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Definately wouldnt say Im a newbie,but...



Yeah, i really wouldn't call myself a newbie. I've kind of lurked here for months, only recently joined. Think of me as a sniper, ready to take your face off in an instant, knowing all you do. Well, actually, don't. That would just be weird, but you get my point. >_>

Me info: (Typo intended. i type as i say things when i really mean them. eg "Noice" instead of nice.)

I'm a PokeRealm regular. Known to them as "Assplodus" and "Scottish Kilt Wearing Female Nancy Boy", or something along those lines.

I'm learning Photoshop. My current sig was my first good banner.

I pride myself on giving fair and honest reviews of fan fiction and comics. None of this yes man stuff, which In my opinion, is just a load of crap.

I'm currently working on the firs comic I plan on really Publishing; "Diet Poke"

(My slogan is so cheesie.

Sleep Pokemon
Live Pokemon
Read "Diet Poke"

See? Told ya. v.v)

So yeah. Just wanted to start out in a good, sensible manner and not act like a complete illiterate, flaming dumbass (Ironic, no? Calling poeple flaming dumbasses.>_>)

So there ya go.

PS: I am known for constant abuse of this smily: >_>

core unit

Well-Known Member
Wow interesting intro you've got there. By the looks of it you'll fit in just fine. So (hopefully) you'll enjoy your stay at SPPf. ^^

Tropical Spirit

YAY! Original>You =3
Hi. Like, welcome and stuff. o.o



J/K. XD.

And ">_>" pwns.


Bring it.
Well welcome to the forums of serebii.net. If you nned a friend or just talk give me a Pm :)