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Dawn of a New Legacy

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Well, that was something ClefairyTenchi, I liked it. I was a little lost at the beginning with the Xatu and all, but once I realized it was an introduction to what you were presenting next, I understood it. I especially liked the prophecy. I just found one error. Andros have metal plates, not iron. Iron sounds better in the prophecy, but they still have metal, not iron.

Perhaps you may be up to something, perhaps Azure will forward it to Spect, who knows.

I agree with Elite Eevee, *pants wheezes* lol. *needs more chapterness*



Elemental Charizam: In response to your interesting correction, my reasoning for that passage was based upon the time passing for the gang of boys. They have little idea how time works, precisely, and for them a few hours have come and gone while that may not be the case with the others. Merely, this is just what they are thinking. They have no idea what time, if any, that they'll be blasted back at. The way it is, it actually could be a few days or more after the blast that had sent them to the ancient times... though that is unlikely.

I hope that made some sense, at least... I'm not sure...

To everyone else: yes, the new chapter is being worked on, alright? ^^ perhaps, if we get a huge chapter, we may have the time travel run trough by the end.

Up to something? We're not up to something... *innocent puppy eyes*

Giga Groudon

This a really awesome story. I love the suspense, the Obelisk creature, and the idea of making Aeris meet up with Ash and co. from ten years ago (that means the Aeris of their time is only eight years old right now). Heh, that idiot Brock can't help himself with women, huh. Did I forget to mention that Aeris is my favourite character in this fic, she's really hot and cool. Hope you don't kill her off. Please don't.

It's also an excellent idea to make Serra meet Jessie, James and Meowth. Jessie and James are her parents, and I wonder if she will freak to the point where everyone is puzzelled about their being related.

This fic is one of my favourite non-trainer fics of all. My compliments to Spectreon and AzureFlygon, the two great writers who made all this possible.


Gatene said:
Well, that was something ClefairyTenchi, I liked it. I was a little lost at the beginning with the Xatu and all, but once I realized it was an introduction to what you were presenting next, I understood it. I especially liked the prophecy. I just found one error. Andros have metal plates, not iron. Iron sounds better in the prophecy, but they still have metal, not iron.

Perhaps you may be up to something, perhaps Azure will forward it to Spect, who knows.

I agree with Elite Eevee, *pants wheezes* lol. *needs more chapterness*

Okay, this'll be my third time writing this due to the fact that every computer I use is infected with stupidness. Anyway, my prophecy post was fully approved by Speccy so mods, don't close it.

Yes Gatene, I know that Andros Armor is made of an alloy, not iron. But this prophecy was created long before the concept of alloys and iron just sounds better.

And yes, I too agree that we need more chapters*starts a club for it*
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Elemental Charizam

Sudden Genre Shift
Elemental Charizam: In response to your interesting correction, my reasoning for that passage was based upon the time passing for the gang of boys. They have little idea how time works, precisely, and for them a few hours have come and gone while that may not be the case with the others. Merely, this is just what they are thinking. They have no idea what time, if any, that they'll be blasted back at. The way it is, it actually could be a few days or more after the blast that had sent them to the ancient times... though that is unlikely
Ok, I get that. I'm suprised my post made sense, considering how tired I was when I wrote it.

*Steals Clefairy's club*
Anyone gets in the way of chapters, flaming, spamming....

Gets hit! *holds bat menacingly*

:snowlax: : Ignore him, he's crazy today.

The plot seems to be building up to something, but the question I have is...

Has the plot changed since the original plans for it?

Oh, and:

Would Melos let Mewtwo die? I mean, he's like an uncle to him, isn't *insert Melos's gender here*?




First thing- Giga Groudon: Favorite non-trainer fic? Well, I know I'm honored, and I'm sure Spec is as well. And I know she'll be gald you like her ideas and her character ^^

Elemental Charizam: as per your questions, yes and I'm not sure. XD

More descriptively, the plot has changed, but only very slightly and mostely because of me ^^ I tend to introduce a lot of random characters, but making insanely complicated character relations and twists seems to be my speciality (like in my fic, Indigo. Read that and I'm sure some people would be knocked into next week by the complex plot relations ^^) *side note- read Indigo and revieeeeewwwww. It needs more reviewers... I'll go puppy eyes on you if you don't....*. Like, in our original plot, we had it all neatly placed out in plot points and situations... yet from the very first we almost abolished one point and the situations are many more than we had originally intended. Plus, Tora was a character I made to help me get more aqqauinted with the fic, and better able to write with a character all my own ^^

As for the Mewtwo, Melos thing... I honestly don't know. I don't even know if Melos feels emotions or anything... only Spec could answer that question, and when and if she figures it out, I'm sure she'll send me the answer to give to you guys so you know ^^

Thanks for reading *waves*


*agrees with Chibi-san* This is my most favorite fanfic ever, hence the site XD.

I shall read your story Azure, and I shall bestow upon it, my uhm review? Yeah, review lol, j/k I'll read it Azure, just so many last minute crap comes up :(


Giga Groudon

You're welcome Azure. I did read and love your story 'The Shiny Assassin' a long time ago, and it was awesome. I also read Spec's 'Shattered Mirrors', even though she stopped. You two really are good fan fic writers.

BTW, I haven't seen Spec's replies for a while. Just what happened to her. Is she still her, or has she left. Just wondering if you could tell me, hmmm?


Well, Giga Groudon, Spect has been banned, and I don't think she will be coming back. I know I wish she was able to come back, probably a lot of other people do too.



Well, Spec is angry and won't be coming back, but she does send me answers to certain questions she sees when she skims the story. As of yet, Gatene and I have taken care of everything but a few short explinations.

So she does check up, and she has found some stuff rather amusing, from what we've talked about. You all have very valid questions, and as for me, I'm glad to answer them.

(you read and liked my old story, Giga Groudon? *dies* Now that I look back on it, though..... ugh, I was a horrible writer.)

Good day *waves*


Guys, hate to say it, but we're starting to get close to spamming again. We'd better keep an eye on ourselves.

To prevent this from being too spamtastic, I'll say that this fic is great.

Giga Groudon

Oh, so she was banned? That's a shame, I really liked her. And yes Azure, I'm not lying. I did read and like your old story. You know, there was once a time... when I read every story that I came across.

This is definatly one of the best pokemon stories in existence. My compliments to Spectreon and her superb writing skill.
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*pops in* Lessee, what'd I miss? *reads ClefairyTenchi's scene* oooh me likee. i understood it. I understand lots. This story RULES!!! ME LOVES NEW CHAPPIES!!! *eyes get wide and starts breathing hoarsly* is the next few chappies gonna be where *types backwards* ?live seog arreS. It would be very logical since she meets her parents and her best friend is against them, and is friends with the person who tried to kill her.

me misee Spectreon. She fun. (sorry for writing like a baby, it fun too)



Crystallugia...I think we all need new uhm, "chappies", especially me, I like to keep the site as updated as possible. In the mean time, read AzureFlygon's fanfic, "Indigo". I promise you, it is definitely worth the read.

If this post is considered spam, then I am sorry, I'm just here for the readers of DoaNL.



It R worth it! I'm like a Beta or something, so I know!


What exactly is the definition of spamming? And will the next chapter be long? I'm just wondering because I want to know how much to expect, and when to expect it to be done! =^.^=


Gatene- It is worth the read. I'm going to start reading that whenever I can!

ChibiYukiakariRyuu(or Chibi)- look at the rules for that.

Anyways, still need more DoaNL chappies!


Hey, guys ^^

Spectreon sent me answers for most of your questions and comments, so here's what she sent:

Can you post this really long reply for me on Dawn? ^^ Thanks!

ClefairyTenchi: ^^ I'm glad you're doing your best to keep the fic from getting spammy. *gives CT a big Sempai award for diing his duty*

Chibi-san: I suppose you could say the best definition of spamming is filling up a fanfiction with aimless chatter and continuous demand for chapters. This isn't really spam, I think, since people were asking questions and others answering them..if I'm mistaken, I apologize. XD

Giga Groudon: n___________n THANK YOU! Aeris is one of my favorite characters too. And no, don't fret, she won't be killed off...but perhaps someone else will be. Who knows? Maybe, maybe not. *shrugs innocently.* Again, thank you for your complients!

And to Crystalugia and the others: If you want to talk to me directly and ask me questions, you can always find me at Insanity Forums v.2.0. Gatene and Razor (Azure) know the URL but please don't post it here, it's "illegal" to advertise other forums, I think. PM them.

And to answer Elemental's question about Mewtwo and Melos, yes, the Trinity will get killed off, BUT: Let me state a small, short phrase:


*points to the "dead" part*

Now, tell me, who runs the Realms of Fog?


When pokemon get killed, where do they go?


Question answered. X3

Elite Eevee

Welll tell Spec two things. One, it's good to hear from her again. Two, thanks for answering the quiestions, and we eagerly await the next chapter.
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