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Defensive EVs

I have a very technical question regarding effort values...

so I was trying to decide how many EV points I should give my pokemon in my new team, alright? I came to this one pokemon, and I decided to pump up its special attack with 255 and then alot the rest of them to increase its defensive capabilities, so I gave the other 255 to HP.

But then I realized this... 300 points for any other stat (speed, attack) would be great... but 300 hit points is a crappy stat. 4 EVs still make for 1 HP just like the other stats, right? So that would probably mean that 4 EVs could go a longer way if it was put to defense than HP, right? So would I be better off splitting those 255 EVs I would have given to HP into special defense and defense?

Someone please shine some more light on this issue

water types rule

Well-Known Member
I think I understand your question. I'm not completely sure, because I'm far from an EV expert. But I think your asking if instead of using those EVs for HP, they're effects would be put to better use in Def./SpDef. If that's what your asking, it seems like it, given the information in your post.