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Delete for Attract?


Well-Known Member
My Typhlosian;157; knows:
Flame Wheel
Quick Attack

What should i delete for attract?



Well-Known Member
Ember. You already have another Fire attack


Better then you
Get rid of either Smokescreen or Ember. You can't really relie on the Whiffer status forever. Plus, it only last a few turns.


I won't give up!
Get rid of Smokescreen or Flame Wheel ( my Quilava's Ember is just as strong as Flame Wheel and it has more PP ).


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Smokescreen or Ember, but if you regret your choice, remember, you can relearn the attack at the Gulpin Link Shop.


Well-Known Member
Get rid of Smokescreen since it isn't an offensive attack, and it won't be very worthy for you to use.


Always Friends
Um Attract, but not that reliable. Heck whiffer is better. Just sell that sucker! ^^


legendary trainer
dont teach attract! ist useless!!

Sailor Merury

Butterflys rock!
Actually snoopdog, in this game it isn't.