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Designing new game- I need ideas to help my m8

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Well-Known Member
Can people gimme ideas 4 new pokemon? create anything for my game trainers, pokemon, gyms, Elite 4 ANYthing just tell me it and if i like it i'll put in my game.

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So Zetta Slow!
Make Rock, Fighting, Flying the starters...hehehe
a pokemon that' the pre-evoulution of Miltank and Tourous. It evolves with Happiness. If boy, it evolves to Tourous, if girl it evolves into Miltank. Also, make the first-third gym leader a dark type.


So Zetta Slow!
a feature that will make pokemons that you released/fainted have a low chance of appearing anywhere in the map...hehehe


use those fake dark/ fighting/ psychic starters on the serebii "Fake Pokemon" page. i thought those were really cool

Korobooshi Kojiro

A small egg with little eyes peeking out, and small chick-feet coming from the bottom.

It evolves into a Male Ghost/Flying Peacock with a ghost tail
a Female Psychic/Flying Swan.


Well-Known Member
I need more ideas i've put all of them in my game already so can i have more

shooting star

Leaving SPPF! G'bye!
I have made two generations with pokemon, regions, items, abilities moves, dex entries, movesets, trainers and so on and so on.. what do you need the most?
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