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Delibird or Ledian

Ledian or Delibird?

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hooray, it's Jetx!
I think this pole is random but I don't really like either, I prefer delibird because it's a kind pokemon and gives us presents... Especialy with christmas coming soon! Go delibird, win the pole, go delibird, win the pole... *Chants for 3 hours before forgetting what he was chanting about*


Be Wise, Tell Lies.
Delibird is one of my favourite Pokemon and an adorable penguin to boot, so I vote for it. Ledian is just...meh.
Please tell me, why is it Delibird Vs Ledian? They don't have all that much in common, do they?

+Chaos Blade+

I have an obsession with Ledian lately, so I vote Ledian.

+Chaos Blade+


Back I guess??
I think the little bird is better, bacause it´s ability


<-Don't wake him up!
Well both are pretty decent an underrated IMO. I'd prefer Ledian for battle usage b/c it's more reliable. It's actually a pretty good BPer with it having awesome special defense, and can BP over Agility and Swords Dance, and it can Tpunch Skarmory.
Delibird is not that bad either. Hustle and AA make a pretty good combination. It can OHKO those strong dragons to death as well. It's defenses suck though from what I remember.

Komedic Konservationist

N00b in the dungeon!
Delibird is teh pimpsteh!!!! W00t!!!! Go uber-secksy christmas bird!!!
Soz Kawaiiest, I stole that line from one of you're posts I believe. Oh, and by the way, have you recieved a couple of PMs from me yet? I did send some, but since I'm new and don't really know much about PMing, I might have messed it up.
Kawaiiest.Combusken said:
Please tell me, why is it Delibird Vs Ledian? They don't have all that much in common, do they?
The only similarity is that they're both 4x Weak against Rock and 2x Weak against Fire... who knows? They're also neglected as heck.

Meh. Delibird. It has charisma...


master chuckle said:
Delibird is teh pimpsteh!!!! W00t!!!! Go uber-secksy christmas bird!!!
Soz Kawaiiest, I stole that line from one of you're posts I believe. Oh, and by the way, have you recieved a couple of PMs from me yet? I did send some, but since I'm new and don't really know much about PMing, I might have messed it up.
Master Chuckle if you are going to reply to my poll will you at least talk more about my poll than kawaiiest and PMing him. Ok? good.

Komedic Konservationist

N00b in the dungeon!
Soz Polirik. Anyway, I used Delibird once on Fire Red and it was pretty powerful. Fragile, limited movepool, but powerful. I have just restarted FR with Bulbasaur and hope to train one more thouroughly this time, like harnessing it's ability and attack power. I've never used Ledian, but I hate the way it looks, and being a very aesthetic person I doubt I'll ever get round to training one.


Master Chuckle, Thanks for the apology. I'm glad you like my poll and delibird. And are you called Master cuckle after 'Shuckle' or Chucklevision?

Komedic Konservationist

N00b in the dungeon!
The latter. I loved that show when I was little, so it's always held a very special place in my heart. Also, I love humour. <:

Chazz Princenton!!

Delibird is a s00x monster -_-...

I Use Ledian, Only in Gold Version =)


<-Don't wake him up!
S-H-U-P-P-E-T said:
Delibird can squash ledian like a bug!
Yeah I guess if it uses Choice Band and AA's it with the Hustle ability.
But at the same time, Ledian can light it up with Tpunch and maybe 2HKO Delibird since its defenses suck.

blaze boy

Aka SamuraiDon
Ledian because you have to teach Delibird some moves if it only got present.
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