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Dead Internal Battery

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Black Widow

Well-Known Member
Okay, about amonth or so ago my Rubys internal battery ran dry. The game functions correctly except time doesn't pass. So no berries.
The reason I made this thread was to ask you if I should rplace the battery, send it in to Nintendo adn get a new copy for 17.50, or just forget about it.
THank you for you comments.


Obsessive Beader/Mod
Your best bet would be to go to a local gaming store and ask them to assist you in replacing the battery. If you send it to Nintendo, you lose your entire saved game.

Black Widow

Well-Known Member
I asked them to help, and they told me to buy a new battery and do it myself or to send it in. THey were not very helpful at all.

Duke DrT

The same thing happend to me and I'm just playing without growing the berries in my Ruby (Contest and stuff in the other game) and just moving everything over. If the berries are that important to you you can do it yourself, that's what hands are for. Have you tried a different game store, yet?


You can also fix that with Fire Red, Leaf Green,Emerald, And a link cable. Right?


Obsessive Beader/Mod
This is NOT the Berry Glitch. This is the battery that controls the clock running out.

I'd also say to try a different store. >>;;

Black Widow

Well-Known Member
I will have to wait until we make a trip to Lexington or Louisville, I live in a small town with only a EB. There are no other gameing stores in town. Is Wal-Mart worth a try?


Well-Known Member
Black Widow said:
I will have to wait until we make a trip to Lexington or Louisville, I live in a small town with only a EB. There are no other gameing stores in town. Is Wal-Mart worth a try?
Wal-Mart? You joking? They'd probably accidentally bust your game while trying to replace the battery. If you can't get anyone to help you, I'd just suggest buying a new copy and trading over anything valuable (E.G. shinies, rare/exclusive pokémon, good level 100's, rare or hard to get items [like liechi berry], etc etc). I did that when I wanted to switch my main game from Sapphire to Emerald.

Black Widow

Well-Known Member
I meant buying a battery their. I'll probably trade all my stuff over and send it in to Nintendo for a new cart. He said it would cost $10.00, plus shipping, so that adds up to $17.50.
$17.50 for a brand new Ruby isn't bad.


Cool Trainer
Samething happend to my emerald but iam playing it right now.I know a way that you could fix your ruby it may sound silly but it will work.Get your ruby find a place outside like your backyard make sure that its sunny outside find something to put game on like a table and leave it there for 2 hours it may sound stupid but thats how i fixed my game.Its your choice if you want play your ruby again.


Got Latias?
Okay, about amonth or so ago my Rubys internal battery ran dry. The game functions correctly except time doesn't pass. So no berries.
The reason I made this thread was to ask you if I should rplace the battery, send it in to Nintendo adn get a new copy for 17.50, or just forget about it.
THank you for you comments.

I would update your game with one of your Emeralds, or if you still have a waranty, trade all your pokemon to a different version and get a new ruby. You bought the game about a month ago, yes? At EB, they gave me a 1 year warranty... If that doesnt work, then your game wont be affected TOO much. With Emerald, trade get the berries you need by having a Pokemon hold them, then trade it. It may be annoying, but thats about the only thing you can do if you dont have a warranty.

EDIT: EB didnt give me a warrenty, they asked if I wanted one, I think you had to pay a price.
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When the internal battery runs dry all that happens is that time base events stop right? I heard on another thread that you can't save or trade or anything!
Oh and how do we know how much time we have with our dearly beloved?


fire pokemon rock
this happend on my sapphire yesterday the time is always on PM the clock acctuly moves and there is no lottery or berrys anymore :'(.
im gonna get it fixed soon.
i can still save and trade


OOk thats good. Well at least we know its like the berry glitch only permanenet


the same thing happened to me last night i accedentely left it in the washer :(
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