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Deal or No Deal

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pokemon rulez!!!!!

Awesome Dialga!
Instructions: Somebody gives a gift or money [not real of course] and you say what you would offer. It can be any silly, crazy, dumb, or realistic.

Now mine: A real Rayquaza. What will you offer?
A little watch thing that has ALL pokemon and can make the pokemon you want teleport right by you to use. What will you offer?


Active Member
i will give u my sister...plz TAKE HER!!!!

a device that makes john howard say stupid things


The PokeMaster!
What do I take?

Okay... what's for a banana?


Well-Known Member
You can have a sack of dirt.

What's for a pile of rocks?

Sceptile Master

Survivor of the Great Avatar Depression
........................ a pile of rocks.................. What's for a Emerald game with all the pokemon on it with 4th gen. too?


Adam and the Ants
My gratitude
A shoebox!
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