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Deepseascale or Deepseatooth?


Well-Known Member
I have trouble picking which one for my clamperl, I`v always wanted a gorebyss but I`d also want to double clamperls special attack with deepseatooth, it`s too hard to decide X_x


Well-Known Member
deepseatooth. it evolves clampearl into huntail! X_x


I prefer either. I really don't care too much, they are both cool.


I love garlic. :P
Totally Deepseascale... I have a Gorebyss on level 97, so i just love them...!!! But, it's your choice... They are both good.. (I have them both... On the Pokédex..:D)


Team Awesome
I hate Huntail but love Gorebyss, so you can guess where my recommendation lies. :) Gorebyss is much cuter. Of course I still get huntail for the pokedex, but that's it.

Crypted Wolf

Well-Known Member
Gorebass FTW, Clampearl desn't last long agaisnt almost anything.


Well-Known Member
Well, I like Gorebyss better than Huntail.
But I like teeth better than scales.

When I get up to that part in the game, I just ask the person in the same room which one I should get. I have both Hunty and Goreby anyways.