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Dawn's Adoptions



Welcome to my Adoption Center! I've been bored recently, so...I'm yet again making random adoptables. But this time, NO SPECIFICATIONS! I make these Pokemon from my own decisions and ideas, even HINT to me about something you want in your adopted Pokemon and I won't let you choose a Pokemon to adopt...

Pokeball Table

(none in stock currently, sorry)

You confused? Well, that's because you won't see the Pokemon you chose until you choose a Pokeball!

NOTE: If you choose a Pokeball and don't put the Pokemon you receive from it in your siggy (only the person who chose the pokeball can put the pokemon in their siggy), INCLUDING CREDIT, you will never be allowed to open a Pokeball again from my Adoption Center. You will have 1 week to put it in your siggy. After that, it goes into the pound, and the first one to choose the Pokemon gets it!


Now, I have a busy schedule, so do NOT request, suggest, rush me, beg, or anything of the sort. Just wait and I will get back to you. If you don't trust that the Pokemon will look good, just trust me, they are at least decent, even though I am losing my touch, lol.

How it works: Post asking for one of the Pokeballs. If someone already requested the Pokeball you wanted, too bad. These Pokemon are One-Of-A-Kind rarities. If Pokeballs run out, just wait for me to make more.

Ok, that's it...adopt away!
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Well, I might as well liven up my siggy.

I wish to adopt the Second one, please.


ahh alright dawns back hmm could I get a Pokeball 1 cant wait to see whats inside.


As Pokeball 2 is opened up...

Soon appears a cute little bouncing...


Soon after, Pokeball 1 is opened as well...

And suddenly appears...


Hope you like them! GAH! They are going too fast, I'll never keep up, lol. I'll make a few more when I have spare time.


Can I have the second pokemon? These are cool. Thx in advance.;rukario;


Sorry, you are too late Pichu, either you post for some reason took too long and you didn't notice I had already given the Pokemon away or you need to reread my post, k?
Eee, It's so cute.

One question, though: How do I put it in my sig? o_O


Thanks Dawn I love these adoptions of yours, you should make more Pokeballs with diff. colors when you get time


It's hard thinking up cute lil Pokes, lol.

Catgirl Sasisa - Looks like you put it there already, lol. Well, you right click on the sprite, go to preferences, copy the link to it by using the left mouse button clicking down on the end and moving it over to the first letter then let go of the button and right click on the highlighted area, copy. Then put the tags:

{img} link {/img}

Replace the {'s with ['s and the }'s with ]'s. Then put the link you just copied in the middle, by right clicking and pasting the link.

Lol, this is to everyone in general.

Btw, I make the Pokemon first, then I make the Pokeballs, lol. Hint-Hint: The Pokeball's colors match the Pokemon's colors.

Wow, I still have 1 Pokeball left in stock...I should get PrincessPolitoed to assist!


You press the button of the Pokeball, a flash of red appears...

and it begins to materialize, turning into...


I'll get to work on more eventually, lol.


Yes I use MS paint
can i have one!!??


Starter: You didn't read my post. And therefore your post is spam. I don't do requests, as I said.

How ignorant can people be nowadays? (asking people their opinions) Oi, it's not hard to READ...


Teh Spriteh Dude
Nice Dawn ^^ Pretty good idea too ^^!
Well, I am pretty free so if you want me to help make Pokebalss and the Pokemon in it just say so ^^


Sorry if this is spam, but i just cant wait until there is more pokeballs. Dawn, i love your work, and you are definately the BEST spriter here.



Normal Coordinator
Hmmm, what a unique and cool idea. I think Sazy is the best mix, because Nismi looks a bit too much recolor-ish. The colors/coloring technique doesn't look like official sprites...but they still look very nice. Good work!


Electabuzz - I'm not going to actually make just plain recolors or mixes, so I made a cute combination of both...if you want to see my good sprites, look in my siggy, I have 2 neat recolors, lol. But thanks for being honest.

SilverPhantom - Would you like me to add you to the list of people who don't get Pokeballs? READ THE WHOLE POST...

Sorry, but why must people be so ignorant. Btw, I'm NOT the best, nobody is the best, I looked on a topic of a newbie spriter to see some person saying, "Those are the best sprites ever!!! You pwn!!!! Coolness!!!"...well, pretty much like that. If you are one of the people guilty of doing this, get a brain please.

I saw someone who rated (not to be rude, so not naming people) a person who resized some sprites, used the color bar on the bottom, moved marts that were badly moved and just did a bad job overall, and you would not imagine how many people adored the sprites...

People of SPPF: Please. Sanity. Now. Thanks.

I know, I'm blunt, but after a few years of seeing this insanity...I've found that SPPF is home to some people who need some sanity, lol.


Yes I use MS paint
Dawnstar said:
Electabuzz - I'm not going to actually make just plain recolors or mixes, so I made a cute combination of both...if you want to see my good sprites, look in my siggy, I have 2 neat recolors, lol. But thanks for being honest.

SilverPhantom - Would you like me to add you to the list of people who don't get Pokeballs? READ THE WHOLE POST...

Sorry, but why must people be so ignorant. Btw, I'm NOT the best, nobody is the best, I looked on a topic of a newbie spriter to see some person saying, "Those are the best sprites ever!!! You pwn!!!! Coolness!!!"...well, pretty much like that. If you are one of the people guilty of doing this, get a brain please.

I saw someone who rated (not to be rude, so not naming people) a person who resized some sprites, used the color bar on the bottom, moved marts that were badly moved and just did a bad job overall, and you would not imagine how many people adored the sprites...

People of SPPF: Please. Sanity. Now. Thanks.

I know, I'm blunt, but after a few years of seeing this insanity...I've found that SPPF is home to some people who need some sanity, lol.

I think alot of your sprites would look better if you transparentized them
if you click on the banner in my sig that says C Spriting it has a transparentizing topic you can download and see how to do it

plus spriters there have sanity lol

P.S. I'm sorry i was so ignorant not to read the first post