Desperation and Abandonment
“Attention passengers, if you look to your left to that small island with a very large volcano right in the middle, at this moment we are looking at Cinnabar island, home of the 7th gym in the Kanto league, the Volcano badge.” Then the pilot turns around and takes the plane soaring towards the stop in Goldenrod, Johto. Then a boy looks out the window and notices a flash of light flying out of the volcano, signifying a battle. The boy turns completely around wondering about his brother and his Umbreon, who was supposedly in Kanto, as he flew to receive his own pokemon from Professor Elm. Smiling on his good luck the boy watches the slowly fading battle. Just as the plane finally leaves the volcano’s sight he notices the two shapes on the field, but as their trainers call out their attacks a loud beep shoots from his pocket, the boy turns around discouraged that he couldn’t see any more of the battle, but more at the fact that his cell phone went off and his highly embarrassing ring tone was heard by everyone else in the plane. After answering the call, he turns around and goes to sleep, trying to decide who to pick for his starter, and if that was his brother fighting in that volcano that was now hundreds of miles away.
“Quilava use hidden power on that Umbreon”
“Umbreon dodge and use shadow ball!”
We turn to see a gym battle between Blaine, the owner of the cinnabar gym and a nameless trainer, wearing blue jeans, and a purple and green striped shirt square off in a gym battle, in Cinnabar’s infamous volcanic arena (think of Ash’s gym battle against him). As a Quilava, a pokemon with dark fur on its back, flames sparking from its neck and rear and a cream colored stomach focuses on the ground as small spheres glowing green surround it. As the Quilava fires the green orbs at the Umbreon, a four legged black pokemon with yellow rings on parts of its body side steps to the right and spits out dark energy until a black mass appears. As Blaine shouts an indecipherable command the ball is fired at the Qulava who just looks completely oblivious to the attack thrown at it. But as the attack lands a brownish aura surrounds Qulava, and sends the shadow ball back to its owner with twice the speed as it had before, and quickly fires a man shaped fire ball that engulfs the shadow ball, and increases its speed, while encasing it in smoke that blinds umbreon and its trainer.
“Now finish that crazy Qulava with a hyper beam NOW!”
Umbreon charges an orange beam that starts to gain power as he holds it in his mouth with every passing second. Unfortunately the countered and flaming shadow ball flies out of the smoke, and collides with the infant hyper beam which protected its user by blocking the super powered blast but left Umbreon defenseless and exhausted. Sensing a victory Blaine exclaims with glee
” now Qulava finish it with overheat for the win!”
As Umbreon pants in exhaustion, Qulava shoots an immense blast of flames that looks just identical to the hyper beam fired just earlier, but a darker red, slams into Umbreon like a truck. The Umbreon was clearly K.Oed but, to everyone’s shock it was sliding off the field towards the surrounding lava. Panicking, the trainer narrowly returns Umbreon before it falls to its death. Visibly shaken Trent immediately screams at Blaine
As Blaine ignores his opponent’s cry he turns around and watches Trent call out a Hariyama, a giant pokemon, with a large body, that looks like he is wearing square, yellow rectangles that goes around its ample waist, while he has gigantic legs and hands he is most known for being a pokemon who looks like a sumo wrestler in general. As the referee announces the next round to begin Hariyama quickly grows in size, and his questionable fat grows to muscle, which it the result of Hariyama’s choice to bulk up its body, and stats with the known attack as bulk up.
“Qulava, use flamethrower NOW!”
As Hariyama’s attack finishes, Blaine’s Qulava fires a giant flame at Hariyama that connects, and leaves a sizeable burn on its torso. As Blaine smirks he then realized which ability Hariyama has as it punches the ground , sending shock waves towards Qulava, but also drops several rocks onto the field as well. Qulava, who was not prepared had no chance to use counter as the field shakes from Hariyama’s earthquake. But as it staggers weakly to its feet, it is then hit by a large rock that knocks it out for the count.
As Blaine throws out his next pokeball, he watches as Hariyama falls to one knee, as the burn starts to sink in.Blaine thinks for a moment on who he chooses to pick next, as Trent and Hariyama start to grin at each other. Then with a grin he throws out his second out of three pokemon, a fox-like pokemon with nine white tails, otherwise known as Ninetales. Blaine grins as he quickly whispers his attack to Ninetales, who immediately glows blue and green, and has two beams flying out of his head, the blue one looking like a DNA strand while the green line looks like a chain. Hariyama turns around and is shocked to see both beams slam into his skull, and into his brain. Hariyama’s brain ceases for a moment as the blue line goes into its head, absorbing the information of the Hariyama’s Earthquake while the green chain silently goes behind and erases all of Hariyama’s memories of the attack.
Hariyama finally comes out of its trance and immediately tries to slam his foot for another Earthquake, yet again and again the telltale shaking does not occur, and the burn spreads farther with every slam of the foot. Trent looks on confused until he notices Ninetales grinning as Blaine falls over in laughter over the repeated failed attempts, and Trent’s inattentiveness.
Finally Trent gets angry and orders Hariyama to use a rest attack which Blaine immediately counters.
“Hariyama, Rest now”
“oh no you don’t Ninetales, use Earthquake now.”
Blaine finally shows an exaggerated face of pity as Ninetales’ feet slam down sending the drowsy sumo into the air. Trent screams an attack but Hariyama is too far away to hear him and as the sumo finally comes back into sight, Ninetales’ mouth glows red and as Hariyama is right above him, Ninetales fires its fire spin which is a direct hit but the fire engulfs Hariyama who in extraordinary pain uses his last energy to land right on Ninetales K.Oing them both. As the two trainers return their fallen pokemon, Trent whispers a few words while Blaine just throws out his final pokemon, a yellow and red pokemon, with a duckbill as a mouth, known as Magmar. Trent straightens up, and immediately throws out a pokeball, which opens to show a purple circle, with many small valves on its body, otherwise known as Koffing, who immediately glares at the larger Magmar and without an order fires a large blob at Magmar, who immediately counters as its eyes start to glow blue. The blue forms into a wall which pushes the sludge back, and then slams into Koffing, slamming him to the ground for lots of damage. The purple orb wobbles up, but then its face curls into a grin as his trainer calls the next attack
“Koffing, use thunderbolt now.”
Koffing starts to glow yellow, as an orb forms in its mouth, but as the thunderbolt is unleashed Magmar fires a cloud of smoke, engulfing the field and blinding his opponent, but Koffing Smirks and fires anyway, the electricity fires through the cloud, becoming a giant electrified cloud, stunning Magmar, and causing it to cry out. Koffing immediately starts to spin and throws itself at the voice, causing a direct hit at Magmar, who then collapses to the ground. The referee is about to announce the end of the battle when Magmar starts to glow and starts to grow longer, and wider as Koffing and Trent stare in shock, Trent screaming
“Magmar can’t evolve, can it?!”
But evolve Magmar did and as Blaine grins, Trent goes “Oh Crap” as Koffing begins to back up, firing sludge in random directions as this strange looking thing looks up and grins, firing a smokescreen again, right at Koffing. Koffing, who is still scared fires another thunderbolt and hearing the same shout, dashes into the same direction as before but is then slammed back into the smoke by a quickly moving red tornado, which knocks Koffing to the ground, and nearly ignites it, causing Trent to worry a little as Koffing floats back into position. Meanwhile, the strange pokemon is talking to his trainer, and as Koffing finally gets up Blaine Exclaims with glee
“I now introduce my newest pokemon Buuburn, who will now begin to destroy you.”
Panicking from Blaine’s calm attitude, Trent orders Koffing to fire another thunder bolt at the Buuburn but to his shock Buuburn’s left arm glows yellow and it then absorbs the whole attack into that one arm. Then as Koffing and Trent look on shocked the claws in the other arm retracts and Buuburn tosses the electrical ball at Koffing, and then fires another of those flaming tornadoes, which catches the electricity, which turns the twister into a striped pattern of red and yellow waves. Koffing tries to run, but when it turns the attack slams into him, causing a giant explosion which causes the townspeople to turn and look at the volcano and then start to scream as a small ball soars up, and explodes in a gigantic cloud of fire.
Trent watches in horror and he begins to scream as Koffing slams into the arena, still glowing red and screaming in pain. Trent runs over and tries to pick his pokemon up but the heat burns his arms until he drops him. Then still panicking he throws out a pokeball, which reveals a short crocodile pokemon, with white spots on its stomach and three red spikes on its head who after seeing his comrade in so much pain immediately fires a Hydro pump on Koffing, creating a large steam cloud. As the steam dissipates, Croconaw then looks at the thing that caused Koffing’s pain and dashes forward, both of his arms glowing, one blue and the other seeming to hold a ball of light, as he charges down at Buuburn to avenge his teammate’s pain……
I’m trying this again, as The first time it flopped, and I hadn’t saved it so I’m just trying again. Please give me comments and feed back please