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>< deoxys


Well-Known Member
There's always a Deoxys Mirage, though it can be hard to find. I learned that the hard way the first time...Bring X-Ray Specs. Otherwise you'll probably get blown out or starve if you haven't died that way already.
also remember they can be in the water so i normally bring a water pokemon with x ray specs.
I had an experience like that where i was almost blown away when there was a speed deoxys and i didnt know they could be in water. ;123;


I'll by ur soul
wow i remember it being so annoying finding it and my hunger going more down.

Baby Mew

next time bring x-ray specs or you'll just hve to keep walking around in one room until he sneaks up on you


Well-Known Member
You could stand near where the stairs would be and hold down A and B and have Deoxys find you. As long as the gust of wind doesn't blow you away by then.