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The ultimate trainer
hi i recently tried to trade my deoxys from my sapphire game to my leaf green and it says the other persons pokemon cannot be traded right now and cancels the trade can i fix this?


The ultimate trainer
yeah its from a cheat cartridge :386-s:

char char

Professional Shut-In
You have to beat the elite four and then get 60 pokemon on the dex unlock the national dex find the ruby(mt. ember where team rocket is) and the saphire(six island dotted hole south get ruby first) then try to trade

Bad Skitty

Caught em' all
not a cheat cartridge but a cheated deoxys. if they are done badly without the 'obay bit' ticked off then they wont trade. too bad.

if it says 'your friend cannot trade' then check they have beaten the e4, got the national dex and fixed the network machine in-game.


I am the game
You need to have the ruby and sapphire plates.


Well-Known Member
Haha now your game is forever Tagged.

Anyway get the plates and fix the machine and then u can trade all your little cheated pokemon over


The ultimate trainer
Yeah its a deoxys from a cheat cartridge




Obsessive Beader/Mod
Cheated Deoxys can't be traded due to a bit of programming Nintendo put into the Pokemon. Sorry.

Since this question has been answered AND is also answered in the FAQ...

-Answered, closed
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