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Deoxys & Celebi (have Shiny)


I want my badge! '-'
Hello guys, I need a legit Deoxys and a Celebi and can give you in exchange a Shiny Latios, a Shiny Whiscash and a lvl 100 Ho-oh
i have deoxys for the latios if its legit


I want my badge! '-'
Yes it is, I'll trade it in a minute.

Which version FC should I register and is your name PATRICK or Patrick?

Edit: Is your Deoxys legit?
use my diamond
deoxys is legit
ill be on wifi in a moment
wait what is your code?


I want my badge! '-'
I'm already online, please hurry up cuz I have to log out.
I need your friend code


I want my badge! '-'
My FC is 2148 4857 7994 and my name is Gabriel

I don't have enough time to trade, I shall be back in a few hours, so we can trade. I'm still accepting offers, so feel free to post.


I want my badge! '-'
My FC is 2148 4857 7994 and my name is Gabriel

I don't have enough time to trade, I shall be back in a few hours, so we can trade. I'm still accepting offers, so feel free to post.

super groudon

Master Of Shadows
i'm to late i have a lv.65 legit bold natured deoxys if anyone is interested,
i would prefer shinies
k well pm me when you can trade