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Detailing Attacks/Combinations

Ryano Ra

Verdant Vitality
OMG, the last reply for me tonight. ^^;

Twister. I see it having more of a draconic effect, like a Dragonair blowing out a tornado of blue fire and leaping into the middle, focusing her thoughts while being protected. And as she moves, the twisters moves and she can strike enemies while being protected. Twister works differently for so many, but I feel as though it is more a defensive attack for dragons, while offensive for others, like Milotic and Gyarados.

Trick. Hmm...Alakazam would be tricking his opponent. Like, if he's battling a Machamp, he would be preparing for a Psychic attack and would actually use it, though trick the Machamp as though it is the energy and he manipulates the mind, making the Machamp stagger back, THINKING she's being hit by it. However, the Alakazam is controlling a large boulder and then smashes it into Machamp's back, shattering it like hard glass. 8D


Although the whole thing on faint attack is, like... a bunch of posts ago, I really want to give my opinion on the attack. I think that when a pokemon uses faint attack, it falls over and plays dead (like it fainted... faint attack). Then, when the opponent comes over to investigate, the 'fainted' pokemon leaps up and attacks, catching its opponent off guard.

Skywing, Twister? I think that the pokemon using it would spin around, really really fast, until the wind around them forms into some kind of a tornado (sp? I'm unsure of the spelling). Then, using the momentiom (sp, again?) from its spin, the pokemon would throw the twister at its opponent.


~Skywing Knight Joshua~ said:
How would an Alakazam use Trick?

Trick-Exchanges items with the opponent.


Alakazam runs swifly to the Persian in high speed, and leaps over him, swiftly taking his Quick Claw in a split second.


Well-Known Member
What about Tickle? tis funneh XD A cute little Iggybuff going up to a Exploud and starts tickling him...kawaii XD

Joshua - Shadow Brigadier

Well-Known Member
He closed his eyes, bringing his spoons together in front of him, crossed over each other in the form of an X. His eyes snapped open, the pupils faded, his eyes now a solid glowing blue light.

The world around them began to distort, the Clefable slowly beginning to panic as the world around her shimmered as though it was water. His eyes flickered from blue to red, and the silver band around her head began to glow, before it faded from sight, reappearing around his head as his eyes returned to normal, and the world ceased shimmering.

How does that sound to everyone?



Here's a funny one for Taunt.

The Mankey shrugged as it opened its mouth to speak to its opponent, the Natu. Even though it's mouth could not be seen, it was smirking, almost evilly. <Hey ugly!> It began with a smirk, <your mother was a loser, and your father is hung like a Hoppip.>

This got the green bird's attention, and it wasn't pretty. <My father was a Fearow! Eat Drill Peck!> The bird yelled, as it charged towards the cheeky monkey, its beak first, and oddly enough, starting to glow a strange, bright blue.


Well-Known Member
That was good, really good, bu not better than my example of Tickle. Come think about it, its so cute!!! That example of Taunt was funny also ^^


Kamia_Jay said:
What about Tickle? tis funneh XD A cute little Iggybuff going up to a Exploud and starts tickling him...kawaii XD

The small, pink puffball danced around, somehow dodging the Exploud's large fists that repeatedly pounded the ground. "Ig, iggly, buff buff!" the pink rubbery pokemon taunted, rolling out of the way of the purple beast's roar. Suddenly, she lept off her stubby pink legs and onto the Exploud's arm. He gasped and growled, confused and mad, attempting to swant the Igglybuff off. But the smaller creature simply swung around the arm and began the tickle at the Exploud's armpit. He fell onto his back in utter confusion, giving the Igglybuff enough time to run around to his feet. "Iggly!" she giggled, now tickling the Exploud's feet with her teeny arms. The large purple pokemon could not get up, a smilie creeping aross his face. Suddenly, his large jaws opened up and bellowed out a laugh that scared the Spearows out of their nests five miles away.

Igglybuffs can be so mean...
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Well-Known Member
XD Wonderful description Meep, anywayz what about Swallow, Spit Up and StockPile? That is just scary to think about...*shivers*


Well-Known Member
The Pelipper glowed and swelled, glowed once more, expanding mightily...one final flare of azure light....


And it seems this one fails the audition for the vocalizing bird part in Shrek. NEXT!
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Well-Known Member
XD Umm..what about...Frenzy Plant? A Victrebell on crack or something? Me has to go now..Byez !
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Oh, I want to do one of Stockpile... it sounds cool!

Suddenly, the gulpin stopped its frenzied attack and began to grab some berries off the ground. His opponent, a zigzagoon, stared at him carefully. The green blob-like pokemon suddenly started stuffing the berries into its mouth, making the zigzagoon jump in surprise. After about a minute of berry-swallowing, the zigzagoon looked around. After seeing nothing wrong, the zig-zag pokemon walked up to the gulpin and aimed a scratch at his eyes. But as her claw was making a swipe, it was caught it midair by the gulpin's chubby hands. As she looked at him questioningly, the gulpin found newfound strength from all of those berries he had been eating. He raised the zigzagoon above his head and, as the confused and frightened normal-type was squirming, threw her at a nearby tree. She flew square into the tree, breaking the bark a little, and fell to the ground. The gulpin simply wiped his hands clean of berry juice and began to stuff himself again.


Did anyone like my description of Water Pulse, Iron Tail and Ice Beam? Nevermind.

I had some trouble describing this move.


How would you describe it?


Back to the Ice Punch thing... I wrote out a Hitmonchan using Ice Punch as this frosty mist surrounding his body... then the bony orbs on his knuckles (a physical characteristic I made up, weee) glow bright blue. At this point, the Hitmonchan feels this cooling sensation all over his body. As he strikes the punch, the ice blasts from his knuckles.

Fire Punch was similar in that it raised the opponent Hitmonchan's skin temperature, making him so hot that he couldn't be touched. Likewise, his knuckles glowed red. What's funny is that when I wrote these two Hitmonchan's elemental punches colliding, the icey one won.

I described Double Team a bit differently. Sure, like the anime, the Pokemon creates clones out of nowhere. But something I added was that the clones were never pefect. They didn't cast shadows for one thing. It would take an observant Pokemon to figure this trick out and find out who the real Pokemon is.

Another Fan

Nothing Special
I always had pretty boring things for pokemon. Like for faint attack, I would make more like just faking a movement at then striking heartlessly. Or douple team as quick tricks and movement to cause it to be hard to sense the things performing the move. However, I do make pokemon perform moves differently. Like a mareep would just make light from electricity while a drowzee would perfom super natural acts which shines light from parts of the body such as eyes.

Extrasensory, could be like a sixth sense view of things at first and then doing movements that are similar to beating however hurt the pokemon inside the mind more than anything.

Stockpile would be ripping things off for what it is worth and storing them in the mouth.

Evanji Axu

I'm an artist and not a writer, but here's one for Typhlosion using Earthquake:

The hulking badger stared down her foe, rocking rhythmically from one foot to the other, first slowly, then faster, faster...the Manectric stared, puzzled by this action, but he soon felt small tremors under his paws.

At last, when the Typhlosion was moving faster than eye's detection, she shot up into the air and curled up, her eyes carnelian flame. The Manectric realized his chance to esca -


The Typhlosion had slammed into the hard, dry clay, which crackled audibly on impact. Despite all his efforts, the thunder dog couldn't keep his footing; stumbling, he found himself at the nonexistant mercy of shaking earth. After what seemed like weeks, the quake quieted at last. However, the sheer force had cracked the Manectric's bones, keeping him bound where he lay; his hopes of snagging a tender, succulent Cyndaquil had vaporized.
Without acknowledging him, the Typhlosion turned and departed for her nest and hungry babies.


Ryano Ra

Verdant Vitality
I think that I found a challenge for people, for the following attacks seem to be quite difficult to be portrayed differently, but in vice-versa settings, described in the same way. Maybe somebody can describe it differently so we get a new picture? The attacks are the following;

Thunderpunch, Fire Punch, Ice Punch, Mega Punch, Mega Kick, Seismic Toss, Cross Chop, and Swift.

Yes, some on here are very difficult, but maybe there is another way that a Chikorita can perform a Swift, or a Hitmonchan can use a Fire Punch, or maybe a Kadabra using a sheerly-powerful Thunderpunch. 8D




The tiny, fairy like firefly drifted upward into the air, her wings beating rapidly. HEr form began to twist around itself slowly, as if moving through water. Mantine looked on curiously, his trainer too absorbed in watching the Illumise twirl elegantly to order any attacks.

Bit by bit, her petite purple body began to move faster and faster, wings humming at an ear-splitting speed. Her tail light began to glow a burnt gold, dark at first, then brighter and brighter until it blossomed with neon light. Sparks crawled along it's orb-like surface, crackling with energy.


Suddenly the Illumise stopped twirling, facing the Mantine with an evil look in her glowing, yellow eyes. The sparks from her tail orb and the light within it began to shoot up her body in blinding lances, gathering in her tiny hand.

She smirked down at the Mantine, face twisted and manical.

<You want a challenge?>

She dived.



^.^ Luff Illumise. AND OMFG, for a non writer, Evanji, that was totally sexy. ^.^


Well-Known Member
Here's Cross Chop and Seismic Toss: This is actually taken from a future scene for Sin, but whatever. XD

Shiva's taut arms jabbed out in disorenting blurs, all flying fists and roaring fury. The lean Machamp deftly dropped and twisted, her eyes briefly blazing with the reflected light of the rainbow-white Hyper Beam that roared overhead. Somewhere behind her, there was a thunderous explosion as the Hyper Beam leveled a skyscraper. Distant screams rang out from below as people ran helter-skelter to avoid getting crushed by flying glass and derbis.

Rayquaza roared and twisted in the air, ravaged by another red-hot bolt of pain. The serpentine dragon coughed and sneezed in succession.


With each explosive exhalation, a fine red mist of offal and hemorrhage drifted out into the air, and the dragon wailed in a thin, high uluating scream. The virus was already past the point where Rayquaza's flesh had begun to peel off the bones and slough off in bloody, wet chunks.

Shiva immediately saw her chance, and launched herself into the sky, bringing all four of her arms swiftly together, glowing with concentrated energy.

Rayquaza let out a alarmed roar as her horns were painfully wrenched down, then up. Before her crumbling mind had a chance to track the Machamp's movements, sky tilted into earth as the ground flipped upwards--


A diamond-sharp cloud of shattered glass flew out in all directions as the dragon was smashed into the mirrored side of another skyscraper, screeching as her rotting, softening hide split like old parchment.