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DearS, anybody?


Well-Known Member
Might as well see if I can uncover a few fans of this manga, or see if anyone here has actually read it.

So yeah... DearS. I have read up to volume 5 and it's one of my favourites. I love the "rivalry" between Ren and Miu, how clueless Ren can be and it's probably the only series I like in which I like all the characters. Alice 19th may be my favourite manga ever but I could only take Nyozeka and Frei in small doses. *smacks head*

My favourite character is Nia. One, for dressing up in cat like attire... two, for being insanely hyper and winding everyone up and three, because of her speech-Nii. I also like Nia paired up with Natsuki as my DearS OTP. Nia stops Natsuki's anti-Ren rants and they are of similar height... age i'm assuming... and persona, with the glomping and squeeing.

Et voila.
Romantic Comedy Harem manga.

Never seen that before.


nice, but i would need more info

zonic the hedgehog

I thought this was a manhwa (Korean manga) for some reason when I first saw it...

Anyway, I never bothered to read it because of this article on Wikipedia:

Wikipedia Article - Criticism (DearS) said:
DearS is often criticized for a number of alleged flaws, such as having shallow characters, excessive fan service and a somewhat unoriginal plot(Which may not be complete). The concept of a race of perfect, beautiful beings with the sole purpose of serving mankind has previously been explored by series such as Chobits, to which DearS is commonly compared. Some claim that Ren is little more than a copy of Chobits's Chii, with a larger chest and fewer inhibitions, and Takeya as a much more caustic and modest version of Hideki Motosuwa; various other comparisons between the series' characters and storylines have also been drawn.Even with the comparisons DearS is still seen as an original by many fans.

So... I've already pretty much read through Chobits, so I don't see why I have to read something similar again.

Sailor Merury

Butterflys rock!
Worst. Manga. Ever. Right next to Negima.

Sailor Merury

Butterflys rock!
A little. Not my favorite.

Sailor Merury

Butterflys rock!
Thank you.
well, i read it, kinda got out of it though ._.
my former friend used to read it untill she ripped up all her manga, then i wasn't her friend o_O
anyway, it is kinda like chobits, exept not as much nudity
don't worry vyksta, you're not alone XD


Well-Known Member
BattleFranky~40 said:
With good reason. DearS is horrible and cliche.
Hey, I tried.

@ Latias: OMG I'M NOT?
Okay, new mission... to find one fan. Even if it takes till the year 2027 when Serebii.net version 708 is around.
Mitsuka-sensei was an awesome character, but she was the only reason I bothered to watch the series and finish. Didn't even bother to read the manga.

To be honest, I think the anime's better because it doesn't take itself as seriously and it stops just as it's about to hit rock bottom in terms of quality.