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Deoxys Movie in UK


Lost the Plot
When is the Destiny Deoxys movie going to appear in the UK? It seems wierd that the Manaphy movie's been aired first.

I know it's not the greatest of the movies, but I'd like to get it (Deoxys movie) anyway, either taped from TV or bought.

Pearl's Perap

Well-Known Member
As of yet, they have only released movies one through six on DVD/VHS over here in the UK, however, as you say, they have aired the ninth on Cartoon Network Too (If i'm not mistaken..) This could suggest a new lease of life for the pokémon movies, which I'm hoping on, as, though I've seen them all anyway, it would be nice to be able to obtain region 2 copies from an actual British shop.

Also, Pokémon has a lot of new merchandise coming out as of late, with Jakks Pacific mainly, this could mean for a lot more toys, stationary, books, etc in stores across the world, likewise.


Dragoon Paragon
Just get the japanese subtitled version from torrents.