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Dawn of a New Legacy

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Chapter 19

I am so sorry y'all. I had some technical Difficulties :( For waiting so long, I'm gonna post Chapter 20 in a seperate post

Here's the chapter, enjoy :)

Chapter 19: A Righteous Beginning
By: Spectreon

Gatene said:
Finally reaching Goldenrod City, the Goddess is greeted by some of the group's old friends. Getting to meet them all, and receiving an eerie message from a Quilava, the Goddess prepares to fight, and proves her worthiness in the oncoming battle. Now, the beginning of the oncoming redundant war has started, and the Goddess falls...

“My Giovanni...I bring news.”


Dorian turned from the window. He’d been gazing out spitefully at Zeiryu City in the distance. It seemed to mock him, the barrier twinkling cheerfully at him. But at least Zeiryu couldn’t send reinforcements to Johto. That gave Dorian an edge, at least.

Dorian had flown back to Saffron, bringing all his agents who had been in the base. It had served its purpose, and he didn’t need it anymore.

“Our troops are mobilized in Johto. They occupy mostly eastern Johto, but Johto has put up defenses from Ecruteak City to Goldenrod, Azalea, and Violet City. We have control over New Bark, Cherrygrove, and Mount Silver. To advance further, we must battle Johto’s armies. They’ve mobilized, and war is imminent. We have almost used up all our resources. If we lose, it will be a massive defeat and we would be forced to retreat.”

“Are you questioning my decision?” Dorian’s tone was almost friendly, but it bore menace.

The operative shook his head vigorously.

“No, my Lord! Never! I am just stating the consequences.”

“Then be quiet. You may take your leave. Tell the Wishing Star to start the advance tomorrow. “

The operative nodded and saluted, then turned smartly on his heel and left. Dorian turned back to the window, lost in his thoughts.


“This place is really beautiful! What is this place?” Serra asked Aeris as they walked forwards on the trail. The trail was a dirt path that wove and threaded among tall grass in a meadow.

There were benches set around a beautiful fountain to their right. The water gushed cheerfully, gurgling and bubbling. As the sun’s rays hit the sparkling clear water, it turned to pure light, sending out a prism playing upon the gently swaying grass.

“This, my friend, is Johto’s pride and joy: The National Park! Every week, on Tuesdays and Thursdays, people gather and do the Bug-Catching Contest. It’s fun-I’ve tried it.”

Aeris grinned, recalling fond memories. Maverick stood perched upon his favorite spot-Aeris’ head. Terra had recalled Dark Flame, for she was weary. However, Tora had released Giarda, where she was free to wheel and soar in the sky, reveling in her newfound freedom. Tora had asked her to keep a lookout and land if she saw people. It wouldn’t do for her to cause panic.

“And what did you catch? Did you win?” asked Serra, adjusting her jacket.

“Umm...let me see...I was a bit of a young idiot back then. I saw a Venonat, and thought it was simply adorable. So I caught it, thinking I’d win. But this guy, he caught a shiny Pinsir! All blue and sparkly. He won, of course. Pfft. I still say Venonats are better.”

“What happened to him?” asked Blade, blinking as a gust of wind blew from the west, ruffling his hair.

“I released him, of course. He was too weak to use in a serious battle, but he sure was sweet. He’d let me dribble him and toss him around.”

Serra blinked, while Shadow snorted with laughter.

“Hey, look! Goldenrod City!” Hydro yelled, pointing.

Sure enough, the roofs of the metropolis rose in view above a grassy hill. The sun’s light hit the mirrored gold roofs at an angle, turning them to blazing gold, easily seen from a distance and earning the city its name.

“Giarda, come to me, please!” Tora’s cry rang out.

Giarda let out a screech and folded her wings, spiraling down. Her claws hit the ground with a thud, and the steel dragon trotted over on all fours.

“I’m sorry, but could you please come back into your ball?”

Giarda snorted and nodded. There was a slight hum as she turned to white energy and was recalled into the Net ball.

Aeris turned around, waving impatiently. Tora’d fallen behind. The green-haired girl ran to catch up, huffing slightly as she climbed up the hill. As Tora joined the group, they stood, goggling in shock.

“Oh, my lord.” Shadow uttered in a soft voice.

A massive army camp surrounded the city. Flapping white banners trimmed in gold waved proudly in the warm breeze. Aeris gazed out, and saw that there were countless other camps spread out. She drew out her binoculars, and grinned as she scanned the land. There was one in Violet, one in Azalea, another in the Ruins of Alph, and one in Ecruteak. Together, they formed a massive defensive wall from Southern Johto to Northern Johto.

“My generals have been busy.” Aeris grinned, bursting with pride for her homeland.

She whooped and ran down the hill, waving and yelling. Serra and the others ran behind her, yelling for Aeris to slow down.

Aeris waved as she neared the camp. A lone figure ran out to meet her, and Aeris greeted the figure at the top of her lungs.


The grinning woman in question grabbed Aeris in a bear hug, giving her a noogie.

“Hey, Aeris! How have you been? Still as nuts as always!”

Serra gazed at the woman in amazement. She seemed about twenty, but she was short for her age. Topaz had beautiful flowing black hair which was pulled back in a ponytail, yet the hair went all the way down to her calves. Her eyes were a beautiful dark blue and almost Oriental in appearance, like Raven’s. She wore a long blue cloak identifying her as First General of the Johto’s First. The only jewelry she wore was a small turquoise stud in her right ear, which Serra recognized as a translator.

“And who is that?” asked Topaz, meeting Serra’s stare. Serra blushed and looked down, suddenly feeling awkward.

“Oh, Topaz, this is Serra. Serra, this is Topaz Soarhire, one of the most powerful trainers in this region.” introduced Aeris.

“Nice ta meetcha, Serra.” Topaz proffered a hand, which Serra noticed was covered in a dark blue fingerless glove. She shook Topaz’s hand, not meeting the older woman’s stare.

“Little shy, eh?” grinned Topaz.

“Very shy. Just don’t piss her off.” warned Aeris. Topaz shook her head, and waved at the rest of the group.

“Hey, Hydro, Terra, still together? Shadow and Raven, standing together and not killing each other? My lord, what has this place come to? And Blade! Dang, that’s a big pigsticker ya got there.”

“Topaz, can you please go and tell the others of our arrival? I have news for you all.”

Topaz saluted, then turned and ran off. Aeris grinned, and pulled Serra with her.

‘Everyone, go and spread around, you can have a break. Serra, come with me, please. The soldiers don’t know about you, and I don’t want them making advances on you.”

Serra grinned slightly.

“I can take care of myself.”

Aeris regarded her suspiciously, then sighed.

“Just don’t kill the poor men. We need every man we can get.”

Serra smiled and waved, parting with the blonde Champion. Serra stretched slightly, gazing around the surroundings.

Millions upon millions of soldiers sat, eating, drinking, and chatting. Some laughed uproariously, and some joked and told stories. Serra was amazed to see that there were also female soldiers here and there, and all the soldiers bore Pokeballs upon their belts. They were also equipped with daggers, swords, and various rifles. Tents were set out among the soldiers, as were a few army-style trucks.

Serra wandered among the soldiers, feeling out of place. They were all experienced warriors, and looked tough. Serra was just about to move on when a voice spoke out from behind her.

“Ooo warnt cayk?”

“Huh?” Serra blinked and turned to look at the speaker. It was a young handsome man in army fatigues. He looked up at Serra, his brown hair flopping into his hazel eyes. The man held out a platter of what looked like cake. He spoke again from behind a mouthful of cake.

“Warnt cayk? Eeeeh? Eeee cayk?”

“For goodness’ sake, JLX how do you expect her to understand that?” snapped a young woman, also in uniform, beside JLX. The woman looked up at Serra and rolled her eyes.

“Sorry about that, lady. JLX ain’t the sharpest sword around.”

JLX swallowed the cake noisily, smacked his lips and then said delicately, “I resent that. I made the cake myself.”

Serra smiled at the odd pair and sat with them. The female held out a hand. Her chocolate-brown hair flapped in the wind.

“Name’s Sam, but you can call me Sammy. This idiot here is JLX, just JLX. This one over here is Rob,” she pointed to another young man, who waved and smiled. His black hair fell over his grayish-blue eyes.
“And this is Umbra.” she finished with a lovely woman next to Rob. The woman somehow managed to bow from her sitting position. Serra thought Umbra was quite exotic, for she had dark olive colored skin, the same as Su from Victory Island. Her cheekbones were high, and her eyes dark brown, almost black. Umbra’s hair was braided into dreadlocks and pulled back into a bun.

“Are you all soldiers?” asked Serra, amazed. Sam nodded, grinning.

“Want to see our partners? They’ve stood with us through thick and thin.”

Serra nodded, and the group of soldiers drew out their Pokeballs. Five bursts of light flared simultaneously.

“Cynda!! Cynda quil quil quil quiiiiiiiil!”
“Victra! Beeeelll beellll victreeebeeel!
“Gardeivoooor......gard eeee voor....”
“Di di di di di! To to to ditto!”

“This here Blastoise is my best friend.” Sam said proudly. The gigantic turtle roared and extended his cannons, showing off.

“That’s nothing! Check out my Pokémon!!” declared JLX.

The Cyndaquil squeaked cutely and waddled over to Serra, while the Victreebel simply gurgled desolately, waving its leaf.

“This here fierce Cyndaquil is Cheesedoodleboots, and this Victreebel is Major Pyjamas. Say hi, Major!”

The Victreebel simply bent over in a grumpy bow, yellow acid spilling over the brim of its lip. JLX yelped as the acid landed on his cake and burst into flames.

“Idiot.” grinned Rob. “Do you like my Gardevoir?” The Gardevoir bent in a graceful bow, its wispy dress billowing elegantly. Serra nodded, admiring the Psychic Pokémon.

“Pfft. Check out my darling Di!” Umbra exclaimed, holding up what appeared to be a lump of pink ooze. Two eyes blinked and opened. A long black line opened within the pink ooze, squeaking.

“What is that?” asked Serra, amazed. She’d never seen anything like it on Victory Island.

“This here fellow, my dearie, is a Ditto.” declared Umbra proudly. “They can shape shift into anything you think of. Watch this. Di, change!”

The Ditto burbled and glowed. Its form grew and rippled smoothly. When the glow faded, a Spinarak lay in Umbra’s lap. Umbra shrieked and jumped up.


The Spinarak clicked its pincers sadly, then glowed and reverted back to its original form. Umbra sighed with relief and sat down, cuddling her Ditto once again.

“At least mine look tougher.” pouted JLX.

“Shut up, JLX.” was the response from the other three. JLX shrugged and returned to poking at his smoking cake with a fork.

Serra jerked as her name was called. Sighing, she rose and smiled at her newfound friends.

“I’m sorry, but I must go.” she apologized, then turned and left. The soldiers watched her go.

“She’s a strange one, she is.” Rob said quietly.

“Did you see her eyes? They were creepy!” exclaimed Umbra. “I wonder where she’s from.”

“Mmmmf, ih...ihs hop cape...too hop!" spluttered JLX, choking on a piece of cake. Cheesedoodleboots watched him with interest, while Major Pyjamas simply gurgled. Sammy simply watched the back of the retreating Serra thoughtfully.


A majestic tent rose beyond the other tents. Its cloth was dyed a rich red, and banners flapped proudly around it, identifying it as the Headquarters of the army camp. Aeris bounced impatiently as Serra approached.

“Finally. Come on in, please! Don’t worry.” she added, seeing the look on Serra’s face. Aeris turned and brushed aside the tent flap, beckoning Serra to follow. The two of them walked into a circular room. A single table sat in the center, with armchairs set around. Topaz sat in one, and waved, smiling. Raven sat in another armchair, and so was Shadow. Blade was also there.

Aeris showed Serra to her chair, and took a chair for herself. There was only one empty chair remaining now.

Serra shifted in her armchair, gazing around the room. Maps were tacked everywhere on the walls, and a blackboard stood off to the side, various war tactics scribbled on it. A massive map of Johto was spread out upon the table.

Serra jumped as a Quilava leaped onto her lap. She was big for her species, and an unusual color. Her underbelly fur was a rich creamy white instead of yellow, and the fur on her head and back was a deep violet shade instead of black.

The Quilava stood up, hers eyes large and intelligent. She spoke in her native language, but Serra had learned all the languages of Pokémon on Victory Island, so it was no problem talking to her.

“You’re different.” stated the Quilava flatly. Her eyes sparked with interest, however.

“Yes, I suppose I am.” replied Serra, speaking in the Quilava’s language. The Quilava jerked with surprise.

“You speak our language very well. My name is Fury, and Topaz belongs to me.”

Serra smiled at the Quilava’s last comment.

“My name is Serra, and it’s nice to meet you.”

She didn’t notice Topaz and the others staring at her.

“I sense you are not what you seem. You look human....but inside...” Fury put a paw on Serra’s chest, directly on her heart.

“You are the People.”

Serra nodded. Fury’s eyes bore into Serra’s with piercing intensity.

“Do not forget your People. Andros, Pokémon, they are no different. Their insides are the same. Do not forget that.”

Serra gasped and stared at Fury, her eyes wide with surprise. But the Quilava had by that time curled up and gone to sleep on her lap, a comforting warm presence.

Serra blinked and looked up at the rest of the room, who was staring at her. She shrugged, feeling conscious of herself.

“Fury’s never done that before-talk to a complete stranger. She must have taken a liking to you..” Topaz’s voice was slightly suspicious, and she looked at Serra more carefully than before.

“Leave her alone, Topaz.” Aeris’ voice was quiet, but firm. Topaz shrugged, and snorted.

The tent flap blew open and a small, wizened old woman toddled in. She looked around, smiling cheerfully.

“Oh, dearie me. Hope I’m not late!” she squeaked her voice bright and cheerful. She leant on her cane and gazed around nearsightedly. Her eyes were bright and a gleaming blue. The woman had glossy white hair pulled back into a bun, and a pair of spectacles were perched on her nose.

“No, Auntie, you aren’t late.” smiled Topaz. She stood and introduced the old woman.

“Everyone, this is Auntie Verd. She’s my second in command.”

“Pleased t’ meet you all.” chirped Auntie Verd. She waved cheerily at the stunned room.

Aeris and the others stood and bowed, then sat down. Shadow spoke up hesitantly.

“Um...Topaz..are you sure she can handle herself? No offense...”

Auntie Verd grinned, and her eyes took on a dangerous glint.

“No offense taken, young laddie. I’m capable of holding my own in battle. Isn’t that right, my baby?” She fingered the release button of an Ultra ball hanging from her belt.

A massive hulking Machamp exploded in existence, looming over Shadow. He roared in a deep bellow, making the tent’s poles quiver. The Machamp extended all four of his bulging, muscle-bound arms and cracked his knuckles threateningly at Shadow. Shadow’s eyes were bulging in their sockets.

“Uh...hi. Nice day, isn’t it?” he stammered, looking up at the brawny Fighter.

The Machamp grunted with amusement , and disappeared into his Pokéball. Auntie Verd creakily walked over to the remaining armchair and plopped herself into it, laying her cane across her lap.

Topaz swung the tent flap shut, and turned to the blackboard. She dragged the massive board across to the table, and grabbed the Johto map. Turning, she clipped the map to the board, then stood back. Everyone sat up, becoming attentive as Topaz started speaking.

“Okay, people. I will show you our current situation.”

Topaz took a red marker from the table and started drawing on the map. She drew a vertical red line from Ecruteak, down through the Park, through Goldenrod, Azalea, and then Violet.

“That’s our army mobilization. We will be holding that line.”

“Now, our scouts report that the Andros are stationed here, here, and here.”

As she spoke, she took a blue marker and drew a line from Mount Silver, through New Bark and then Cherrygrove.

The map now had two lines through it, showing each side’s territory.

“That’s about all we know. Aeris?”

Aeris nodded and stood, moving to the board while Topaz took her seat.

“We’ve deducted that the invasion may start as soon as tomorrow. All we know is that someone, or something, called WS will be leading the invasion. Does anyone have any idea what WS could mean?”

Everyone shook their heads. Aeris nodded and turned to Blade.

“Blade, you’re an expert at war tactics. You’re up.”

Blade nodded and stood. Striding forward to the board, he took up another marker, this time green. As Aeris sat, he started speaking, drawing as he did so.

“From experience, I’ve seen that Andros tend to do mindless offensive without much strategy. When they charge at our line, what we do is,”
he quickly drew two red curved lines around the blue line, “try to trap them in a pincer movement. I like to call this the Pinsir’s Guillotine.”

When he was done, a massive red line curved out around the blue line. Blade pointed out certain areas on the map.

“We can set up hidden soldiers, and ambush the Andros, too. We’ll take them by surprise.”

The room erupted in applause, and Blade bowed, grinning.

“Serra, we’d like to hear your input.” Aeris beckoned to the girl. Serra stiffened, her eyes widening. Her voice came out in a squeak.

“M-m-me? But I’m not an expert like you or Blade?”

“You’re the Goddess, for crying out loud. You control every single Pokémon in Johto.”

Serra blushed and stood up, pushing Fury gently off her lap. Fury snuffled sleepily, curling up in the warm spot left by Serra on the armchair.

Serra nervously stepped up to the board.

“Uh...ahem. I, um, I could ask the wild Pokémon around to help us. And I can try doing as much as I can to protect all the Pokémon. But the Pokémon are all I care about, understood?”

Aeris nodded. Topaz, however, was displeased.

“What do you mean, you’ll ask the Pokémon? I don’t care of you can talk to Pokémon. You must fight, too!”

“I never said I would not fight. Are you calling me a coward?” Serra’s voice was dangerously quiet. Aeris groaned slightly as the room slowly became colder as usual.

“Serra, Topaz, don’t-” Aeris was cut off by Topaz.

“All I’m saying is, I don’t see anything special about you. What can you do in battle?”

Aeris covered her face and groaned. Blade turned ash white, and Raven looked down silently. That was just about the WORST thing you could ever say to Serra.

“This is not good.” whispered Shadow to Raven.

The room’s temperature suddenly plummeted to absolute zero, and Topaz looked around in surprise.

Serra’s eyes started to glow very faintly. The single light bulb hanging from the ceiling popped and went dark. The papers on the walls started flapping about wildly in an unseen gale.

Aeris leapt up and pushed Serra and Topaz outside.

“If you must fight, do it outside!! Not in here!!” she yelled, running outside. Raven and Blade followed, while Shadow stayed behind to help Auntie Verd out of her chair.

“Hoi, laddie, I can do it!” she chuckled, and leaped up smartly, scurrying outside followed by an astonished Shadow and a sleepy Fury. By this time, all the soldiers had turned to watch the battle between the General and the newcomer.

“Prove your battling prowess against me, and I’ll apologize.” said Topaz, bowing to Serra as she shed her cloak, revealing a battling jumpsuit.

Serra bowed back, and the two women stepped back one pace.

All the soldiers whispered among themselves, making bets. The support was heavily for the General. None of the soldiers had seen Serra in action.

Sammy was the only one who bet on Serra, so everyone bet with her. They declared Sammy as “off her rocker” but Sammy simply smiled. She sensed that Serra was not what she seemed to be, and her sixth sense had never failed her.

A huge roar rose as the battle started. Hydro and the others were watching, mingled with the ranks.

Topaz flipped backwards, coming down in a crouch. She stretched out her arms, expertly balling her fists.

Serra bowed her head. Her Mark glowed, blazing like a miniature sun. Serra’s body was jerked upwards, like a living marionette, and her clothes glowed. They warped and rippled, forming into the Armor. The spectators gasped in surprise.

Serra landed on the ground on all fours. Her back writhed, and loud ripping sounds were heard as wings erupted from her back. They were like a dragon’s wings, but without the flaps of skin. Each bony section was gleaming black, and ripped tatters of purple flesh were strung between the wing-bones.

Dark Wings.

All the soldiers gasped, some screaming with fear. The noise level rose to a crescendo. Topaz narrowed her eyes, judging this new foe. With a war yell, she charged forwards.

Serra’s wings spread out from her back, unfolding in a rapid blur. They were massive and forbiddingly sharp at the tips. Her eyes had taken on a blood red tint.

The wings hummed as they flapped into a blur of motion and Serra leapt up as Topaz ran. Serra flipped at the peak of her leap, whirling around. Her foot came crashing down on Topaz’s back. With a yelp, Topaz collapsed.

The crowd became deadly quiet. From the spectators, Raven’s voice rose, yelling.

“Serra, take it easy! Topaz doesn’t have armor like an Andros!!”

Serra jerked, feeling as if she’d been drenched in ice cold water. Her eyes lost their red hue. Her wings faded and she drifted down to earth, her armor glowing and reverting back to her skirt and jacket.

“Do you trust me now, Topaz?” she asked quietly. Topaz winced and rubbed her spine. Her eyes blazed, and she tossed her hair back.

“I’m impressed. Looks like Serra will be kicking Andros ***** in the war.”

She grinned and bowed to Serra. Serra smiled and bowed back. The spectators erupted in applause, roaring their approval.

Sammy grinned hugely as grumbling soldiers slapped wads of cash in her awaiting hands. A lone voice piped up from behind her.

“Hoo warnt cayk? Warnt cayk?”

“Shut up, JLX!” was the answering yell from the soldiers.


That night, the moon was blocked by forbidding clouds. The entire hill of Goldenrod’s army camp was lit by a mulitude of flickering campfires. They were dotted all over, seeming to reflect the stars in the darkness above.

Serra and her friends had their own campfire, shared by Sammy, JLX, Rob, Umbra, Topaz and Auntie Verd.

Serra drank slowly from her jug of tea, watching everyone quietly. The crackling, popping flames were reflected in the icy blue depths of her eyes. JLX and Sammy continued to heatedly debate which were worse, sesame seeds or tofu. Rob had challenged Umbra to a game of Blackjack, and the two sat, absorbed in their cards. Raven was sleeping, her head leaning on Shadow’s shoulder. Unbeknownst to Serra, Blade was watching her.

“I wish I could tell her I care about her.” he thought, dreamily sipping his tea. Blade jumped when Aeris snapped her fingers in front of his face.

“Hello? I asked you a question!”

“Sorry, Aeris.” mumbled Blade, growing red.

“I said, do you think Hydro should get engaged with Terra?”

Hydro, who had been sitting next to Aeris, overheard. He choked and spat out his mouthful of tea. Terra, sitting next to him, gasped and pounded on Hydro’s back, making him choke and splutter even more. Tora stifled her laughter by taking a large gulp of her own tea.

Quiet voices spoke and laughed in the night, while smoke from the array of campfires smoldered to embers.


In the starkness of the night, a Sentret stood delicately on its tail, surveying its surroundings. Its ears pricked up, listening for danger. Its nose twitched, sensing something unpleasant. It smelt the unmistakable odor of death and metal.

The Sentret stiffened and jumped down its burrow, quivering in terror.

A massive metal claw slammed into the earth, the sharp points digging into the dirt. It jerked up, moving forwards in a smooth motion, and thudded once more into the earth a few feet away.

Dark shapes moved silently in the night, bringing with them the stench of terror and death.


Serra awoke with a start. She rolled over, and sat up. Serra occupied a single, small tent with Aeris, Terra, Raven and Tora, so it was rather crowded. They all slept in low-slung metal frame beds that were collapsible.

Serra blinked sleepily and gazed at a half-full glass of water on a small bedside table to her left. Suddenly, she wrinkled her brow and looked closer at the surface of the water.

After three seconds, the surface of the water suddenly trembled, then went still. Serra’s eyes widened.

Three seconds ticked by...

The surface trembled, then went still.

Serra’s heart began beating more rapidly.

Three seconds...


Another three seconds...


“Oh, my lord.” Her voice was barely audible.

At the exact same time, a faint voice rang outside.

“Battle stations! Battle stations! To your battle stations! We have an Andros horde heading towards us!”

A trumpet sounded, and Aeris bolted upright.

“What’s going on?” she asked sleepily, yawning.

“Get ready for war! The Andros are advancing!” another voice rapped out. They then heard Topaz’s answering bellow.


Aeris swore and grabbed her bows. She and Serra bolted to the door and sprinted outside.

The dawn rose, washing the sky in a pale pinkish hue ringed by fresh cerulean blue. Serra shielded her eyes and looked to the east, towards the area of the Ruins. It was fairly foggy. The fog lay low to the ground, slowly evaporating as the sun’s rays cut through them.

Out of the mist, nightmarish silhouettes appeared. Every three seconds, the ground thudded steadily as the Andros advanced.

The silhouettes were low-slung and four legged, almost spider like in shape. Each leg was broad and seemingly driven out of stone. They widened as they went, ending in three claws. Sinister red eyes shone from behind X-shaped face masks.

Andros Metagross.

Behind the Metagross, more low-slung beasts followed. They were far smaller and scuttled forwards in rapid bursts of speed. Gleaming pincers clicked ominously. Behind them, armor-clad titans moved slowly but steadily. Their massive indo-skulls gleamed in the morning haze, a symbol of death.

“Gee, let me see: Metagross, Ariados and Aggrons. What else could possibly be left?” mocked Raven, coming up from behind Aeris.

Screeching shapes swooped from the sky, their harsh cries ringing out in the stifled atmosphere.

“Skarmory. I’m also seeing Aerodactyls, Sceptiles, Kabutops, Armaldos and-oh crap. Smoochums. Damned little buggers.” groaned Blade, walking to stand beside Raven.

“What on earth could a Smoochum possibly do?” asked Serra. Aeris grinned wickedly.

“Well, first they give you a little kiss. That spreads paralyzing poison through your nerve system. Then they spread their rubbery little lips over your face and proceed to chew it off. Only you don’t feel a thing. Poison numbs you totally. They usually leave the eyes for last, so you can watch yourself getting eaten alive.”

“Aeris!! Urgh...that’s disgusting!!” squealed Raven.

“It’s true, it is!” insisted Aeris, grinning widely. Raven rolled her eyes. Tora cut in.

“I’d like to have Giarda help us fight, but how will our people recognize her as a friend?”

Topaz walked up to them.

“I’ve gotten care of that. Here-put this on her.” She handed Tora a long Johto’s First pennant. “Our people’ll see it and know.”

Tora bowed in thanks and trudged off. Terra ran up to them, panting.

“Where’ve you been?” asked Shadow.

<I had to run over to Goldenrod City’s Pokémon Center for the PC. I asked Su to give me Nightfire. And Raven-I brought you your Rapidash.>

Raven smiled gratefully as she took the proffered Pokéball. She activated it, and a massive war stallion sprang out, neighing a ringing cry. The Rapidash glanced at the advancing hordes and scuffed a hoof, clearly unimpressed.

“Hello, Peachblossom. Ready for a good fight?” asked Raven as she mounted the fire horse. Peachblossom reared, his diamond like hooves slashing through the air.

Aeris threw out her two Pokeballs, and Skyfang shrieked a war cry as he glared at the horde. Fury stomped in delight, raring for a good fight.

Terra took out her newest ball and another from her belt, releasing them. Juggernaut appeared, whirling his metal rods with a grinding whine.

A coal black Charizard also erupted in a flash of light, and Serra gasped in awe. The Charizard was jet black, including its belly and wings. The only thing that wasn’t black was the blazing red and yellow flame at its tail’s tip.

Terra and Aeris dug out leather harnesses from their packs, setting them upon their respectable dragons. When they had finished, the two girls climbed onto their dragons, strapping themselves in securely. Aeris adjusted her quiver and bow, making sure they were in reach.

“Why do they need harnesses?” asked Serra, puzzled.

“In aerial battle, there’s going to be a lot of dog fighting. Barrel rolls, loops, and sharp turns. They need to stay on securely.” Raven answered.

“I see...” said Serra, a slightly worried tone in her voice.

“Don’t worry, Aeris and Terra are pros at aerial warfare.” reassured Raven.

Serra nodded, gazing around. The entire army had gathered in a line along the hilltop ridge. Their banners whipped proudly in the wind, and Serra felt emotion rise. She silently prayed for all her friends, and her friends in the army. Terra and Aeris’ mounts took off, flapping proudly into the air. They circled overhead, openly taunting the Andros horde.

As Serra watched, Giarda shot up to join them, the Johto banner arcing out from between her wings. Tora had tied one end to her neck and then another to her tail so it wouldn’t wrap around her wings and trap her.

Topaz stepped up to join Serra, Shadow, Blade, and Raven. She squinted out at the horde. Auntie Verd walked up next to Serra, and cackled as she cast an eye over the nightmarish army.

“Ach, this’ll be fun!! Cheerio, my loves!” She waved gaily to the horde, drawing laughter from the army ranks.

Topaz raised her right hand, and the army suddenly quieted.

“Today. we do not battle for glory or territorial gain. No. Today...we battle for our right to survival. We defy Team Rocket and their scheming minions. Hear that, Andros metal brains? We don’t give a Rattata’s crap about your grandiose plans!”

The Johto army roared their approval, clanging their armor and waving their banners.

Serra stepped forwards, her Mark blazing. The Goddess Armor encloaked her, and her back rippled. Pure Steel wings shot out, sections sliding together to form shell-like curved metal. Blades popped out the edges, gleaming in the sunlight.

Serra flapped her wings and rose high into the air. Her hair billowed out, whipping in the wing. She looked like a glorious angel of war, a sight that was both terrifying and wondrous to behold in itself.

“Soldiers of Johto, do not disappoint me. CHARGE!” Aeris’ voice rang out like rolling thunder.

With a howl, Johto’s First charged.

They thundered down the hilltops, Topaz and Raven leading the frontal ranks.

Serra shot through the air, spreading her wings. A swarm of Andros Skarmory descended upon her, all slashing wings and talons and blazing steel. Serra screamed in agony as their wingtips sliced through her stomach.

“Heat Wave!!”

A blast of intense shimmering heat roared out from her form, slamming into the metal hawks. They shrilled in agony as their steel wings melted in a flash, rivulets of metal dripping down their bodies.

Wings all but gone, the doomed Andros spiraled down to earth. Serra did not watch them land. Instead, she wheeled about, facing a trio of Andros Pidgeot. They were smarter than her previous opponents, and circled at a safe distance.

Serra flapped her wings, maintaining a steady hover. She crossed her arms and concentrated.


Glowing white shurikens materialized behind her and spun out to meet their targets. The Pidgeot swooped and banked, trying to lose the energy blades.

But Swift never misses.


The head of a Pidgeot fell to earth, trailing dark blood. It was soon followed by its body.

Serra ignored them, already diving at yet another target. She fought like a machine, never faltering in dealing out death.


Peachblossom leapt and landed on two Ariados, their metallic heads exploding under his hooves like overripe melons. Raven’s eyes blazed, and an invisible shockwave erupted from her, flinging Andros into the air.


An Andros Hoppip, of all things, had leapt from nowhere and latched to her face. Raven’s yells were muffled, and she thrashed about wildly. An arrow hissed from the sky, driving with such force that when it hit the Hoppip, it simply kept going, taking its target with it.

“Thanks, Aeris!!” yelled Raven, spurring her mount forward.

The noise of battle was deafening. Andros roared in metallic screeches, soldiers yelled, and the screams of the dying all rang out in a blur of sound.

Blade slashed his sword, and heads flew. He whirled and stabbed a Grumpig in the stomach, then whipping it upwards in a vertical slash, neatly slicing the Grumpig in half. A gargantuan Andros Golem lumbered towards him, bellowing.

Blade ran around the massive armored titan and clambered up the side, stumbling precariously on the plated armor. He yelled and drove his sword down into the base of the Golem’s skull.

The Golem did not appear to notice. Swearing, Blade leapt down, slashing at the creature’s eyes.

That, the Golem noticed. And took offense to. Greatly.

Blade grunted as the Golem slammed into him, thrashing wildly in its blinded state.

He spun and pushed the Golem, hard. It screamed as it was thrown off balance, crashing down on its side. The ground shook violently at the impact.

Hydro punched and kicked like a machine, locked in battle against a Medicham. Each was equally matched in speed, strength, and cunning.

Hydro threw a underhand right hook, but the Medicham swiftly blocked it and flipped, kicking Hydro in the chin. Hydro’s jaw swiftly snapped up, clashing painfully with his upper jaw. He blinked and flipped backwards, swiftly dodging a savage left hook.

Fighting a Medicham was next to impossible. They were part Psychic and sensed your moves even before you knew you were going to do it.

This battle was going nowhere. Hydro became angry and pulled off a flurry of kicks and punches. The Medicham blocked each and every one with deadly efficiency.


A sword flashed, and the Medicham’s head flew off. The body stayed upright for a heartbeat, then swiftly collapsed.

JLX whooped manically, waving his sword gleefully. An Andros Spoink bounced down onto his head, locking onto him with its tail. JLX yelled and ran about wildly, trying to dislodge the squeaking pig.

Hydro ran and leaped, kicking the Spoink off in a spectacular high-flying kick. JLX grinned.

“Thanks, man!”

Hydro nodded, and turned to face a hulking Hitmonlee coming up from behind him.


Aeris and Terra’s mounts swooped and rolled dizzyingly, for they were locked in battle against two Fearow. Aeris leaned forward, flattening herself so Skyfang could move with more speed. A gust of Razor Winds spun past Aeris’ ear and she winced. That had been a bit too close for comfort!

Terra drew both her guns. She pushed up from her harness, almost standing.

<Nightfire, let’s give them the Hundreds of Flowers Blooming in Profusion!!>

The Charizard roared in agreement, banking and tilting to the right.

<You know what to do, my friend.>

Nightfire nodded and lunged forwards at both the Fearows. He opened his mouth, and a roaring gush of fire gushed out in a spiral helix pattern.

The blazing helix shot towards the two metallic Andros. They screeched in panic, blinded by the noise and light. Out of the roaring flames, Terra and Nightfire shot out, Terra’s guns blazing.


The gunshots rang out harshly, punching through the Andros’ armor and ripping up their insides. The Fearows jerked limply as a fine red spray misted out of the holes in their armored carapaces.

Aeris whooped gleefully as the pair of Fearow fell to earth, their bodies shredded by bullets. The bodies vanished amid the slashing, writhing melee of the war beneath.


Serra gasped and wheezed, her breath coming out in sobs. All over her armor, there were slashes, and blood dripped from her wounds. Serra fought back tears, tolerating the extreme pain.

She flapped woodenly in the air, hanging on the best she could. Serra had been battling too many Andros to count, and had lost track of time. The sun was now high in the air. Noon. They’d been fighting for six hours!

A multitude of dead Andros and humans lay upon the ground, their bodies scoured by the blazing sun. But there were millions more Andros fighting. They seemed to be endless. Would this war ever end?


Giarda’s roar came out in a metallic screech and she shot through the air. Her target-a trio of Andros Blastoise attacking three terrified soldiers.

Sammy backed away, flanked by Umbra and Rob as the three menacing turtle Pokémon advanced upon them. A deep rumble issued from within their throats. Sammy fumbled with her rifle, her hands quivering as she aimed it.

The leader of the Blastoise roared and leapt at her. Sammy cried out and dropped her rifle, steeling herself for a painful death.


Sammy opened her eyes in shock. An Andros Charizard wrestled with the Blastoise, her claws gripping the other Andros’ claws. Their roars echoed, rising to join the cacophony of war.

“Am I dreaming, or did that Andros just save us?” asked Rob, his eyes wide with shock.

“Look!! She’s got a Johto’s First banner!!” yelled Umbra, pointing at Giarda. Sure enough, the familiar banner was there, flapping in the wind. Despite being ripped and bloodstained, it still was easily recognizable.

“LOOK OUT!” yelled a voice from behind them. The trio of soldiers whirled just in time to see the bodies of the two other Blastoise thud to their knees, then collapse. Their heads skittered and rolled across the ground, like nightmarish bowling balls.

Auntie Verd panted slightly, wiping her sword on the bloodstained grass.

“Those two tried to sneak up behind you. Shame on them!” she explained to the goggling trio of soldiers. From behind them, a loud roar echoed and the third Blastoise went flying. Giarda streaked after him, attacking him mercilessly until his eye sensors had flickered and gone out for the final time.


Serra brushed hair from her eyes, blinking blearily. A dark winged shape rose out of the battling masses and flapped steadily towards her.

What was it? It was shaped rather lopsidedly...she thought.


“Plus plus plus Plusle!!”


A Skarmory, bearing a Plusle and a Minun. Heading towards her.

The Andros Skarmory flew directly up and dropped the two electric rodents. Like a dream, Serra watched the pair fall....towards her.

Like kamikaze pilots, she thought with faint, bemused amusement.

The two Andros landed on her and latched instantly. Serra screamed and twisted in the air, trying to throw them off. The Plusle and the Minun grinned evilly, their twin red eyes glowing wickedly.

Serra’s eyes widened as she realized what they were doing. She was weak to electricity.....

And when a Plusle and Minun are together, their power increases to insanely high levels.

Serra screamed as a million volts of electricity crackled through her body, searing her neural system. Every nerve felt like it was on fire, and he agony was extreme. Serra’s vision went white with pain, and tears ran down her cheeks.

It was over quickly, brutally. The two electric Andros leapt off her and onto the Andros Skarmory waiting below.

Serra’s wings hummed and faded, as did her armor. She was dead to the world around her.

And she fell to earth.

The sun now hung low in the sky. Clouds had moved in, prematurely darkening the sky. They hung there, dark smudges of despair upon the sky. The sun’s rays shone through them, turning their outlines to blazing gold.

Serra’s body thudded limply against the blood-slicked grass, oblivious to the shrieking battles being waged all around her. Her eyes were closed, giving her the appearance of peaceful slumber. The tears upon her cheeks dried, and a crimson spray of blood spattered across her cheek as an Andros Zangoose fell next to her, gored by a soldier’s sword.


It was evening. The first wave of Andros had retreated to nurse their wounds behind the hills. They had lost a little over half of their numbers, but even so, they still outnumbered Johto’s First.

The soldiers trudged through the battlefield, dragging away the corpses of their fellow warriors. The dead Andros were piled up in a huge mound out of the way, clearing the field for the imminent second wave.

Aeris walked around, her eyes bloodshot but alight with spirit. Her clothes were a bloody mess and she needed a bath, but she didn’t care. She frowned in confusion amid the bodies. All her friends were alive and accounted for, but where was Serra? Aeris didn’t think she could have fallen. Surely someone would have seen her...?

“Lady Aeris! Lady Aeris! There’s something I think you should see.” A soldier beckoned to Aeris from a few feet away, kneeling next to a pile of corpses.

Aeris turned towards the call, and trotted toward the soldier, kneeling next to him. A large dead Zangoose lay before them, and the soldier rolled it aside. Aeris gasped and her hands flew to her mouth.


The girl lay on the grass, her face serene. Blood was smeared all over her face and neck.

Aeris stifled a sob, trying not to show her grief.

“I-is..is she dead?” she asked the solider. The solider drew his dagger and held it next to Serra’s mouth. After a heart’s beat, a faint, warm mist collected along the blade.

“By the Resurrector, she lives!”


Chapter 20

Okay, as promised, Here's ? Chapter 20, only because there was a delay in me posting Chapter 19, which you can find directly above this post. There were I know of at least 2 chapters that had to be broken down into 2 posts, and I think this is one of them. So y'all probably have 3 posts to read. I'm not sure.

Chapter 20: Friends, Foes, and Allies
By: By Spectreon & Razor (aka AzureFlygon)

Gatene said:
The Goddess returns to power from a little shock therapy and Hydro's shock, all within a tent. War wages warily again, but this time, more allies join the number of Johto's First. The battle begins with a fissure of rebellion, and continues with death on both sides. The battle's end is nigh, but the war is far from over. WS is founded.

The Army medical tent was busy and full of the wounded. It was a massive tent, filled with rows upon rows of beds. Nurses sent from Goldenrod City rushed about tending to wounded humans and Pokémon alike. Golden light shone from the windows of the tent, a contrast to the dark, forbidding sky outside.

In one bed, Shadow lay shivering. He’d been hit full on by a Dewgong’s Ice beam, and had to thaw out. Shadow’s teeth chattered quietly, and his skin was coated by a fine layer of ice-dust. Hot water bottles had been piled around him to keep his blood flowing. Raven sat in a chair next to him, holding his hand. She said nothing and her face was blank, but everyone knew she was worried.

Blade, Terra, and Tora had come out of battle relatively unhurt except for minor bruises, slashes and scrapes. Hydro was covered in bruises, and a nasty black-blue splotch throbbed on his jaw from the Hitmonlee’s foot.

In another bed, Umbra sat, cuddling her Ditto. She had suffered a nasty blow to the leg from a Sceptile’s blade, and was receiving treatment for it. She would be up and battling the next day, though. Rob, JLX and Sammy sat next to her, all chatting and joking. Sammy’s Blastoise slept on the floor next to her, withdrawn in its shell completely.

In a table near the entrance, Auntie Verd talked animatedly with Topaz and Blade, discussing tactics. The atmosphere was almost cheerful, for Johto’s First had suffered relatively few losses, and there were few mortal wounds.

The tent flaps banged open, and Aeris ran in. She bore a limp Serra in her arms. The room quieted as everyone turned to look at the Champion. In her arms, Serra looked like a fragile doll, her limbs dangling and her body pulled up together.

Blade stood up, feeling as if the bottom of his stomach had fallen out. Serra was hurt, maybe even...dead. He became numb with the shock, and stumbled towards Aeris like a zombie.

“Is...Is she....” Blade couldn’t finish the sentence, he was trembling so badly.

Aeris’ expression was one of anguish.

“Alive, but barely. She needs treatment, right now!”

She pushed past Blade, and ignored Terra and Hydro as they approached her, their faces questioning. Serra’s head flopped about limply, her glossy hair matted and streaked with blood. The blood stood out harshly upon her pale face.

Aeris reached the nearest empty bed and hastily laid Serra along it, facedown. She flipped Serra over on her back and hurriedly ripped off her jacket, revealing a very dirty and matted T-shirt. Gently, Aeris laid a palm on her cold neck. Her pulse was very faint, and faltering.

“What on earth happened to her?” asked Topaz, coming up beside Aeris.

“Electrical shock, I think. I need to take off her shirt, and could someone get me a set of defibrillators and a curtain? I doubt Serra uses a bra, and she wouldn’t be thrilled to wake up half naked with everyone staring at her.”

If she ever wakes up, that is. Aeris thought privately.

Topaz nodded and turned, calling to a nurse. The response was quick and efficient. A round-cheeked nurse scurried to them, rolling a metal contraption from which curtains hung. The curtain was set up around Serra’s bed instantly. Another nurse handed Aeris a pair of defibrillators.

“Since when did you learn to use one of those?” asked Topaz wonderingly.

“I didn’t.” answered Aeris sheepishly. “But you do NOT want Serra to wake up half naked with a stranger. Trust me. She would panic and make the tent explode.”

Topaz chuckled slightly, and then became serious once more.

“Just don’t kill her by accident. Good luck.”

Aeris smiled and nodded. Topaz turned and left, her cloak swishing behind her.

Aeris sighed, and brushed aside the curtain, entering the space of Serra’s bed, and nervously examined the defibrillators. It was a sort of medical device that you pressed on the patient’s chest and sent electrical pulses through to jump-start their hearts. Right now, Serra’s heart was dangerously close to fizzling out.

With a silent apology to the unconscious girl, Aeris tugged off her shirt. She had been right, Serra didn’t wear a bra. But of course that ******* of a bartender wouldn’t have provided her with them. Aeris felt a spark of anger towards him, then remembered he was long dead. Like she cared.

“Ooooo-kaay, Aeris, do not screw this up. You can do this.” Aeris whispered to herself, gently placing the defibrillators across Serra’s bare chest.

“And....SWITCH ON!”

Aeris pressed the activation button. But nothing happened. Bemused, Aeris blinked at the defibrillators. What had she done wrong?

Then it hit her.

“Holy ****, I forgot to plug it in!” she swore. Grumbling, Aeris grabbed the plug and pushed it into a nearby portable outlet.

“Alrightyyyy....switch on, again!”

The devices whirred and hummed to life. Serra’s chest jerked and went into spasms as electrical currents coursed through them.

Aeris pulled off the devices, gripping each pad with its corresponding hand.

“Think, Aeris, think! Do it like they do it in the movies!”

She plunged the devices down again, pressing them on Serra’s chest for five-second intervals, then yanking them back up again, then plunging them down. Each time, Serra jerked and twitched like a Magikarp out of water as the electricity spasmed through her.

After five minutes of this and no noticeable responses from Serra, Aeris became worried.

“Come ON, Serra, dammit! You can’t die on me like this!” yelled the irate blonde Champion, pounding on Serra’s bare chest.

Serra jerked and gagged, bolting upright and spewing a spray of blood into Aeris’ face. The unlucky savior dropped her defibrillators in shock.

“Meh......that wasn’t quite what I was expecting in terms of gratitude.” coughed Aeris, wiping blood from her lips and eyes. “Erlack.”

Serra continued to choke and gag, her small frame spasming violently. With each harsh, racking cough, a fine spray of blood puffed out from her dry mouth.

After a while, Serra’s coughs subsided, and she bent over, moaning. Blood thinly dripped from the corner of her lips, the crimson drops quivering slightly. A blood bubble slowly formed at the corner of her lip and burst.

Aeris grabbed a towel from the bedside table and wiped Serra’s face off. The girl arched her spine and shuddered, a slight gurgling issuing from her throat. Serra jerked her head forward and spat another fine spray of blood. Mercifully, it missed Aeris and splashed against the curtains, slowly dripping down the folds.

“Oh, geez, Serra, are you okay? Damn, did I screw that one up good? I’m sorry!” Aeris apologized profusely while wiping the blood off Serra’s face and chest.

Serra shook her head, wheezing. When she was able to speak, her voice was raspy to the point of being painful.

“It’s....o...kay. Thank you. What’s happening? Did our side win?”

Aeris tossed aside the once-white towel and sat down gently on the bed, facing Serra. She tossed her hair, choosing her words carefully.

“We’re at a standoff, and Auntie Verd says that was just a minor skirmish. She says the real fight will start tomorrow.”

Serra rolled her eyes. “Oh, joy. Find out what WS is yet?”

Aeris shook her head, and Serra sighed.

“Hey, Serra, why didn’t the bartender give you bras? You’re lucky the nurses had curtains available.”

“What was the point of having bras if my customers wanted to have fun with me?” asked Serra quietly. Aeris winced.

“Sorry. I wasn’t thinking. It’s a good thing your chest is small. No one noticed much. However, one of these days I am fully dragging you to a store and buying you proper clothing!!”

Serra laughed, and Aeris joined in. The curtain crinkled and was pulled open. Hydro stuck his head in, glancing around curiously.

“Hey, I heard laughing. Is Serra all right? I....um, um....er....” His voice faltered and trailed off, and his eyes bulged as he saw Serra.

Terra and Blade looked up curiously as a girl’s scream echoed loudly around the tent. Hydro ran from the curtain yelling, the seat of his pants on fire. The yellowish-orange flames crackled merrily, mirroring the golden lighting of the medical tent.

“She must be awake now.” grinned Blade. Terra laughed uproariously as Hydro jumped into the water trough outside, extinguishing the flames in a billow of steam.



No one got much sleep that night. Everyone was busy steeling themselves, putting on armor, readying their weapons. They would be prepared this time!

Shadow had notably recovered, and, ignoring Raven’s protests, went outside, sharpening his katana. He and Blade sat, discussing parrying techniques while scraping obsidian shards across their blades. Tora was tending to Giarda, oiling her joints and scrubbing her armor until it gleamed. The girl also filed Giarda’s metal claws and wingtips to wicked points. Giarda would truly be a terror on the battlefield!

Aeris and Terra were also tending to their Pokémon. They strapped on armor specially made for Nightfire and Skyfang. Aeris grinned as she slid a fearsome skull-like helmet over Skyfang’s head.

“You look like a real warrior now! Your mother’d be fair proud of you.” praised Aeris as she worked. Skyfang turned his head, snuffling affectionately in her ear.

Terra praised Nightfire also in her language. The large male Charizard roared defiance at the hills where the Andros laid in wait. He flapped his wings, strutting for all he was worth.

A few feet away, Raven had just finished putting armor on Peachblossom. He was adorned in the colors of Raven’s family-black and dark purple diamonds with lavender trim. A long, wickedly sharp metal horn had been affixed to Peachblossom’s actual horn, increasing its length by a foot.

Hydro was busy, too. He slid specially designed fingerless gloves over his hands. They were capped with spikes on the knuckles, so he could do massive damage with his punches. He jumped around, mock sparring with a Blaziken to get limber and warmed up.

The moon shone bright in the night sky, seeming to be a forbidding omen of the carnage that would come the following day. Tomorrow....would be a day to decide the fate of Johto.



Serra lay in her bed in the medical tent, staring up at the ceiling. A thick coil of fear knotted in her stomach. She was nervous, badly so.

Can we really do this? Can we win? Thoughts raced around in her mind. Serra sighed and rolled over, ignoring her aching chest. She had put on her shirt and jacket again after the mishap with Hydro.

Serra started sobbing quietly as she imagined all her friends dying around her. They were all she had! Where would she go if they were killed?

Serra started crying, unable to stop herself. She pulled the blankets over her head, not wanting the others to hear, and know her weakness. But she was too late.

“Hey, Serra! What’s the matter? Are you okay?” Raven walked into the tent, a concerned expression on her face.

A howling wind whipped up, and Raven shielded her eyes, pushed backwards by the sheer force of the outburst. Her cloak billowed out, flapping wildly.

Raven sighed and turned around, quietly exiting the tent. It was no use talking to Serra right now. Through the tent flap, Serra saw the sun rising. Daybreak. She had to get up.

Wiping away her tears, Serra swung her legs across the bed’s edge and heaved a shuddering sigh. Her Mark slowly took on a faint glow, and her clothes glowed, matching her mark.

When she was done, her Armor gleamed in the dim tent. Serra stood up, walking to the flap and casting it aside.

The light hit her suddenly, transforming a timid, haunted girl into a glorious war deity in a blaze of sunshine, her armor reflecting the light.

The icy blue sea of her eyes reflected the golden light of the sun, seeming to absorb and retain the light’s very essence, capturing the sun into her eyes.

Johto’s First had already made Blade’s formation. A line spread out, curving all around the hills, making a semicircle around the Andros. Apparently Topaz and Blade had been busy during the night.

Serra spotted her friends a distance away, and strode out to meet them. Aeris turned and waved, greeting her.

“Glad to see you’re up and walking. Listen, this is important. The Guillotine has been formed, and Blade’s set up small groups behind the Andros. He snuck them over! Hydro and Shadow are in the main ambush group, too. It’s a miracle the Andros didn’t catch them. When the second wave charges, we’ll trap them and take them by surprise! The ****ers won’t know what hit them!!”

Serra smiled at Aeris’ energetic briefing.

“Serra, what are your plans?” This was Topaz.

“I’ll be summoning the wild Pokémon. I also have an idea. When the fighting starts, have everyone hang back. I have a little surprise in store for them.”

Topaz nodded and strode off, bellowing orders to the ranks. Serra turned away, towards the woods surrounding the hills. She took a deep breath, and closed her eyes, concentrating deeply.

Her mind spread out, enveloping the land. Now she was open to all the Pokémon in the area. She touched each of their minds gently, greeting them. They responded to her call, clamoring to know what was happening. She explained to them the war. There would be killing, and death. But there was the promise of victory. Would they fight? Would they rise up with the humans for their right to Johto?

The response was a unanimous yes. The Pokémon then roared in defiance of the Andros. Pidgey screeched and Sentret chattered angrily. Rattatas gnashed their fangs and Hoothoots crowed loudly. Even far-off Houndour packs answered, their voices howling eerily. Bird Pokémon flapped from the trees, swirling in dark clouds. Their harsh cries pealed throughout the land, and Johto answered to the Goddess’ plea for help.

Serra gasped, and opened her eyes, her mind retreating back to the confines of her body. All around her, people screamed and pointed at the trees in the east. A swarm of flying Pokémon gushed from the treetops, shooting through the air. From between the tree trunks, dark shapes moved. Stantler and Girafarig leapt out, braying their defiance. Wild Miltank, Tauros, Farfetch’d and Graveler joined their ranks, followed by buzzing Ledians and Yanma.

A mighty roar echoed out, and gigantic Gyarados rose from the sea to the west of Goldenrod City. They heaved themselves out of the briny waters, brine coursing down their scales and flicking from their fins. Their powerful jaws opened, revealing gleaming ivory fangs. Kinglers scuttled alongside them, brandishing their bone crushing pincers. Staryus and Starmies drifted silently alongside them. Serra even spotted several Mantines and Octillerys among the Gyarados.

To the north, where the National Park lay, Pinsirs, Beedrills, Scythers, Butterfrees and Venomoths spilled out the grass, buzzing angrily. Nidokings and Nidoqueens stomped out, followed by hissing Raticates and squeaking Vileplumes. A number of Persians slinked among them, whipping their tails pridefully. A swarm of Scizors buzzed above in a V formation. Barking Growlithes and trilling Vulpix trotted out, fleshing out the hordes.

“My god. They’re all going to fight?” Aeris whispered quietly to Serra. “Don’t they know the danger?”

Serra nodded.

“It is their choice, and theirs alone. They wish to die fighting for what is rightfully theirs. The land does not belong to humans or Andros. In actuality, it is theirs.”

Aeris, Tora and Terra all yelped as their pokeballs activated in unison. Dark Flame and Maverick leapt out, followed by Zeronix and Fury. Juggernaut raised his massive head and roared, the sound echoing around the hills. The Scizors answered his call with shrill whines. Fury bellowed and stomped, calling to his fellow Tauros and Miltank. Reaper, Midiya, Eternity, Pepper and Glory also appeared, bellowing their respective war cries.

“Your partners do not want to be excluded. They all wish to fight.” Serra spoke quietly, her voice deliberate and firm.

Aeris nodded, her eyes grim. A warlike light shone from within them as she spoke.

“It would be a disgrace to my partners if I kept them out the war. Are you up to a good fight, my friends?”

All the Pokémon answered her with a simultaneous roar, confirming her statement.

Skyfang, Nightfire and Giarda landed, still clad in their respective armor. Skyfang and the Charizard crouched down on all fours, allowing easy access to the harnesses strapped upon their backs. Terra and Aeris pulled themselves up on their dragons, readying for war.

Raven trotted up astride Peachblossom and waved up to Aeris and Terra.

“Get ready, guys, the Andros are on the move!!” she yelled. Skyfang, Nightfire and Giarda took off, wheeling in the air. The morning sun gleamed off their armor, blinding any unfortunate Andros looking directly at them.

All the wild Pokémon galloped towards the army, mingling among them and swelling the ranks. Soldiers shifted nervously aside hulking Nidoking and Gyarados alike. But the wild Pokémon made no move to attack them. Human and Pokémon stood unified against a common enemy.

Johto’s First was ready. A sudden silence fell upon them as they all waited tensely, with bated breath. All eyes were upon the hills, from behind which the sun blazed, still rising up in sunrise.

Sure enough, the dark, familiar silhouettes appeared upon the hills. The Andros moved steadily down the hills, silently but resolutely.

Topaz yelled for the line to stay still and wait for Serra’s go-ahead. Serra glanced at the General, and she nodded. Serra nodded back, and strode forwards. Her lone figure walked down the hill, a symbol of defiance.

Serra was now alone in the dip of the hill, facing down the advancing Andros. Serra smiled inwardly, for that was just what she wanted.

She raised both her arms, and concentrated. Her eyes lost their blue hue and swirled into a deep, chocolately brown color.

Serra inhaled deeply, and her mind sifted through the very soil. She felt their cool firmness, and sensed their desire to shift, to move. The earth itself longed to let loose its fury. Serra was more than glad to let the earth have its fun!

Bringing down her hands swiftly, she slammed them against the ground. There was a massive thunderclap, and the sky darkened. Slowly, steadily, a great rumbling started up. The stones and pebbles littered around the hills began twitching, jerking about. The Andros stopped the advance briefly, seeming to be puzzled. They milled about, looking nervously around for the source of the rumbling.

There was a great, booming crash, and the hills shuddered. Great cracks appeared in the very earth, and a massive, shuddering roar sounded out. The cracks widened, and rumbled, drifting apart powerfully. Some of the Andros began sliding, tumbling downwards toward the gaps’ gravitational pull. Doomed Andros shrieked as they were swallowed into the darkness of the chasms.

“Holy shitfire!” swore Aeris as she swooped safely above. From her aerial view, a massive spider web of cracks had spread out from Serra’s fists. It seemed to be a massive interlocking web of chasms, swallowing the frontal ranks of the Andros horde into their dark maws.

Hissing steam erupted from within the cracks, frying the Andros to a crisp. Magma steadily bubbled to the surface, hungrily devouring those unlucky enough to stumble and fall into the gaping maw of the chasms. Lightning flashed and thunder boomed. The noise was unbelievable.

Serra straightened up suddenly, clapping her hands. With a final shuddering crash, all the chasms slammed together, sealing themselves and becoming smooth, unbroken terrain once more. There were no traces of those that had been swallowed up, but blood slowly began to seep from the ground, from those that had been smashed into pulp from the closing of the cracks.

The shattered front ranks of the horde swelled as more Andros surged in from behind, filling the gaps in their ranks. They seemed to have recovered fairly quickly from the shock of Serra’s chaotic display....perhaps a bit too quickly, thought Blade, frowning slightly.

“Do you feel confident now, Andros scum? Do you? DO YOU?” yelled Serra, her voice carrying across the crisp morning air.

The Andros began a chant, going slowly at first but steadily swelling in volume. They pounded their right feet to the beat. The chant echoed ominously among the hills.

“Kill....kill...kill...kill...kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill!”

“Forward, Johto’s First!” howled Serra. The army roared and thundered forwards down the hill. The Andros horde in turn charged forwards, and both sides slammed with harsh cries and screeches piercing the dreamy quiet of the morning air.

Serra had been running full tilt, and as the horde neared, she had set her sights on an Andros Metagross. With a piercing yell, Serra lunged forwards, twisting as she did. That took her under the gigantic behemoth, and she latched onto the Andros’ underbelly.

It was an insane stunt to do, because the Metagross itself was thundering along at an extraordinarily fast rate. As its massive claws slammed into and out the ground, they flung up clods of dirt that stung Serra’s back. The Metagross didn’t appear to have noticed Serra. Good.

Serra drew back her right fist, now bristling with deadly thorns. Each thorn was about six inches long and tapered to a wickedly sharp point. The thorns covered her arm, all the way to the elbow.

“Needle Arm!!”

Serra howled and released her fist with all the speed and power she could muster. It punched right through the armored underbelly of the Metagross. Thick black blood spurted down, hot and acidic.

The Metagross screamed, a high planitive sound, and lurched, its four claws screeching to a stop in the dirt. It bucked and flailed, trying to dislodge Serra.

Serra yelped and released the Andros, slamming into the dirt. She rolled out of the way just in time. A Metagross claw slammed into the space where her head had been half a moment earlier.

The Metagross lunged, pinning Serra to the ground with a massive foot. Serra gasped in pain, the air smashed out of her lungs. The Metagross’ maw opened wide, preparing to devour her. It drew closer to her face..

“Fire in the hole!”

Serra whipped up her left fist, blazing with fire. She lobbed the rippling fireball into the Metagross’ gaping mouth.

The Andros screeched in pain and released Serra in its haste. The Metagross leapt backwards, jerking and writhing in pain as the fire spread down its throat. Serra leapt backwards, for she knew what would happen, if her knowledge of Metagross anatomy was correct. Bonedancer had told her they generated highly flammable acid in their digestive tracts.

The Metagross exploded suddenly and unexpectedly in a shower of metal and blood. Shards and chunks of its skin flew out, raining down on the nearby Andros. The four legs of the Andros miraculously stayed intact, and stood upright for a full heart’s beat before collapsing.

Serra grinned, and vaulted over the smoking, charred ruins of the Metagross, engaging an Armaldo. Above her, Skyfang shot by, with a Fearow in hot pursuit.


“Skyfang, Flamethrower those Vileplumes attacking Topaz!” yelled Aeris as she swiftly twisted and shot an arrow into the Fearow behind them. The Fearow screeched in pain as the arrow lodged into its heart.

Skyfang roared and dove in a dizzyingly steep descent, narrowly missing the carcass of the Fearow as it dropped to earth. The wind whistled shrilly around Aeris’ ears and her eyes watered.

The stone dragon’s jaws opened, heat waves shimmering outwards from the depths of his throat. A roaring blast of fire shot out with deadly accuracy, streaking towards its target.


Topaz swore and back flipped, narrowly missing a barrage of Razor Leaves. The trio of mushroom-flower Pokémon squealed, charging after her. They leapt at her and fell back as she blocked them with kicks and punches. But the Vileplume just kept on coming.

damn, but they were stubborn. Topaz yelled, her foot lashing out. A Vileplume flew backwards, a dent in its metallic forehead where Topaz’s foot had hit it.

Topaz yelped, grabbing her foot and swearing loudly in a foreign tongue-Tie other Vileplumes moved in, readying their final blow.


A roaring geyser of fire lanced from the sky, blasting the Vileplume away. Topaz goggled at their smoking, twitching ruins and looked up.


Aeris whooped as Skyfang pulled out from his dive, his claw tips brushing Topaz’s forehead. The blast of wind blew Topaz’s hair back wildly.

Topaz swore even more loudly, but grinning manically as she did so. Aeris was bloody crazy but had guts, for sure. All around her, battles were raging. The General looked about, deciding her next course of action.

A shadow fell upon Topaz, and she whirled, gasping.

An Andros Ursaring loomed above her, its beady red eyes squinting from under its blunt, sloping brow and forehead. It grunted stupidly, raising its left paw high.

Topaz gasped again, stepping back. Her injured foot roared with pain, and Topaz screamed as she stumbled and fell backwards, her elbows slamming against the ground painfully.

Topaz turned over on her stomach, crawling as fast as her throbbing foot would allow her. The Ursaring simply growled in amusement, easily overtaking the General in several lumbering steps. Topaz swore once more and closed her eyes, steeling herself for the Ursaring’s final blow.


Topaz looked up furtively. A massive Nidoqueen had Horn Drilled the Andros full on in the stomach and KO'ed him. The bear lay lifeless upon the ground, a massive dark hole in his belly. Blood welled and trickled from it as Topaz looked on.

The Nidoqueen looked away from the dead Andros, examining Topaz. Topaz looked up at her gratefully, pulling herself to her feet as she did so.

“Thank you, fellow warrior, for saving me.” Topaz said humbly, bowing to the regal Nidoqueen. The Nidoqueen regarded her with wise eyes, and nodded. She turned away, bellowing and punching an Andros Mr. Mime in the face with such force, the Andros ‘s head snapped clean off, spraying a gout of crimson blood.

Topaz goggled after the Nidoqueen as she lumbered away, relentlessly punching Andros after Andros that dared to cross her path.


Auntie Verd sat upon the broad shoulder of her Machamp. Gathered around the unlikely duo were JLX, Sammy, Umbra, Rob and all their faithful Pokémon comrades. They valiantly fought off a swarm of buzzing Andros Ninjask.

The soldiers slashed and hacked at the angrily buzzing insects, lopping off claws and wings, but more erupted in the places of those that fell.

Cheesedoodleboots inhaled mightily, and spewed a torrent of fire at a diving Ninjask. The insect’s fragile wings immediately melted off and it fell like a stone...right into Major Pyjamas’s awaiting mouth. The doomed Ninjask writhed and squealed as its flesh melted off in the frothing vat of acid.

Umbra’s Di launched itself off her shoulder towards another Ninjask, spreading out its body as it did so. The Ditto slammed into the Andros and spread itself around the Andros’ head, sealing off all air.

The Ninjask zigzagged wildly in the air, blinded and suffocating, but Di remained firmly clamped onto the Andros. After a while, the Ninjask’s frenzied movements gradually slowed....and stopped. Di released the Ninjask as its wings ceased to beat, falling hopelessly towards the ground.

Auntie Verd was having the time of her life. Her Machamp roared and swatted at the Ninjask while the elderly lady laid them low with her cane.

“Take that, you little rapscallion!”

Thwock! Bam! Whack!

“Oooh, you dreadful little insect! If I were your mother, I’d feed you spinach for breakfast!!”

Wham! Pow! Thwock!!

Sam’s Blastoise, however, was picking off Ninjask one by one with rapid, carefully aimed bursts of water from his cannons. Rob’s Gardevoir floated serenely next to the Shellfish Pokémon, unleashing a devastating psi blast whenever any Ninjask buzzed too close.

A distant screech sounded from high above. JLX squinted at the sky, and his eyes widened with horror.

“Run for your lives! Terra’s coming on Nightfire!!” he yelled across the din of battle to his comrades.

“Why? She’s a friend of Lady Aeris, isn’t she?” asked Sammy, whipping around to look up.

“CHAAAAA RAAAAAAA ZAAAAAAAARRRD!!” The roar of the mighty Charizard echoed over the noises of battle, immediately followed by harsh gunshots.


“Holy ****, RUN!” yelled Sammy, dropping her bayonet.

“I second that notion!!” crowed Rob, yanking Umbra with him as they turned to run. All around them, Ninjask exploded in crimson clouds of flesh, blood and metal as the bullets ripped through them.

“Either she’s crazy or she knows she has godly aim.” panted JLX, keeping pace with his fleeing comrades. His Cyndaquil squeaked in protest as he clung to JLX’s back.

“I think it’s a little bit of both.” grinned Sammy, perched atop her Blastoise as he ran at a breakneck pace, shielding her eyes from the flying shards of metal and gore.


Nightfire swooped up, and Terra blew out her guns, grinning hugely as she saluted Auntie Verd and her Machamp. The duo stood surrounded by dead Ninjask, each felled by a single bullet.

“Nice save, young lady!” crowed Auntie Verd, waving her cane. Her Machamp rumbled appreciatively.

Dark Flame poked her head out of the pack on Terra’s back, trilling and looking around with interest.

<Nice one, but you almost killed that poor bunch of soldiers down there.> she commented, her eyes glittering with amusement.

<Oh, please. If I was actually aiming for them, they’d be flea-ridden corpses by now.> retorted Terra, still grinning.

Nightfire roared and went into a barrel roll, spewing gouts of fire across the battlefield. Metal flashed past them and Giarda flew ahead, Tora on her back. She waved to Terra, who waved back.

Aeris swooped by on Skyfang, her face dark.

“Terra, Tora. Bad news. The Guillotine formation is dissolving!”

Blade scanned the war with a sinking feeling in his gut. His Pinsir formation had been utterly destroyed. There were just too many Andros...far too many. And the way they fought! They fought as if they had one collective mind controlling them. But what was it? Could it be the WS, whatever that was?

The warrior ground his teeth in frustration, whipping his blade and beheading a Hypno. The head spun off crazily, spraying blood everywhere, but Blade paid no heed. He fought detachedly and automatically, like a machine.

The Hypno’s corpse thudded to the ground, its stump bleeding profusely. Blade took no heed, turning to savagely stab an Ampharos through the chest. The electric Andros keened, its tail and head jerking wildly as it died upon the blade.

Raven teleported next to Blade, making him jump. The psychic’s eyes glowed softly, and a yellow barrier formed around the two of them. Andros leapt at the barrier, but could not get through. They expressed their rage with piercing screeches, thudding against the barrier repeatedly.

“I’ll be quick, because the barrier won’t last long with all these damned Andros.” Raven spoke hurriedly. “Everyone is still alive and accounted for, but there are simply too many Andros. They’re endless. I’ve sensed a great power controlling them all. If we find the source and kill it, they will turn and flee like startled Nidoran.”

Blade nodded, sighing in annoyance.

“Can you please teleport to Serra and see if she can find the source? Thanks. Oh, and by the way, where’s your Rapidash?”

“Dead.” said Raven shortly. “A Scyther got him.”

Blade could find nothing to say to this except for a small “Oh.” Raven could be a little too blunt for her own good sometimes, he thought.

“I heard that.” snapped the Psychic, her voice cross. “Oh, the barrier’s weakening. I’m going to Serra now. Good luck.”

She vanished suddenly and abruptly. The barrier let out a small whine and flickered out. With a triumphant howl, the Andros surged in.

“Dammit.” thought Blade with a sigh as he began fighting again. “Why can’t they all just drop dead?”


Hydro, Shadow and three other soldiers sat quietly in wait under a thicket of tall, thick bushes.

“I’m bored.” yawned Shadow. “I’d like to fight!”

“Me too, but we have to wait for the signal.” said Hydro quietly.

“I know, but it’s funny...” spoke up another soldier beside them.

“What is?” asked Hydro tensely.

“Jeff’s the one who’s supposed to watch for the signal. But we haven’t heard from him for a while.” the soldier spoke, his tone nervous.

Shadow widened his eyes. “You’re right! Wait here, I’ll go check on him.”

He silently stood up, brushing leaves off his trench coat, and vanished into the tangle of bush that were their cover.

Hydro shifted his seat a little, stretching his stiff back. It was too cramped and uncomfortable, he thought grumpily.

A split second later, Shadow stumbled back, his eyes wide and his face ashen. His breath came out in short, rapid bursts.

“Hydro.....there’s something I think you’d better see.” he said quietly. Alarmed, Hydro slid up into a standing position. He followed Shadow back into the thicket quietly. Shadow suddenly stopped, and turned to Hydro.

“You had better prepare yourself.” he said gently. Hydro blinked, feeling more puzzled than ever. He pushed past Shadow and looked down.

The color drained from Hydro’s face and he stumbled back, feeling sick to his stomach.

“Oh, my god!”


Serra panted, tired beyond belief. All around her were the scattered corpses of various Andros that had been foolish enough to try and battle her. She was covered in blood, but she didn’t quite care. It was a miracle she was still standing.

Serra needed a break. A barrier of fire erupted in a circle around her, roaring and blazing as it devoured the metallic flesh of nearby corpses.

Serra slid to her knees, closing her eyes. She placed her armored hands upon the earth, and let her Grass energy stream into it. Grass Energy contained naturally healing energies, and she needed to siphon some of it. In her mind, she saw the shimmering green fires of Grass energy everywhere. Spines of green fire within every blade of grass, and green veins within the roots deep in the soil.

Carefully, she extracted some of the green fire and absorbed it into the blazing white pillar of light that was her own essence of power. Immediately, Serra felt refreshed and invigorated. All the exhaustion, strain and weariness melted off her bones in an instant.

Serra cut the flow of Grass Energy and sprang up, her eyes sparkling with newfound energy. A small hum sounded behind her, and Serra whirled, her arms suddenly sprouting wicked dagger like thorns.

“Calm down!” snapped Raven, her eyes flashing. Her dark purple cloak flared as she straightened. Serra quickly put down her arms, absorbing the needles back into her skin.

“I apologize. I’ve been fighting nonstop and it’s getting to me.” Serra said apologetically. Raven nodded understandingly, and started speaking rapidly, relaying Blade’s request.


Reaper was death himself. There was nothing his claws would not rip, would not tear, as long as another Andros stood living. He would tackle anything, as long as it was a threat to one of the soldiers or himself.

But there was nothing left in the area, for all the Andros around had avoided the crazed beast as they had seen his anger. The Naihail took the chance to look around at the battle, and was pleased with what he saw. The army of humans and Pokémon were pushing the Andros back, for in their ferocity the metal beasts could not break through the lines. But, as always, reinforcements could be seen in the distance. It was only a matter of time before another wave was upon them.

Then, Reaper stopped, frozen. He would have given anything not to see what was snaking its way through the lines, tearing and ripping with vengeance rivaling that of the Naihail. It's eyes were deep scarlet, and its body was black chrome with silver stripes. The fur glinted on its body, individual steel hairs raised in a menacing display of anger.

It was an Andros Naihail.

Reaper stalked forward, making sure he was in clear line of sight of the metal Pokémon. Others in the area scuttled off, knowing that they needed other places to be, and quickly, before the confrontation began. He snarled, and was answered by a deep growl from the black Naihail. They circled each other, both measuring the others weaknesses and defenses as they prepared to spring. With a hiss, Reaper extended his long, sharp claws.

Suddenly, both Pokémon sprang in the same instant. They met each other in the middle of their leap, both slashing with all their might as they collided in the air. Blood splattered the clearing as both attacks hit their mark, and red rivulets dripped form deep gashes in both creatures’ hides. They turned to face one another again, teeth bared in both pain and anger.

Reaper shot forward, zigzagging so as to not create a stable target. The other mimicked his movements, and again they met in the middle of the clearing. This time they did not break away; they attacked for all they were worth.

Claws flashed, and the tiger’s screams of rage echoed throughout the area, making others forget what they were doing and turn their heads in wonder. Reaper struck with claws and teeth, hitting and getting hit as the battle wore on. Finally, the two broke their grip and circled again, faces and forms marred by scarlet blotches and feet slipping in the blood soaked ground.

The other was limping, and Reaper knew that the end was near. They were equally matched, but such an injury meant certain defeat for the Andros. The metal beast knew it, and it drew breath suddenly to let loose a spurt of blue flame that engulfed Reaper in its intense heat. The Naihail roared in pain as his wounds were cauterized in an instant, and his fur was singed.

Reaper growled after the flames had dissipated, and unleashed a stream of his own flame at the metal beast. It screamed in pain as the steel on its body glowed with heat, and its fur melted and merged together. The slag seeped into its wounds, making the pain intensify. With a groan, the Naihail collapsed on the ground with pain. Reaper snorted, and left it to its fate. He felt no remorse as the pained cries of a dying member of his own kind followed him through the raging war.


Hydro sank to his knees, sickened. Jeff lay on the ground face up. He was whole...except for his face. It had been reduced to a fleshy, gory pulp. The face was now a mass of quivering red. They could even see part of the gap leading to his throat, and the dips where his eyes and nose had been.

“What...what did that?” croaked Hydro. Shadow looked away, disgusted beyond belief. Both jumped as the bushes rustled, but it was only the other three soldiers. All gasped in unison as they saw the remains of Jeff. The youngest of the soldiers suddenly lurched off into the bushes. They heard him vomiting.

“I don’t blame him.” sighed the oldest of the soldiers. “Jesus, would you look at him? He looks like someone put his face in a meat grinder.”

All jumped again as loud, shrill screams echoed from where the young soldier had gone. They all ran blindly through the thicket, and came upon the young soldier struggling wildly. Something small and black was clinging to his face. It seemed to have short, glossy white hair and pink rubbery lips.

“Andros Smoochum! Aeris was right!” yelled Shadow, drawing his katana. But he was too late-the soldier keeled over, dead. The Smoochum leapt off, its lips soaked red. Its red eyes glared at them coldly, and shudders ran up Hydro’s spine.

Shadow leapt forwards with a yell, bringing down his katana in a powerful slash. Blood spattered on Shadow’s face as he straightened, yanking his sword out of the Andros with a wet, sucking sound.

The Smoochum trembled, and split apart in two pieces, cleaved by the katana. Each eye continued to glare ominously, but faded out as death overtook the Smoochum.

“Well, that’s that.” sighed Shadow, sheathing his sword.

“About damn time! Now can we go fight?” asked another soldier eagerly.

Hydro nodded, grinning. The group of men whooped as they all turned, running out of cover and down the hills, towards the raging war below.


The battle raged on. Every side was taking losses, but fortunately, the Andros army was getting the worst of it so far. With the shattering of the Formation, the humans and Pokémon had begun to battle with a frenzied savagery. Aeris had time to hope that it would stay that way before she closed with an Andros Oddish that had somehow gotten past her arrows and was trying valiantly to slice her legs with its leaves as it clung to Skyfang with all its might. She almost pitied the small thing, but she notched an arrow and shot it with no more than a glance.

She looked out again at the battle. There were some bright specks in the background, and as she squinted, she could just make out the sickly green and blue flames and diamond hooves of the creatures speeding to attack the grounded soldiers. She gasped, and loaded more arrows into her bow. If only she was fast enough!

"Dive a little closer," she said, patting Skyfang, "I need to get a good aim!"

As the Aerodactyl dived, Aeris pulled back her arm and shot off the first of her prepared arrows. Her aim was good, and it hit the first approaching Andros through the skull. The creature didn't even scream as it fell, tripping two more that had come behind it. With a yell, Aeris began firing with a will. Six went down in a matter of seconds, but they were too fast and too many for Aeris to stop single-handedly. The Andros Ponyta broke though, and began attacking the ground troops with flashing strike and retreat tactics.

"Dammit!" swore Aeris with vehemence, "Skyfang, I need your help!"

The Aerodactyl prepared to dive again, but the other Pokémon were faster. A large Gyarados had begun to blast the metal fire-horses with water, killing them instantly from the sheer force of its blows.

Aeris smiled grimly, and directed her mount to again rise into the air, looking for more targets. She noticed a small group break from the hills and run towards the battle, and whooped. Hydro and Shadow were joining the fight!


Umbra, Sammy, and JLX stood back to back, looking around them constantly to make sure there was no threats close by. Each had a weapon out, and each were nervous, for the Andros had been slacking off in their attacks and they knew something was coming. The air held still, and suddenly a small form shot across the ground between JLX's legs.

The boy jumped, and swore at himself for being startled by a scared Meowth. It was then that they heard the buzzing. Umbra growled and lifted her weapon, ready to attack, while Sammy resolutely brought her rifle up. The ground began to rumble with the buzzing, and a dark cloud rose over the horizon. It blocked out the light from the sky, and as it came closer, forms could be seen within the mass of seething fury.

"It's Beedrill," spat Umbra coldly.

"If we stick together, we can take them," said JLX with a grin.

"I hate Beedrill," moaned Sammy just before the swarm hit.

Everything turned black, and the Buzzing was deafening. Umbra was sliced by a drill, her dark blood staining her fair skin, and she snarled in anger. She brought out a long, thin dagger, and began hacking at any metal shape she could see. Green blood splattered all over as the creatures fell to the team, and a small hole was cut in the swarm as they continued to create mayhem within the darkness.

But even the greatest of warriors cannot battle forever. Sammy's rifle went first, as the girl no longer had any ammo left to shoot with. She brought out a small knife, hoping at the very least to defend herself against the Andros as they came. The Beedrill could sense the weakness in the battler, though, and the ones around them immediately mobbed her.

Sammy cried out as a sharpened drill impaled her leg, breaking through the skin and muscle to hit the bone painfully. As it withdrew, blood spurted from the wound in torrents, darkening the ground around them. Sammy gasped, beginning to feel her strength ebb away with the life-giving liquid.

"JLX, surround her!" yelled Umbra over the buzzing.

The two moved in a protective stance, keeping the metal bugs from their fallen comrade. Their blades flashed unmercifully, beheading, amputating, and generally killing whatever they hit. Then, Umbra's blade came up against a spinning drill, and snapped as if it was nothing more than thin aluminum. She gaped at the broken blade, and knew that she had no other way to fight. The Beedrill again dove, but the girl was agile, and was able to avoid most of the charges.

JLX again came to the rescue, and drove most of the Andros away with flashing blades and fierce yells. The swarm was thinning out, as the team was at the end of the gigantic cloud. JLX beheaded the last of the low-flying Beedrill with a swift strike and flourish of his long sword.

"Thanks JLX," sighed Umbra, looking at the cuts and lacerations that riddled her arms and legs.

"Let's get Sammy to the Medical tent," he replied, grimacing from his own wound; a slash across his side.

The two friends lifted the unconscious girl between them, and hurried off to the white tent in the distance. They could see the Beedrill swarm circling above, regrouping for a second attack, and could also see two points of blazing light further up. They did not stop to watch, though, for with the battle all about them, they would be lucky to reach the tent without a dangerous intrusion... of the mechanical kind.


Tora was locked in battle, for the first time in her life. She was against, possibly, the worst thing she could start out with. It was an Andros Sneasel, and she had to fight just to keep from being hit by those sharp, foot long claws that seemed to be screaming for her blood.

The Sneasel slashed, and Tora feinted while using her new, sturdy battle claws to block the blow. She’d discovered them lying discarded upon the ground, near its dead former owner. She brought her left hand up suddenly, and was surprised as she connected with her opponent. Her slash had been well-aimed, and she twisted her fist almost by instinct. Both she and the Sneasel cried out as they felt and saw the blood spurt from the Andros' middle. Tora drew her hand back, and leapt backwards.

The Andros was done for, she knew that much. The blood was on her hands... Tora felt like throwing up, just falling to the ground and letting what meager things contained in her stomach spill onto the ground... She was about to do so, but she suddenly saw another soldier struggling with a metal Victreebel, and leapt to slash at the unwary Andros.

It was all instinct then. Tora could feel the bloodlust rise in her veins. By the time it was over, her hands were stained red with her victory.

But there was always more to do.



Chapter 20 Part II

Hydro was in a very bad situation.

Well, any battle is a bad situation, but Hydro was in a worse grip than any other, literally.

He gasped for breath, fighting to loose the tight coils that held him. The Andros Nidoking growled with amusement, tightening its grip as it watched its prey slowly begin to suffocate in the embrace of its long tail. The boy’s fighting prowess was useless, now. His arms and legs were held tightly, unable to even twitch. Hydro felt his chest cavity straining to keep from collapsing in on itself, and if he had any breath left, he would have gasped.

The Nidoking was suddenly distracted by something, though, and turned its head. The pressure was abruptly loosened, and Hydro sucked in air gratefully as long as he could before the creature's attention shifted back to him.

It never did.

As the boy looked up, he saw that the giant Andros was missing something very important to its function.

Its head.

The wound did not spray any blood, for it had been cauterized on contact with whatever had severed it. Hydro looked around wildly, and saw the long form of Glory stride up to the spot. The Novasect gripped the lifeless tail, and heaved to loosen it enough to allow Hydro room to escape it clutches. The fighter looked at the Pokémon with gratitude, and the other hissed in what was obvious laughter.

Hydro was not amused.


Eternity, the glorious Electipide! The Wondrous Electipide!

Eternity gulped as she saw what lay before her.

The dead Electipide...

A small line loomed before her, almost six strong, of red-eyed, sharply glinting ground Pokémon. They were Sandslash, and they looked all about them with their soulless gazes for suitable targets to wreak horror upon. With all the Electipides power, she knew of no way to destroy these beings.

But maybe she didn't have to?

Eternity sighed, and burrowed into the ground. Her hundreds of legs worked tirelessly, pushing dirt away and packing it behind her in less than the blink of an eye. Her entire body was put to use, as her sensitive legs and nimble body could feel anything above the ground she burrowed in. She worked with a will, creating a network of tunnels that would be a serious hazard for the any human or Pokémon that fell into them. They would, at the very least, slow those Sandslash down!

Suddenly, the Electipide came to a very wet level of dirt. That could only mean one thing. One, very fortunate thing.


She dug deeper, just managing to save herself from falling into the underground cave of water herself. Her tunnels were ready to collapse at any moment, all they needed was a suitable trigger, one rock moved to take out the strenuous support that held the entire structure together.

The Electipide felt the tremors above her as the Sandslash moved over the trap. She moved the rock. There was a shudder, as if the very earth was straining, and then a huge cloud rose above the battlefield as a full seven feet of dirt collapsed in on itself, taking the both the Sandslash and Eternity with it.

All was darkness to the Electipide, and suddenly all was wet as well. She fell with a splash in the water, and could hear the Andros splashing with her. Now was her chance; a wet ground Pokémon was a vulnerable ground Pokémon, after all. She unleashed her electricity, and the current sliced through the water. The force electrocuted everything, even Eternity herself, but she kept up the power. She had to prevail against them, no matter what.

Finally, her strength was exhausted. She tiredly, swam as far as she was able, and felt the wall before her. The Electipide dug, snaking through the earth, but was finally overcome by her exhaustion. She stopped, a mere three feet from the surface, and felt the darkness overtake her as the sounds of battle raged heedless overhead.


Ghost was terrified of the loud screams, the clanging of metal, and the thuds of bodies as they dropped.

But not too terrified that he couldn’t plunder the spoils of war! Shiny things, shiny things, shiny things everywhere! It dazzled him, entranced him. O lovely lovely lovely!! A used bullet casing! Yayness! Oh, oh, oh! A shard of metal from a sword! More shinies, more shinies, lovely lovely lovely...la la la. An Andros Kakuna!! It can’t move. It’s shiny. Nice...lovely lovely lovely little Andros Kakuna...lovely shiny shell. What’s this on its underside? A sharp little pointy thing. Bad pointy! Ghost no like pointy. Bad bad bad. Poison? Grrrr....bad little pointy poison thingy. I’ll bite it off!!


Ow. Hurty my teeths, it does. Hurty hurty. Poor little me. Me’ll throw the Kakuna away.....HEY! Stupid big Stantler stomped it! That’s mean. I oughta-oooh....shiny little dagger...lovely lovely lovely...la la la. Shiny things, shiny things, shiny things everywhere...


Risan shook his head as he watched Ghost from afar. The little Linoone had discovered an Andros Kakuna and tossed it away, and a large bull Stantler had stomped upon it. Ghost may have been a few screws short of a bolt, but he was reliable.

The Andros Seviper hissed, baring long, sharpened fangs at its adversary. Its red eyes scanned the creature before it, and received no data. With a snarl, the Seviper shook its white head in confusion, flashing in the dim light. There was nothing left to do; the orders were to attack all non-Andros, and the metal Pokémon could not find the strength to rebel against its programming.

It struck, its head shooting forward with speed that made its movements a blur. It was, therefore, quite surprised when its charges brought no satisfying impact that would let it know the attack had contacted. The Seviper looked around again, and saw that the strange, sparkling creature was now behind it, and to the side.

Before the Andros could react, a dark glow engulfed its body. It was lifted into the air, writhing in pain from the psychic attack, and thrown to the ground with a force far greater than it thought the creature could possess.

With a hissing groan, the Andros Seviper rose again, its programming making retreat impossible. It blearily saw the wings of its enemy glow with white light, and suddenly the metal beast was flying in the air, and a gash in its belly was spurting dark, life-giving fluid. It was then the creature knew that death was near, and as the sparkling beast rose to the attack one again, a flicker of its old self rose in its eyes.

I am free, he thought with a sense of peace clouding his mind, I am free...

The blackness overtook the Seviper, and the red light of his eyes turned to a bright pink and flickered out of existence. With a small shudder, the last breath escaped his body and the form of the snake went limp.

Midiya looked upon the still carcass with hardened yet sad eyes, and flew off to help others in need.


Cold seeped though the very air, crawling over the area. Frost followed, moving astonishingly quickly over the land as ice came after. Soldiers cried out and ran as the numbing chill began to touch them, but many were far too late. The frost froze their shoes to the ground, and the ice slowly rose over their entire bodies as they struggled to the very last to escape.

The shadow passed over a wasteland of frozen statues.
A chill wind passed across the area, whistling through the air. The ice of one statue cracked a little, and fell off, shattering on the ground and releasing red shards over the ice. A split human arm was left on the statue. The bone was sliced halfway down the shoulder, and the muscle and other tissue was perfectly preserved. Unlike the luckier people on the fringes of the wasteland, for this soldier there was no coming back.

Suddenly, the shadow loomed before the statue, and opened a giant maw. It lurched forward engulfing the frozen body in a single lunge, and crunched what once was a human being in its solid teeth. With a contented groan, the silver creature made its way towards the more aware statues on the fringe of the chill. The soldiers, only half frozen, made expressions of horror and writhed in a last, desperate attempt to escape.

The creature invoked its power once again, and the frost climbed the horror stricken soldiers slowly and surely. The ice entombing their legs and arms began to spread, crackling upwards as the humans screamed in agony. The Glalie clacked its teeth menacingly, and advanced with a hungry air.

Only to be stopped.

There was a thunderous roar, and the clicking of dozens of various limbs on ice echoed through the wasteland. The Andros looked on with annoyance and, finally, horror as the flaming army approached it. Fire spewed before them, and the herd of Rapidash thundered past, led by an Arcanine. The flames engulfed the Glalie, and it moaned and hissed in pain as the ice surrounding its body melted. Finally, the ice Pokémon split in half with a scream. Its innards gushed out, splattering the area and staining the hides of those creatures rumbling past.

With a satisfied growl, the Arcanine turned and looked to the wounded humans. The Rapidash herd continued on, looking for more Andros as they day wore on.


“So Blade wants me to locate the source? He really thinks I can do that?” asked Serra, bewildered.

Raven shrugged, her glossy black hair swaying slightly.

“He’s got faith in you, Serra. We all do. You know that.”

Serra sighed and rubbed her forehead, looking thoughtful. Suddenly, she gasped and jerked Raven back as a massive silhouette bellowed and pushed through Serra’s wall of fire.

“LAX! LAX SNORLAAAAAAAAX!!” The deep, throaty bellow of the mighty Andros Snorlax made the very ground rumble.

Serra swore and waved her arm. The fire wall immediately turned to ice, solidifying in a matter of moments. Raven and Serra backed up cautiously as the massive Andros glowered at them.

“Oh crap.” whispered Raven. Serra nodded in agreement.

“Should I attack?” she asked out the corner of her mouth.

“NO! Don’t-Terra will have a fit. Snorlax are one of the rarest non-legendaries, and she wants one to breed so she can raise their population numbers.” Raven explained.

“So are you suggesting we break him from the mind-lock like you did to Giarda?” asked Serra, incredulous.

Raven smiled and tossed her hair.

“Afraid? Come on, it’ll be a challenge!”

“I’m no coward!” snapped Serra. “Of course I’ll do it!!”

“Correction: We’ll do it.” smiled Raven. Serra smiled back, and nodded. Both then switched to telepathy, forming their plans in a flash of psychic bursts.

“Alright...let’s go!” whooped Raven. Serra answered with a yell, running at the Snorlax.

Even being an Andros could not block a Snorlax’s natural tendency to be slow and lazy. The Snorlax simply stared at the small wild-looking girl charging at her and let loose a mighty yawn.

Serra did a small hop-skip and leapt mightily into the air.

“Thank goodness for those Spoinks on Victory Island,” whispered Raven, looking up in awe. Serra flipped at the peak of her leap, the sun flashing off her armor and dazzling the Snorlax as the light reflected off the ice.

Serra landed on the Snorlax’s head and latched on. Her eyes glowed white with Normal Energy, siphoning off the Snorlax’s energy. The Andros immediately became drowsy, sinking down and yawning. That was Raven’s cue. She lunged forwards, grabbing the Snorlax’s head with both her hands. Serra slid off the Snorlax and joined Raven, placing her hands on the back of the Snorlax’s head.

“Ready?” asked Raven. Serra nodded, and both girls’ eyes blazed deep violet. Their hands blazed with purple light, and the Snorlax keened in pain. But Serra and Raven continued to keep at it, grimly ignoring the screeches of the Andros.

Finally, the Andros gave a small shudder and went still, its eyes sliding shut as it fell into unconsciousness. Both girls withdrew quickly.

“Do you think it worked?” asked Serra worriedly.

“I hope so. Lucky he was a Snorlax...their minds are less complex than those of a Charizard’s. If it was an Alakazam, now THAT would have been a hell of a job.” chuckled Raven.

The Snorlax stirred, and both girls tensed, not knowing what to expect.

The Snorlax’s eyes opened, and to their utter relief, were a warm greenish-yellow instead of red.

Hrrrrrrmmmmmmm....I’m free! Thank goodness, too. All that activity was tiring. yawned the Snorlax, blinking about sleepily. Raven rolled her eyes, but smiled. Some Snorlax would never change.

“Excuse me....Snorlax?” asked Serra. The Snorlax looked at her.

“Do you remember who was controlling you all?”

Oh, sure. It was some Andros fellow. He was a Legendary, Jirachi, I think. Code name was the Wishing Star.

“WS!! Wishing Star! So that’s what WS meant!” cried Raven as it hit her. “Where is this Andros? The Wishing Star?”

The Snorlax yawned, raising his paw and motioning to the sky, which was now darkening. Dusk was on its way, and stars were beginning to come out, twinkling serenely.

Serra and Raven squinted at the sky, but saw nothing.

“I don’t see anyth-wait....” Raven trailed off. One of the stars seemed to be bigger and more brighter. It was also moving slowly, trailing a stream of stardust.

“Wishing Star....you will suffer greatly tonight.” hissed Serra. Her eyes darkened with fury, and huge feathered wings sprouted from her back.

“You’re going to battle the Legend of the Stars?” gasped Raven, astonished. It was a rare occurrence for the cold and aloof psychic to be shocked.

Serra nodded, her wings rustling. Raven sighed.

“I can see you’re not going to change your mind. Very well....but please come back in one piece.”

Serra smiled, and flapped her wings. Soon, she had all but vanished into the darkness of the night. Raven watched after her, and whispered a silent prayer.

There would only be one victor, and Raven preferred it to be Serra.


Here's a little spoiler for everyone, The Next Chapter, Chapter 21, is the last Chapter for the unsubtitled section of DoaNL. Chapter 22 begins, "Dawn of a New Legacy: Sempai Strikes Back" XD Sorry Crystallugia, it's the first thing that popped into my mind, and I actually wrote it without thinking, and with ur little Clefairy in my mind. She really sticks out in my mind for some ungodly reason ^_^; The real title is, "Dawn of a New Legacy: Song of the Goddess". Johto is Peaceful after the war, but Blade can't sit idle while Serra is missing. The story also takes place in another land. That only leaves 4 possible places. Kanto, Orre, Hoenn, and Starian (from where Tora is from). If you go to my site and read the chapters, then you know where they go, but for those of you that only read the Chapters here, then you'll just have to wait and find out. Suspenseful ain't it? XD




;035;"OH YEAH!"

Well, you people of writing are masters of suspense. Can't wait:)


Chapter 21

Well, here's Chapter 21, the last chapter in the unsubtitled DoaNL. Next Chapter Posted will be Chapter 1, in Dawn of a New Legacy: Song of the Goddess.

Chapter 21: When You Wish Upon a Star
By: Spectreon & Razor (aka AzureFlygon)

Gatene said:
The fight with Jirachi took its toll on both sides. A Gungnir saved the Goddess, but briefly, as Jirachi had yet another trick up his sleeve. The Goddess was faced with the horrid past Jirachi helped her to remember, and to realize. The end of this chapter will decide the fate of both sides, and who will be saying, "Hi!" to Melos.

Serra closed her eyes as she flew. Glittering tears dried on her cheeks as her wings thrummed steadily, the pinions trembling in the wind.

Raven did not know, but she was afraid...very afraid. She could see the entire battle raging below her, a dark, massive stain upon the land. Glittering specks were Andros, and the multicolored specks were soldiers and Pokémon.

She floated above, watching them, observing them. Now she could truly see that all the Andros moved strategically, cutting into the Johto forces like a knife going into butter. It was not unlike watching a massive chessboard. Sounds of war floated up to her, enveloping her.

“The Star controls all those Andros, all at the same time, with such precision...how can I hope to battle the Wishing Star?” murmured the girl, her eyes bleak with desolation.

How could she do this? Watch her people fight and die? If she was a goddess, she was the worst one ever, Serra thought bitterly.

Serra looked up again, watching the large star drifting along. Fury boiled up in her, like a red-hot lance. He would pay. He would pay for all this!

“Jirachi, I’m coming for you!” Serra howled, her wrath carrying her voice above the sounds of the battle and ringing clearly across the night wind.

Serra’s wings glowed suddenly, flaring with light so bright, they seemed twin suns in the inky darkness of the sky.

When the glow had faded, her wings were pure flame. They crackled and licked hungrily, blazing fire wreathed around black feathers.

Fire Wings. They rivaled those of the legendary firebird Moltres in their sheer beauty and brilliance.

Serra shot through the air, directly at the large star still above her. She twirled and banked, slowing as the star drew closer until she could see its features...


The Wishing Star floated serenely, his muted golden wings fluttering dreamily. Their edges were razor sharp, and glinted wickedly. The Andros’ crown was also darkly muted gold, and sharpened to razor sharp points. They were devoid of wish tags.

Showers of sparkles constantly blossomed around him as he moved, trailing stardust. His eyes were shut in concentration as he commanded the Andros army telepathically. The Star Legend’s lipless mouth was curved up in what was almost a smile.

He sensed her before he even saw him. A winged silhouette shot towards him, its wings ablaze with fire. The flame-winged girl banked, hovering before the Wishing Star.

Jirachi bowed slightly to the newcomer, his red lens reflecting the flames of the girl’s wings.

“Welcome, my Goddess.”


Serra bared her teeth, and two fangs shone in the moonlight. Her fire-wings flared, expressing her rage.

“How can you do this? Murder your own people so brutally? What happened to you, Jirachi?”

Jirachi scowled slightly. His wings waved about, arcing and twisting.

“You are the Andros’ Goddess. What care you about these insignificant Pokémon?”

“They are my people. So are the Andros. Heedless of their evil, they are still Pokémon! No, what I care about is destroying Team Rocket’s evil. If you do not stop this, I will make you,” hissed Serra.

Jirachi sighed, seemingly bored with the proceedings.

“You are a foolish, deluded child. You believe you have control and know the depths of your powers. In truth, you have just barely begun to tap the true power of the spirit within you.”

Serra snarled, and the air around her began to waver and ripple from her intensely flaring wings. Jirachi took no heed, and he rose in the sky slightly, eyes glowing a cool azure blue to balance that of Serra's boiling red.

“I have given you warning, Goddess; now prepare to feel the power of destruction’s wish!”

The Andros’ eyes blazed with white, and he extended his considerable power to envelope Serra in a flash. It took no less time than it took to blink to ensnare Serra.

Serra writhed and yelled under the power; trying to break from the dangerous hold the Legendary gripped her in. Jirachi increased his concentration, and suddenly, the Goddess’ wings stopped moving with a shudder.

Serra blanched, surprised by the sudden development as she began to fall from the starlit sky. Her head rang and throbbed, and the sky began to spin slowly. The clouds and points of reflected light looked to her like some sort of strange, dreamlike scene. Serra continued to glow with an eerie blue aura as Jirachi maintained his power.

With an abrupt thought, Serra realized that she had to stop her descent, lest she die before her quest had yet been finished.

With a cry, Serra’s fiery wings fizzled and spluttered as thin, white bone erupted from their pinions. The fire was extinguished as, finally, dark tattered amethyst membranes sprouted from between the skeleton-like wings. Again, Serra had formed the shadowed power of Dark Wings.

The blue glow enveloping her blinked out of existence, and the Goddess could faintly hear Jirachi’s enraged cry from above. She grinned, flapping the tattered wings and rising into the air with ease, defying all laws of gravity in the motion. Soon, she was level with the Wishing Star once again, but this time the Andros looked at her more carefully.

“You are indeed cunning, Goddess,” he said, the slight buzzing in his voice revealing his anger, “But you cannot prevail.”

“I can damn well try!” yelled Serra.

Her hands suddenly glowed as auras of fire rippled around them. She knew Jirachi was part steel type, and knew also that all steel types were vulnerable to fire. The energy in her hands pulsed as she moved, and the steady glow they created lit both battlers with an eerie red glow while both looked for an opening.

“Fire Spin!” yelled Serra suddenly, whipping her arms towards the Andros leader. Twin lines of flame snaked from her fingers, engulfing Jirachi in their swirling depths before the Legendary could backpedal and evade.

The Andros’ pained cry filled Serra with satisfaction, and she shot forward again, hands now glowing with black energy. As the Fire Spin began to fade and reveal the slightly weakened creature within, she growled and blasted a Shadow Ball towards Jirachi.

“No, Goddess,” came a voice in her head, “I am not that simple to overcome.”

The Shadow Ball she had fired shot back towards her, and Serra could not dodge before she was swallowed by the black energy. She grimaced as its energy coursed through her, but she was fortunately better able to stand it due to her Dark nature. She turned to face Jirachi once more, and found the Andros floating patiently where the Fire Spin had once been, the remnants of a Light Screen dissolving before him. He was slightly blackened, but still emanated that infuriating calm.

Serra watched as the Wishing Star smiled. The sight made her shudder, for she saw no compassion, no real emotion in that expression. There was only determination, and anger… so much anger.


Giarda dived, wings held close to her body and neck outstretched to make her form as streamlined as possible. She was fast, very fast… but her pursuer was faster. Now, she was glad she had allowed Tora to leave her and battle with her new claws, for it took some of the worry from her shoulders. She did not want her trainer, who had been so kind to her even in the short time they had known each other, to come to harm because of her.

The metal Charizard swooped up suddenly, breaking her dive without warning and bringing her hard steel back up as a barrier. She heard a screech of anger, and was aware of the form of a small black shape hurtle past parallel to her head. She snapped her powerful jaws in a half-hearted attempt, knowing that her target was already too far away to catch.

Giarda sighed and again began pursuit, knowing that it was going to be a long chase. Though the little Crobat was probably no match for her in pure strength, it could fly circles around her with its speed and agility. It rapidly flapping wings were made of double blades, and its teeth were sharpened to needle-points. Though these things could not get though her armor, Giarda found them more than a little annoying. She also knew that it was dangerous for humans, who had distinctly softer skins, to try and tackle this thing. It was up to her.

With a roar, the Charizard unleashed a stream of blue flame. The Crobat was easily able to evade this, though, and laughed at her as it looked back, tongue sticking out as a way of mockery. Giarda growled; this creature was a cheeky little SOB, that was for sure! It was probably young, and the Charizard knew that that meant it was most likely inexperienced, as well.

Suddenly, a bolt of pure energy shot in front of the Crobat, making it brake in surprise. Giarda came up behind it, and firmly closed her claws around its body, ensuring that it could not escape. It was then that she troubled to look at the commotion overhead, as well as others on the battlefield, for above them were twin points of blazing light that were striking out at each other with tremendous power.

Another blast missed its intended target, and Giarda swooped to the left as the bolt sizzled past her. It hit a group of Andros Beedrill, incinerating them on the spot. The Charizard snuffed; at least the confrontation was clearing away troublesome things she might have to face later. With a nonchalant gesture, she looked down at the Crobat in her claws. It was struggling wildly, biting at her hard armor in an attempt to escape. Giarda thought she might have a little fun, first, and decided to shake the creature to give it a lesson about being cheeky.

The expression on its face when she rapidly shook it up and down was priceless, and Giarda roared into the sky as she laughed. She was so shaken with laughter, in fact, that her hold on the beaten creature loosed. The Crobat dropped like a stone, and landed in the midst of a crater caused by the lightning strike.

The metal Charizard decided that it was no longer a threat anyway, and flew off to look for a more suitable adversary. She never noticed the eyes of the Crobat flicker on, and never saw the bright yellow shining in them. With a scared shriek, the tiny Crobat lifted off and flew away as fast as its four wings could carry it. It never looked back.


Serra drew backwards, forming a white translucent sphere around herself. Jirachi did the same, only his sphere was yellow-gold. Both hovered, suspended for a heart’s beat, then lunged at each other. The spheres clashed with each other and knocked both combatants back, but they charged at each other again, relentless. They filled the sky; whirling, spinning, and clashing again and again, neither tiring or giving up.


A solitary lady stood on the roof of Goldenrod’s famed mart, watching the aerial battle with wonder and unfathomable sadness. Her dark russet-coppery red hair blew around her face, framing cerulean-blue eyes. She watched the two points of light circle and clash over and over again, showing no emotion or reaction. Her face seemed etched from stone.


The air around Jirachi flickered, and within moment’s dozens of sharp, star-like shape sliced through the air. Serra knew a Swift when she saw it, and knew that they would catch her, no matter what. Despite this, she winged as fast as she was able, trying to evade as best she could the flying stars while formulating a plan.

Finally, in a bust of inspiration, Serra flew faster than she had before to gain some distance. When she had gained on the stars as much as she was able, she flipped around in the air, eyes glowing.

“Swift!” she cried, sending her stars to intercept that of Jirachi’s.

There was a tremendous blast as all of the glowing shurikens smashed together at the same time, unleashing their combined energy. A shockwave of golden light blasted out, knocking both combatants back slightly.

Serra again faced the Wishing Star, knowing that the fight had barely begun. Both battlers were breathing heavily, and both were weakened slightly by attacks they had endured.

Light blazed, and Serra looked up to see the sparkling form of the moon. Its image seemed to waver, to become darker as she saw it, and she suddenly looked across the sky to see the form of Jirachi. The legendary Andros was facing the solar body, and he seemed to be absorbing something…

The light! Jirachi was absorbing the light of the moon!

“No!” screamed the Goddess, unleashing dark energy in the shape of a gigantic maw.

The energy loomed over Jirachi, catching the Andros by surprise as the twin rows of teeth clashed together on his steel body. Despite his massive defense, the psychic nature of Jirachi made him scream in pain as the dark matter ground into his body, then disappeared as if it never was.

“You will pay for your actions…” whispered a voice in her mind as Serra was thrown back by the streaking form of Jirachi. Serra gasped; the wind knocked out of her, and fell back with eyes watering. She blearily saw Jirachi do the same, as he had taken damage as well from the reckless charge.

They nodded at each other; one breathless and bruised, the other bleeding from numerous punctures.

The battle suddenly intensified, and both Jirachi and Serra threw their attacks with fury, heedless of anything around them. They had left off talking, for it wasted energy that could be used for attacks. The land they fought above was reduced to smoking craters, and human and Andros alike fled from the spectacle of fury.


Shadow’s katana was useless against the adversary that now stood against him. No matter how he turned, how he struck out, no blows of his would ever strike this creature.

It floated there, living death itself with glowing eyes laughing at his every feeble attempt to harm it. Shadow was infuriated, and his anger led to more rash actions. He blocked a blow from a large, shining steel claw, sweat beading on his forehead as he strained his muscles to lock where they were, to keep both claw and blade from his soft flesh.

“Haw, Haunter!” rasped the creature, its other claw moving swiftly to strike at Shadow’s unguarded side.

Shadow cried out and jumped back, narrowly avoiding a blow that would have cut him nearly in half, and slashed at the Andros once more. It laughed as the thin blade fazed through its body, and again brought its sharpened claws to the fore. The battle was going badly, and Shadow knew without a doubt that he would be on the worst end of the outcome.

Suddenly, he was struck with a thought… an interesting thought.

‘It never fades out its hands…’ his mind told him, ‘that may be because it can’t. Strike the one place where it is weakest, and you may bring it down…’

With a furious war cry, Shadow brought his Katana down with all his might directly on the Haunter’s shining metal claws. He was jolted as the strike shocked through his entire body, and the agonized scream of the creature echoed in his ear with a ghostly resonance. Shadow jumped back just in time to avoid the angry slash of the other claw.

Shadow retreated just far enough to get a good look at his handiwork, and was pleased. His guess had apparently been correct, as the Haunter’s left claw was now nothing but a bleeding stump, and it thrashed around with blind rage. Shadow took advantage of its distraction, and shot in to take care of its other claw.

Now that the Haunter had no way to strike back at its enemy, and it was furious. In its anger, it abandoned all reason, and became solid while at the same time lunging towards Shadow, preparing to swallow the troublesome human whole.

It didn’t get far, for Shadow had been ready. The end of the katana protruded from the back of the Andros as it stopped short in shock. Its eyes flew wide, realizing what had happened in a dreamlike way, and flickered. Finally, they blinked out, and Shadow shook his katana to rid it of the thing. He was glad that the battle was over.


As they threw blasts of psychic power at each other, the war below continued to rage. The Andros were slightly muddled, for Jirachi was now concentrating on Serra and not his army.

Serra and Jirachi dodged and threw attacks in an elaborate aerial dance. They were gradually moving from the battle-torn hills and above Goldenrod City.

Below, people out for night patrols exclaimed and pointed at the raging war in the sky. But Serra and Jirachi paid no heed to them, so intensely into their battle that they did not notice an ominous thundering mass of black clouds moving across the sea horizon.

Jirachi fired another Swift, and Serra countered with the same. The explosion provided some cover, and Serra’s wings suddenly flared once more into the blazing wings of fire she had materialized before. With an angry growl, she gained air. Her blazing form slicing across the sky, trailing embers as it went, instilled hope in the soldiers and citizens on the ground; Serra could sense it. She grinned wickedly, and circled the yet unwary Andros.

“Fire Blast!”

Scarlet flame erupted from both her wings and hands, forming the insignia of a stick figure as it flared across the small gap separating the fire from its target. Jirachi turned just in time to see the column approaching, and Serra could see the beginnings of another Light Screen flicker before she could see no more through the flames.

A terrible screech entered her head, and she winced as she recognized the cry of true pain. As the Fire Blast blew past its victim, Serra saw that Jirachi was no longer trailing sparkles, and that his armor was glowing with white-hot light. The Wishing Star still flew, though, and it still looked at her with all the defiance and anger of before.

Blue energy engulfed her once again, but this time the Andros did not lock her wings. He instead caused such pain that Serra could not focus on her wings, and she fell from the sky in agony, wings beginning to fade as she gave a few, feeble flaps. The pain continued to intensify, and Serra gasped as wounds opened all over her torso and arms, bleeding furiously.

The streets of the city rushed up to meet her, eagerly awaiting her fate. Serra roared, her wings erupting to life as she felt renewed fury within her. She spread her wings and pulled up expertly, air billowing under her wings.

Serra found herself within Goldenrod itself, surrounded by skyscrapers. Panting, she flapped her weary wings and flew through the skyscrapers. Her wounds slowed her, for they continued to bleed. Serra was in intense pain but she determinedly pushed on. Behind her, she sensed Jirachi dropping down to her level, grimly on her tail.


Hydro had to dodge the terrifying thing that lunged at him again and again, for there was no real way to hit it without causing injury to himself. He leaped to the side as the Andros jumped with amazing speed, but was unable to stop from avoiding the strike altogether. He winced as he felt the razor sharp blades slice through the skin on his calf.

“Feeee” moaned the creature, again readying itself for a flop that would bring its bladed fins to bear.

It was a Feebas, and Hydro couldn’t help but feel like laughing at himself as he fought it. The tattered fish was supposed to be harmless, not a walking… flopping… set of blades! Now, every fin, every tatter, was an individual knife of death, ready to slice into whatever even thought of harming it.

As he readied himself to dodge once more, he saw the once place where it didn’t have protection, and that might be away from its flailing fins. He only had one chance!

The fish leaped up, all it’s blades splayed out in a display much like a common lionfish. When he judged it to be close enough, Hydro shot out a hand and gripped the fish, of all places, on the mouth. The Feebas writhed; trying to break the hold of cut its enemy, but was unable to do so.

“Got your lips!” said Hydro with a grin. He pulled back his arm, and punched down with all his might right between the Andros’ eyes.

The force of the blow shattered the fish’s skull, and Hydro nodded grimly as he let the limp form fall lifeless from his hand. He suddenly saw another soldier fighting with the same type of adversary, and ran to help.


Jirachi still flew, although he seemed to be still in pain. His flight was faltering, and it seemed as if he wavered on the brink of consciousness. The white-hot of his armor had faded, and now looked barely warm.

A chill wind passed between the two battlers, and the storm began to block out the sky as it came relentlessly towards land, building power as it did so. Lightning struck in the distance, lighting the area faintly.

Serra led Jirachi willy-nilly, looping and weaving between the buildings, which loomed above them forbiddingly.

Serra flew out from between two skyscrapers, and gasped slightly as a vast sparkling sea opened before her. They had flown west from Goldenrod, and were above the ocean now.

Serra dove down, her wings shimmering and rippling to become feathered Flying wings. She had a plan...

The girl skimmed the surface of the sparkling, star-lit waters, her eyes glowing an eerie white now. As she flew, her flight cut a frothy furrow through the ocean’s surface.

Serra had to marvel at Jirachi’s sheer will of strength. Despite the roasting he’d just received, he continued to be locked on her, his eyes blazing an angry red. But he was weakened, and both knew it.

Serra suddenly pulled up, soaring high into the air. She continued to flap upwards, until the air became thin and Goldenrod had shrunk to the size of a postage stamp. In the distance, she saw the battles, raging ever on and on.

To her relief, Jirachi had not followed her. He drifted just above the water’s surface, and his eyes were glazed over. He was concentrating on directing his armies again, and seemed unaware of her now. Good.

Serra’s eyes were back to their usual icy blue. She was breathing heavily, and aching all over, but her spirit still blazed strong.

Serra raised her arms over her head, and shut her eyes, concentrating intensely.

Between the palms of her hands, a small point of light shone, like a miniature star. It gradually grew in size, thrumming more deeply as it grew. The white light it exuded played over Serra’s face and armor, casting her face in sharp relief.

When Serra opened her eyes at last, a gargantuan white ball of light rumbled overhead. It was huge, almost like a small white sun in the night sky.

It was a ball of pure Normal-type energy, contained within a spherical barrier. It was Serra’s new invention, and she was rather pleased with how it had turned out.

The massive ball of apocalyptic energy thrummed and rumbled incessantly, lighting up the sea and piercing its depths. Jirachi looked up, and his eyes widened in shock. Serra saw the lights of her creation reflected in the Legend’s eyes.

“That attack doesn’t exist!” Jirachi cried, his calm demeanor shattered as he saw his fate.

“It does now. Goodbye, Jirachi. Tell Melos I said hello!” Serra nodded to Jirachi, and raised her arms even further, hefting the sphere high into the air. She grunted with exertion, and her lean arms contracted, straining to the best of their ability.

“Gungnir!” Serra howled and slammed her hands down, her body bending double with the force. The Gungnir sphere roared through the air, creating heat ripples from its descent. The waters around Jirachi churned violently as the intense heat bore down towards him.

Jirachi glowed as he put up a Barrier, but Gungnir ripped through the futile shield and savagely slammed into the Legend. He released a piercing, macabre screech as the raging energy enveloped him.

There was a massive explosion, and the waters were blown outward as a massive pillar of fire roared upwards from where Gungnir had hit Jirachi.

The pillar was an incredible sight to behold. It was as thick as a skyscraper and double the height of one. But Serra did not stop to marvel. Her wings shimmered and metamorphosed into Dragon Wings. With a grunt, she launched herself forwards, and was consumed by the raging inferno that was the pillar of fire.

Inside the fire pillar, the noise was deafening. Fire spun around Serra, burning her and singing her wings. Serra ignored the pain and thrust forcefully inwards, searching for her target.

At last, she saw the form of Jirachi, silhouetted in fire and light. Serra grimaced as her skin burned with white hot pain, but she ignored it, so focused on her target she was.

Serra pushed forwards, finally reaching the immobile Legendary. She thrust out a taloned arm and swiftly grasped Jirachi by the throat.

The pillar flared and howled, rippling into nothingness. As it vanished, the air around it whooshed back into the displaced space, sending out an invisible shockwave that shook the very air itself.

In her anger, she did not feel the burning heat on her chest, nor did she notice the steadily deepening color of the warning scale. Jirachi was helpless, and the war would soon be over. It was all the matter of one, final attack…

“You forget a vital point, my Goddess.” came a grating whisper from under Serra’s grip. Serra looked down and met Jirachi’s smoldering gaze.

“Huh?” Serra was surprised Jirachi could even speak still. But her grip did not loosen.

“I have a third eye.”

Serra looked down, and saw the black curve on Jirachi’s chest tremble. It opened a crack....stopped...then snapped open.

There was a brief, timeless moment when Serra was gazing directly into the churning, roiling depths of the eye. She felt herself helplessly sliding, tumbling, slipping forwards...



She was falling, falling, falling...

Falling into fire and under it..

Under fire, under stone, under ice, under wind...

Spectral shadows, serpentine specters, blurred diamond shards...


White snow, spiraling gently from the pink morning sky. A snowflake drifted down on Serra’s face, melting on the still-wet blood spattered upon it.

Serra moaned, stirring slightly. Her tongue crept out and wet her bloodied lips. Her eyes fluttered open and she sat up slowly.

With a jerk, Serra noticed she was clad in her old white laboratory gown, which was skimpy and thin. Great. Now she was cold.

The wounds on her torso and arms were still bleeding, and crimson flowers were blossoming on the white cloth of the gown.

Serra gazed around dismally. She sat in a vast plain of snow. As far as the eye could see...snow, snow, and more snow. Dammit....Jirachi, where was he?


The soundless voice rang in her head, shocking her. Serra yelped and glared around, but Jirachi was nowhere to be seen.

“Where are you? You *******ized son of a...” growled Serra, rubbing her bare arms fitfully as a chill wind blew.


Serra snorted rudely, and hunched over, shivering even more. The girl tried to conjure up flame to warm herself. To her horror, nothing happened.


Serra sighed and gave into the cold, her body slumping slightly.

“Fine. Whatever. What do you have to say?” she spat.


Serra blinked, confused as to why Jirachi was talking about dates, of all things.


Serra nodded, still unsure as to why they were having this conversation.


“Er...yeah, I think. I was made by scientists who created me to stop the Andros and Team Rocket’s dominion.”


“What? How would you know that? Don’t tell me what the Giovanni said was true!” yelled Serra, her eyes flashing with anger.


Serra felt relief rise within her. So Dr. Dorian WAS good after all! Dorian would never have betrayed her. But she was also feeling surges of rage towards Team Rocket. So she had them to thank for her miserable life.


Serra lowered her head, shuddering as she remembered that awful morning. The morning Dorian had disappeared and the Scyther had come for her. She ventured a cautious question.

“Did you know who the double agent was?” Her tone was hopeful, eager.


Serra raised an eyebrow. Was it just her, or did Jirachi actually sound a little resentful?

“Why are you telling me all this, Jirachi? Surely you know this only kindles my desire to destroy Team Rocket!” Serra growled, her eyes glinting with a feral light.


Serra nodded, still feeling a mixture of irritation, relief, and anger.


Serra jerked, and stiffened. She felt suddenly weak, as if she’d been punched in the gut.

“No...” she said weakly, her voice naught more than a whisper.


Serra shook her head violently.

“I was raised from a fetus in the laboratory.” she whispered brokenly.

The ground before her suddenly began rumbling. The sky darkened, and Serra gasped in fright. The tip of a massive, sharply angular object broke through the snow’s surface and rose, looming majestically over Serra. It was a massive chunk of ice, faceted and crystalline. Serra was in awe at the sheer size of it. It must have been at least twenty feet tall.

The ice’s surface was smooth and polished, and as the light shone off it, it was a dazzling display of beauty and perfection.


Serra looked. Within the semi-transparent ice, activity was taking place. The center of the ice darkened and swirled, like fog and water. It expanded, turning darker as it did. Before Serra’s astonished eyes, a scene unfolded...

A woman in her late twenties sat nervously in a waiting room of some sort. Her lovely face was framed by her slightly wavy magenta hair, which flowed over her shoulders. But what grabbed Serra’s attention the most were her eyes. Wide, and icy blue. Identical to Serra’s.

“My...mother?” whispered Serra.


The pretty woman shifted in her seat uncomfortably, and rubbed her large, pregnant belly. A large Persian nuzzled the woman, comforting her and easing her tensions.

“Don’t worry, Jessie, ah’m sure you’ll be fine...” the Persian spoke in a heavily accented voice. Jessie sighed and leaned back into her chair.

“I know, but don’t they know James and I resigned from Team Rocket? We just wanted to live our lives out in peace, with the baby and all...” trailed the woman.

Serra gasped, unable to comprehend this. Her parents, former Team Rocket members? She had been expecting anything...but not this! Team Rocket was her most hated foe, yet her parents...this was unthinkable!

“Of course Giovanni knows. Heaven knows he was glad to let youse two go, what with all the blundering we did in the past.” chuckled the tawny cat, stretching and shaking his luxurious white fur. The door banged open and a young man ran in, only to slip and crash against the floor painfully. The Persian roared with laughter, while Jessie shook her head.

“James...you alright?”

James smiled sheepishly as he got back to his feet. He was a handsome, strapping man with gentle green eyes. His long hair was tied back, giving him a dashing appearance. Serra’s father bent over and kissed Jessie gently, upon the lips. Both ignored the audible gagging noises of the Persian.

Serra couldn’t help but allow herself to smile a bit. Her parents seemed very much in love, and didn’t seem to be evil at all.

James sat down in the chair next to Jessie, looking around curiously. Both jumped as the door opened once more, and Rocket Elite stepped through. He smiled charmingly at the young couple.

“The Giovanni welcomes you two. Please, come with me.”

The couple stood up, obediently following the Elite through another door to a different room. The Persian chose to stay, but listened intently through the door.

Serra watched intently, not sure what to expect. She sensed somehow, that something bad would happen...

There was a beat, then suddenly, two gunshots rang harshly out. The Persian screeched with fury and horror. He threw himself against the door again and again. The other door opened, and a Team Rocket grunt stepped in. The Persian whirled upon him, snarling as the grunt raised a gun, its barrel gleaming coldly in the dim room. A third gunshot rang out.

The scene darkened and faded. Serra stood there, stunned into silence. She felt numb.


Serra turned her head, gazing dismally into space. It was too much. It was too much for her to bear. Team Rocket had done this. Team Rocket. Team Rocket. That name was a curse.

Why? Why did Team Rocket take away all she cared about? They had taken away her family...her humanity...it wasn’t fair. IT WASN’T FAIR.

Serra snapped her head up and screamed, screamed, screamed her fury to the darkened, cloudy skies. She went on screaming.

Tears ran down Serra’s face in a hot blur and she sank to her knees. Her body was racked violently as she sobbed. She slammed her fist into the snow, hating Jirachi with all her heart. He had done this. He had showed her.

“I hate you! I hate you! I HATE YOU!”

Serra kept pounding the snow, kept at it until her knuckles split and the snow was stained with her blood.


Serra jerked as a white-hot lance of pain stabbed into her skull. Jirachi! He was-

Serra snapped her head up, and screamed as memories flooded into her mind. Jirachi was running all her most painful memories through her brain in a blur, torturing her. It was too much. Too fast.

Serra jerked her head wildly, toppling over on her side, flailing in unimaginable agony.


Serra weaved through the tables silently, platters of meat in her hands. Her face gazed downwards at the floor, not daring to look at the customers as she placed the food down at their table. One of the men glanced at the food, and then up at Serra. His fat, rubbery lips curled up in a lewd smile.

“Hey, there ain’t enough meat, wench. I want my meat!” He reached out and placed his hand on Serra’s left breast. She gasped, stiffening up and staring petrified at the man. He raised his eyebrow, daring Serra to fight back.

Serra’s shoulders slumped and she looked down, unmoving as the man squeezed her breast ungently. It hurt, but she did not dare to respond for fear of a beating. The customers at the table roared with laughter, guffawing and slapping each other’s backs.

“Stop! STOP!” Serra managed to yell from between convulsions. But Jirachi pressed on relentlessly, flipping through her memories like a pack of cards.

Serra sat quietly upon a stool in the corner of the bar, her face downcast. She was curled up, folded within herself. She was afraid, for the bartender had ordered her to stay there. She didn’t know what was happening. She didn’t understand.

The bartender called her, and Serra jerked, obedient as usual. She slid off her stool and timidly walked up to the bartender. A man stood next to him. He frightened Serra. His eyes were cold and grey, emotionless. He looked like one of the local villagers. His chest and biceps bulged under a tight-fitting grey shirt.

“Serra, you have the entire night with him. Make it good. He pays well.” snapped the bartender. Serra blinked, puzzled as the man leered at her.

“A-a night? What do you mean?” stammered Serra, confused. What was going on?

The man glanced at the bartender.

“She has never done it before?” he asked coolly. The bartender shook his head. The man smiled even wider, a nasty grin that sent chills up Serra’s spine.

“Even better. She is a virgin, ripe for the picking.”

The bartender handed the man a key and pointed to one of the rooms down the hall next to the bar. The man nodded in response and strode towards Serra, grabbing her hair and cruelly yanking her with him. Serra yelped as her scalp flared with pain, but the man ignored her.

He wrenched open the door and pulled Serra through, throwing her against a wall. Serra slammed against it and slid down, moaning in fright. She didn’t understand. What was happening?

The man stood over her, regarding her with a look of indifference, looking at Serra as though she were a slab of meat.

“Undress. Now.” he ordered.

Serra blinked up at him, appalled beyond all reason. He snarled and lunged in a rapid blur, punching Serra in the gut. Serra yelped in pain and scrabbled to pull off her shirt, not wanting to get beaten.

The man broke into a broad smirk, leaning down and grabbing Serra by the neck. He powerfully pulled her up by the neck, breathing into her face.

“We’re going to have some fun tonight...”

The bartender had returned to his routine, cleaning out beer mugs with a greasy rag. He did not look up, not when bloodcurdling, terrified screams echoed around the empty pub. Not when the screams gradually faded away to quiet, heart-wrenching sobs.

All that mattered was the money.

Serra lay shaking in the snow, all but gone in the dark anguish of her past. The girl sobbed quietly, unaware of her surroundings. She was back, back in the dark void of her broken spirit.

Soft morning light streamed through the window, lighting up a dingy room in a soft, rosy hue. A bed stood in the corner of the room, its sheets askew. A girl huddled on the dirty floor, shaking violently. She was naked, except for a lone, thin sheet crumpled up and wrapped around her blood-streaked legs. The sheets were dark with blood and heavily wrinkled. Bruises stood out with alarming starkness against her pale skin. Hand-shaped bruises rose upon her fair-skinned breasts, and her neck was swollen with more bruises.

The girl dared not cry for fear of another beating. She could only rock back and forth silently, staring wide-eyed blankly into space. Her icy blue eyes were vacant, devoid of any spark of life.

Serra shuddered and went still, her eyes glazing over, becoming eerily vacant. Her body went limp, as if her spirit had been wrenched out of it.


The snowy plain warped and rippled, like a pond surface stirred up by a breeze. Everything darkened....

There was an abrupt, stomach-jolting wrench and they were in a room now. It was very plain, and purely made of grey stone bricks.

A cell.

Serra wined slightly as her cheek thudded against the cold, unyielding stone. Jirachi’s mind-ravaging had left her exhausted and drained, and her bleeding wounds didn’t exactly help, either.

Serra jerked in surprise as Jirachi appeared in the cell with a quiet pop of displaced air.


Serra ignored Jirachi, intently focusing on keeping herself from screaming.

Jirachi narrowed his now-glowing azure eyes. A rippling blue aura surrounded Serra and jerked her up. The girl twisted and writhed, but could not break free. She hovered in the air, her face a macabre mask of agony.

Serra was brutally hurled through the air like a rag doll. She crashed into the cold stone wall with a sickening thud. Deep inside, Serra felt a bone snap. Her rib! Serra groaned as her mouth filled with coppery blood.


Serra spat out a mouthful of blood and glared balefully at the Wishing Star, her eyes digging holes into him.

“Go to hell, sparkly dickweed.” she spat.


Serra groaned as she was swiftly plucked up and smashed into the wall again. Red fog filled her vision, and dull cracks within her torso told her more ribs had broken. Her chest was burning in pain, and her vision blurred, dimming.

Serra was slammed into the stone wall again and again. Each time she impacted, a sticky red smear was left behind upon the cold stone walls. Each time she hit, there was a crack as bones broke.

Serra’s vision darkened and went black. All her ribs were broken, and her spine was fractured. Her pelvis was also broken, and her skull was cracked. She lay in a pool of blood. Serra was no longer aware of anything except her own pain.


Blackness...blood...so much pain...


The voice...in the darkness...so nice...pleasant...should she listen..?

No! I must not give in...

Serra’s body was shattered beyond hope. A broken piece of flesh and bone barely covered by a crimson-soaked white gown. The end was inevitable.

Must not submit..

Serra was dimly aware of Jirachi floating closer...closer...


The razor-sharp edge of Jirachi’s wing sliced across Serra’s cheek, opening a deep gash. A trickle of blood dripped down her pale, blood-spattered cheek.

No reaction.

Serra was dead to the world. Jirachi smiled grimly. He drifted even closer, brushing against Serra’s cheek with his other wing...

Serra sprang to life. Her eyes snapped open and her hand lashed out, the metal talons flashing in the dim room.

Jirachi screeched, a deep, undulating scream of pure, unadulterated agony. His wings spasmed and jerked crazily.

The cell rumbled and let out a massive heave.....a flash of light...and a sonic boom.

And the sea opened underneath. Serra and Jirachi were back...hovering above the ocean west of Goldenrod. Serra’s gown fluttered in the sea breeze. Her left hand grasped Jirachi’s throat still.

Her right hand.....buried deep into Jirachi’s third eye. Red, moist claws protruded from Jirachi’s back.

Jirachi’s eyes traveled down to his third eye, then along Serra’s naked, pale arm, and finally came to a rest on Serra’s blood-streaked, haggard face. Suddenly, he shuddered.

His red eyes flickered on and off...on...off...on...off....and came back on.

They were a greenish-yellow.

Jirachi’s mouth parted, gasping for breath. As he spoke, he groaned in pain.

“My Goddess...thank you. Thank you.”

Serra’s breath came out in wheezing gasps, but she nodded.

Jirachi’s eyes dimmed, and he looked up, at the stars overhead. They twinkled serenely, bright diamonds upon black velvet.

“So beautiful..” the Wishing Star whispered. His eyes flickered, then went out for the final time.

The Legend’s form glowed, reflecting the radiance of the stars...and dissolved into sparkles. The sparkling dust blew about Serra’s face, and a faint, distant voice echoed into her ear.

You have my blessing, Goddess.

The sparkles brightened in farewell, then dimmed away into nothingness. Serra’s right arm was still outstretched, dripping with red blood.

All at once, it hit her. The blood, the wounds, the broken bones, the mental torture....it was too much.

Serra let go of her levitation...and fell. Her eyes slid shut peacefully. She was satisfied....she had defeated the Legend of the Stars. But it had taken the greatest cost of all.

She fell silently....it seemed like a dream. Her vision blurred over and darkened. Falling...falling...falling.

Into the sea.


“They’re retreating! They’re retreating! The Andros are retreating!”

Joyous yells rang out as haggard soldiers whooped and gave chase. Immediately following Jirachi’s death, the mental link was broken, and the Andros had panicked, for the figurative head of the snake had been cut off. They milled around in blind panic, and had turned to flee. But heartened soldiers and Pokémon alike overtook them, cutting them down. The Andros did not even put up a fight. Their once-great army was broken, defeated.

Aeris yelled in joy, whooping as she shot down a row of fleeing Andros Girafarig. This was easy, too easy!

Nearby, gunshots rang out as Terra literally mowed down a column of Bellossom and Seviper in a rain of bullets.

Blade stood up, wiping his blade clean on the grass. Raven strode up next to him, watching the retreating, beaten Andros. Topaz trotted up between them, laughing crazily.

“All of Johto is united in victory! We will celebrate for weeks to come!”

“But if Serra won, where is she?” asked Blade. The trio grew silent, wondering on Serra’s fate.


The girl in question was sinking headfirst towards the darkness of the ocean depths. The rippling waters sent her gown fluttering elegantly, like the fins of a Goldeen. Her hair billowed out like a grey cloud, obscuring her features. Curious Magikarps swam down, following her descent, but scattered, frightened as a blur of white shot through them, heading towards the fallen Goddess.

“Geroff, you stupid fish! Can’t you see she’s dead? Give her body some respect!” an irate, female voice shouted in her native language. The white, elegant aquatic Pokémon swirled around the body, following her descent towards the dark depths, making sure it got safe passage from curious bystanders.

“Is she dead?” asked a young Seaking. Another Seaking shook her head.

“I don’t know...she doesn’t look drowned. The Staryu up on the surface said she fell. Maybe she’s unconscious. What do you think, Pearqueen?”

The white Pokémon that had been spiraling around Serra twisted her head, looking up at the Seaking.

“Mayhaps you’re right. Come on, stupid fish. Help me buoy her up. We’ll take her to Beau.”

Protests rose loudly among the fish.

“The Shiftry?”
“But he’s dangerous!”

“Shut up!” bellowed Pearlqueen. The Dewgong flapped her tail irately, and the fish quieted.

“That’s better. I trust Beau. Now come on!”

Elite Eevee

Great chapter. When you think it, evil legendaries are more terrifying than anything. Most's mind power could manipulate thousands at a time, and everything else...

Hold on, for a second, HOLD ON! *Rubbing eyes* Her parents are the infamous 'prepare for trouble' group! This just gets wierder and wierder.

And Melos. Boy is he going to be happy.


Melos not evil. Melos alter-ego of Mew. That's my theory.

Of curse evil legendaries are scarier than any other. They represent a powerful natural force, and there are few things scarier than a corrupt natural force. I don't think Mew can be corrupted, though. Mew is existence of life, you corrupt that, you destroy life.

I like how everything in this fic is connected. It shows real thought put into it.


Well, I haven't posted in forever XD

Enjoy the first chapter of the Song of the Goddess!!!


Dark waves drew back and rose majestically, crashing with a thunderous roar upon the unyielding black cliffs. Pink light shone from beyond the horizon, washing everything in a rosy hue. A small white form cut through the dark waters, carving a foamy furrow through the surface.

Pearlqueen huffed and puffed as she lugged the immobile form of Serra. For three days and nights, the Dewgong had stubbornly bore the mysterious human through the sea to the cliffs near Olivine City.

The cliffs were where her friend Beau lived, and it was he who would know who..what...the human girl was. Pearlqueen could not quite put her fin on it, but she felt a strange bond with the girl...as if the human was actually one of the People. But how could that be? She was a human. She looked like a human. Hell, she even smelled like a human. But she didn’t feel like one. No. This confused and infuriated the Dewgong, as she did not like being confused.

Pearlqueen kept the girl afloat with her fins, patiently towing her. The cliffs loomed high above her, dark and forbidding in the dawn light...

Floating...floating....in the fog. No time, no space. Nothingness. Then-

A voice in the void.


Serra twitched her eyelids at the call. Her mind briefly surfaced, then sank back into the darkness.

(Serra. Serra the Goddess.)

A small moan arose from her throat, yet her lips did not move.

(Serra. Awaken.)

Serra’s eyelids slid open, obeying the command with alacrity. For a moment, she had the dizzying sensation of being suspended in swirling grey mist, all alone in the void.

(Look to me, Goddess!)

A disntict purplish haze appeared in front of Serra’s startled eyes. Two glowing white eyes revealed themselves within the haze, boring into Serra’s own icy blue eyes.

(My name is Shadowdancer. I am a Ghost Missingno, first-class Glitch. I shall be your guide today.)

“Shadowdancer....are you related to Bonedancer in any way?” asked Serra with more calm than she actually felt.

Shadowdancer’s eyes widened in surprise. The purple fog contracted slightly.

(Why, yes. Bonedancer is my kin, my brother.)

“Oh, I see. Um..where are we?” asked Serra, a bit of nervousness appearing in her voice.

(You have been here before, I believe. The Between, the void that separates the three planes-the Missingno plane, the Living plane, and the Death plane, or the Realms of Fog. My job as a Ghost Missingno is to guide spirits from the Living Plane to the Death plane.)

Serra stiffened at the last phrase.

“I’m.....dead?” she whispered. Shadowdancer expanded slightly, and began reciting what seemed to be a pre-memorized statement.

(Let’s see now. Your spine broken in five places, all your ribs also broken, and massive internal bleeding and ruptured lungs. You are in a what I believe the humans call a “coma.” Your body lives, but barely. You are not dead, but my lord Melos wanted to talk to you, so he extracted your soul briefly. He was unable to talk to you in the Living because you were, of course, in a coma.)

Relieved, Serra relaxed and nodded briefly. Shadowdancer revolved slowly, her ever-moving particles seemingly to thrum in place.

The fog suddenly faded without warning, and the two beings were standing in a dark underground cavern. A dark river was before them, its still surface seemingly to hold infinite depths.

(We are at the river Styx, the passageway to the Dead realm. I have done my job, and guided you to the beginning of your path. I take my leave now, Goddess.)

Shadowdancer faded silently, and Serra was left standing on the riverbank alone, in the misty silence. In the far distance, she could see ethereal glowing globes of light drifting dreamily.

More than a little spooked out now, Serra scuffed her foot at the spot where the water’s edge lapped at the sands, and jumped back with fright as she saw a faint, skeletal face in the water. She looked up and stifled a faint scream as she saw the dark figure standing before her.

Pearlqueen grunted in exasperation as she banged her horn thrice against a stone slab. The sound rolled like thunder across the bare cliffs, echoing impressively. The stone slab shifted slightly, then fell over with a resounding crash, making the sands rumble. A gaping hole revealed-a passageway.

Waddling in imperiously and with as much dignity a Dewgong could muster while waddling, Pearlqueen dragged the comatose form of Serra with her, down the tunnel.

The passageway eventually widened into a large chamber, but a snug one. Various leaves and herbs hung from ropes twined around stalactites, and a small underground spring burbled gently at the far end of the chamber. Crouched next to the chamber was a massive beast, its visage fearsome and nightmarish. A Shiftry.

The Shiftry looked up slowly, its fearsome yellow eyes boring into the gentle brown of Pearlqueen’s.

“Hey, Beau. I got you a patient.”

Beau the Shiftry looked down slowly at the bedraggled body of the girl in the white gown. His beak shifted slightly as he spoke in a deep voice that belied his age.

“A human..you want me to treat a human?”

“She isn’t a normal human!” Pearlqueen bristled. “Can’t you smell her? She reeks of elemental power!”

Beau gazed down at Serra, and shrugged, his majestic leaves rustling.

“Very well...I shall treat her...but I require payment.”

Pearlqueen sighed.

“Let me guess. You want food.” Her tone was sarcastic.

Beau said nothing, only blinking his eyes impassively.

Her heart beating, Serra took in the newcomer. It wore a dark, rough cloak, draped over its body like a cobweb. The cloth jutted out in the back, from where a dark terracotta-coloured tail protuded. Serra looked up slowly, and saw the skeletal face that had been reflected in the water.

It was a Marowak. But not any normal Marowak. Marowaks had their eyes positoned to fit in the eyeholes of their skull. This one....his eye sockets were empty, twin voids of darkness. And he was more gaunt, skeletal, his back slightly stunted.

Serra flinched as the Marowak raised a paw, its bare claws gleaming in the light exuding from the light-globes.

-Bone. My name is Charon, ferryman of the River Styx. Do you have payment for the passage? Bone.-

Serra looked down, and was slightly startled as she noticed she held several golden coins tightly clasped in her right fist. She proffered the coins to the Marowak, who took them silently.

Charon beckoned Serra behind him, and she saw a massive black reed boat floating silently behind the ferryman.

Serra nodded politely, stepping into the boat and sittin down gingerly. Charon glided smoothly into the prow of the boat, and held out his other paw. pointing upwards.

There was a massive thunderclap, and a long bone scythe appeared in Charon’s outspread paw. The Marowak stabbed the scythe into the still water, and levered the boat forwards. The artifact glided smoothly, skimming effortlessly across the still surface of the river.

Serra’s body had been laid out on a bed of thick, lush leaves. Beau crouched next to her, using a damp, soft leaf to wipe the dried and crusted blood upon Serra’s face and arms.

“How is she?” asked Pearlqueen, waddling into the chamber with several flopping, squealing Goldeen tightly clenched in her jaw. With several swift blows against a rock, she killed the Goldeen silently.

Beau answered, but did not turn, focused on his task.

“She has lots of broken bones, in her spine and her ribs. Skull fracturing and internal bleeding. But I am...disturbed with a discovery. Look ye well!”

Beau leant forward and picked up Serra’ right wrist in his beak, showing her hand to the Dewgong. Pearlqueen dropped the Goldeen and waddled over to look at the hand with curiousity.

After a silence, Pearlqueen spoke up.

“What is that stuff on her hand? It’s..purple...if my eyes don’t decieve me. And..it’s sparkly.”

Beau nodded.

“It’s got Steel and Psychic elemental energy. It has traces of Andros metal. And it’s dead, obiviously. Now, Pearlqueen, tell me...what is Steel, Psychic, an Andros, is dead, and exudes sparkles?”

Pearlqueen blinked, swipng at her head with her flipper, thinking deeply. Then her eyes widened as the implication hit her.

“Jirachi....the Wishing Star?!?”

Beau nodded with approval, his white mane shifting in the motion.

“The Staryu’s gossip spreads everywhere...there has been talk that the Goddess has killed Jirachi. I think....this girl is the Goddess everyone speaks of. Look! This purple fleshy material...it may have come from Jirachi’s third eye.”

“How’d you know Jirachi has a purple third eye?” asked Pearlqueen, bemused.

“The Staryu say....the Goddess plunged her talons into his eye, and that was his demise.”

Pearlqueen shook her head.

“Phwoarr, you’re awfully wise for a old coot.” she said admiringly.

Beau let out what could have been a chuckle. The sound echoed slightly in the cavern.

The vessel had been floating for sometime now. The fog, coupled with the dreamlike lights, transpired to soothe Serra and fill her with a deep peace. The still silence was also eerily soothing. Serra glanced down at the still surface of the Styx and jerked, flinching backwards, her mouth opening in a silent gasp.


Faces in the water. Skeletal faces. Floating almost paper-like seemingly in the surface, they gazed up at her with their empty sockets, a death’s specter.

Transfixed by the spectres’ gaze, Serra’s face gradually leaned towards the surface, drawn inexorably. A sudden burst of clear, sweet chimes rippled out. The faces writhed and dissolved violently, emitting whispery moans of sorrow, washed away by the pure melody.

Serra looked up, free of the mysterious force, and saw the hovering lights for what they really were as they emerged out the fog.

Chimecho. Millions upon millions of Chimecho, tinkling their tails in a symphony of sweet melody, all exuding a faint glow.

-Bone.The Chimecho’s melody puts the drifting souls to peace.Bone.-

Serra nodded at Charon and settled back into her seat, relieved that the Chimecho had dispelled the deathly stares of the faces.

-Bone. We are upon the Black Gate. This is where I leave you. Bone.-

The vessel came to a smooth stop, resting tranquil at a riverbank. Beyond the bank was more fog and lights, but above the mists loomed a massive ironclad gate....as black as Melos’ fur.

Serra stood and gingerly stepped out, passing Charon. The ferryman bowed, his empty eyesockets betraying no emotion.

-Bone. Knock upon the door thrice with the skull and thou shalt be granted entry. Goodbye. Bone.-

Serra bowed back, and turned her back, trudging up the bare, sandy slope. Briefly glancing behind her, she saw the river was empty. Not a soul was to be seen....Charon had vanished.

Her heart fluttering wildly, Serra reached the summit of the Black Gate. Its shadow fell on her....but it seemed to drench and drown her in the massive shadow. Shuddering, Serra forced herself to step forwards. As she did do, she noticed a human skull hanging from a leather thong on the gate.

-Bone. Knock thrice. Bone.-

Serra reached forwards, grasping the skull by sliding her thumb in the right eyesocket and curling her other fingers under the upper mandible. She drew the morbid knocker back, and banged it with explosive force against the iron gate. Once, twice, thrice!

The thunder of the sound rolled over the distant, sandy hills. With a second thunderclap that made Serra flinch and clap her hands to her ears, the gate disengaged with a thunderous click. There was a multiude of many smaller clicks as unseen pistons and gears rumbled, shifting and grinding. The sands trembled as the gates slowly, majestically opened, letting out pure white light that blinded and dazzled all that looked at it...

“Fennel...jasmine...no, that won’t do..need dock leaves....dock...dock..where the hell is it...Sempai? SEM-PAAAAAI!!”

Beau looked up from the pile of herbs and plants he was frantically rummaging through, yelling. In the spring, Pearlqueen stirred faintly, then resumed snoring gently, revolving serenely in the water. Even further back in the cavern, beyond the spring, there was a series of thuds, bangs, yelps, and curses. A faintly pink form tottered around the spring, its eyes swirling comicially.

“Sempai! Where are the dock leaves?!?” Beau snapped, waving his leaf fans in his agitation.

Sempai the Clefairy yawned widely, and raised his left paw. Flicking his three claws back and forth in an archaic little finger-dance, the Clefairy produced a handful of dock leaves seemingly out of nowhere and proferred them to the irate Shiftry.

“ I was using them for bath scents.” chirped Sempai. Beau turned his head and gave the Clefairy a stare that would have splintered stone. He plucked the leaves from Sempai’s paw and scurried over to the bed of leaves where Serra was laid out.

“Now, young pup, we’re going to place poultices on her ribs and put a brace on her spine. Fetch me a large piece of driftwood about the width and length of this girl’s back, please.”

Sempai nodded and waddled up and out through the passageway.

(Goddess. Welcome to my realm.)

Melos swooped towards Serra, flaring his wings and folding them as he landed gently before Serra’s feet. The light died out, and they stood upon a massive pewter-coloured slate disk balanced upon a dagger-shaped pillar of stone. The sky was a watery, washed out blue with smudges of brownish-grey clouds.

“What’d you want?” Serra asked, blunt to the extreme. But the bluntness was a foil...for Serra was afraid, but refused to show it.

(Serra, you have given me plenty of fresh souls. War is bountiful to me. I am already in debt to you, but! I shall strike thee a deal.)

“Erm...what sort of deal?” Serra ventured cautiously, abandoning her previous rudeness.

(You have delivered to me the Wishing Star Jirachi. He is one of three, the Andros Trinity.)

Serra nodded, confirming the statement.

“Yeah, I remember Aeris telling me Jirachi, Celebi, and Mewtwo had been captured and turned into generals of the Andros.”

(The Trinity. Three sides. One of the stars, one of the ancient forests, and one of chaos and destruction. Destroy the other two as you have destroyed Jirachi, and I shall do my promise-come to your aid in your darkest hour. But if you destroy the Guardian and the Ravager....for that, I will teach you the Song of the Goddess.)

“The Song of the Goddess?” Serra wondered aloud, wondering what that was.

(You sing of slaughter, yes? Sing to me your Deathsong, the song you sang when you acquired your armor.)

Puzzled but obidient, Serra complied.

“Poised for flight
Wings spread bright
Spring from night
Into the sun
Don’t stop to run
She can fly like a lie
She cannot be outdone
Tell them the Goddess sent you
And will send more.”

The last note carried with a brooding waver, then faded away, gone with the wind. Melos rustled his wings, showing approval.

(Very good. You have the talent of song, my Goddess.)

Serra flushed, pleased at the praise.

(Listen ye well. You may only use the song of the Goddess once. Once, and that is it. It is used for the sole purpose of summoning the Army of the Dead. Understood?)

Serra nodded, and Melos’ wings fanned out, thrumming as they flapped with the speed and precision of a hummingbird. The Reaper hovered up, his paw outspread. A golden globe of light collected at it, and Melos gently pushed the golden ball at Serra.

The ball shot towards Serra as if endowed with a mind of its own, and hit Serra’s Mark center on. There was a loud whoosh as a ripple of air exuded in a radius around Serra’s forehead. The Mark took on the blazing glow of the golden light, and let out a piercing flash...


The time that had passed while Serra was in the care of the three pokémon was approximately three days, a week. Let us now adjourn to see what Aeris and the rest of the gang were doing the day after Johto’s First won the war...

“Have the search parties found her yet?” demanded Blade, bursting into Aeris’ room. All the surviving soldiers were recuperating in tents set up around Goldenrod, including Topaz, JLX, Auntie Verd, Umbra, Rob, and Sam. However, Aeris had commissioned rooms for herself and her friends in the Goldenrod hotel.

Aeris shrieked and whirled around, clad in only her pants, her bra and nothing else.

“OUT!! Out out out!”

Blade fled back through the door, slamming it shut as a shoe bounced off the back of his head.

When Aeris had finished changing from her old grimy, blood stained clothes into a pair of black jeans and a sleeveless white top, she stomped outside, snapping on her black fingerless gloves. The fuming blonde cornered Blade on the sofa in the lobby and stabbed her finger into Blade’s chest as she spoke.

“You’re lucky I don’t have Serra’s powers, or you’d be ash right now.” she informed him, not unkindly. “I’m sorry, Blade. The search parties haven’t found any traces of Serra. They’ve searched up and down the entire region, from Cianwood to Mahogany, even Blackthorn City. It’s as if the earth itself swallowed her up.”

Blade slumped slightly into his seat, sinking back into the downy blue cushions of the sofa and holding his forehead in his hands. He was a woebegone sight, still in his dirty clothes. His hair was thick with sweat and dirt, and his face was no better, except for two clean tracks from his eyes to his cheeks, where he had shed untold tears.

The door of the lobby swung open, and Aeris glanced around to look. Terra and Raven emerged, both tired but clean. Behind Raven floated an odd sight indeed: a massive line of floating Pokéballs, all neatly clustered one after another. The red and white spheres followed Raven like ducklings after the mother duck.

“Is that all of our pokémon?” asked Aeris, pointing to the floating balls.

“Yes, they’ve all come back newly healed from the Pokémon Centre. They’re ready to be sent back to Victory Island.”

Shadow walked down the stairs as Raven finished talking and came over to them.

“What’s this? You’re sending all your pokémon back to the Base?”

<Not all of them...Maverick, Dark Flame and Ghost are staying with us. The other pokémon need to rest and recover...and take a vacation. I think we should do the same, go on vacation to Hoenn after the Johto Barrier is done.> Terra signed.

Raven nodded, and started speaking again. “I’ve been overseeing the construction of the barrier towers...one in Blackthorn, one in Cianwood, one in New Bark, and the last near Johto’s Battle Tower. We may not be able to penetrate Kanto’s barrier, but at least they won’t penetrate ours.”

“When will the barrier be done? How do they work, anyway?” Aeris asked curiously.

“The barrier’ll be done in three weeks. Each Barrier tower stores and recycles Psychic Energy, generating a continuous shield of Psi elemental power. It’s quite simple, actually. The hard part is pouring all the energy itself in the towers to begin with, but the Alakazam and the other local Psychic pokémon are going to help us.”

Aeris nodded, understanding it at last, and turned to Blade.

“Blade, if you want to help, go get Hydro and tell him to come say goodbye to his pokémon, then for your and our sakes, go shower and change.”

Blade said nothing, but went silently. Raven, Aeris, Terra and Shadow watched his retreating back with sympathy.

“He’s one messed up dude...” commented Shadow, putting his arm around Raven and drawing her close. “I don’t blame him, I’d be the same if I lost you, dear!”

Aeris and Terra made cat calls and cheering noises as the couple kissed.

“Shut up or I’ll lob these Pokéballs at your noses.” Raven’s voice was sharp, but her smile ruined her stern tone.

Hydro came running down the stairs, panting. He was closely followed by the hyperactive Maverick and Ghost, along with Dark Flame.

“Don’t tell me they left already!!” he hollered, running up to the group.

“Nope, they’re here. Shall I release them?” The pokéballs glowed and dropped to the floor. Every one clicked open and twin flashes of light erupted in the lobby.


“Jask! Jask jask jask Ninjask!”

“Grova!! Grovy leee leee Vyle!”

“Joooolt! Eon eon Jolteon!”


“Dactyl!!! Aero aero aero dactyl!!”


When the tearful goodbyes and howls had faded out, all the pokémon returned to their pokéballs with regret.

“Okay, kids, ready? I’m teleporting them back...Su will get them and release them.”

With minute pops and hisses, each pokéball disappeared from existence one by one. The group stared at the empty floor, feeling a mixture of sadness and worry.

“We need to do something about Serra...” began Hydro when they were rudely interrupted by a maid.

“Masters, masters! Forgive me, but...I found this note in Master Jaegerin’s room!”

Aeris took the note and read it out loud to the group, her tone changing slowly from confusion to dismay as she did.

“Dear Friends,

I have left to go look for Serra. Do not follow me, understood? It’ll be easier if I go by myself. I have my sword to protect me, and as long as Serra needs me, no living being will stop me, not even if the Sea Guardian Lugia herself appeared before me. Goodbye, and stay well and out of trouble. Blade Jaegerin.”

<Stay out of trouble?> snapped Terra, her eyes sparking. <What are we, little kids?>

Hydro shook his head. “ I’m not surprised, I regret to say. Blade is so blindly devoted to Serra, he does things first and thinks later.”

“Well, we need to find him now.” sighed Aeris. “By the way. where’s Tora?”

<She’s still at the field, on volunteer cleanup duty, getting rid of the corpses. All her Pokémon are okay except whotsacallit electric bug-Electipide, her name was Eternity, I think. Poor thing got caught in a underground collapse, but she’ll recover.>

Aeris nodded. “Okay, good. Now, Raven, Blade forgot one minor thing...you can track him down, yes?”

Raven nodded. “Shall I get packed?”


Beau trudged down the beach west of Goldenrod, tracking down signs of the battle the previous night. He had heard eyewitnesses about how Serra and Jirachi had flown west over the sea and after that, were never heard of since. So he would go follow them!

The beach was gorgeous in the light of morning, the sun turned the shimmering surface of the water into liquid gold, dazzling all observers. Palm trees swayed gently as a lumbering Exeggutor searched for coconuts.

Down the beach, a small boat rental shack owner was only too glad to give Blade a boat in gratitude for his part in the war.

As Blade pushed the boat into the sparkling water, his mind filled with anxious thoughts about Serra. He desperately hoped she was okay...



Melos had sent Serra’s soul back to the living Plane with the new knowledge of the Goddess’ Song. Serra’s spirit resided in her body once more, but the coma rendered her practically dead to the world. All she could do was wait, paralyzed and unable to do anything as the Shiftry and the Clefairy tended to her. Her eyes were stuck closed, rendering her blind, but she could hear distant, faint snatches of what was being spoken...it was as if she was drifting in dreamy fog.




Blade had been sailing for less than a hour, but the tranquil scenery did little to soothe him.

“You have got to relax...with all that worry, you were like a beacon to me. No one escapes my notice, kid.”

Blade yelled and whirled, raising his sword in a deadly swing. The blade was centimeters from Raven’s pale throat when it glowed white-hot. Blade yelped once more and plunged his burned hands into the water, dissipating the pain. Raven watched him, expressionless. Blade looked up and snarled, furious.

“I am not turning back. I am going to find Serra, no matter the cost! I will fight you myself if I have to! Using cheap tricks won’t-”

Raven raised her hand and made a swift zipping motion with her index finger and thumb. Immediately, Blade’s lips locked together.

“Zip it, take it, and stuff it up yours if you need to.” Raven said calmly, her purple eyes glittering. “I am simply here to help. Have you gone mad? I can track down Serra’s elemental signature!”

She made a unzipping motion and Blade immediately resumed talking, irate.

“ If you could do that, why didn’t you do it earlier?” snapped Blade. Raven blinked slowly and deliberately.

“Because the war only just ended this morning at two-thirty AM. I had expended a lot of energy during the war and needed to rest. If you continue to be rude, I think you will look rather fetching as a doll.” Her words had a more definite, menacing ring to them as she finished the threat.

Blade looked down, chastised. His ears flushed red.

“Raven...I’m sorry...” he mumbled whilst looking at his hands as though they had the secrets to the universe.

“Forget it. It doesn’t matter. You’re here, I’m here, and that’s all that matters. Come on, kiddo. Let’s go find your sweetheart.” Raven gave a rare smile as she reached up and adjusted the sail, increasing their speed.

“So what’s the plan, anyhow?” Raven asked. Blade took a map from his pack and unfolded it, revealing a tattered depiction of Johto. He pointed to the waters between Goldenrod and Olivine.

“We’re here.This is where Serra was last seen...basically what we’re doing is searching for any traces of her until your psi powers are restored.”

“Sounds good.” agreed Raven, her black lustrous hair waving in the sea breeze as the sail swelled, carrying the boat daintily across the shimmering water’s surface.



“My energy’s charged and ready!” Raven said as Blade awoke groggily.

“Yeersh....sho.....WHAT?!” Blade sat up, his formerly sleepy face bright with hope. “Are you going to track her now?”

“I am now, foolish child.”

Raven settled back into the stern of the ship, and her eyes took on a faint glow.

Droplets of water rose from the water and collected in front of her, forming a sparkling 3-dimesional map comprised of glittering, minute droplets of water. A map of the sea.
Blade examined the map with interest. It showed the area they were in, which was near the Cianwood area, near some cliffs. A glowing purple droplet marked their boat, while a pure white droplet glowed on the cliffs north of Cianwood, out of Johto’s boundary lines, and just on the edge of the vast ocean between Orre and the other three regions.

“Is that white dot Serra?” Blade asked, pointing at the map.

“Yes...mark it on your map, now!” Raven sounded a little strained. The water map trembled and fell apart as Blade jotted an X on his map.

“Phew,,,that was hard.” Raven sounded surprised. “Her signature was faint, so faint I almost missed it. She can’t be in good shape.”

Blade stowed away her map and moved up, running around desperately doing adjustments to max out their speed. Raven watched him and shook his head.

“He’s so devoted....I’m lucky to have Shadow, as is Serra lucky to have him...even if she doesn’t think it.”


“What’s this white stuff on the Goddess?” Sempai asked, wrinkling his nose as he picked at Serra’s gown.

“Young and foolish child, that is her clothing. All humans wear it. Although, this one is so ripped and filthy it can hardly be counted as clothing. I thank ye for reminding me. I shall remove that and cover her up with the Ursaring fur.”

“Cover her up again? Why do human do that?” Sempai turned his face to the aged Shifrty.

“Never you mind, young one. Fetch me the Ursaring fur skin!”



“This is it?” asked Blade, staring awestruck up at the massive cliffs. Raven looked at the map ad nodded confirmation. The pair trudged up the beach, leaving their plucky little sailboat waiting on shore. As they drew near the cliffs, Blade noticed a large slab of stone jutting from the cliff outcrop.

“What do you make out of that, Raven?”

Raven shielded her eyes as she looked up at the stone slab.

“I’ll break it...I sense Serra behind it.”

Her eyes flared white in a brief flash, and the rock exploded on a shower of granite shards. The noise was enough to wake the dead.

“Show off.” mumbled Blade. Raven only grinned, and the two cautiously walked into the cave that had been revealed.

They had been stumbling through the dark tunnel for a while when a scowling pink form stepped up to Blade (he was leading.)

“Awwww, it’s a Clefairy! How are you, sweetie?” exclaimed Blade, bending down to shake the Clefairy’s paw.


Raven shook her head in expasteration as Blade flew past her, slamming into the wall bodily.

“Men.” she muttered. Raven glanced at the Clefairy, who was still scowling but had a slight amused look in its eyes as Blade staggered to his feet, tottering like a drunkard.

“Little one, harm us not. We are here to get our friend, a human girl called Serra. Have you seen her?”

The Clefairy instantly narrowed its eyes and looked at Raven carefully. Then he spoke falteringly in squeaky Clefairy language.

“Clefairy clefairy fairy clefa reee fa.”

Raven’s eyes flashed purple, and she bent down to face the Clefairy eye to eye.

“That is a lie, little one. I am Raven Darkmoon, Master Psychic Class One, Category Two, with an unlimited license. I know when people lie. I can see in your mind, and I must thank you, Sempai, and Beau for taking care of her. But we are her friends and we will take her or die trying. Do you understand?”

Sempai shrank and nodded, awed by Raven’s power. The Clefairy turned and scuttled down the passageway, stopping and turning to beckon to Raven and the still-dazed Blade.


They entered the large cavern, and were confronted by a hulking, eldery Shiftry,

“Hist! Sempai, what is this?”

Raven stepped forwards, bowing. She apologized for the intrusion but they had to take Serra back, she explained. How was she?

Beau turned and led them to Serra’s cot, and Blade let out a cry as he saw Serra. She was a terrible sight for one to behold. She had lost lots of weight and her pallor was pale.

“Do not manhandle her; many of her bones are broken, so treat her gently.” cautioned Beau. Raven nodded and stepped forward, kneeling next to Serra. The girl was wrapped in a huge, thick Ursaring fur blanket. Gently, Raven picked her up and was astounded, for she weighed practically nothing.

“Blade, stay here and talk to Beau, he’ll give you medicine for Serra. I’ll teleport back to Goldenrod Hotel then come back for you, okay?”

Blade could only nod, so ashen faced he was. Raven disappeared in a small flash of light.



“Blade, what are you doing in Serra’s room? You need sleep.”

“I’m worried about Serra. She’s been comatose three weeks since Raven and I found her!”

“The doctors say she’ll wake up eventually. And this is Goldenrod Hotel’s best room, so she’s comfortable. Go to your room and get some sleep!”

“Okay, okay. I’m just so worried.”

“We know, Blade. Now go sleep and stop fussing over Serra like a mother Farfetch’d.”

Aeris waited for Blade to get up from the chair beside Serra’s bed and trudge past her, then she turned around and switched off the light. As she closed the door, she looked back.

“Please, Serra, wake up soon, for Blade’s sake...and mine.” she murmured.


Dorian slammed his fist on his desk, sending papers flying everywhere.

“Our Andros are all destroyed! Our Third General has been killed. What do you have to say about that, Rocket Elite Waterflower?”

The stunningly beautiful woman with flowing russet auburn hair and cerulean blue eyes stood steadfastly before Dorian, her blue eyes boring into Dorian’s pewter grey ones. She cleared her throat and spoke.

“Giovanni Dorian, all is not lost. Our remaining spy in Goldenrod informs us that the group of Champions and warriors are soon going on an extended vacation to Hoenn after the Johto barrier has been set up.”

Dorian looked up, then sighed, massaging his temples with his smooth fingers.

“We won’t be able to invade Hoenn, our armies are too heavily damaged. It’ll take months to rebuild them. Do you have a plan?”

Team Rocket First Elite Commander Misty Waterflower’s blood red lips curved up in a cold-blooded grin as her cold blue eyes hardened.

“As a matter of fact, Giovanni Dorian, I do. I will go to Hoenn alone and undercover with The Second Andros General, Celebi the Guardian of Time. With permission, I will also take the special Andros that was our first originally trainer-owned pokémon. Celebi will be wanting vengeance after the fate of Jirachi. We will both follow them...and kill them all!”

Dorian stood up, and paced around his desk with his hands clasped behind his back.

“Your proposal has merit. We will surprise them when they least expect it. You have my permission to kill them all except Serra. Serra...I want. Failure will be punished, Waterflower. Do you understand?”

Misty’s eyes narrowed in fury, but she nodded her head curtly. Turning on her heel rapidly, she left Dorian’s office in the top floor of the Silph Tower.

Dorian sat back in his desk, grinning lewdly as he pictured Serra beaten and under his complete and total power.


Outside the office, Misty slammed her fist in fury. Her eyes brimmed and spilled over with tears,

“Damn that little waif B*TCH. Dorian’s only got eyes for that piece of jailbait. Can’t the Giovanni see...that I am the only woman that wants to please him? But he ignores me.”

Misty punctuated each word with vehemence as she calmly slammed her fist into the wall over and over. Plaster dust puffed with each impact.

“I love Dorian. Not Serra. Me. I am the one for him. I am the one. I am the one. I am the one.”

Her face now contorted in insanity and anger, Misty repeated the phrase flatly over and over as her knuckles split and bled, staining the plaster dust a rosy pink.


Song of the Goddess Chapter 2

Woo Hoo!! We're in the Song of the Goddess phase now! *thinks* *draws evil eyes on his face* Maybe we should make you guys wait a month before releasing the next chapter. We had to wait a month for the chapter Azure just posted.....LUCKY!!! Oh well, we are here to please the public, right? *hears distant laughs* -_-'

OK, well, here we go...

Song of the Goddess Chapter 2: Bittersweet Continuances
By: Specteron & AzureFlygon

Gatene said:
The war has ended, and now some fun aboard the Lonesome Dawn is in order. Blade is left to his own, to study video games, when challenged by an ignorant boy, who loses horribly. Tora's mission is over, as stated by an authority figure back in her home land, and so she leaves the group. Serra gains a new friend, and an old enemy from Blade's past. And just when she was starting to warm up to Blade.

As the days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months, snow began falling gently, covering Johto in pure, lush whiteness. The Barrier of Johto had been set up at last, and thrummed gently in the sky.

Laughter rang out in the street as children and their Pokémon ran about, joyously pelting each other with snowballs.

Aeris, Terra and Tora were furiously pelting snowballs at Raven, Shadow and Hydro, each team scooping up snow and forming them into snowballs as quickly as they could. Raven cheated, using her telekinetic powers to form and hurl icy missiles with eerie accuracy and power.

“Yaaah, yah yah, can’t hit me!” Aeris taunted as she ducked a snowball lobbed by Shadow.


Aeris fell over backwards, her face covered in snow. Terra leapt up, pelting Shadow with her snowballs. Shadow yelped and slipped backwards as Ghost streaked between his legs, clutching a mitten in his mouth. Hydro chased him, yelling.

“Give that back, you little...!”

Tora scooped up snow and packed it furiously while Midiya, her shiny Foluke, floated peacefully over her head. Maverick, Aeris’ irrepressible little Totodile, fell over backwards trying to hold a snowball bigger than himself while chattering away in his language.


Blade watched his friends cavort and play from the hotel window, his reflection in the window somber. He sat next to Serra’s bed, always keeping watch over her. Dark Flame lay curled up on Serra’s breast, warming the girl with her inner flame. Serra’s spine had healed slowly, as had her ribs, thanks to Beau’s medicine and the care of the Goldenrod’s Pokémon Center staff.

Blade turned to Serra, and picked up her hand, as he had done everyday since Serra was brought back. Rubbing her hand gently, he began singing a quiet lullaby.

You with the sad eyes
Don't be discouraged
Oh I realize
It's hard to take courage
In a world full of people
You can lose sight of it all
And the darkness inside you
Can make you feel so small

Serra’s hand warmed gradually as Blade continued rubbing it, his voice never faltering.

But I see your true colors
Shining through
I see your true colors
And that’s why I love you
So don't be afraid to let them show
Your true colors
True colors are beautiful,
Like a Rainbow

What Blade didn’t know was that although Serra was in a coma, his words drifted into her mind with clarity, stirring her thoughts, murky as they were.

Show me a smile then,
Don't be unhappy, can't remember
When I last saw you laughing
If this world makes you crazy
And you've taken all you can bare
You call me up
Because you know I’ll be there

Serra’s thoughts began speeding up, her neurons becoming more active. Her eyelids twitched slightly, but Blade didn’t notice this faint, almost-invisible movement.

And I see your true colors
Shining through
I see your true colors
And that's why I love you
So don't be afraid to let them show
Your true colors
True colors are beautiful,
Like a Rainbow

I can't remember
When I last saw you laughing
If this world makes you crazy
And you've taken all you can bare
You call me up
Because you know I’ll be there

And I see your true colors
Shining through
I see your true colors
And that’s why I love you
So don't be afraid to let them show
Your true colors
True colors
True colors are shining trough

I see your true colors
And that’s why I love you
So don't be afraid to let them show
Your true colors
True colors are beautiful,
Like a Rainbow....

As Blade’s voice faltered into nothingness, he jerked as Dark Flame meowed and stood all fours, tails whipping around.

“What’s wrong, girl?”

The Vulpix padded lightly across Serra’s breast and stopped, batting at Serra’s nose playfully.

“Dark, stop that! What are you doing?” Blade asked, alarm in his tone.

Dark Flame ignored him and continued batting at Serra’s nose. The girl twitched slightly, a movement too small for the naked eye to follow. Her lips parted slightly, and took a sharp intake of air.


Serra opened her eyes slightly as she sneezed, her head jerking stiffly. Dark Flame leaped lightly back, mewing happily.

Blade’s breath came out in a sharp exhale, not daring to believe what he had just seen. His voice was hoarse with shock.

“Serra...you’re awake?” His voice squeaked slightly on the last word.

Serra moaned quietly, opening her eyes wider with some difficulty. She strained, moving her head to her left, looking at Blade from half-lidded eyes.

“Oh...it’s you.” Serra mumbled, then her eyes drooped shut as she slept peacefully.

Blade whirled and ran to the window, hurling it open. He stuck his head out and bawled at the top of his lungs.




“Serra, are you okay? Back okay?” Aeris asked. Serra was sitting up, leaning back against her pillow.

“It’s okay. How long was I out? Where did you find me? I fell into the ocean..” Serra trailed, blinking owlishly.

“You have Blade and Raven to thank for that. They brought you back all the way from beyond the borders of Johto. You were in the care of a Shiftry and a Clefairy. They saved your life.” Aeris answered. Hydro cut in.

“Serra, what happened? You killed Jirachi, right? How did you sustain broken ribs and a damaged spine?”

Serra shifted uneasily at his question.

“I killed him, yeah. Put my talons in his third eye and ripped it out. Poof, he dissolved into fairy dust.”

“But the broken bones?” pressed Hydro, relentless.

“I don’t want to talk about it. Stop grilling me. Where’s my scale, anyway?” snapped Serra grumpily.

“You weren’t wearing it...it’s logical to assume it fell off and into the sea.” Raven spoke up from her seat in the corner.

“Oh, no.” groaned Serra, dismayed. “I’m sorry, Aeris! That cost you a bundle.”

“No problem, kiddo, As long as you’re all right, who gives a Rattata’s arse?” chuckled Shadow, ruffling Serra’s salt-crusted hair.

“Erlack… You’ve got salt and blood on you still... Beau didn’t wash you off very well. Bathy time-y!” sang Aeris, moving into the bathroom. They heard her turn on the tap for the bathtub. Water gurgled as it hit the smooth bottom of the ceramic tub.

Maverick jumped off Serra’s bed and ran into the bathroom, chirping happily. They soon heard Aeris yelling in dismay.

“No, Maverick! It’s not for you to swim in! It’s for Serra! BAD BOY! BAD! OUT! OUT!”


In the middle of the night, Serra came to with a start, jerking up and gasping. Cold sweat dampened her back, and her hands clenched involuntarily.

“Dreams...just dreams.” mumbled Serra. But her voice seemed pathetic and unconvincing to her own ears. She trembled and gasped for breath, brushing her hand through her hair.

“Hello? Hellooo?”

Serra jerked and flinched before realizing the tongue was not human but of the Pokemon Language. Specifically, the Vulpix variant.

“Hello, Dark.” Serra shifted and let the Vulpix leap up and onto her lap. The small russet fox immediately made herself comfortable, and raised her head. Her flickering amber eyes bored into the icy cool of Serra’s blue ones.

“Humph! About time you noticed me. Isn’t Maverick silly? Trying to go in your bathtub... what a nitwit.” She twitched her noise with perfect disdain. Serra grinned slightly at the Vulpix’s tone.

“Has he always been like that? Why hasn’t Aeris evolved him? I had been wondering that.”

Dark Flame meowed in laughter as she related the tale.

“The great big fool, he ate an Everstone. Apparently the old Professor Elm gave Aeris an Everstone as a reward, and he ate it.” The Vulpix shook her head. “That Totodile’d eat a rock if you told him it was candy.”

“Hmm… At least it didn’t hurt him. But you know, there is such a thing as rock candy…” said Serra, chuckling.

“There is?” snorted the Vulpix, “Well, I guess that proves my point, then. Humans are weird, they’ll make food out of anything.”

“I guess so,” said Serra, ruffling the curly fur on top of Dark Flame’s head, “It’s because we’re innovative, and like to try new things. What do we know if we never try something different, huh?”

“Not much, which brings me to my point,” snuffed Dark with a small sneeze, “Excuse me. Well, I heard the others talking, and they said something about a vacation. Somewhere warmer, which I’ll like, by the way, and somewhere you’ve never been before. I didn’t catch where it was, but they want to have a good, relaxing stay for you, and Aeris was talking about going shopping.”

“Somewhere I’ve never been? Well, the only places I could think of are Orre, Hoenn, or Starian. But I can rule Starian out, because Tora told me that they have really strong winters up there. So it must be either Orre or Hoenn…”

“That’s what I thought,” concluded the Vulpix matter-of-factly, “I didn’t mean to ruin the surprise or anything, but I know that you might have some unfinished business in Johto first. Mainly thanking all of the Pokémon that stuck around for worry of you, and giving advice to those freed Andros that didn’t flee and have nowhere to go except for that little clearing. The others are talking about leaving first thing in the morning after they tell you.”

“How close is it to morning?” asked Serra, looking out the window at the dark, starry sky.

“We have about two hours yet,” replied the fire fox, “More than enough time, if you’re ready.”

Serra got out of bed, slipping on her boots and a warm, heavy jacket. The Vulpix followed her movements with her golden eyes, waiting until the girl had gotten ready and was waiting at the door before leaping gracefully from the bed and following.

“I’ll lose some sleep,” sighed Serra, “But it’s worth it. Those who stayed deserve thanks, and the freed ones need some direction to go. Besides, it’s only a few hours before the group leaves, anyway.”

Dark Flame was silent, trotting along beside the girl. Carefully, Serra opened the door to the hotel, sneaking out into the night. The atmosphere was quiet, for it was still that time, just before the sense of sun and light stole upon the land, that everything was still with the feeling of bitter cold and waiting. Waiting it was… for the girl and the fox to reach their destination.

The companions moved off the path and into the dark forest, the girl following, the fox leading. They walked for what seemed like a lifetime in the silent gloom of the night, amounting to only a few minutes in real time. The dream-like quality of the scene slowed the senses and made the surroundings unreal.

“She is here…”
“She has come…”
“The Goddess approaches…”

A murmur of various Pokemon voices drifted across the grass as the shadowed shapes gathered from the darkness of the snow-covered foliage. Some glinted in the moonlight, one or two did not. There were very few of them, few enough that they did not fill even the small space left in the clearing. Glowing yellow eyes burned at her from all around.

Serra concentrated, sending out a wave of gratitude and hope, a relaxing aura of appreciation. The murmuring quieted, and Serra, using an ancient dialect of universal language, spoke to them all.

“I am thankful that you have stayed here, friends. Especially to those of you that have stayed only for worry about my well-being.” Here she sighed, “I had hoped that most of you would find a place for yourselves once being set free, hoped that you would be welcomed among the other People. It seems that my hopes were less than realized.”

“We would go through much more for you who have freed us, Goddess,” said one, an Ivysaur, “Being rejected by the less open members of our kind cannot scratch our surface, as long as we remember what we were before.”

“Even so, we have nowhere to live, for we are welcomed in no land now,” said the female Snorlax that Serra remembered freeing just before her battle with Jirachi, “This clearing is the only refuge we have now; we are lost.”

“Not lost,” said Serra with a smile, “You are found. I know a place where you can live in peace, if you wish to go there. My friends call it Victory Island, and it is there that the resistance to Team Rocket is stationed. I know you will be welcomed there.”

“Where is it?” asked one of the larger shadows, shaped vaguely like a Metagross, “We cannot go there if we can’t find it.”

“Just watch,” whispered Serra, forming a complicated picture in her mind, making it into a set of directions and instructions to get to the island. The Andros nodded in appreciation, and most of them faded away into the darkness, presumably to get a head start on the journey. Soon, only one was left; footprints in the snow were all that was left of the others.

“Yes?” asked Serra curiously, moving towards the small Metagross.

“I just wanted to say that I’m glad you’re alive,” said the Pokémon with a shrug, “I… I was free before the war, but I came anyway to fight. The wild Metagross don’t like me much, but I think that island of yours will be a better place. You’re our only hope, you know.” He sighed, “Just remember that whenever you need any help, just call for me and I’ll come. I owe the Goddess that much. My name is Camertina, Camertina-lytroata-tiamin.”

Serra knelt down, nodding seriously.

“I value the offer, Camertina, and I appreciate the courage needed to grant such help. Thank you, brave one, and go in peace to your new home.”

The Metagross bowed, and scuttled away in the same direction that the others had gone. Serra rose from the snow, watching after him with her cool gaze, and felt something cold on her cheek. She looked up, squinting to see in the darkness, and saw the heavy, gray cloud move over the moon. White flakes drifted down, flying onto trees and ground to land and build upon the billons of flakes already there.

Involuntarily, she shivered. Serra, rubbing her arms up and down for warmth, looked down at her silent companion, who was also shivering violently with cold. With an exasperated and knowing smile, the girl bent down and lifted the Vulpix, cradling the fox to her chest to warm the both of them. Finally, after one last look towards the clearing of footprints and the slightly bright sky, Serra made her way back to the town and hotel, shaking off the few snowflakes that caught in her long, dusty hair.

“Each is different, yet each is the same…” commented Dark Flame softly, looking at a snowflake that had melted on her nose.

Serra grinned, and continued on her way.

. . .

“Guess what?!” asked Aeris, coming into Serra’s room with a huge smile and cheerful demeanor. She was hoping to surprise the other girl, but instead was surprised herself when Serra came suddenly around the corner, toothbrush in hand and a questioning look on her face.

Aeris, caught off guard, yelped and leapt back.

“Whoa! Wasn’t expecting you to be up so early!” she exclaimed, “Well, anyway, we all have a surprise for you!”

“Do you now?” asked Serra, a sly look crossing her face. Aeris caught the look, and was instantly suspicious.

“Heeey…” she began, “Okay, who told?!”

Serra gestured to the sleeping form curled up on the bed, and continued with brushing her teeth. Aeris, with an exasperated grin, woke the Vulpix and carried her out of the room, setting the indignant creature in the hallway. Dark Flame glared at her, but not for long, for the enticing scent of bacon wafted up from the common room of the hotel. Aeris had to laugh, for the fox Pokémon was off like a shot.

“Well,” said Aeris, leaning against the wall after she had come back into the room, “Did you get a good sleep?”

“Waaa aaah gooomph off ikk,” replied Serra from the next room.

“Say again?”

“Juss aah seccomph,” called Serra. There was the sound of sloshing, and a tap running, “I said, ‘what I got of it.’”

Aeris remained silent, contemplating. Finally, as the silence grew, she sighed.

“Nightmares?” she asked softly.

Serra, coming out of the bathroom with hair and teeth freshly brushed, nodded solemnly. Suddenly, Terra burst in the room with a supremely satisfied-looking Vulpix in her hand. The girl passed the smug, chop-licking Pokemon to Aeris with a snort.

<You’ve eaten, right?> at Aeris’ nod, she looked relieved, <good, then look after this troublemaker for me. I swear, you get those three together and they cause havoc no matter what the situation!>

“Who?” asked Aeris, confused.

<Maverick, Dark Flame, and Reaper, that’s who!> snarled Terra, <I can just imagine the bill! They cleaned off an entire feast of bacon, and almost destroyed the kitchen in the process! Tora says that she’ll handle it, and she’s talking to the cook and hotel owner right now, but I think Serra and those who haven’t eaten yet will have to get their food on the road.>

“Oh, crap! I’ll be right down!” exclaimed Aeris immediately, heading out the door. She stopped when Terra grabbed her arm.

<I told you, Tora’ll handle it. She knows how to calm people down better than most of us. For now, we need to get ready to leave and get these pests out of sight of the hotel owner, or I’m sure a world of hurt will come crashing down on our heads.>

“Well…” sighed Aeris, “So begins the vacation of our little group. Do you think it might be a sign?”

“Of what?” asked Serra with a giggle, “The fact that it’ll be a crazy and wild time?”

“That’s it!” smiled Aeris, “Crazy and wild it is! Let’s get our stuff around; the sooner we leave, the less trouble we’ll get into.”

<You wish!> signed Terra as she left.

“I enjoyed that,” commented Dark Flame as she sat on the bed, “When can we do it again?”

Serra rolled her eyes, gathering her few possessions for the trip, as Aeris glared at the Vulpix before ruffling the Pokémon’s curls. Dark Flame squeaked in protest, and both girls laughed as they walked out of the room, packs in hand.

. . .

“Here she is, the Lonesome Dawn!” said Aeris as she flourished her hand towards the gigantic ship that the group would be spending a day and night on to get to Hoenn. All of them looked up, and kept on looking, for the boat was even bigger than the one they had taken to get to Pallet Town long before. The iridescent yellow and green glow of Johto’s barrier hummed serenely behind it, giving the surroundings a sense of unspecified danger.

“Whoa, now that’s what I call a ship!” exclaimed Shadow, shading his eyes against the sun as he looked up at the smokestacks, “Geez, Aeris, how do you afford to get us all on ships like this?”

“I have my ways,” said Aeris slyly. After a pause during which no one spoke, she hefted her pack on her shoulder, “Come on, guys! The ship won’t wait for us slack-jawed onlookers forever!”

The group followed, last to go being Hydro, who seemed to be more awed than even the small children looking at the boat. As the others began walking up the gangplank, Terra happened to look back. With a shake of her head, she hurried back and caught the frozen boy by the front of his shirt, literally pulling him onto the ship. Hydro yelled in protest, but Terra didn’t hear him, and wouldn’t have cared if she could.

“Terra, what’re you doing?! Let me go, I can walk by myself you know! This is humiliating, come on! Let me g-”

As they reached the rest of the group, all smiling at Hydro’s humiliation, the boy shook Terra off and began smoothing his ruffled shirt and temper. Aeris patiently waited until he had calmed, and the greeter directed them all to their rooms. Luckily, they had managed to obtain rooms that were all in the same hallway, so they wouldn’t have to run down a confusing maze of passages to get to their friends.

“Wow, my room is awesome!” exclaimed Shadow, “It has wallpaper that looks like the night sky!”

“All the guys rooms have that wallpaper,” explained Aeris, “The girls rooms have wallpaper like the day’s sky. Lets all get settled in, and meet out here in… say… two hours? That should give everybody time to explore the ship and quell their curiosity.”

Shadow shot into his room, barely waiting for Aeris to finish her sentence. It was the neatest room he had ever seen, and he had to remember that, whenever he went back to his room on Victory Island, to redo it in this style. He wondered if the white star constellations glowed in the dark. It would be an added bonus if they did, one that he would feel more comfortable sleeping under.

He set his bag down on the bed, looking around the room with brown eyes sparkling. Suddenly, he noticed a map of the ship on the table, and flipped through it. It seemed that the Lonesome Dawn had everything; a pool, a library, a theater, a battle field, and…

“Hoo Yah!” said Shadow with a grin, “I am so going to the game center!”

But first…

Shadow jumped up from his momentary sitting position on the bed, streaking towards the door. Now that the war was over for now, he could fully enjoy the time he had, and he intended to do that. He had always loved video games, and had shown an almost unnatural talent for them. But games were no fun without people to compete with…

The boy burst into Hydro’s room, surprising the other that was in the midst of rearranging a very breakable vase that happened to be in a spot that he hadn’t wanted it. The trainer yelped as he lost hold of the vase, and only a lucky dive by Shadow prevented the pottery from smashing on the floor.

“Sorry, there, Hydro,” apologized Shadow hurriedly, handing the vase back to the surprised boy, “I just wanted to ask if you wanted to come down with me to the game center. They have the newest version of Andros Attack.”

“Really?” said Hydro, setting the vase down on a bare shelf, “Then let’s go! I bet you five bucks I can beat you before the time runs out!”

“But first,” said Shadow, holding up a hand to stop Hydro from striding out of the room, “Let’s invite Blade along. He’s been so sullen lately; he needs some time just to have fun.”

“Okay,” replied Hydro after some thought, “I’m sure that both of us can convince him to come.”

Without another word, both friends hurried out of the room and walked across and down the hall to Blade’s room. This time, Shadow didn’t just burst in, thanks to Hydro. He knocked first. After a moment’s pause, the door opened, and Blade stuck his head out.

“Oh,” he said, “It’s just you guys. Come on in.”

He opened the door all the way, and the two filed in with their most persuasive faces set and ready. The room was completely unchanged, and only the bag hung from the chair indicated that anyone had even taken the room. Blade sat in the chair with the bag, while the others took seats across from him.

“Okay, what do you want?”

“Oh, so very defensive, aren’t we?” snorted Shadow with a laugh, “We’re just here to get you to cheer up, man!”

“We want you to come with us for some relaxing activities,” continued Hydro.

“Which are?” asked Blade suspiciously, giving both of them a glare.

“Why, video games, of course!” laughed Shadow, “I know you have to be tired of all that sulking around, so come with us. It’s not like you’re doing anything here, and the girls’ll probably go to the library… or even shopping, since this ship has a department store. You’ll have a good time, and I bet there will be some games there you haven’t played…”

“Really…” murmured Blade, thinking the idea over.


Song of the Goddess Chapter 2 Part 2

“Do you have to think about it?” asked Hydro, “Come on, fun, games, what more do you want?”

“Okay, okay!” said Blade in exasperation, “I’ll come, but you have to teach me how to play a video game, okay? I’ve never played one.”

“Wait, hold up, man. You have never played a video game?” said Shadow, opened mouthed, “Oh, you have no idea what you’ve missed, you poor, poor man.”

“Come on, Blade,” said Hydro, “Get up and let’s go. You have a lot to learn and only a few hours to learn it in!”

Hydro and Shadow leapt up from their chairs and practically dragged Blade away. Shadow took out his map, looking at it for a second before leading the way down a maze of corridors that made his two companions reel in confusion. But Shadow, fortunately, could follow a map very well, and soon had led them directly to a brightly colored door labeled ‘Game Room’.

He entered, his two friends not far behind, and all three stopped dead at what they saw. The room was dark, lit by blacklights, and several laser lights were streaking across the room. Within the darkness, several people where standing at game consoles and machines, faces lit eerily by the screens. The floor was obscured by fog from some hidden fog machine, and music blared from some unknown source.

Shadow and Hydro dragged Blade along with them as they searched for an unoccupied game, and finally succeeded in finding one in a deserted corner. Hydro pushed Blade towards it, and Shadow took the second controller while Blade took the first hesitantly.

“Now, the basic controls are jump, which is A, attack, which is B, and you move the character with the D-pad, which is here-” Shadow began explaining, watched intently by Hydro as both looked on to see how well their friend was getting the controls.

The game started, and fortunately Blade seemed to be competent, if not perfect. It was an older version of Andros Attack, one that had come out long before, when the Andros had first started appearing, and had bad graphics as well as a bad storyline. But it was good enough for a lesson, and cheap enough, so Shadow was content with playing it. Blade, though shaky at first, was soon mastering the game with a speed of learning that Shadow, though knowing he could beat it, was surprised at nonetheless.

After a half hour, the time ran out and Blade set the controller down. Shadow began to say something, but Blade interrupted him.

“It’s okay,” he said, “I do like games, but you two don’t need to teach me anymore. Play against each other, I’ll just drift along and find a game that looks good to practice on.”

“Okay,” said Shadow after a pause, “But make sure you don’t get yourself in trouble. The people around gaming centers love to challenge each other, especially for money. Don’t let them push you around.”

“You can be sure of that,” laughed Blade as he walked away.

He did what he said he’d do, drifted. Some games caught his eye, but all of them seemed to be taken by at least one person, and he didn’t want to challenge someone so early in his experience. He may know a lot about fighting, but fighting in a game was so much different. A few people looked at him, and one or two ventured to call an invitation to a challenge, but he turned them down. He wasn’t ready yet.

“Hey, you!” called a voice from his left, “Yeah, I mean you! Why are you just walking around, big man? Afraid to play the games, huh?”

Blade whipped around, and came face to face with a boy of around sixteen years old. He had a long mane of blonde hair cascading down his shoulders, and what seemed to be a group of fan-girls slavering over him in the background. The boy stood with the annoying confidence of someone that has never lost, and as he looked at Blade with his contemptuous green eyes, he flipped his hair in a casual manner, making one of the fan-girls swoon behind him.

“Yeah, you’re not a challenge, are you? First time ‘ere, I’ll bet. How about you take a challenge for once, eh, show everybody what you’re worth? I’ll bet you ten bucks I can beat you.”

“I don’t take challenges,” rumbled Blade.

“Oh, so we have a coward, do we? Come on coward, I’ll double the wager.”

“No one calls me a coward!” snarled Blade, advancing.

“Ooo, does that mean you’ll take my challenge?” laughed the boy, acting afraid, “Please don’t hurt me, big man!” he said in a whiny, high, mocking voice. The others behind him and the crowd that had gather laughed.

“What are you challenging me to?” asked Blade with a growl.

“Stranger,” said the boy, taking up a majestic pose, “I challenge you to a Dance-off!”

“Forget it,” scoffed Blade with a laugh, turning away.

“Wait, coward!” called the boy with a sneer, “I’ll triple the wager, and if you win, I’ll take back all my insults.”

“Fine,” said Blade, seeing an opportunity to get the boy off his back, “But only if you do a trial run once.”

“And let you steal my moves?” chuckled the boy with a sad shake of his head, “No way!”

“Okay, then, bye!”

“Hey, come back here, newbie!” yelled that annoying voice. Blade, beginning to become more than annoyed, turned, “I’ll accept your conditions, but the wager increases to a hundred bucks.”

“In that case, boy,” said Blade with a vicious grin, “I accept your challenge!”

The crowd moved to a platform set above all the other games. It had two large squares, each set with four arrows in all directions, and large screens that showed a small figure. The sixteen year old mounted the platform, waving to one of the fan-girls to come up with him. The girl squealed, leaping up with an ecstatic expression, and both combatants took their stances on either square. Blade watched intently, soaking up the information.

The game started, and each player launched into a blur of movement. The girl, though a reasonable game player, was obviously not very good at dancing. Her feet almost always missed the lighted squares, resulting in a multitude of red X’s appearing on the screen before her. The boy, presumably having mastered the game, preformed flawlessly and gracefully, adding in some gestures to the audience and smiles.

And still Blade watched, and Blade learned.

. . .

Aeris and Serra walked down the corridor, looking at the map. Tora trailed after them, as well as Raven, whom they had convinced to come with them after only a long and involved bout of persuasion, and Terra brought up the rear. All looked bored, for the library had been a bit of a disappointment, and though Aeris had tried to shop at the in-ship store, it had turned out to be expensive and second-rate. They had few choices, and there was no show at the theater for a few hours yet.

It was still far too cold for swimming, and Terra didn’t want to battle, so the other choices were out, as well. It seemed that the only place for them to go was the Gaming Center. Serra had never played a game, and neither had Raven or Terra. Aeris and Tora wanted to teach them, so that they wouldn’t miss out on all the opportunity the ship had. Perhaps they would even find out where Shadow, Hydro, and Blade had gone, as well, since they had scoured the entire ship and had found no trace of them anywhere.

“Ah, here’s the game room,” said Aeris finally, stopping in front of a labeled door, “You guys all ready?”

At their nods, she opened the door and they all entered. Just as soon as they went through they stopped, looking in amazement around them at the lights and the many games that were strewn across the huge room. It was much more than they had expected, far more.

“Hey, what are you guys doing here!?” exclaimed a familiar voice from behind them.

“Hydro!” cried Aeris, turning around to face the group member, “So this is where you and Shadow have been hiding!”

“Where’s Blade?” asked Serra, looking around.

“Well, we took Blade with us, to teach him how to play some games,” said Shadow a little sheepishly, now standing next to Raven, “But… we don’t know where he went. We’ve searched, but we just can’t seem to find him.”

“Uh, guys…” said Tora softly, staring off at the platform in the middle of the room, “I don’t think you’ve looked hard enough…”

“What do you mean, not loo…k…” Shadow began, until he looked in the same direction Tora had.

“Oh my… Is that Blade?” asked Aeris, shocked and open-mouthed.

“I didn’t know he could dance!” gasped Hydro.

<Holy! I didn’t think he could manage being so graceful!> snorted Terra, looking amazedly towards the platform just as raptly as all the others.

Serra didn’t say anything; she merely gazed, awestruck, as Blade moved around the square. His feet seemed to fly as he touched each lighted square, using dance moves that no one in the group had ever seen or heard of before. Not even Aeris had seen anything like this, and she considered herself a good dancer.

“Hey! He’s using fighting moves and turning them into dance moves!” said Shadow with sudden realization.

That put an entirely new perspective on the competition, for Blade’s movements turned from a graceful and innovative dance into a just as original, but deadly, ballet of strikes and counter strikes. Serra was completely rapt, her eyes never leaving the form as the whirling moves spoke to her inner soul and her own dances of death. It seemed to go in slow motion, and the competitor was lost completely as Blade’s overwhelming talent made him fade into the shadows altogether.

The bell rung, and the game blared the results on the screen. By a huge margin of seventy percent, Blade had blasted the challenger away. After a few seconds of raving, incoherent yelling that came from the enraged sixteen year old, the boy finally reached into his pocket and pulled out a huge wad of bills, shoving them into Blade’s hand before staking off the stage and out of the gaming center, the laughing jeers of the other gamers following him.

Blade, looking a bit confused and dazed, walked off the stage and was immediately mobbed by the same group of fan-girls that had surrounded the boy he had beaten. Angrily he shoved them away, walking towards the corner where he had left Shadow and Hydro before.

The group all looked at each other, and hurried to intercept him. Blade started when he saw them all, and his eyes widened as he glimpsed Serra’s smile.

“Uh…” he stammered, “Hi… guys. I was just…”

“Blowing away every record ever made on the dance machine?” supplied Shadow with a wide grin.

Blade blushed a brilliant scarlet, backing away slightly while trying to form an explanation.

“Well, that kid was insulting… I just wanted to… I… I…”

“It was beautiful,” interrupted Serra, making everyone gaze at her in astonishment.

“What?” asked Blade, shocked.

It was beautiful,” repeated Serra, looking at the floor, “It made the entire trip so far worthwhile.”

“I… uh…” fumbled Blade, “I… Thank you.”

“Well,” said Aeris, breaking the uncomfortable pause that ensued and putting her arms around both Blade and Serra’s shoulders, “I think we’ve all had enough excitement for tonight. Let’s go back to our rooms, huh?”

The entire group agreed wholeheartedly, and they made their way back to the hallway to settle in and prepare for arrival at Hoenn the next day. Still, Serra’s thoughts were in turmoil, as well as Blade’s. She had heard the song he had sung for her, and had felt her very soul cry out at the dance, but she could not form a complete thought on him.

Blade was burning with embarrassment, for dancing was not something he wanted to be known for at all. He had only modified his fighting moves, after all, but now the entire group may think he was dancing whenever he practiced. At least Serra had liked it, though.

Yes, at least Serra had liked his dance.

. . .

“Ah, and here we arrive in Hoenn!” said Aeris, gesturing grandly at the island to get the group, who was standing by the railing in a line on either side of her, to look.

“It’s still a bit far away, Aeris, don’t get in a tizzy,” commented Raven dryly, staring at the sliver of land on the horizon.

“We’ll be landing at the wonderful and bright Dewford Town,” continued Aeris, completely ignoring Raven’s comment, “And I’ve rented the entire beach for the party we’re gonna throw! Isn’t that wonderful?”

“When are you throwing the party?” asked Tora, intrigued by the prospect.

“Oh, tomorrow,” sighed Aeris, “I would have thrown it today, but we need to get all the stuff set up and the flyers out. I want everyone on the island to come if they can.”

“Oi, I wouldn’t want to be the clean up crew for that little occasion,” whispered Shadow to Hydro, who nodded in understanding.

The ship crawled inexorably towards the horizon, and as it did the island grew in size and detail. Finally, the group left the deck to get their packs and belongings from their rooms. It only took a small amount of time, and soon they were back on the railing again, looking at Hoenn and wondering what their stay would be like.

“It almost makes me wish I had brought Risan along, instead of leaving him at Victory Island” said Hydro to Shadow, “He would have loved seeing Hoenn again.”

“Well, he’s probably lounging in a tree somewhere or trying to impress somebody with his acrobatic prowess,” replied Shadow, “Besides, when this is all over you can bring him back here anytime you want.”

“I hope so,” said Hydro with a shrug.

The Lonesome Dawn put on her horns, almost deafening all the people on deck except for Terra, and changed course slightly to aim for a small island just off the coast of the mainland. Blade, looking bored, was rhythmically tapping his fingers on the steel rail. Raven stood on the other side of Aeris, staring out at the island with an air of detached interest. Shadow and Hydro were deep in conversation, and Serra merely gazed out at the waters with wonder and a little fear, for she still knew quite well that she had nearly drowned just a few moths before.

“Finally!” exclaimed Aeris as they pulled up to port, “Geez, this ship takes forever to dock!”

With a shake of their collective heads, the rest of the group merely took up their packs and followed the overly enthused girl down to the gangplank. The blonde haired trainer practically skipped onto land, but Shadow and the rest weren’t quite so graceful after the few days they had spent getting used to constant motion. Tora, having never been on a boat for an extended amount of time before, swayed as her feet touched solid ground, waving her arms to try and keep her balance. Aeris immediately went to help her, and the others were left on their own to get used to land again.

“That’s one of the only parts I hate about ships,” complained Shadow as he and Raven leaned on one another for support, “They’re great and all, but getting back on land is a big problem.”

“Well, you all better get back on your feet soon,” said Aeris in a bubbly manner, “because as soon as you get your legs, we’re all going shopping for party supplies!”

“Not another shopping trip!” moaned Shadow and Blade together.

“Well!” huffed Aeris indignantly, “You don’t have to go if you don’t want to, but you won’t get any say in what the party is set out like!”

“Fine with me.”

“Same here!”

“I guess I’ll go with them,” said Hydro, disengaging from Terra’s arm and standing with the two other boys, “I mean, a party is great and all, but we guys just don’t have any shopping or decorating sense. I’m sure you’ll all do great…”

“Pfft, just get out of here, you guys,” said Aeris, rolling her eyes, “We can handle it.”

The boys left, striding over the large sand dunes in the direction of an isolated strip of beach. Aeris giggled, amusement dancing in her eyes as she watched them go.

“What are you laughing about?” asked Serra curiously.

“Wait, first, where are we supposed to put all of our stuff? My bag is pretty heavy,” said Tora before Aeris could answer Serra’s question.

“Well, it’s the same answer for both, okay. We go to the Dewford Hotel… but the boys don’t know where to go, you see?”

<Ah, I see!> said Terra slyly, <Since they don’t know where to go, they’re stuck with their packs unless they can find us again!>

“See, perfect revenge,” said Aeris happily.

“And we plan on making ourselves scarce, don’t we?” asked Raven mischievously.

They all laughed, and headed towards the hotel building near the port. After checking in and getting their rooms organized, they all set off for the huge department store that was situated more inland. There was a giant bustle of people crowding in all over the place because the ship had come in, since it was the yearly stop of the boat and it was almost the only ship that came directly to the small town.

Aeris immediately headed for the party section, which had a fair amount of people there already, and commenced throwing things in the others arms almost before they could walk in the door. Raven looked curiously at her hands, which now held at least five bundles of different colored streamers, and Serra carried a gigantic punch bowl. Terra was weighed down with food, and Tora with cutlery. It seemed that Aeris had thought of everything they needed.

“We’re going to need tables and chairs, aren’t we?” asked Raven over the streamers.

“We’ll rent those,” explained Aeris as she bustled about. Finally, when all the other girls were practically hidden behind their piles, she stopped, “I think that’s enough.”

“You think?!” came the muffled voice of Tora.

“Come on, I’ll go and pay for this and we can carry it to the beach I rented out. It’s gonna be hard work setting it up, but it’ll be worth it.”

The rest of the girls groaned.

. . .

“I have to admit, Aeris, you sure pulled off a great party…” commented Hydro, looking at the surroundings.

Hundreds of people had gathered on the beach, and a huge bonfire was the main attraction in the center of all the activity. There were tables everywhere, as well as a punch bowl for every one. Streamers flew in the light breeze, and everybody was talking and laughing and generally having a good time.

The group sat in a circle around a much smaller fire on the fringe of the party, just talking and enjoying the stars and the evening. Aeris occasionally waved to a person walking by, or called out a ‘You’re welcome!’ to those who complimented her on the party. All in all the relaxed atmosphere was perfect, and no one present had done anything out of order yet, luckily.


“Blade? Blade Jaegerin?” came a high, musical voice from behind the group. They turned, and were confronted with an older girl of about nineteen, with long brown hair and green eyes, “I’d know you anywhere, Blade darling!”

“Darling?” snorted Shadow derisively, “Blade, who is this?”

“Ugh, it’s my ex-girlfriend,” explained Blade quietly, “Damn.”

“Well?” said the girl, putting her hands on her hips and glaring, “Aren’t you going to introduce me, or do I have to barge in there and introduce myself?”

“Uh…” said Blade, standing and looking supremely uncomfortable, “Guys this is Sayoko Pearlusterin… she’s my ex-girlfriend.”

“I don’t like being called your ex,” said Sayoko prissily, sitting down in one of the empty chairs without even an invitation, “It sounds so ratty. Just call me friend, darling.”

Hydro leaned over to Shadow with a whisper, “I don’t think anybody would want to call her a friend!” Shadow snickered, drawing the girl’s attention.

“What’s so funny?” she snapped, eyes blazing, “Honestly, Blade darling, you find the most… delightfully abnormal… friends…”

“Why are you here?” asked Blade, barely containing a growl while at the same time trying very hard not to look anywhere near Serra, “I thought you had gone to a remote place in Jhoto to live with your fiancée? Where’s he got to?”

“Oh, he wasn’t good enough for me,” said Sayoko simply, preening her nails and shaking her head sadly, “he had all these ideas about love and family, so I dumped him when something better came along.”

“You dumped your fiancée?” asked Aeris, amazed.

“Of course I did, you silly girl!” laughed Sayoko, “What good are men except to give you what you want, and he was beginning to bore me, anyway.”

“You still didn’t answer my question,” growled Blade.

“Oh, you mean why I’m here?” asked Sayoko with wide, innocent eyes, “Why, to get back together with you, darling. I’ve just realized what I’ve been missing, and your such a strong man…”

Sayoko got up from her chair and flounced toward Blade with a deceptive smile. Blade, still wondering what to do, sat frozen in indecision as to if he should flee or push her away. She was about to hug him, when a voice hissed from next to her.

“Keep your arms off him,” snarled Serra angrily, but very quietly.

“Oh?” said Sayoko, straightening, “I didn’t know you had an admirer, darling. She’s such a ratty thing, so twitchy!”

The nineteen year old laughed, a horribly false sound that grated on the group’s nerves. None of them wanted to get involved, though, because this fight was between Blade and his ex; it wasn’t for them to decide.

Serra rose from her seat, eyes glowing a very faint blue. She was still staring at the ground, almost as if she was afraid to look up for fear of what she might do. Sayoko mistook this fear for a fear of her, and jeered at Serra mercilessly.

“Oh, such a quaint girl!” she laughed, sneering, “I can see why any man would want you, yes, but you’re nothing to keep, little *****. Run along now, and leave my man and I alone. This is too big for the likes of you!”

“It’s not smart to say such things,” rasped Serra, “You might get injured for your foolishness…”

“Yes… and what could a little wh-”

Blade interrupted Sayoko in mid-sentence, standing up with a grim set to his face and old, rusty sword in hand.

“Shut your mouth, Sayoko,” he growled, “Just shut it.”

“But darling-”

“Stop calling me that! I don’t want you anywhere near here, or anywhere near my friends!”

“But… but….” Sayoko looked around for any support, but the entire group had risen and was glaring at her, an unmistakable sign that she wasn’t wanted there. Defeated, she backed off.

“Fine!” she screeched, “I know when I’m not wanted! Keep your *****, Blade, I hope you’re happy with her! Just know that when you tire of her, you can’t crawl back to me!”

“We’re ancient history, Sayoko,” said Blade clearly, “get over it and get out.”

With a snarl, Sayoko whirled and was lost to the crowd. With a sigh of relief, Blade sank down into his chair, as did all the other group members. Absently, he realized that he still had his sword in his hand, and lifted it back into its scabbard with a sheepish look.

“Thanks,” he said to the rest of the group, “I wasn’t expecting to see her here, and I was hoping never to see her again.”

“I can see why,” snorted Aeris, “Man, she was a b-”

“I never knew you had a girlfriend, Blade,” interrupted Shadow curiously, “In what garbage heap did you dig up that piece of trash?”

“On the road,” snorted Blade, “She would never leave me alone, ever. And she was the one who broke up with me! I’m grateful for that.”

“Let’s stop talking about it,” suggested Raven, nodding her head towards a silent Serra, who was sitting with her head down.

“Oh, I’m so sorry you had to go through that, Serra,” apologized Blade, blushing slightly, “I never exp-”

“It’s okay,” said Serra, lifting her head and putting on a fake smile, “I would have blasted her away, if you hadn’t stopped it like you had. I should be thanking you, for that.”

“Why don’t we all just forget about it, okay?” said Aeris after a moment, “It’s not a pleasant memory for any of us.”

The rest nodded, content with this solution.

. . .

<Oh, and I have my Andros Rattata, Steel,> signed the newcomer, a vivacious individual with long, curly brown hair and bright eyes. She was almost as hyper as Aeris, and the group had immediately warmed up to her personality as soon as Terra had brought her to meet them. She had introduced herself as Rebecca, a trainer from what used to be Kanto.

<You managed to free one of those murderous things?> asked Terra in awe, <How did you do it?>

<Well, you see…> signed Rebecca, <I didn’t. He was already freed to begin with, I just captured him.>

“Oh, that’s neat,” said Aeris, “I wonder who freed him?”

<No idea whatsoever,> replied Rebecca with a sigh, <But If I ever find them I’ll thank them for it, He’s one of my best friends now.>

“I have to go get some air, guys,” said Tora, rising, “I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

Some of the group looked up and nodded, but their attention went back to Rebecca and her story with barely a pause. Tora sighed, and left for the trees. She had soon left the blaze of the flickering fire behind her, and the babble of voices, though still present, was much diminished. She sighed; it was so much better out here, in the quiet wilderness. She had never been one for parties and crowds, both her and her Pokémon preferred to be left to their own devices.

Plus, the group was listening to Rebecca, the newcomer. She was good company, to be sure, but she had gained more attention than the group had ever given Tora in the scant minutes after she had been introduced than the entire journey for the purple-clad trainer.

Tora sighed, looking up at the stars. A night like this reminded her of home, and she was struck suddenly with a bout of homesickness. Memories were so clear, out here. Scenes flashed before her; her leaving on her Pokémon journey with Glory, who was only an Embug at the time, her fist major battle… the glorious memory of when she had defeated the Starian champion and had become the champion in his place.

Her life had taken a much different turn, then. She was much respected, and enjoyed taking challengers for the friendly yet serious matches of championship.

Then it had all changed…

It started out as just a sickness, a general weakening in all the wild Pokémon of the region. That wasn’t too suspicious in itself, for the population’s strength had fluctuations from year to year… but then they started dying. Scores of death pits arose, where as many as a dozen Pokémon had spontaneously weakened and died. She was called, as one of the last people with still strong Pokémon, to investigate this.

There had been reports of an organization called Team Rocket in the other regions, and a single clue left by the one discovered agent found in Starian pointed directly towards them as the cause of this mysterious illness. But Team Rocket had it’s own plans, and Tora was certain that it could not look to Starian while busy with Kanto, Johto, and Hoenn. Her task as a secret agent for Starian was going nowhere, but she would never give up while she could, not while the Pokémon, so rare as they were, were in danger.

But she really was just a hindrance to the group… perhaps she should just go back home and finish her report?

: Don’t give up hope, Tora,: came a soft voice in her mind, :We can save Starian if we try.:

“Yes, but I’m just such a… a…” Tora sighed, “Well, I’m no help to my friends.”

:You’ve helped, and they know that,: said Midiya persuasively, :You can’t give up.:

“”But they don’t even know who I am, or anything about me,” said Tora stubbornly, “And they’ve been so open… They can’t trust me…”

:They’re good people,: replied Midiya, as if that simple phrase solved everything.

“It’s not that simple…” began Tora, before she caught a flash of shadow in the sky she was looking at. She shaded her eyes, trying to see better in the darkness.

Before she could even gasp or blink, the creature had landed before her with a soft yet furious flutter of wings. It was a light orange in color, with huge, butterfly-like wings sprouting from its shoulders. Or, at least, what seemed like shoulders, since it was bipedal and had no forelegs. It chirruped, opening and closing its narrow, hooked beak and waving its antennae and curling it’s long, prehensile tail.

“It’s a… a…” stammered Tora in amazement.

“Zoomph!” chirped the Pokémon happily.

The Zoomph lifted one of its clawed legs, and Tora saw that there was a Messaged capsule attached to it. She opened it, taking the small, rolled piece of paper out, and read aloud.

“Hmm… To Grand Champion Tora: We recognize the importance of your mission in the lower regions, but we regret to inform you that since there is no further proof of Team Rocket involvement in our region’s deplorable affliction, we have discontinued the investigation. Furthermore, a new development has arisen that requires your special talents. Please send your direct reply by this carrier; we hope to see you soon. Signed, the Starian Council, Elite Kell, and Elite Rea.”

Tora sighed again, feeling her world in this place begin to rend apart before her eyes. This was just what she hoped wouldn’t happen. She had been here for so long, met so many friends and interesting people, all for nothing now. It felt… well, like giving up. She hated giving up.

“Thanks, Spiral,” she said to the Pokémon, writing a short, three word reply on the note, “I remember you now… it hasn’t been that long, has it, girl? Well, fly fast and safe, and bring my reply post haste, okay?”

“Zoom, Zoomph!” chirped the Pokémon happily, lifting off into the night with a cloud of dust, being lost to sigh within a few heartbeats. Tora looked after it, eyes sad.

Tora turned, looking back at the party grounds and wondering whether she should go back and tell her friends. She warred with herself, then decided it was better that she should make a clean break, get out of there before she could have second thoughts and botch up everything she had worked so hard to accomplish.

“You’re leaving, huh?” asked a voice from the shadows. Tora jumped, looking around wildly until the dark, caped form of raven emerged from the foliage.

“Yeah,” replied Tora softly, “yeah…”

“So much for saying that you’ll be back.”

“Raven?” asked Tora suddenly, “Could I ask you to tell the rest that I’m leaving? I have to go right away, you see, and…”

“Yeah, I’ll do it,” said Raven before Tora could finish her sentence, “Anything specific?”

“Well, tell Shadow to try not to get on everybody’s nerves,” said Tora, “And tell everybody that I’m sorry I had to leave so soon and suddenly…”

“I will.”

“And tell Serra…” began Tora hesitantly, “Tell Serra that I’m sorry I couldn’t help her, and that I didn’t get a chance to tell her about that which she has lost. She’ll know what it is. Make sure everybody knows that I send them the best of luck, too. I hope you all pull through this mission, unlike how I failed mine.”

Raven nodded, and faded back into the shadows so suddenly that it was as if she had never been present. Tora shook her head sadly, taking out Glory’s Pokèball and releasing the giant firebug. The Pokemon looked at her questioningly, and Tora stroked the soft red neck with a disheartened chuckle.

“I’m sorry, Glory, but we’re leaving…”


“I know, I know, it’s like giving up… but our time has run out. We’ve been called back to Starian, called back by a force we can’t refuse.”

Glory snorted, and turned to allow Tora to leap on her back. The Novasect glowed softly with inner flame in the darkness, lighting the girl’s face eerily as they rose into the air amid an even larger cloud of dark, shadowy dust. Tora covered her eyes; giving one, last look at the party and the noise below before finally turning her attentions to the horizon, and her next mission at home… home.

“I’m coming home,” she whispered to the wind, “Home to you, Kell.”

. . .

Jessica walked around the crowd, trying to keep out of the way of the many people bustling and lounging about. She wanted to find an unoccupied chair, so that she and her companion could sit and perhaps relax a bit. She had not expected the party to be this large, not by any means, and she knew that her friend wasn’t used to such crowds.

“Come on, Undying, there’s an empty space over there,” she said, gesturing to the Pokémon that was plastered against her legs, trying to keep away from all the people and noise. The white, cat-like creature gratefully headed towards the chair, followed by his trainer.

“I’m sorry, Undying,” sighed Jessica, running her fingers though her red and orange highlighted hair as she sunk down into the folding chair. Her other hand stroked the thick, course fur around her Absol’s neck. He leaned into the hand, body tense underneath all the fur.

“I didn’t expect it to be so crowded,” continued Jessica sadly, “I wanted to start you off with a small party, one without so many people, to get you used to such excitement. Perhaps, if we don’t meet anyone to talk to, we’ll leave after a moment.”

The Absol nodded, looking around fearfully at the people passing, and Jessica stood and walked to the table to get a cup of punch. She checked carefully to make sure it hadn’t been spiked, first, since she wasn’t an alcohol drinker. Luckily, it wasn’t, so she took a glass and brought it back to her waiting Pokemon. After taking a few swallows, she set the rest down for Undying to lap up, knowing her Pokemon’s weakness for sweet drinks.

“Jessica? Jessica, is that you?” came a voice from behind her. Jessica spun around, and smiled as she recognized one of her old friends.

“Hey, Rebecca,” she said, making sure she spoke clearly so that the deaf girl could lip read, since Jessica knew nothing about sign language, “How have you been? I haven’t seen you in so long!”

“I’ve been fine,” said Rebecca, taking another chair and turning it so that she could sit on it backwards, “Just traveling about and thought a party would be cool. How about you?”

“I’m on my way to investigate some ruins near Johto,” replied the orange haired girl, “They say that their older than most I’ve seen.”

“Oh, that’s neat. I see you got a new Pokemon, what’s his name?” asked Rebecca, looking at the frightened and cowering Undying.

“Ah, this is Undying,” said Jessica, gently convincing the Absol to come out from the cover of the chair. Rebecca held her hand out, and he sniffed it delicately before finally snorting in acceptance, allowing her to stroke him, “He’s mute, and terrified of crowds. I took him to this one to try and get him to be less afraid, but it turned out to be bigger than I thought. We were just going to leave before you came up…”

“He certainly seems friendly,” chuckled Rebecca as Undying lost his balance from leaning into her hand and sprawled out on the ground. The Absol scrambled up, and looked around with a glare as if to tell them that he meant to do that.

“Do you have any new Pokémon?” asked Jessica.

“Oh, yeah. I have my Andros Rattata,” said Rebecca, bringing out a Pokèball, “His name is Steel.”

She released the Pokemon, and the Rattata appeared before them, his steel fur glinting dangerously in the firelight and his huge fangs shining.

“Aren’t Andros tools of Team Rocket?” asked Jessica a little fearfully.

“Only if they’re not freed,” said Rebecca matter-of-factly, “Steel is free, see his eyes? They’re yellow instead of red.”

“Ah, I see now,” murmured Jessica, watching as the two Pokémon cautiously sniffed at each other, then began a friendly tussle that brought them rolling around the two trainer’s chairs. Rebecca giggled at the scene, and Jessica smiled, “I think he’ll be a bit better with crowds, now that he sees that every stranger isn’t bad. Thanks, Rebecca.”

“No thanks needed,” sighed the other girl, “Actually, I should thank you. The people I were talking to just got some bad news; one of their friends leaving, so I slipped out of there because I didn’t want to intrude or anything. I was just about to leave, too, when I met up with you.”

“Well, Rebecca, it was nice meeting you again,” sighed Jessica, looking around, “But I have a feeling somebody spiked one of the punch bowls, because this is getting a little rowdy around here. I’m leaving.”

She stood from her chair, gesturing for Undying, who was now lying flat out between the two chairs, to come with her. The Absol obeyed immediately, though he looked a little sad to be leaving so soon. Rebecca watched them for a moment, then looked down at Steel, who was looking at the other’s departure. She stood up; scooping the Rattata into her arms, and ran towards the rapidly retreating figures.

“HEY! Wait for me, Jessica! I’m coming with you!”

. . .

“So I said, ‘Really, you’re not going to get far… riding a Shuckle!’” laughed Aeris, her words a little slurred and her manner a bit dazed. The rest of the group was beginning to suspect that someone had spiked the punch.

Blade had left earlier, saying that he needed to get something that he had forgot. Hydro and Shadow had looked at each other slyly, but the girls had no idea what the eighteen year old could have possibly left in his room. Still, they didn’t talk much, because the sudden departure of their friend had hit them all pretty hard. No one had expected Tora to leave so suddenly, and Serra was still wondering about what some of her mysterious messages had meant. ‘Don’t fail like I did’? What had the girl failed at, and how?

Shadow had taken Raven for a walk a little while before, and Terra and Hydro were snoring gently in their seats. It was only Aeris and Serra left, and Serra was beginning to wonder whether she should just take Aeris back to the hotel room to sleep it off. The blonde girl had drunk more than her fair share of punch before the group had discovered its alcoholic content, and she was increasing in her delirious dialogue.

Serra laughed nervously at the extremely bad joke, wondering when Blade would come back or if she should wake up Terra and Hydro to help her. Aeris was started to get incoherent, now.

“Serra… I just want you to know that you’re… a good person,” mumbled Aeris, slurring her words horribly and leaning towards Serra, who grimaced from the smell of her breath.

“And… you’re so… so…” continued Aeris, leaning farther, “I just… feel like kissing you…”

“Aeris? Aeris, I think you’re a little drunk,” said Serra backing away slightly from the advancing form. Aeris pursed her lips, “Aeris, you’re too close, what’re you doing?”

Suddenly, Aeris, in the middle of her advance, slumped down in Serra’s lap, passed out. Serra sighed after a moment, shoving her friend’s inert form back on the chair, and waited for Blade to come back. She wondered what he could have forgotten that would take this long to get out of his room.

As if on cue, the boy emerged from the rapidly diminishing crowd, carrying a huge package and trying to keep his balance. Serra stood and moved to help him, but he waved her away and set it down beside her chair.

“What is it?” she asked curiously.

“Open it and find out,” said Blade with a smile, “I got it for you.”

“You did?” said Serra, looking at the box with shock, “I… I wasn’t expecting… I mean… I don’t have anything to give you…”

“You don’t need to,” said Blade, leaning forward, “Go ahead, see what’s inside.”

Serra moved to the box, and untied the top with shaking fingers. She lifted off the top, and almost squealed when she saw what was inside. With a huge smile, she lifted the small, fluffy creature out and hugged it to herself, joyful beyond words.

“Oh, I love it!” she said, stroking the Pokemon’s white fur, “Where did you find it?”

“Him,” corrected Blade, “I found him down at the breeding Farm. He’s a bit of a reject, since he’s a half-breed, so I got him for less. But I knew you’d like him. He’s half Eevee, half Absol.”

“Really!?” beamed Serra, “Thank you so much, Blade, this is the best present I’ve ever received! But… why did you get him for me?”

“Eevee?” squeaked the little half-breed questioningly, mirroring Serra’s attitude.

“Uh… well… I…” fumbled Blade, blushing, “I… I wanted to… get you something. Yeah, that’s it.”

“Just spontaneously get me something?” asked Serra suspiciously.

“Yeah… yeah…” said Blade. Suddenly, he snapped his fingers, “He still needs a name, though. Why don’t you name him?”

“Hmm…” said Serra, furrowing her brow and looking down at the little white Eevee, rubbing the tiny black oval on his head with a smile. He squeaked, nuzzling her neck, “I think I’ll call him Necro.”

Blade nodded approvingly, and reached down to fondle the little Pokémon’s ears. The Eevee purred, basking in all the attention he was getting, and Serra couldn’t seem to stop smiling. Suddenly, hearing a muffled groan form the still form of Aeris, her attention snapped back to reality.

“Oh,” she said, “I think Aeris has had just a little too much to drink. Would you help me get her back to the hotel to sleep it off?”

Blade stood, and Serra set the Eevee down to go help him. The white creature pattered along silently behind them as they walked, supporting the limp person between them. Luckily, the hotel wasn’t too far from the party, and they managed to get Aeris up the stairs without dropping her, although Blade came close to tripping on Necro once.

“I’ll stay here with her,” said Serra as they set her down, “You should go back to the party and tell the rest of the group what happened. They should really be getting back, anyway, it’s getting late.”

“Alright,” answered Blade. But Serra stopped him before he exited the room.

“Blade, I wanted to tell you thanks,” she said, “Thanks for the present, and for everything…”

Blade smiled, and slipped out the door without a word.


Hee hee hee, I love Serra's reaction when to Blade she woke up. 'Oh, you, *snore*' lolXD That's just totally hilarious. And Blade getting down with his Bad self, Pure geniusness! Ahhh, good times.

Elite Eevee

Well, it seems you changed the chapters dramaticlly. I still like it, it's even better. To bad Tora had to leave though. But knowing the twisted(No offense) mind of Spectreon, we'll see her again.

The Eevee. Is that..Necro? *Gives glazed, starry-eyed look* I want something like him. :)


Well, considering Tora is my character... I'd be up to my twisted and evil mind ^^

Yes, the crossbreeds of doooooooooom. Don't deny, we all want one XD

Making dance scenes has always been fun... and boy, was that a spur of the moment idea!
Thanks for the comments you guys. Only two more chappies to go before new chapterness fuzzies. Spread the word!


Next chapter... Only one more to go before new-ness!!!!

The moon hung in the sky, casting its ethereal, silvery light over Dewford Town. In the hotel room, Serra sat on the windowsill conversing with Necro while Aeris slept on the bed.

The half-breed Eevee was dazzling when hit by moonlight. His snowy white fur turned to silver. His ruff leaned more towards the downy, smooth ruff of Absol rather than the fluffy pom-poms normal Eevee had. Upon his forehead was a black smooth oval, rather like obsidian. His tail was also a bit thinner and more smoothed out than normal Eevee tails. But it was his eyes that were the most unique. They were pure dark red, pupil-less, and glowed just slightly in the dark room.

“I’m so glad that big human picked me. Nobody wanted me because I was half-breed,” sulked the Eevee as he curled up in Serra’s lap.

“Well, I’m happy we can be friends, no?” whispered Serra as she hugged the Eevee tightly. It was the beginnings of a deep bond, one that would be sorely tested and battered and stretched in the coming dark times...


Serra awoke with a jolt as she heard a loud screech, then a thud that shook the room. Blearily opening her eyes, she was greeted with the sight of Aeris on the floor clutching her head. Blankets wrapped around her and trailed from the bed. She’d fallen off.

“World of pain...” moaned Aeris, rubbing her head. Maverick bounced off the bed, chirping sleepily, and waddled up to the blonde.

Serra sat up slowly, wincing as her bones groaned audibly. Ever since she’d awoken from her coma, her bones had been stiff and achy from lack of exercise. The girl bent over Aeris and helped her up.

“I’ve got such a hangover. What happened last night?” asked Aeris as she wobbled over to the windowsill, nearly tripping over Maverick as he weaved around her legs.

“You tried to kiss me and passed out in my lap. You were MAJORLY drunk.” chortled Serra as she rubbed Aeris’ back. The blonde groaned; her face buried in her arms as she stood propped on the windowsill.

“What is that?” mumbled Aeris as she noticed Necro for the first time. The Eevee and the Totodile had noticed each other and were wrestling around on the floor playfully.

“Him? That’s Necro, a half-breed Eevee. Apparently his father was an Absol and his mother an Umbreon. Blade got him for me… isn’t he adorable?” Serra said, smiling.

“I guess so,” mumbled Aeris, raising her head and looking woebegone.

“Oh you poor thing. Hangover? I can take care of it.” Serra leaned forward, startling Aeris.


Serra’s lips touched Aeris’s forehead in a gentle kiss. Instantly, Aeris’ hangover cleared up, and her eyes widened in astonishment as she looked at Serra.

Behind them, Shadow chortled.

“Well, well, Serra and Aeris sitting in a tree kiss-YAAAAAH!”

He ducked a small bolt of lighting and came up, with a newly singed stripe of hair on the top of his head.

“It’s not a good idea to antagonize me, Shadow. Besides, if you had a few more brain cells in your empty skull, you should’ve seen it was a Lovely Kiss. Lovely Kisses can cure or confuse minds. Care to let me do one on you and see what the effects are?” grinned Serra.

Shadow shook his head hastily and backed out the door, colliding with Raven as she passed in the hall.

“Watch where you’re going, idiot!” snapped Raven. She wasn’t exactly a morning person.

“Apologies, my lovely ray of sunshine, dearie.” Shadow kissed Raven on the cheek and bolted, not wanting to be trapped between Serra and Raven.

Raven pulled her purple cloak tighter around her, shivering. Dewford Town was a beachside community, and morning fog carpeted the town in its misty embrace every morning.

“Well, come on, come on. Let’s go eat breakfast.” snapped the irate psychic. She turned and walked down the hall, her face dark. You almost expected to see a small thundercloud hovering over her head.


The hotel breakfast bar was full of the gentle murmur of patrons and the soft clinking of utensils. The entire group had been seated at a table next to the wall. Terra jostled elbows with Hydro as both inhaled sausages at an astonishingly fast rate, while Necro, Maverick, Dark Flame and Ghost sat in a row, their faces buried in their plates of food. Shadow and Blade were eating and talking with their mouths open, discussing sword techniques, much to the disgust of Raven. The psychic was sedately demolishing buttermilk pancakes crusted with sugar, cinnamon and maple syrup.

Serra was conversing to Aeris in quiet tones.

“I need to do training today. I’m out of shape. Can you coach me, please?”

Aeris nodded, grinning, as she chewed her bacon.

“I’d love to! I haven’t properly trained any Pokémon in a while...even if you aren’t exactly a Pokémon. But first, guess what you, Terra, and I are going to do today first thing?”

They were interrupted by a loud commotion due to Ghost stealing Shadow’s fork. When things settled down, Aeris continued.

“Terra and I are going to take you shopping.”

“Shopping? For..what?” Serra squeaked.

“You need a bikini. We’re on the beach, and you can’t train in your navy blue skirt and your grey turtleneck sweater.”

Serra blinked. “Why can’t I just train in my armor?”

Aeris threw up her hands. “Come on! You don’t have to train in that clunky old thing. You need to get wet. I’ve noticed you never trained in aquatic conditions.”

Serra swallowed nervously and looked down.

“But...b-but I don’t know...how to swim,” she whispered.

Aeris looked at Serra in astonishment. “You never learned?”

“I’m only three years old, Aeris. The bartender said the deal was I could sing in the bar if I worked for him. I loved to sing, so I said yes. He said I wasn’t his responsibility other than that.”

Aeris punched her fist in her palm, her face decisive.

“Serra, you need to learn aquatic battling. Water-type Pokemon are the most proficient type there is. Terra and I will teach you to swim and battle on and under water. Oh, and by the way, we are so buying you a proper set of bras.”

Serra’s eyes widened in shock and she shook her head.

“WHAT? You have to be kidding me. No. No way.”

Aeris grinned, her face suddenly very, very scary.

“Oh yes. We are going to make a proper woman out of you.”

Serra’s groan echoed throughout the room.


“She’s an A-thirty-two, I think. Terra, what do you think?”

“I...would have to saa-ay she ee-s a size A-thirty fouuur.” Terra said as she rummaged through shelves of bras. Distracted, her carefully pronounced English turned into a lisp. She cold only talk perfectly if she was concentrating, as she had so remarkably showed when she’d screamed blue murder at Su in Victory Base on their first day.

Serra trailed along behind them, looking befuddled as she stared at the bras. There were so many choices! How did Aeris do it?

First, you had color. Pink, black, white, grey, or tan.

Then, you had materials. Lace, or cotton.

Then style. Underwire, sports, sexy, push-ups, and so many more.

And last but not least, sizes ranging from the smallish A to the gigantic, terrifying size Ds.

Where did it all end? That was what Serra was wondering as Aeris and Terra dragged her down a seemingly infinite shelf of bras...


“Serra, here you go. We finally found the perfect ones. Tan and cotton. Now, there was a bit of a dispute involving whether you should get a push up, seeing as you have practically no boobs, but Terra was of the opinion you should get the sports bra since you don’t want them moving around and jostling and getting in your way when you train or fight, so we got you the sports one, in a size A-thirty-three.” Aeris shoved a pile of tan cotton size A-33 sports bra into Serra’s arms.

“Go in there and put them on!” ordered Aeris, spinning the hapless Goddess around and pushing her gently into the changing room.

<Think she’ll figure out how to put them on?> asked Terra.

Aeris snickered. “She’s a girl, it should be intuitive. Now, if this was Shadow, he’d never figure it out. I mean, they don’t even know how to put on ties.”

Both Champions roared with laughter.


Serra trudged behind the still-vivacious Aeris and Terra in her newly bound chest. She had to admit the bra wasn’t as bad as she thought it’d be but it still took some getting used to. They were now shopping for swimming garments for their entire company.

For Shadow, Aeris had selected black trunks with a print of a stylized metallic silver Gyarados locked in battle with a Raikou. The two legendary beasts roared and grappled around a yin-yang. Hydro had gotten blue trunks with tropical-style light blue flowers, while Blade got plain dark red trunks.

Terra had snagged a red bikini top that came with black surfing shorts while Aeris squealed with delight over a bright, colorful bikini with a tropical sunset design. For Raven they had selected a plain dark purple bikini ( “Shadow’s going to have a heart attack, she’s always hiding in that big cloak.” ).

Serra, befuddled as always, wandered around aimlessly until Aeris got infuriated and selected a light yellow bikini for her and hauled her off to the dressing room to try it out.


“About time we got back,” moaned Serra as she and the other two girls entered the hotel laden with shopping bags. The aquatic apparel was distributed among their group and everyone left to change.

When changing was done, the group enthusiastically moved outside to the beach. Raven was sulking, because she had been forced to wear the bikini and could no longer hide behind her cloak, much to the delight of Shadow. The psychic laid out a towel and immediately went to sleep on it. Dark Flame nestled on her bare stomach.

Terra and Hydro produced surfboards they’d rented, and went running to the waves, whooping and shoving each other all the way down. Blade shook his head as he watched them. The boy had chosen to sit next to Raven and watch Aeris and Serra train. Shadow sat down to Raven’s other side, attempting to see if he could get a good look at Raven’s chest without her noticing. (Boys will be boys.)

Ghost, Maverick and Necro scampered on the beach, burrowing in the sand and teasing the hapless Krabbys that scuttled about on the warm beach.

Aeris and Serra stood aside in a small cluster. Serra was awkwardly shifting from foot to foot, looking out uneasily at the roaring waves that pounded the sands to a fine grain. She was nervous, but mostly because of her skimpy bikini, paranoid that it would fall off.

“Righty-ho, Serra! I’m gonna be your coach...” cackled Aeris as she rubbed her hands. A silver whistle hung from her neck, and on her bare waist, over her bikini bottom, was a fanny pouch full of coins.

Aeris suddenly became serious, her eyes hardening.

“Serra, I want you to give it your best. Under no circumstances should you activate your armor, understood? You cannot rely on fancy outfits all the time, yes?”

Serra nodded, straightening her shoulders and smiling gently.

Aeris blew a piercing blast on her whistle, and training began.

“Activate your Flying wings NOW and get your arse in the sky! Let me see some butt up there in the clouds now!” Aeris barked.

Serra’s back writhed and roiled, the flesh churning and stretching out, glowing with a bright white light as they did so. Feathered wings formed, and Serra took off in the sky like a flash of lighting.

“Now, girlie, I’m gonna toss coins in the sky, and you are going to hit them with Bullet Seeds. Ready, set, GO!”

Aeris flung a handful of coins from her pouch into the sky, where the metal disks whirled and spun crazily, flashing in the sunlight.

Gunfire rang out as a rain of seeds shot through the sky, hissing like angry vipers. Aeris nodded approvingly as coins clattered at her feet, each with a neat hole at their centers.

“Nice job, Serra! Now show me a Petal Dance!”

Serra’s silhouette flashed in the sun’s rays as she began an elegant aerial dance, spinning out with her wings wrapped around herself. Her wings flared out, and a massive cloud of cherry blossom petals wafted out around her in a slow, beautiful display.

“Beautiful!” whooped Shadow, clapping. Blade grinned and nodded. Shadow elbowed him, snickering as he noticed Blade’s love struck expression.

“Think she looks good in that bikini, huh?”

“Wha.....huh.....yeah...I guess.” stammered Blade as he snapped to reality.

Meanwhile, in the air, Serra had finished her breathtaking display and was waiting for Aeris’ next command, stray feathers drifting lazily down as her wings moved with slow elegance. She flew easily, barely showing any sign of her recent injuries. Yet, she was feeling herself begin to tire slightly, and her frown was truly disappointed; she thought she could do better.

“Come on, Serra, let’s heat it up with Sunny Day!” yelled Aeris with a bright smile.

Instantly upon hearing the command, Serra’s wings took on a bright, metallic orange sheen. The sunlight in the area burned even hotter, and Raven sat up suddenly with an expression of tired curiosity. After a few seconds, she took an extra towel and put it around her shoulders to block out some of the sun. Shadow sat with an uncomfortable expression, shifting on the sand,, but Blade looked as if he didn’t even notice the searing heat.

“Now unleash it with a Solarbeam!” commanded Aeris, picking up the Frisbee shooter she had set on the sand earlier and sending three of the disks into the air. They flew with exaggerated slowness, drifting into the sky like some strange birds.

Serra’s orange wings flared white, and then faded slightly to a yellow-green. They became steadily brighter as small, visible particles of light drifted into them, supplying the attack with the devastating power that made it the most destructive grass attack known. Suddenly, twin beams sliced from Serra’s wings, intersecting into one giant ray that blasted into the three Frisbees, incinerating them within seconds.

Serra pulled back the beam, watching as the remnants of the attack dissipated into the distance. A thin sheen of sweat now coated her brow, but she wasn’t going to let herself give up or stop, not until she had trained to her limit.

“Okay, Serra, we’re going to try something different, now,” called Aeris, waving for Serra to come down. She did, feeling a little guilty that she actually welcomed a chance to rest her wings. Aeris came to her, smiling.

“You did really great, Serra,” she said, “Now, I know you’re not feeling your best, so the next little thing is going to be the last bout of training for today. Then we can relax.”

“What are we doing?” asked Serra, curious.

“Well, we’re going to teach you how to swim!” chirped Aeris, “But it’s going to be a little easier, because you’re going to learn through training.”

“Ah… okay…”

Aeris stood back, crossing her arms, and called out a command.

“Okay, Serra, back to training!” she said, “Now, put on your water wings and let’s get into the air!”

Serra, slightly confused as to how water wings could fly, shrugged and concentrated. From her back erupted six long spines, three to each wing, which were attached to her shoulders by almost hand-like joints. Once the spines were fully formed, long, transparent blue webs seeped across the spaces like water running down a smooth surface. Serra flapped and, to her surprise, rose into the air almost as easily as she had with the feathered wings.

“Okay, Serra, dive into the water and use Surf!” said Aeris from the beach, “I know you can do it!”

Serra, with some hesitation, folded her wings and dove at a steep angle towards the water. At the last minute, a flash of her fall after the battle for Jhoto appeared before her eyes, and she flared her wings and braked. Her fear was too strong to allow her to enter the lapping waters, and a disappointed and frustrated tear leaked from her left eye, running down her face in diamond radiance.

“It’s okay,” said Aeris encouragingly from the now far away beach, “Try again, and don’t let your fear get the best of you!”

“I won’t,” growled Serra quietly to herself, rising determinedly into the air once more to prepare for her second dive. She was tiring again, but she told herself that the water wasn’t going to hurt her. In fact, it might feel good to dip into the ocean for a while. With this thought in mind, she folded her wings yet again, screeching towards the rapidly expanding blue waves.

The vision flashed again, but Serra broke through it with a determined yell and let herself fall. Suddenly, she was in intense cold, and her descent was slow and unhurried. She flared her wings, feeling the resistance of the thick water against them, and flipped them as if she was flying. Surprisingly, this worked, and Serra found herself literally soaring through the water. Suddenly, she remembered that Aeris was expecting her to use an attack, and that she needed to rise to the surface and breath.

With an elegant flick of one wing, Serra shot towards the surface and the clear blue that shimmered like liquid crystal. Her head broke through the waves, sending a spattering of shining droplets into the air, and she summoned her power to shape a wave out of the endless substance around her. When she had ‘grabbed’ a sufficient amount of water, she flapped her webbed wings once more, rising on the wave that was now stretching out of the ocean towards the shore.

She surged to the beach, flying yet not flying as she rode the crest of the wave, her wings stretched out to their limit so that she could balance. At the last moment before hitting shore, she sent the water upwards and back into a huge curl, letting the wave dissipate back into the ocean without harming any of the denizens on the beach. Some of the spray from the wave shot up, creating a cloak of glittering drops that reflected the sun’s light in a million tiny images of a flying, web-winged girl.

Aeris whopped on the ground as the spray fell to earth, revealing Serra as she descended down to the beach. The water seemed to have a good effect on the girl, and she looked better and healthier than ever. Aeris looked at Serra, who was practically glowing with exaltation, and smiled.

“Must be some ability you have when you form those wings,” she said, throwing an arm around Serra’s shoulders as the other girl dematerialized her wings, “You look a hundred times better now than when we started training!”

Suddenly, a bounding blur of white jumped up, slamming into Serra’s chest and almost knocking the girl down.

“Serra, that was so AWSOME!!!” screamed the little Eevee half-breed with excitement, “Will you tech me how to battle like you? Please please pleasepleaseplease… PRETTY please!?”

“Alright, alight!” said Serra, pulling the Eevee’s small claws off her neck. She put him down on the ground, where Maverick was waiting for his new friend to come back, “Now run along and play some more, Necro. You have to get a little bigger before we start training seriously, okay?”

“Kay!” said Necro amiably, and with a wink and a bound he was off again on some unknown exploration with his Totodile friend.

“What was that all about?” asked Aeris as she watched the two Pokémon scamper over the sands.

“Oh, Necro just wants to be like me,” said Serra with a warm smile, “he wants to learn how to battle, though I think he’s a bit too young yet.”

“Ah, yeah, you’re right,” said Aeris with a nod, “He’s only about a month or two old. Certainly not big enough to start training for real.”

They started walking toward the place where the others were standing, chatting and laughing, when a young boy of about fifteen walked up. His hair, dyed orange and red like fire, was ragged and unkempt, and he had a pair of sunglasses set on top of his head. Serra and Aeris stopped, looking at him curiously, and he suddenly extended a hand.

“Hi,” he said in a slightly deeper voice than someone his age would usually have, “My name is Kar, and I was just watching you train. Those were some amazing attacks, and I was wondering if you would mind battling my Pokemon?”

“Uh,” stammered Serra, taken aback.

“Wait a second,” said Aeris suspiciously, “You aren’t trying to catch her or something, are you? You know she isn’t just some slave!”

“Of course I’m not!” scoffed the boy with an indignant snort, “Who do you think I am? Anyone with eyes can see that she’s mostly human, even if she has amazing powers. I was just wondering if I could have the honor of a battle?”

“Uh, sure,” said Serra, still surprised. She shook the boy’s extended hand and shook it firmly, “I’ll battle you. Just don’t hold back!”

“I won’t!” laughed Kar.

. . .

It seemed a strange start to a battle; one Pokémon against one mere human, but of course it was nothing like it seemed. Serra, eyes determined, stared fiercely into the eyes of her opponent. Curiously, this was not Kar, but the gigantic Lickitung that stood in the shifting sand, patiently waiting for a command.

“Okay, Tonguetwist, use wrap,” said Kar. The boy didn’t shout his commands, which gave Serra a clue that his Pokémon respected him and he respected them in return, and that he wasn’t one to get too excited at the start of a battle.

The Lickitung responded almost as quickly as the order emerged from its trainer’s mouth. It braced itself in the sand, opening its maw and extending the long and heavily muscled tongue with surprising speed at the still form opposite. Serra leaped into the air at the last second, coming down hard on the tongue and making the other Pokémon cry out in surprise and pain.


Lickitung’s tongue came to life at the command, twining what wasn’t pinned to earth quickly around Serra’s midriff and rising to lick her face with paralyzing saliva. It was an effective wrap/lick combo on most opponents, but Serra wasn’t ‘most opponents’.

“Rapid Spin!” she said, twirling around at an incredible speed. The wrapped tongue flew off her, landing and coiling in the dirt before returning to the pained Pokémon’s mouth.

“Now it’s my turn,” whispered Serra to herself. She straightened from her spin, fixing her gaze on the Lickitung.

“Karate Chop!” she called, her arms beginning to glow as she ran towards the Lickitung. Surprisingly, it didn’t even flinch as she came close.

“You know what to do.”

Suddenly, Serra’s legs were taken out from under her as the Pokemon flashed out it tongue and tripped her. Then, it wrapped the muscled appendage around her feet, hanging her in the air. Serra struggled, but wasn’t able to get out of its grip. Also, she couldn’t do a rapid spin in this position. She realized dimly that she was trapped.


Before she knew what was happening, Serra found herself hurtling towards the sand at high velocity. She hit the dunes hard, sending up a cloud of dust from the impact. Luckily, the sand absorbed most of the force, so the attack didn’t do as much damage as it would have normally. Nonetheless, as Serra staggered up from the crater caused by the slam, she coughed and felt the salty tang of blood on her lips.

“Mach Punch,” she whispered determinedly.

Suddenly, Serra was a blur across the beach, speeding so fast that the other Pokémon had no time to move before it was thrown back, it’s surprised squeal echoing through the air. It slammed into the ground hard, much like Serra had just moments before. After a moment, it rose, black eyes blazing.


The Lickitung opened its mouth once more, but this time only a ripple of displaced air emanated from its throat. The sonic wave made its slow yet sure way towards Serra, spreading out as it went so that it was nearly unavoidable. Serra thought fast, hoping to come up with an attack to counter the confusing melee of sound.

“Magic Coat!” yelled Serra, her skin becoming a glittering, reflecting surface.

The sound waves reached her, but were reflected back almost instantly upon hitting the solid surface of her defense. They traveled back at the Lickitung at twice the speed, hitting and confusing the other Pokémon instead of her. The normal-type reeled, looking around with wild and frightened eyes as it tried unsuccessfully to make sense of what had happened.

It was a perfect opportunity.

“Cross Chop!” Serra called; streaking forward and delivering a slicing strike to her confused and vulnerable opponent. The Lickitung fell almost in slow motion, tried to rise, and fell back with a sigh, eyes closed.

“Return,” said Kar. He brought out a new Pokèball, and threw it easily into the battlefield, “Go, Auss!”

With a defiant roar, a large and battle scarred Kangaskhan leapt onto the field. She stared at Serra with a furious glare, eyes narrowing as the young in her pouch squeaked with excitement, leapt out, and bounded over to stand beside Kar.

“So, Goddess,” rumbled the Kangaskhan, “We finally meet. I see you have been worn down… it is a pity that I cannot battle you at full strength.”

“I’m not so weak that I can’t fight,” answered Serra strongly in the Pokémon’s language, “Bring it on!”

“Okay, Auss,” called Kar, “Wait for a second.”

Serra hesitated, wondering what was up her opponent’s sleeve. With a final, decisive shrug, she barreled at the Kangaskhan, readying one of her most powerful fighting attacks.

“Hi Jump Kick!” she yelled as she leapt up before the surprisingly motionless Pokémon.

“Fake Out.”

Suddenly, Auss was no longer where she had been standing, and Serra flew past, slamming hard into the ground once again. Before she knew what was happening, the Kangaskhan had grabbed her feet and thrown her, confused and disoriented, into the air.

“Okay, Auss, use Mega Punch.”

. . .

Blade, Shadow, Raven, and Aeris sat on the sidelines of the spectacular battle, watching with bated breath and clenched teeth. Both Shadow and Aeris looked horrified as Serra was thrown into the air, Raven looked grim, and Blade looked as if he was ready to jump up and run into the battle at any moment. Shadow grabbed him by the shoulder as he began to rise though, fixing the other boy with a sympathetic glare before forcing him back into the seat. This was Serra’s battle; there was nothing they could do to help that wouldn’t violate all the rules of battling.

Blade, still looking distressed, fidgeted in his seat. Both Necro and Maverick, tired of playing, padded up and sat beside the others, watching with fascination. Necro, knowing now what a true battle looked like, was instilled with fear; this wasn’t what he had thought of when he said he wanted to train! Then and there, he made up his mind that he would never battle unless he had to.

. . .

Serra braced herself as best she could in the air, and felt the air whistle as the devastating punch began to speed towards her. At the last second, she twisted she twisted with a cry of “Barrier!” A slightly shimmering wall appeared before her and the attack, but the punch broke through it as if it were nothing, reaching its mark with almost as much speed as it had gained originally.

The strong arm of the Kangaskhan connected with Serra’s midriff, making her cry out involuntarily. She could feel her energy lessen as she took the high damage, and Serra was also pretty sure that she felt a rib or two crack with the force. She barely even felt landing on the ground, but instinct and training made her force her pained and broken body to rise and move quickly in case another such technique were used.

With a sick feeling, Serra glimpsed the barreling form of the tank-like Pokémon lunging towards her for another attack. She hadn’t even heard the command this time…

“Reversal,” she gasped, feeling a spot of blood leak out of her slightly open mouth.

Both Serra and the Kangaskhan roared at the same time. Serra, standing doggedly with both hands out; Auss, running and realizing her mistake at the last second before impact… one second too late.

Light… Red and deep and blinding, emanating from the single point on the field. It blazed until it engulfed everything around the area in its red glow. Then, as it slowly faded away, everyone watching leaned forward with gritted teeth to see the outcome.

Serra stood, half bent over and grimacing in pain, over the still form of the hulking, fallen giant that was the Kangaskhan. The creature had been knocked out in one devastating hit, though the force of its charge had also attributed to its downfall. Kar recalled Auss while Serra dimly smiled at the cheers that her friends called from the sidelines.

“Recover,” she groaned, staggering a little as the sharp, stinging pain of healing spread over her body. Almost instantly, she began to feel stronger, and she straightened with a smile. Kar grinned back, throwing his next Pokèball into the field.

“Go, my Rose Eyes!”

Serra, expecting another hulking giant of a Pokémon, was surprised when she had to look down at the small shape emerging from the red light. The white Pokémon, upon completely appearing, sneezed, shook energetically, and rose its head to stare at Serra with large, innocent eyes.

Serra saw with wonder exactly how the name of this tiny Zangoose fit so well, for her eyes were large, deep red, and breathtakingly gorgeous. On the fringes of the iris and around the pupil, the red faded into a light, almost pastel pink, exactly as if both shining orbs were roses about to open their petals to the morning sun.

“Hey,” the tiny Pokémon squeaked in a young yet silky voice, “You’re the Goddess, aren’t you? Heh, ready to play?”

With that, extremely long and sharp claws moved out from the protective sheaths on Rose Eye’s paws with a sharp and ominous *snick*. Serra suddenly didn’t think of the Zangoose as cute anymore.

“Okay, Rose Eyes, Swords Dance,” called Kar calmly.

With a graceful, single line of movement, Rose Eyes began to dance. It was an entrancing, swirling waltz of death and glory, one that made all the spectators gasp and look closer so as not to miss a single step.

Just as suddenly as it had begun, the dance ended, and the Zangoose stood with slightly glowing claws, growling a challenge.

“Alrighty then,” smirked Serra, putting an arm on her hip while judging the distance between her and her opponent, “Let’s play.”

“Crush Claw.”


Both attackers moved at the same time. Serra, eyes glowing an eerie green, focused her power on the ground around them. The sand heaved and writhed as boulders rose from the deeper earth to stop just below the surface, waiting. Rose Eyes, with amazing agility, sped forward in a blur of white shot with red.

Almost as if the Zangoose had steeped on a minefield, the sand exploded outwards and upwards as the rocks below shook off their cape of earth and levitated to destroy whatever happened to be in its path. This happened to be whatever Serra directed them towards, and that was Rose Eyes.

“Run, run, run,” laughed the Zangoose, skirting the flying rocks with amazing nimbleness, “You can’t catch me!”

In a flash, Rose Eyes was beside Serra, giving the girl a vicious grin before leaping up and slamming her extended claws down upon her head. Serra reeled, but managed to send a single boulder towards the gloating Zangoose before she fell dazedly to her knees. A small squeal rewarded her quickness, and as Serra’s mind began to clear, she rolled and stood on her feet once more.

“I can catch you,” she gasped, swinging her foot around in an arc. As the limb sped towards the struggling Zangoose, whose claws were pinned under a gigantic boulder, it burned with nearly white-hot fire.

“Blaze Kick!” yelled Serra as her foot reached its target. Rose eyes was ripped from the boulder and thrown to the ground at Kar’s feet.

“Rose Eyes, return,” said Kar, his voice beginning to shake as he brought out his final Pokèball, “Okay, Titan, I’m counting on you.”

The trainer threw the Pokèball out, catching with resolve it as it returned, empty, to him. The beast before him was larger than all the others had been, though it made no sound as it stared, unnervingly calm, at Serra before snorting and looking back at Kar with a questioning look. The boy only nodded once, and the heavily built, sea blue turtle Pokémon turned back with a stomping gait.

“Blastoise,” it rumbled, conveying no words in the ancient bellow.

Two bone colored cannons appeared on either side of its thick shell, clicking into place to prepare for the battle. Serra braced her feet in the sand, ready for anything.

“Alright, Titan,” said Kar, “use Hydro Cannon.”

With a rush of water, the twin cannons on the Blastoise’s shell erupted with highly powered orbs of water. They slammed into the sand, making the ground on the beach turn into a muddy quagmire where it hit. Serra still stood her ground, watching the rapidly approaching barrage of liquid.

Suddenly, the first orb was upon her. It looked as if Serra might be engulfed, but at the last possible moment she leapt up and back, executing a perfect backflip that brought her out of danger. She continued this movement as the next bore down on her, and all the others after that. Finally, as the last explosive bomb of water was absorbed into the sand, she stopped, landing on all fours with hair swept over her face, ragged with sweat and dirt.

“Good work, Titan, use Mist.”

Now, as Serra gathered her breath back on the other end of the field, the Blastoise began emitting a thick fog from the cannons on its back. This slowly but surely covered the arena, reducing visibility to almost zero. Serra saw the trap too late, but was ready with a countermeasure of her own.

“Foresight,” she said to herself softly. Her eyes became glassy, and suddenly the land around her was outlined in red.

And a shape charging towards her was outlined in blue. Serra whirled, but was caught in the attack and thrown far out over the ocean. She dimly heard the splash as the Blastiose entered that water after her before she hit the surface, knocking the breath from her body.

“We bring this battle to my element now, Goddess,” came the whispery voice of the old Blastoise, echoing through the water in such a ripple that Serra couldn’t pinpoint it, “Now prove to me that you deserve your title.”

“I will,” answered Serra, flipping over in the water and moving towards the surface. She formed her water wings, feeling her strength start to slowly return, bit by bit, as she waited for her opponent to make the first move and reveal his position, “I will.”

. . .

“Serra isn’t used to battling in water,” said Aeris nervously, “This could get bad…”

“Then I’ll stop it,” said Blade, jumping up and jogging towards the trainer on the beach before any of the group could pull him back. With exasperated yet understanding expressions, they all leapt up and followed, intent upon stopping the determined boy from making a mistake.

Necro, left on the beach, watched after them. Maverick had already begun running, pumping his short legs and speeding towards the group with excited cries. He began to step forward, but hesitated, one leg raised in indecision. He didn’t really want to get any closer to the battle, but Serra probably needed him. With a final, resolute squeak, he bounded after the rest, sprinting over their footsteps in the sand.

Elite Eevee

Hmmm, scrath that. Those chapters were fillers for the space.
Still, it'll be great to see these guys(and girls) in action again. What did the big G say about a spy?


Okay, I'm not sure of the answer to that question, and am on the fly. Maybe Gatene can answer... or spec could send me the answer...



Serra moved wraithlike through the cerulean blue waters. Sunlight filtered down from the water’s surface, sending down golden rays of light like diagonal pillars through the depths. Serra slowly, dreamily moved through the light, her dark silhouette framed by lush golden light. The miniscule scales upon her wings glittered as the light caught them, becoming a dazzling display of refracted light.

She was oblivious to the beauty as she waited for her unseen foe to make his move.

And make his move he did indeed, with all the brute force and speed of a torpedo.

The air was forced from Serra’s lungs in a stream of bubbles as Titan slammed into her chest in a devastating Skull Bash. He had come from nowhere!

Serra was rocketed upwards with the sheer force of the impact, exploding into the sky amid a halo of water droplets and spray. The girl twisted in the air, her bikini streaked with blood from her previous wounds.

Her wings glowed and transformed, stretching out and rippling as they formed new structures and a new anatomy....

When the wings’ glow faded, they made the onlookers on the beach gasp with awe. Emerald green and glowing slightly as the sunlight filtered through them, they were wings infused with Grass energy. Each feather was actually a perfectly formed leaf, all held together by a branch which served as the wing-bones.

“Vine Whip!”

Serra’s arms rippled and shot out in twin serpentine green blurs. Two thorny vines snaked around the Blastoise’s shell and held him tight.

Kar blinked, and called out to his partner, his voice carrying loud and clear.

“Rapid Spin.”

Tiny clicks echoed as Titan’s guns retracted into their ports. The Blastoise also pulled in his legs and head, and launched his attack. His shell spun, with such blinding speed that Serra’s vine-arms whipped out, yanking her back and she slammed into the water with a booming splash.

Titan bobbed up to the surface, guns bristling once more as he scanned the waters for Serra.

Serra sprang out of the water, her wings now of the feathered Flying type. She hovered just above the water, her feet treading the rippling surface.

“Titan, Skull Bash.”


Serra shot forward in a blur, running on the water itself. Her wings were flared out to their fullest extent to help her balance. The girl was going so fast that she leaned forward, wings spread back as she ripped up the water’s surface in a foamy frothy trail.

Titan lunged forward at the exact same time… only he was swimming. Both roared towards each other.

“They’re going to crash!” yelled Blade, panicking. Aeris cheered and hooted, completely ignoring Blade. She was in her element...


And crash they did indeed.

Water exploded out in a circular shockwave while a massive geyser blew upwards, raining water down on the audience.

“I told you.” Blade wiped water out of his eyes.

“Aw, shut up, ya big poopyhead.” muttered Aeris.

From between Aeris’s feet, Maverick squealed, echoing her attitude. Necro squealed and twitched his tail while Dark Flame yipped, not liking the water. Ghost sat on Shadow’s shoulder, waving a battered and ancient spoon excitedly.

Serra was on the verge of losing consciousness as she sank downwards. The Blastoise still seemed to be as healthy as ever. He was one of the hardest opponents she’d ever faced...

What do I do? Grass didn’t work... maybe electricity?

Her feathered wings, soggy and bedraggled, glowed once again and transformed into Electric-type wings. They were comprised of jagged, narrow black feathers with yellow streaks in a vespa pattern.

Since Serra was not in the best mental frame of mind, she failed to take into reference how water channels electricity. Her mind was a big black yawning void, focusing on a single point of light that was her consciousness...



The onlookers on the beach shifted anxiously, unable to see what was happening.

“I hope she’s okay.” mumbled Blade. Raven rubbed his shoulders reassuringly.

“Do not fret, Blade. Serra’s got a good head on her shoulders.” Raven whispered in his ear.

Everyone jumped in fright as thunder crashed. A single, massive bolt of lighting flashed, blinding everyone. The arc of electricity streaked into the sea, and all hell broke loose...


Serra screamed as a million volts of electricity surged through her body. Being but a human still, Serra was especially vulnerable to electricity, as the Plusle and Minun had so effectively demonstrated at the War for Johto.

Alongside her, Titan bellowed as the same electricity assaulted him. The waters hissed and churned as they boiled. Steam gushed from every oxygen molecule contained within the hydrogen.


“Stupid, Serra. Stupid, stupid, STUPID.” snarled Aeris as she dragged the girl onto the sands. Kar had returned Titan to his Pokèball, and smiled at Aeris.

“That was a fantastic battle!” he beamed. “It’s a draw. That girl’s pretty amazing.”

“Tell that to her,” muttered Aeris as she nudged Serra with her foot. “She can’t do crazy stunts like that. For all her big grand powers, she’s still a human, but she had to go and forget.”

Terra ran up to the group, panting. She had run all the way back to the resort and retrieved a Max Revive. The small crystal glowed in her hand as she knelt and placed the healing star on Serra’s chest. The star glowed and melted into her skin, and Serra’s face took on a healthy glow once more.

Her eyes opened and she stared up at the sky. Her mouth opened..

“That was fun.” she commented, slightly dazed.

Everyone performed anime-style falls.

Aeris yanked Serra up and frog marched her to the hotel while berating her all the way.

“What would Bonedancer say, Serra? Never use electric attacks if you’re in water!”


As evening darkened the sky, and the moon’s gentle glow was trapped in the ocean, the group of friends all gathered in Serra and Aeris’ room in a sort of mini-sleepover.

Pizza was passed out all around, while happy chatter rose to the ceiling.

Serra sat cross-legged against the wall with Necro in her lap. Aeris sat beside her, a large bottle of saké in her lap.

Hydro and Terra were on the bed, playfully bouncing on the mattress and dancing to the music that drifted out of the radio on the bedside desk. Ghost scuttled around the room, accumulating silverware and other assorted shiny things. Once a kleptomaniac, always a kleptomaniac. Dark Flame slept on a shelf set high in the wall, safe from the chaos.

Shadow sat against the wall opposite to Serra and Aeris, looking ecstatic. The source of his happiness was Raven, who had fallen asleep in his lap, and her black hair pooled out around her. Shadow delighted in running his hand through her hair and feeling her warmth against him. Blade sat on his other side, his attention fixed on a piece of pepperoni pizza.

“Looks like you’re plenty happy over there, Shadow.” commented Aeris as she downed down another gulp of sake.

“It’s not every day I have Raven asleep in my lap. Isn’t she the most beautiful girl you’ve ever seen?”

“If Raven heard you, she’d have blown your butt all the way to Victory Island.” chortled Blade.

Hydro protested. “Raven may be pretty, but she’s nothing compared to Terra!”

Terra, lip reading Hydro’s comment, chortled and shook her head. She pointed at Blade, then at Serra, then collapsed in a fit of giggles as she bounced off the bed and sat down next to Aeris.

“And just what does that mean?” snarled Blade, shooting Terra the evil eye.

Terra grinned hugely and turned her head, whispering into Aeris’ ear. Aeris’ eyes took on a scary gleam.

“Blade, don’t deny it. Everyone knows you have the hots for Serra.” Both girls collapsed in a fit of helpless laughter, leaning on each other. Serra kept her face carefully neutral.

“It’s not like I want to do anything.” protested Blade feebly.

“Doan be succch a-heheheh...baa-beee..hahahaha.” chortled Terra, her speech impeded by her giggles.

Serra quickly changed the subject, much to Blade’s relief.

“So, how did all of you guys meet up?”

Aeris yawned and stretched. “Oh, it wasn’t a big deal...After I beat the Silver Conference, there was a huge international tournament held by regions all over the world. It’s where I met Hydro, Terra, and Ash.”

“Ash?” asked Serra, blinking.

“Ask Ketchum. He was the Champion of Kanto. You know, the one that was killed when the Andros swarmed Kanto. Anyway, I had beat Ash, whooped his Pikachu’s butt pretty well with Brutus. Then Hydro beat me, and he introduced me to Terra. They met before me. Hydro, tell them.”

Hydro took up the tale. “Yeah, my team beat Aeris...she relies too much on offense, not speed-” (Aeris shot him a withering glare) “ but I had already known Terra. I met her in Orre. She was out cold in the desert, right after she captured her Steelix. I heard Dark Flame crying, and that’s how I found her. I brought her to the closest town, and when she woke up she promptly punched me in the face.”

The room erupted with laughter at Hydro’s last phrase.

“But how did you two become an item?” asked Serra.

“Well, I was with her when she won the Orre championships at Realgam Tower and got the title of Coliseum Master. She was so happy, she grabbed me and gave me a big fat kiss on the lips. Right in front of the entire stadium. You should have heard them roaring and clapping. At that moment, I knew we were going be together for a long time.”

Hydro smiled and put his arm around Terra. “I’m done...it’s your turn, Shadow.”

Shadow looked up, and sighed. “It’s a long story, but I’ll tell Raven's and my tale...”

An icy chill pervaded through the black night - cold except for the unnatural, hot wind blowing south with the strong scent of acrid smoke. Through the dark, starless sky slightly covered by clouds, intermittent moonlight shone onto Lavender Village.

Flames crackled and fires burned. The small town settlement lit up the night, its structures engulfed like the pyres of a bonfire. Everywhere, screaming and smoke filled the heated air as dozens and dozens of people ran, all seeking escape from the terror of attacking Andros Charizard.

Shadow ran with his fellow villagers. Dark winged shapes swooped down upon the fleeing people, snapping hapless victims up and carrying them high, only to drop them, letting their bodies smash limply against the ground far beneath.

The blonde boy could not help but sob quietly as he looked back at the burning remains of his former life. All his family were dead. Where would he go now?
Raven rode silently astride Peachblossom, her face shadowed under the hood of her flowing purple cloak. The girl and her Pokémon trotted along the line of haggard refugees as they walked in a slow, steady line from their former city.

No one could see the salty, hot tears that dripped from Raven’s eyes. She blinked and shook her head. Glancing back at Saffron City, her eyes smoldered like twin garnets as she stared with hatred upon the shimmering pink sphere high in the sky, resting upon Silph Tower. Raven’s heart turned to ice, a cold hard emotionless shell.

The girl’s head shot up as her keen ears heard distant screaming. Wheeling her mount around, she charged, her mount’s hooves tearing up dirt and flinging them into the air as the Rapidash cantered forwards.

Raven soon came upon the fleeing survivors of Lavender. Her eyes rove around the scene, watching horror-stricken as the winged monsters picked them off one by one.

Rage erupted within her, and she charged, shrieking a war cry. The wind howled past them, blowing Raven’s hood back. Her long black hair whipped around behind her as she surged forwards. She held up her right hand, and a blazing nimbus of light erupted from it. White rays of light stretched outwards, piercing the darkness of the night. The Andros howled as the light seared across their armor, ravaging the metal. The Andros immediately took off, flapping blindly and vanishing into the night.

Shadow gaped at their raven-haired savior astride the Rapidash. He was hypnotized by her piercing purple eyes...

When Shadow finished, the room lapsed into silence.

“Wow.” whispered Serra. “Raven was awfully brave.”

“Yes.” Shadow grinned. “She was.” The boy looked down at the girl asleep in his lap, gently brushing his hand over her cheek.

“She and I, we combined our refugees and fled west to Vermillion City, where we discovered the aftermaths of a battle. Terra, Hydro and Aeris were there...Ash had just been slain, but they welcomed us. “

Shadow glanced at Blade. “Your turn, Blade, go on.”

Blade turned his head and stood up abruptly.

“I gotta go.” He started forward, but Terra and Aeris were too fast. They lunged and grabbed each of his arms.

“GET HIM!” whooped Hydro as he opened the door of the closet that was next to the bed. Blade was instantly shoved in, the door slamming behind him.

“What the hell?” sputtered Shadow, looking from Hydro to Aeris.

“Don’t ask silly questions.” Aeris and Terra turned to Serra.

“You. Get up.” Aeris ordered. Serra blinked, and stood up, flanked by the two girls. Serra walked across the room and stopped at the door.

“Um....what?” she asked nervously.

“Obviously Blade won’t tell you his story, but he might change his mind if you two have some time alone.” Terra piped up.

Serra shrugged and disappeared with a pop, teleporting into the closet.

With a grateful sigh, both girls sat down.

“Think any chemistry will happen?” Aeris giggled.

<If nothing semi-romantic happens between those two in the closet, it’s official: They’re robots.> Terra commented.


Blade was blindly groping about in the small contained space of the closet, and nearly jumped out of his skin when a hand touched his shoulder.

“It’s me, Serra.” The voice was soft.

Blade sank down into a sitting position, rubbing his temples. Serra sat down next to him, and the both of them sat silent in the darkness.

“They won’t let us out until you start talking.” Serra spoke.
“Figures.” groaned Blade. Serra looked at him in the darkness.

“What’s wrong?” she asked gently.

Blade sighed, and began talking in a hollow, deadpan voice.

“My family moved to Kanto from the Sevii Islands, and we were unaware of the Andros. I had a friend, a Scyther called Stormclaw. We always used to spar together, my sword against his blades. We were ambushed by some Electabuzz....there was no way we could have won. They killed my parents, my little sister, and Stormclaw. They were about to move in, when suddenly they left, I don’t know why. Thinking back, I realize they were probably summoned by one of the Generals. I was kneeling alone, amid my family’s corpses, when suddenly; an Andros Mr. Mime stepped out. I was furious at my loss, and I ran him through with my blade. But as he fell, his visage changed into a child. It was a human child. I killed him. As I realized what he was, I saw the real Mr. Mime vanish into the woods. It was a glamour, a trick. As I knelt over the dead child, Raven and Shadow appeared, leading their refugees. The child had been a refugee, too. They had been about to kill me, but Raven saw into my mind and deemed me innocent, much to the displeasure of the other refugees. Not a day goes by that I don’t think about that poor dead boy... I never knew his name, but Raven told me his name had been Velsper.”

His voice trailed off, and the closet lapsed into silence. Blade looked away, and was surprised as Serra placed his hand on his, leaning onto him, her cheek on his shoulder.

“You shouldn’t have to carry the burden of guilt, Blade.”

Blade looked around into Serra’s face.

“I know it was not my fault, but he was only a child!” The boy looked down, a small tear dripping down his cheek. More tears followed, and soon the boy was openly crying in the darkness. Serra wrapped her arms around him and hugged him, rocking back and forth gently with him. The girl sang quietly a soothing lullaby.


Morning shone bright and golden, and everyone in the room slowly stirred. Terra was on the bed with Hydro’s head resting on her stomach, with Ghost and Dark Flame on top of them. Aeris was curled up in the corner hugging Necro. Shadow and Raven had been still huddled together against the wall. Everyone woke up slowly and stretched stiff limbs, yawning and standing up, rubbing sleep out of their bleary eyes.

Aeris jerked as she remembered something.

“Good Christ, we forgot to let them out of the closet!” she yelped. Terra swung off the bed and opened the door slowly, Aeris peering over her shoulder. Both dissolved into cries of “Awwwwwwwww,” and “Look at that!”

Serra and Blade had both fallen asleep huddled up together. Serra blinked as the light hit her eyes, and they fluttered open, taking in the surroundings. As it registered to her where she was, her eyes widened and she disappeared in a puff of smoke.

Blade toppled over, his support now nonexistent. He yelped and jerked awake to find Aeris and Terra grinning at him.

“Had a nice, steamy night of mad, mad love?” chortled the blonde as she pulled Blade up.

“Shut up.” grunted Blade as he pushed past the two girls.


“Last one in the water has to do laundry!” yelled Shadow, sprinting over the white sands toward the sparkling ocean with a laugh.

Hydro, always ready for a challenge, followed suite, and almost as quickly overtook and outstripped the other boy. The trainer turned his head, a disturbingly evil smile on his face, before he broke off towards a different path. Shadow slowed slightly, watching in bewilderment as Hydro ran up the rocky slope that rose parallel to the beach, then took a flying leap off the point.

Hydro entered the water with barely a splash. Shadow was roughly brought back to himself as the other members of the group brushed past him, laughing and shoving in their race to get to the water before the others. The only one not running was Raven, who seemed to prefer the beach to the water, and was currently setting up her blanket on the warm sands not far off.

With a distressed snort, Shadow took off running as fast as he could. It seemed, ahead of him, that Aeris was taking the lead of the little group, with Terra and Serra not far behind. Blade looked almost as if he was letting the girls win, a slight smile on his face as he jumped into the cool water after them.

“Hey, that’s not fair!” yelled Shadow, suddenly realizing that he would be the last one into the water.

“Hey, you were the one that made the bet,” called Hydro, swimming on his back in a lounge-like style, “Just because you lost it doesn’t make it unfair.”

“I’ll never accept that!” called Shadow back, standing half in and half out of the deeper water.

“Doesn’t matter,” said Aeris nonchalantly, “You’ve still got laundry duty. You know it was your turn anyway.”

Shadow, silently fuming, swam off by himself to brood near the overhang that Hydro had leapt off from. The water was calmer here, if a little colder, and the rocks provided a good place to just lean or sit at leisure. In fact, after a few minutes, Shadow nearly began to doze off as he tread water rhythmically with his feet.

With a grunt, the fair-haired boy lifted himself to a nice, flat rock just below the surface of the water, kicking his feet out and letting his mind wander. It was so peaceful here; under the rocks… it made the vacation seem a little less frenzied, and his previous anger dissipated like the fleeting thing it was.

Sure, video games and parties are great, mused Shadow silently, stretching, but nothing beats a good, relaxing meditation.

Suddenly, something brushed by Shadow’s toe. The boy froze, looking down into the water. He saw nothing in the crystal clear waters except for the rocks below and stray pieces of seaweed, so he kicked his foot a bit harder to rid it of any lingering tingle and shrugged.

“Must be kelp,” he said, yawning slightly.

He looked back to the clear, sunny, and brilliantly blue sky, fading back into his thoughts. Within seconds, though, he frowned. There was something brushing his foot again, and he was sure that it was no piece of kelp. He continued kicking placidly, but looked down into the water from the corner of his eye.

And snapped his head around to look. The blue, bulbous creature floating by his ankles looked up at him, eyes conveying puzzlement and a bit of a hidden, fiery flicker of mischief.

“Tentacool?” it said, it’s watery voice buzzing slightly.

“Huh, what’d you want?” asked Shadow, stilling his legs and staring intently at the little jellyfish, which seemed somehow fascinated by the silver insignia on the legs of his boxer swimsuit. It was staring at the silver Raikou with something that seemed suspiciously akin to obsession, but was ignoring the Gyarados. Shadow scooted over on the rock, hiding the silver design under his leg.

“Tentacool!” said the Pokemon commandingly, poking his leg with a tentacle and frowning.

Shadow chuckled, and moved obligingly over so that the Pokemon could see the design again. It resumed it’s staring, floating motionless in the still water. This gave the boy a unique chance to study what this creature looked like, which he had never really done before. Tentacool, he had always heard, were dangerous creatures that often attacked without warning, but this one seemed pretty harmless. In fact, it was almost cute, with its large eyes and the ruby red jewels on its body.

And all those thoughts evaporated in the next second.

Quick as a flash, the Pokemon darted out a tentacle and pulled the boxers off the surprised boy, making him yell and tumbled off the rock to splash into the deep water. As Shadow spluttered and cursed and floundered in the water, the ‘cute’ Tentacool swam just past his reach, drifting towards the ocean and waving the boxers like a prize above its head. All the while, it uttered a curious sounding series of clicks that seemed suspiciously like a laugh.

“Get- GET BACK HERE YOU LITTLE-!!!!!” spluttered Shadow, looking around frantically for something that would serve as a covering.

“Shadow?” called Aeris from past the ridge of rock that blocked the cove from view, “Is something wrong?”

“NO!!” yelled Shadow desperately, reddening, “Just get Blade or Hydro over here!”


“JUST DO IT!!!!!”

Shadow heard Aeris muttering, and sighed in relief. The Tentacool continued to swim around in circles, waving the pair of Boxers like a flag and chattering to itself happily. Every once in a while it would stare at the silver design, run a tentacle over it, and start its dance once more, louder and more gleeful than ever.

Suddenly, Shadow heard the sound of a different sort of laughing. He glared in the direction of the rocks, catching sight of both other boys doubled over in laughter as they tried to scramble their way to the secluded pool. Blade caught his breath back first, and straightened to survey the problem with an amused grin. Hydro couldn’t seem to stop shaking with mirth, and was hitting the rock next to him as he tried desperately to stop, but was unable to. Finally, he sat, tears streaming from his eyes and a wide smile on his face.

“So,” said Blade after a moment, “How did you get yourself into this situation?”

“Shut up,” snorted Shadow, “Just get that thing.”

“I’d… I’d be nicer if I were you,” gasped Hydro, still short of breath after laughing so hard, “After all, we could let you get it back yourself.”

“It’s not funny,” snarled Shadow, “Just get. That. Tentacool!”

Blade nodded, and dove into the water with an almost perfect dive, creating very little ripple. The Tentacool, though, froze; looking about wildly and clutching the boxers to itself like a precious item it was protecting. When it caught sight of Blade, it squeaked and frantically started swimming towards the rocks that were the boundary between the pool, the beach, and the ocean.

Shadow almost leapt out from behind the rock he had scrambled behind, “No!” he moaned, “Don’t let it get past those rocks!”

“I’ll head it off,” said Hydro from the rocks. Before he leapt off, though, he turned and smiled at Shadow, “And don’t you dare think I’m letting you get off easy, Shadow,” he chuckled, “I fully intend to use this incident as blackmail, later!”

Hydro turned back, and gaped as he saw that the Tentacool had already passed the rocks while he was talking and was making its way past the girls, who were now staring at it with gaping mouths. Suddenly, all three of them simultaneously burst into giggling laughter. The Pokémon, seeming to like the attention, waved the boxers above its head like a hard won trophy.

Serra approached the Tentacool, treading water easily.

“Tentacool?” she said, “Tenta tentacool?”

“Cool cool tenta,” said the Pokémon, hugging the boxers tightly to it’s body once more.

“Cool!” commanded Serra, holding a hand out expectantly.

Reluctantly, the small Tentacool handed the boxers over to Serra. The girl, after looking at the design for a moment, formed a small claw on one finger, a mere trace of her Goddess armor, and sliced the small design out in a tiny square. After doing this, she gave the silver Raikou cloth to the excited Pokémon, who bubbled happily and drifted off into the deeper waters, disappearing after a few moments.

“Hey, Serra!” called Hydro from the rocks, “Throw it over here!”

With a deft movement, Serra pulled back her arm and threw the cloth towards the rocks. Blade, who was just scrabbling back onto the stone, reached up and grabbed it in midair easily. Hydro called thanks, and both moved back over the rocks to Shadow, who was looking slightly irritated over the matter.

“You’ll need these,” said Blade, handing the boxers to Shadow with a grin.

Shadow snatched the cloth out of Blades hand, slipping the garment on and muttering curses. The fair-haired boy looked at the missing square, grunted, and strode off over the rocks with a reluctant ‘Thank You’.

Blade and Hydro watched him stalk off towards the beach. He seemed to be pointedly avoiding all eye contact with any of the girls, who were also watching as he moved down the path towards the hotel where they were staying. They knew better than to follow, but Raven, who was still sunning on the beach, quietly began to pack up after a few minutes. The others, knowing that the problem was in good hands, turned their attention back to whatever they had been doing before. Soon, the waters were again filled with talk and laughter.


Elite Eevee said:
What did the big G say about a spy

Do you mean about the remaining spy in Goldenrod? or Misty being a spy in Hoenn and getting Celebi?

If it's the latter, then Giovanni thinks the plan is worthwhile. If you mean about the remaining spy in Goldenrod, then you'll have to ask the author of that part, because he only massaged his temples when he heard Misty say that. In my opinion, he thinks it is pointless, because everyone else failed.

Of course, that's just my opinion, so we'll wait until Azure gets the answer from Spect. I hope that's what you meant anyway, if not please correct me.

Elite Eevee said:
Wierd. So, anymore chapters soon? The website's end here.

What's weird?, I hope, and yes. lol sorry. What is weird?

The new Chapter should be out soon, according to what Azure has already written, the new chapter will be kick ***, and hopefully out soon. I cannot wait to read the whole thing, we're just waiting on Spect I believe.

Yeah, the website ends at Chapter 5 also, because I cannot update the site until SPPF is updated first. I have some sweet ideas to make the site more interesting, but it all depends on Spectreon wether or not to do them. Also, Azure and I will be working together on a new site, and you can count on it being an awesome site.

Did you read all of the Extras stuff in both Extras section? Elite Eevee?


Elite Eevee

I did. It's pretty interesting stuff,by the way. And I hope the new chapter really is all that. And the wierd? Well, I know the Tentacool wanted the Rakiou on Shadow's trunks,ut takingthem and wavingthem around like a prize?*shudders*
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