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Deoxys Space launch

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electabuzz rules
Hey all,

I was just wondering about the rumor that you can catch Deoxys in space when there has been 56 space launches in Mossdeep,

I have been playing for about 492 hours and I have had 11 space Launches, and if the Launches are based on time then you would need to be playing for about 3000 hours (almost 120 days) to catch Deoxys, can anyone explain to me how to get more Launches or if my theory is correct,

and can you really catch Deoxys???? ;102; ;107;

Flaming Mirage

Saint of Darkness
and again,. dont spam
this wasnt error
the last was almost 10 min later than the 2, and 2 was 1 min after the 1
That is completely false, you can't catch in space, you must use the Aurora Ticket to get to Birth Island


Well-Known Member
*Sigh* You cannot go into space and catch Deoxys (or Jirachi).

There have probably been over 200 topics about this...


Obsessive Beader/Mod
Please do a search before posting a topic, this is asked at least a few times a month and the answer is STILL "no."


Flaming Mirage, you are not a mod. Do not attempt to be one. Please don't spam.

-Answered, closed
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