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Im about to go try to get Deoxys, and i had a few questions. I was wondering if I have to buy the friend area, and what four items I should bring. I was also wondering if you can recruit deoxys with a 4 star pokemon. I was thinking of using my lvl 67 Articuno.;munchlax;

water types rule

Well-Known Member
You should probably bring 2 Huge Apples and 2 Max Elixirs. I say Max Elixirs because the Deoxys clones have Pressure just like a normal Deoxys would, so you'll use twice the PP you normally would. Maybe 1 Max Elixir and a Reviver Seed, whichever ytour more concerned about: dying or running out of PP.

Yes, you can recruit it with Articuno, Deoxys' bdy size is only 1.

Just remembe that Deoxys' recruit rate is only -%10, so you'l mosy likely have to try a few times.

I'm about %95 sure you have to buy it's Friend Area. It's Enclosed Island(or maybe Isle), so if you don't have it and Wigglytuff doen't either, then you get it after you befriend it.


Zigzagoon luv
You can only bring 3 items, and it is realy hard to recruit, I had to get through the dungeon 6 times before I befreinded it, also, I suggest you bring 1 Huge apple, Max Elixir, and a Reviver seed, and only use the Max Elixir when you run out of all you PP's moves.

Ho-oh Master

Well-Known Member
3 reviver seeds and a X-ray specs to hold.

or if you want to recruit him.

2 reviver seeds, friend bow and the x-ray specs.

really theres no point in having max elexiers and huge apples, thats what reviver seeds are for. and articuno will work :)