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Detailing Attacks/Combinations


Well-Known Member
Furret drops to al fours, arches its back, makes a gurgling, hissing noise...smoke comes out its mouth....then BWOOM. Nothing beats a ferret spewing fire....I want a Furret now. XD


Lost but Seeking
Well, of course different pokémon use attacks differently. They have vastly disparate body compositions and by necessity have to improvise, in some cases.

Whee, faint attack is fun for me, because the way I play it is as an attack that allows the user to briefly jump to the dark plane. Because the Dark plane mirrors (for the most part) the Real (known to some as Material and others, Psychic) plane, they can reemerge later in a completely differnt location, catching their opponent totally off-guard and bringing back some of the energy of the Dark plane with them. *nods*

I love writing battle scenes... just thinking about how the pokémon would use all of their different moves and thinking up cool combos is so much fun.


Well-Known Member
Very starightforward and to the point Scrap! XD

Ryano Ra

Verdant Vitality
Agreed, Negrek. I also love writing battle scenes, because...they can be so different from one another. I mean, the anime shows Solarbeam being used basically the same way...but what about Pokemon who are not grass-types? They would have to collect the power differently, being as they are not plant-types and cannot collect sunlight energy like a Vileplume or Ivysaur would. They really need to become more original, though I guess it might confuse the little ones. *stares at his six-year-old cousin*

Hmm...what about Water Pulse? I can see a Kingler forming two water spheres between his two pincers, clamping them together and pushing the spheres out into a lake of water, sending water bombs through the vast ocean and striking a Dewgong. 8D I love Kingler.

Eternal Daydreamer

Surrender to the Sea
I'm not too good at battlescenes. x.x But in the next chapter of Not So Sensational, I have a battlescene. I described an Electabuzz's Thunder attack clashing against a Kingdra's Water Gun like a boulder crashing against a hiker on a mountain. But I was wondering what you guys would do if you had to describe that scene. Just an idea.


Well-Known Member
Water Pulse....I see it as a series of concussion blasts underwater, which pressures the eardrums and heavily disorients them (just got my scuba diver certification, so it makes scientific sense...if you descend/ascend too quickly, the same thing happens to your ears and you get "decomp sickness"). So if it was a Gyarados doing Water Pulse, I imagine he'd release the concussion pulses by maniuplating the water itself.

Ryano Ra

Verdant Vitality

Electabuzz + Thunder = wonderful.

Hmm...where are they battling? Let's put them in a thunderstorm, by the ocean. HORRAY! Kingdra is readying for a Water Gun, so she is sucking in water through her tube to collect a more powerful Water Gun than most. Electabuzz stares into the sky, sparks dancing across his skin as a lightning bolt shoots down. Immediately, he sends a Thunder to it, the electrical currents clashing and turning the lightning strike steel-white, lending down to the ocean and blasting Kindgra directly on her head. 8D

Or, the Electabuzz sends thunderous bolts of lightning towards the Water Gun, and the two attacks collide, sending the water upward like a spout and sending the Thunder blasting through, and the water cascaded down like a waterfall. Picture it like a fountain; it shoots up and showers down around the 'trunk' of the fountain. And then, sparks fly through the rain-like collision and hurts both the Kingdra and the Electabuzz.


Lost but Seeking
I... guess I can't really help you with that one. I use thunder as coming from the sky rather than from the pokémon itself, so unless the other trainer was telling kingdra to fire up with water gun, not much sense would it make.


Well-Known Member
What I think is funny is the infamous attack called Belly Drum, I never seen a pokemon do it on the anime but I think it would be a strange sight XD For example, a Cubone can learn Belly Drum with breeding, so just close your eyes people and imagine a Cubone hitting his stomach with its bone and yelling out some war chant and becomes stronger and swift with its attack but sacrificing its beloved HP....funny no? I think it is.


Well-Known Member
Thanks a lot. Now I've got a image of Snorlax or a Slaking pounding on its chest like a gorilla. "I AM KING KONG! HEAR ME ROAR!"


Lost but Seeking
Yes, belly drum is a weird attack.

And then there are the attacks that I don't really want to speculate on how to describe... milk drink, for example. 0_o I think there was a threat about that one a while back, too. Some ideas for it were... disturbing...

Eternal Daydreamer

Surrender to the Sea
An Electabuzz throwing lightning bolts? Somehow, I'm reminded of Zeus. I think I can't do that though, since the battle is in the Cerulean City Gym and I can't have a thunderstorm indoors. But it's an idea that I like. Hmmm.


I do something like this.
The Blaziken landed by the soldier. His left foot was on the ground, while the right one was clenched one of the soldier's heads.

Then, he thrusted his right foot solder's-head-first on a tree, crushing the skull.

The Pikachu sneaks up behind the soldier, unnoticed, with his tail turning bright-silver.

Then, he leaps swiftly, spinning and slashing the soldier's back with his tail.
I know. It's sick. But what I'm saying is that when it comes to attacks, I don't do the classic thing (Flamethrower, Mega Kick, Iron Tail, Headbutt, etc).
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Ryano Ra

Verdant Vitality
*spills his words into laughter* Wow. You guys are so creative. XD

What about a Sky Attack? OMG, that attack would be awesome. Like an Altaria's body is encased in raging flames, swooping down and striking a Breloom, and continuing the assult with a blast of heating fire from her beak and constant striking of her flamed-cotton wings. 8D I think a Sky Attack can be portrayed so many different ways, especially if it is a double-battle and an Altaria and Fearow are performing it. Altaria is lit in flames, and Fearow is spinning while her beak is steel-sharp and steel-black, sending drills from left to right furiously.


Lost but Seeking
Yeah. I also like to think of unusual pokémon performing maneuvers. Like Missingno. using sky attack, for example. Would it transform into something resembling a bird, or would its programming code create an illusion in its opponent's mind that it was using the attack? Would it physically move, or only execute the attack in a more virtual sense, being a computer virus and all?

Ryano Ra

Verdant Vitality
Wow, I would have never thought about that. Good thinking there. ^_^

You know, how could an Ice Punch be portrayed differently? I would think that a psychic-type could craft a punch, coated with actual ice, and send it punching towards its opponent, realizing that the fist was fake, but the impact was actually real. That'd be neat.


Well-Known Member
I see Missingno as a giant, 2-D floating, shifting plane of code, so I imagine this:

Since Sky Attack takes on the form of a bird, I could see the code of the Missingno distort, and a giant glowing bird shape blasts out of the center of the coding.

Joshua - Shadow Brigadier

Well-Known Member
This is such a lovely thread, kudos to you Syra for creating it.

I have a question regarding the use of Trick, as well as Twister. I know how I do Twister, but my question is, how would you guys tackle it?

And how would an Alakazam use Trick?



Water Pulse? Okay, here's mine:

Milotic opened her mouth, using her Water Pulse. Her tail swayed from left to right, before sonic waves appeared with water, finding her mark, she slithered across the floor, continuing to use her Water Pulse attack. The Sound Waves confused her opponent, while the water drenched the opponent. Milotic slithered towards her opponent, her tail glowing. Her tail continued swaying left and right, as it glowed brighter. She then spun around, her tail whacking her opponent, using an Iron Tail attack. Her opponent flapped his wings, flying into the air, running away. Milotic was determined to defeat him, and releasing a lightning beam of ice, freezing her flying opponent, who fell onto the ground, frozen. With her opponent defeated, Milotic slithered away backed into the waters.

How's that for a combination of Iron Tail, Ice Beam and Water Pulse? I suck at description.