and as soon as its eyes locked on her, Raven’s began to glow in an ethereal violet.

A ghostly wailing filled the air, and the Charizard’s eyes lit with the same light as Raven’s. They stood in a standoff, neither giving in to the others demands. The metal Charizard would not open her mind, and Raven would not give up until it did so. The floor between them groaned and lit with a white blaze as their will intensified.

Tora, who was standing a fair distance from the rest of the group, sensed the dire conflict between the two deep within her thoughts. Suddenly, words formed in her mind, and she said them aloud in a whispering, hissing voice that was not her own. As she did so, a faint orange glow pervaded the edges of her eyes, lighting her fair face eerily.

You, who have known true change and whose mind has been darkened by contact will the darkest of all fears, now must change again. Bear your mind to us, so that we may see the light in darkness...

The red eyes of the Charizard became framed in orange, offsetting the amethyst blaze already within them. Suddenly, Raven cried out as the will of the Andros broke and the entire life of the creature flashed before her eyes.

She saw before her a Charizard, whose large and powerful build reminded her of a protector. She seemed desperately small as she looked up at him.

She sat on a large rock, watching two humans clad in black shirts approaching in the morning fog.

She roared in anguish as she swung a claw blindly at long, pink tentacles that engulfed her.

Raven gasped, and saw herself astride a Rapidash. Her hand was glowing white, and she galloped towards the creature whose mind she now controlled. There was a searing heat rippling across the Charizard, and it roared as it banked to escape the power.

She suddenly saw Aeris as she rode on Skyfang, and stiffened her wings as she dove.

Red light, there was so much red light... she was so weak...

Raven came to herself suddenly. She was on her knees, and her head ached with the expended energy. She groaned, and sent a final lance of power out to the Charizard to break the connection with Team Rocket. As she did so, the huge Pokémon roared and collapsed on the ground, unconscious.

“Raven!” said Shadow worriedly as he ran up to the girl, “Are you all right? What happened?”

“I’m fine,” said Raven weakly, smiling, “And I did it!”

“You succeeded in breaking the connection to Team Rocket?” asked Aeris, surprised.

Raven nodded, and allowed Shadow to help her up from the ground. She walked to the glinting creature lying on the ground, and touched its metal skull with a look not unlike pity.

“You didn’t deserve what they did to you,” she whispered softly.

As she said the words, the eye sensors of the creature flickered and lit up. They were no longer red, as they had been, but a bright yellow-green that shone with new purpose. It lifted its head, and snorted in a way that resembled a person waking up from a long and horrible dream.

Tora walked forward, and stood next to Raven. Giarda looked at both girls with faint recognition, and clambered up from her position on the ground. She stood silently, looking as if she was waiting for something.

“Your name is now Giarda,” said Tora softly, “I hope you like it.”

The Andros Charizard snorted with acceptance, looking amused despite the obstacle of having a metal skull.

“Do you think you can help us?” asked Raven, directing her gaze towards the metal creature.

Giarda looked at the psychic blankly, and Tora decided to explain.

“Do you know the codes that will get us out of this place?” she asked.

The Charizard looked thoughtful, and nodded. She clambered to the panel, growling softly, and pressed a complicated series of buttons using the tips of her claws. The green wall flickered, and disappeared with no trouble. Giarda looked back at the group, eyes shining brightly.

“Thank you, Giarda!” exclaimed Tora, “You saved us all!”

The Charizard bowed her head humbly, and allowed Tora to call her back into the Net Ball. The group walked forward with a new spirit in their step, glad to have an important new ally. The air around them turned from the dank, stale air of a tunnel to the clear, fresh air of the outdoors as they passed the place where the barrier had once stood.

Serra walked beside Aeris, but her thoughts were not on the new freedom they had gained. She fingered the scale around her neck as she thought, wondering what Tora knew about it. Something very strange had happened in that cave, too, something that seemed a little... orange.

She looked up at a small chirp, and saw a group of Pidgey flying high in the sky above them. The flock of bird Pokémon wheeled in the air, creating dazzling patterns as they rose higher and higher into the sky. The girl below watched them until they flew near the sun, which stood high in the clear sky. None was aware of the dark cloud that was making its way across the trembling sea, building power as it approached the peaceful land of Johto.


I love this fan-fic ^^ Does it continue? ( Thanks for a wonderful story AzureFlygon) ~Rosie4ever
P.S. Don't ask about the name - - you'll see what it means in my fan-fic. ^^

Elite Eevee

Sorry I haven't picked up-I read the story on Gatene's site, these chapters are great, and will you write anything for Song of the Godess?

Oh, and by the way, WHO THE %*!@ MADE THIS A 3-STAR FIC?!


Rosie4ever & Elite Eevee

To Rose4ever: Yes, the story continues, it's all on my site for this great story by Spectreon & Razor (AzureFlygon) http://spectreon.mybesthost.com

The 1st link has links to the second one on each page, but some ppl have had troulbe finding them, heh.

To Elite Eevee: Well, I am glad that you were able to navigate the site...some ppl have problems getting to the new chapters in Song of the Goddess, I don't see why, I've linked the hell out of them lol. But to answer your quetion, yes, Razor (AzureFlygon) does write, and a good bit for Song of the Goddess (I know you were wanting her to answer, but I had the answer too).


I'll post Chapter 19 tomorrow, it starts the war in Johto, and a really kick *** chapter.



Fear not, Stinking Eevee Lord! I have input my mighty rating of this superior fic!

;035;"I AM SEMPAI!"

It seems to me that the time it takes to post all of the previous chapters will be enough for Azre and Speccy to finish a few new chapters. Am I correct, Humans of Typing?


Yes, we have already finished the newest chapter and are working on the one after that (which by my calculations is going to be very long and very good).

Your suggestion about Celebi will probably be used in it, too, Clefairy ^^

Because Gatene says he's going to post the first installment of the War for Jhoto, I'll defer to him. Hope he posts soon :D




Yes, you too, Sempai. I can't wait till you post the next one. It's so exciting! This is my favorite fic ever! It's got such an original outlook on pokemon! ;P
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