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Delcatty Moveset

Can someone give me a moveset for my Delcatty with an Adament Nature?


D/P is almost here!!
Delcatty@Choice Band
Adamant nature

Shadow Ball
Iron Tail
Hidden Power:{Physical}/Baton Pass/Sleep Talk


Well-Known Member
Delcatty @ Leftovers
Timid Nature
~ Calm Mind
~ Baton Pass
~ Wish/Thunder Wave/Heal Bell
~ Ice Beam/Thunderbolt
I think I will use the moveset that Alfonc said. How does Delcatty learn Wish, Thunder Wave, and Baton Pass? What is the use of Sleep Talk without a way to go sleep easily like rest? What type is the Hidden Power of Adamant Delcatty also.


I think I will use the moveset that Alfonc said.
Use Tazzler's, please. Choice Band is a waste on Delcatty.

How does Delcatty learn Wish,

Thunder Wave,

and Baton Pass?

What is the use of Sleep Talk without a way to go sleep easily like rest?
When you get put to sleep, you can still attack if you have Sleep Talk.

What type is the Hidden Power of Adamant Delcatty also.
Hidden Power depends on IVs, not Nature.