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  • fr/lg

    Votes: 3 17.6%
  • jhoto

    Votes: 5 29.4%
  • hoeen

    Votes: 9 52.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Well-Known Member
which of the breeding daycares do you like the best? I like hoeen.


Hoenn's center is my favorite. Johto was back in the old days where breeding wasn't as important, and Kanto's center gets lost amongst all the other places.
I like FR/LG cause it has 2 daycares so you can put 3 Pokemon in the daycare.

I like johto's because you could step inside the house of the daycare people and give them a male and female to each one. Another reason is because you could go into the garden and talk to your pokemon.
Johto was nice because of interactivity ^.^ But I rather like R/S/E's because of how easy it was to check up on them.

I hated FR/LG's, though. YOu could ride around a million times and the amn won't ever step out. So you constantly have to go in and out of a building to see if he's ready yet. I can't even begin to fathom the pain this shall cause me on my quest for an Adamant HP Ghost Tyrogue T-T

The 8th Champion


Back I guess??
I vote for Hoenn daycare. I don´t know how is the FR/LG one and jotho was cool, but it took some time to take the egg and put the pokemon in the day care.


Eh, ragazzo!
I vote for Hoenn because it was easy to get an egg. All you had to do was deposit the couple Pokemon, then go out and go back and forth on the Mach Bike until the guy moved up front. Johto was great with the interaction, the hidden Super Potion, and especially the pond where you can get Staryu, but that is out-dated. As much as I love Four Island, the daycare has two flaws, one, that guy won't move to indicate that you have an egg, and two, the area is too small to accumilate enough steps effectively.

Hoenn would have been better in say Mossdeep, my favorite Hoenn city, but it is the best regardless.
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Hoenn's was best. Emerald has the add-ons to make breeding and hatching not a hassle at all. Plus, it was nicely centered in a considerably long pathway between two Communities, which made it very easy to check and run around.

Shame for Emerald ruining Slateport, though. Much like Saffron in GSC, Slateport was the absolutely best spot to run around and hatch Eggs in RS. Emerald added those annoying balloons and crap in the Market, which makes it almost impossible to go through the city anymore... :(

Johto's was quite nice too. It was near Goldenrod. 'Nuff said... XD. Obsessions aside, Goldenrod was directly connected with Saffron: the absolutely best place to run around and hatch. And as ~*CB*~ said, you could see your Pokémon there and talk with them, interacting with them in a way. :D

FR/LG's was bad. Four Island was way too small, and had no other place-changing spot besides houses and Icefall Cave. Henceforth, it was hard to know when a new Egg was ready. Then, you had to go back to Kanto so you could have a half-decent hatching route. It should've been in Seven Island... =/
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