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Deck [YGO]

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Wooo-wah wah

Monsters [Tribute]:
Ryu Kokki x1
Summoned Skullx1
Armed Dragon Level 5x1

Regular Monsters:
Penguin Soldier x1
Hysteric Fairy x1
Harbies Brotherx1
Pitch Black Warwolfx1
La Jinn the Genie of the Lamp x1
7 Colored Fish x2
Cyber Jarx1
Dark Bladex1
Gaia Soul the Combustable Collective x2
Insect Knightx1

Monster Rebornx1
Swords o Revealing Light x1
Mystical Space Typhoon x1
Change of Heart x1
Balista of Rampart Smashing x1
Axe of Despair x1
Giant Trunade x1
A feather of a pheonix x1 (Trump Card XD.)
Pot o Greed x1
Heavy Storm x1
Premature Burial x1
Card Destruction x1
Graceful Charity x1
Tribute to the doomed x1
Gravekeepers Servantx1

Magic Drainx1
Call of the Haunted x1
Shadow Spell x1
Conscription x1
Jar of Greed x1
Drop Off x1
Life Absorbing Machine x2
Dimension Wall x1

Thats fourty. Havent played in a long time, but I decided, What the heck. I cut 20 cards from my 60-card deck, so I have some other cards at my disposal which I am too lazy to type. Small Budget.

Tip The Waitress

Nooo! I'm too young!
hmm, do you have any other stronger lvl 6+ cards? i think it needs some of those guys. your regular monsters are fine but consider replacing weaker ones with more well balanced cards. Also, generally when u have more lvl 4- cards you should have several that can be fused. consider replacing cards like lajinn and 7 folored fish with fusion material. Hope i helped



Wooo-wah wah
lavabyle said:
hmm, do you have any other stronger lvl 6+ cards? i think it needs some of those guys. your regular monsters are fine but consider replacing weaker ones with more well balanced cards. Also, generally when u have more lvl 4- cards you should have several that can be fused. consider replacing cards like lajinn and 7 folored fish with fusion material. Hope i helped


I find Polymerization and Fusion Cards a bit bad. When I used Poly, I never got what I want when I need it. It either gets Seven tools of the bandit'd or Magic Jammer'd.
how could poly get 7 tool'd?


Wooo-wah wah
I meant Magic Drain'd, oops. I get them confused sometimes @_@.

Added a Invader of the throne and Command Knight into the deck. Command Knight for its 1900 defense and ability, so Dark Blade and IotT get 400 more attack points. yay.
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