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Detailing Attacks/Combinations

Another Fan

Nothing Special
I'll do Mega Kick.

Running towards my pokemon, the usually calm pokemon slammed to the side of my pokemon hitting hard against the floor. Then doing fantasticly beautiful techniques, the medicham flipped in the air and landed beside her now panting, tired body. Now, the real pain was coming to my spinda. Move was simple for it to do, it held its leg up high and the dropped it down on her chest. It turned back to its trainer and Shelly was left dead on the floor.


I own the 5th gen
I don't do narratives, so I'll keep my descriptions simple and to the point, with some examples from the anime mentioned for reference.

In my story, I portray Bubble as being a stream of foam, similar how Satoshi's Kingler used it in the anime shortly after it evolved. I personally like this portrayal, and it's a pity it doesn't look that way in the anime again, because it so nicely tells you several factors: it's one of the weakest water-type techniques out there, it's different from Bubblebeam (which I personally would portray as it's shown in the anime), and it's capable of slowing your opponent down (in my case, I make the suds stick to the opponent's body to make their movements more sluggish).

Super Fang is an interesting one, since you somehow gotta make the technique look powerful, yet never capable of completely taking out the opponent. Super Fang's main point is that it's able to cut HP in half, but if HP is just a status in a video game, how are you supposed to portray it realistically? Well the way I see it, in real life, HP could translate to stamina or life force, so it's just a matter of making the technique look as though it wiped out a huge portion of that. Personally, I'd make the Pokemon's front teeth glow white before stabbing into the opponent. A few seconds later, the opponent's eyes, mouth, as well as open wounds like the one just left by the fangs, start to glow white. Afterwards, an explosion comes out of the opponent's mouth, the glowing stops, and the opponent's left momentarily sitting with its mouth smoking (I compare it to Satoshi at the beginning of the Jouto filler featuring Tsubotsubo, in which something similar happens to him after taking an explosive pill). In this case, the attack's portrayal manages to give off the idea that it triggered a small energy explosion that caused internal damage, serious enough to wipe out much of the opponent's vitality, but not serious enough to keep them from going on completely.

Oh, and for the record everyone, Faint Attack's Japanese name translates to "Sneak Attack" or "Foul Play". It doesn't actually involve "fainting".
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Hmm, I'm going to do one in the style of an actual story like everybody else is. Because it's cooler that way. xP So for my attack, I choose...Blast Burn! It's totally overused, but it has the potential to become really cool.


Charizard extended her long, red-orange wings, staring at her opponent's shining yellow eyes. She raised her arms so that her wrists were level to her eyes, opening her clawed hands wide and focusing all of her power on this final attack. Her heavily mauled arms shook and dripped with blood, and she could hardly stand, but it didn't matter. She could do it.

She had to do it.

Throwing back her head, Charizard opened her huge jaws and roared. Bursts of flames erupted violently from the ground, searing her lizardlike opponent. The Sceptile screamed, his entire body searing with pain, and slowly submitted to the flames. Charizard, too, allowed herself to collapse, grateful for the coolness of the grass beneath her. Slowly her vision blurred and her eyes began to close. But she didn't care, because it was over.

She had done it.


What? Charizard is cool. And Pokemon battles don't have to be kiddy. Like Scrap just showed about three posts ago. xD

Ryano Ra

Verdant Vitality
Hmm...what about Absorb, Mega Drain, and Giga Drain?

I've never really saw those two grass attacks be described in Pokemon battles in stories, so perhaps somebody would be willing to give an example, yes? ^.^


Just me
Heh, I wrote Stockpile from a Victreebel so that it chewed up its own leaves and could either spit them out mixed with its digestive acids, or swallow them as food...
Serpent Syra said:
Hmm...what about Absorb, Mega Drain, and Giga Drain?

I've never really saw those two grass attacks be described in Pokemon battles in stories, so perhaps somebody would be willing to give an example, yes? ^.^
Here's the example Ive drafted for Tropius
"Tropius, Go, Giga Drain!"
The large pokemon lifted it's leaves amd bellowed. Small vines lept from the grass dinosaur. they made cpntact with the Seadra, and the water types enegy was sucked out through the vines.

Ofcorse, I think it varys from pokemon type to pokemon type


Previously Iota
Ooh, I have done what I would call a good Absorb in 'Human'. Basically, the Tangela approached the Diglett and attacked with the vines. As soon as the vines made contact, tiny globules (no idea what that word is supposed to be) of energy from it and brings it back to itself.



A Shadow of Darkness
I don't normally write anything that isn't for school, but after reading that Blast Burn I have to do one of one of my favorites- Typholsion.

The tawny charcoal beast glared straight into the muddy pigeon's eyes. Her fur began and suddenly, the fire upon her neck burst into a roaring infero as the air around her began to crack and sizzle. Waves of heat began to wash over the small bird until it's feathery down was reduced to burning embers. With a triumphant roar a small spark roared to life turning the entire clearing into a crimsom fireball.
As soon as it began the great beast's fire died out and she fell to the ground crawling over to her freshly roasted kill for a nice meal.

-- Note, that's probably really crappy, but it's what I can do and it's one of the main reasons you'll never find me writing anything.


I've got one's for Frenzy Plant,Solarbeam,and Blast Burn:
The large plant dinosaur sent its vines into the ground and they popped up on the other side of the field and attacked the dragon-like pokemon.
Frenzy Plant
The dragon like pokemon spread fire over it's body the stomped the ground,sending waves of heat towards the plant dinosaur
^Blast Burn
The small gecko pokemon raised its two tails,while the glowed,charging with solar energy.Then,a white orb of energy formed between its tails and shot it at the ugly fish,faintin it.
~Then the trainer screamed at the treecko for fainting the feebas~XDDDDDD
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I'll try Mega Drain and Giga Drain.

I flapped my wings, soaring high in the air, spinning around in circles. My opponent, a Wailmer was getting ready to use his attack. Desperately I did what I had to do. A green ball of energy appeared right in front of me, and I used my powers to slam the ball of energy into Wailmer. My Absorb attack. Preety nifty, but it was not good enough for me. Wailmer was still standing strong, his blubber protecting him from most damage.

A bigger, green ball of energy appeared right in front of me, as Wailmer was prepared to launch his attack, I used my powers to slam the ball of energy into him. My Mega Drain, much stronger than Absorb but Wailmer still was strong. He spun around, glowing white, as white mist surrounded the area. How I hated the mist. I flapped my wings, and a hurricane appeared, blowing away the mist. My Gust attack. I had to finish the pesky Wailmer off, and I had two more good moves to use.

I flew around Wailmer in circles, releasing silver powder and wind and the same time. He was astounded and the powder and wind hit him write on the head. My Silver Wind, and I had one last trick up my sleeve. I used my powers to create a bigger ball of energy than before, and I used my powers to slam it into him. The green energy ball hit him on the face, my Giga Drain attack was perfect. I saw that he was still standing, and my whole body burning with anger, I charged forward, tackling him. That Tackle attack finished him off and I had nothing more to say. I flapped my wings, flying in the sky, leaving the Wailmer alone in the ocean.

How's that for sweet?


Previously Iota
That was a great description. I'm assuming it was a Beautifly against that Wailmer?

Can someone give me three attacks to try and describe?



Irredeemable Nerd
I know that I'm way behind in reading this, and I'm supposed to go like right now, so I thought I'd share with you guys my own version of Faint Attack.

it's WAY different than your people's versions...

plus, I've got Reversal, Ice Beam, and Megahorn....

“Faint Attack!” Sarah said quietly, so that only Sneasel could hear it, knowing that her Sneasel didn’t have enough time to get out of the way. To the twins, it looked like she had muttered something to herself, but hadn’t given her Pokemon a command.

The Heracross slammed into Sneasel, who made no move to dodge. The Dual Dark and Ice type flew across the gym, and slammed against a wall. The Sneasel fell to the ground in a heap, and the twins erupted in cheers. “One hit KO!” they shouted, running around in little circles. “One hit KO!” Heracross, distracted, and more than a little happy, turned and looked at its trainers happily.

Instantly, the Sneasel was in the air, its claws extended, its teeth bared. The Heracross barely knew what hit it when Sneasel slammed into its back, and forced its face into the grass-imitation carpet. “Ice Beam!” Sarah called, and the Sneasel, still atop the Heracross’s back, reared one hand back.

The Heracross screamed in fury and fear, and the twins opened their mouths to say something. Then the beam of pure ice formed itself in Sneasel’s right hand, and slammed into the back of the Bug and Fighting type’s head, dazing it and slamming its head down, once more, into the carpet. “Reversal!” the twins called out as one, a split second after the Ice Beam was fired.

Sarah grimaced. She had been hoping that the little girls had forgotten about the bug’s fighting types. Before her Sneasel could jump away, five blue orbs sprang into existence around the Heracross. Each of them homed in on Sneasel, and knocked the Ice type off of its opponent. Heracross then swung around, its horn slamming Sneasel several yards away.

that's from Johto--A Nw Beginning btw....second part of the first chapter.

andthe twins are Bugsy's sisters fyi.

now I've gotta go. class starts in eight minutes.

btw, have any of you guys given any thought to how Miltank does Milk Drink?


here's my idea, taken from a journal entry from the same fic as above:

Of course, I don't think I've ever been so humiliated by a Rollout. Of course, maybe I lost because Sneasel and I were so disgusted by its Milk Drink technique. Don't worry, future self, I won't go into the details. Let me just say that only female Miltank can do it, and that all Miltank are EXTREMELY flexible.


Previously Iota
Right then, lemme just look at the Attackdex for them...

Destiny Bond:

From Nothing said:
Wobbuffet looked long and hard at the opponent, a Medicham. The Medicham had already made the blue Pokémon weak with a barrage of elemental punches, but now the time had come for Wobbuffet to take charge and leave her trainer in the lurch. Her arms came forward and a dark purple orb, slightly sludgy, appeared in them. She flung this at Medicham who seemed unphased as the ball hit him and turned to smoke.

"Ha, is that all you have?" sneered the opposing trainer, annoying Hunter slightly.

"Wobbuffet, what's going on?" he asked his Pokémon quietly. He hadn't seen an attack like this before.

"Right then," said the opponent, "Medicham, finish her off with your most powerful Ice Punch!" Medicham ran to Wobbuffet, who stood doing nothing, and summoned ice to his fist. Medicham arrived at the Pokémon and reared his fist, slamming it forward and not only knocking Wobbuffet back to Hunter, but knocking the Psychic Type out.

"Wobbuffet, no!" shouted Hunter, making to run to her. He stopped when he saw something happening to Medicham. The purple smoke had arrived and began to wrap itself around the Fighting Type. When it had totally encased him, Medicham collapsed and the smoke dissappeared. "What the hell was that?" asked Hunter, bemused as he returned Wobbuffet to her Pokéball.

"Destiny Bond..." said the opponent, trailing off.

The others will come in an edit.


Ryano Ra

Verdant Vitality
This thread is coming along spectacularly.

How, what are different ways to portray a Dragonbreath attack?

Another Fan

Nothing Special
Truly, the most common way is by making a form of breath that is similar to that of flames however different akin to that of pokemon stadium 2 which had bright, light green which symbolised draconic energy nicely however was a bit silly looking.

I prefer just flames that do not cause fire or burns and do not behave too similar to that of fire but they instead cause physical pain to the pokemon on the recieving end.


Lord of The Storm
I don't know about Dragonbreath but I had an idea for my fic. I llike to play around with the psychic type. Since psychic is like telekineses I would do a sculpture of whatever the other attack. If it was fire then it would be like where the combusken, let's say uses ember at the sky while it's partner, a Ralts, uses confusion to shape the fire into a ball or orb. When there is enough fire the Ralts would manipulate the fire into different shapes, like a Charizard, then, the Ralts would send the fire Charizard at the enemy, burning it. I don't know if anyone's ever done this but I think it would be cool if the same Ralts mentioned above combindes teleport with confusion. I picture it as where the Ralts doesn'y teleport itself but rather, it teleports whatever it was aiming for. I think of teleport+confusion as where the user moves the teleport off itself and onto whatever it chooses. I think that would be kind of cool, what about you guys? That's all I can think of for now, TTFN!

Another Fan

Nothing Special
I truly dislike too much telekinesis during battles. Too me move of the psychic moves should aim for the mind and not the body. However, then there is nothing to describe seeing as it just hits the mind. So, the pokemon would behave differently and maybe the performer could consentrate but no fancy lights or effects like in the games or anime.

Confusion is a weak move so therefore I would make it just cause something like a headache for the opponent.


Irredeemable Nerd
what another said.

however, I disagree with the power levels.

in my opinion, Confusion and Psychic are extremely powerful Psychic attacks (Psychic much mroe than Confusion, obviously), that are so powerful that they ripple the very fabric of the space-time continuum (a la the game animation). Confusion is the basic one of this, and Psychic the more powerful.

They are both aimed for the mind, not the body. However, because they're powerful and ripple the fabric of the space-time continuum, they both can push someone back (due to the ripple in the fabric, not necessarily the mental effects).

meh, my two cents.

personally, I think that the only time that fire should be manipulated is if a fire type is doing it (a la a move I once saw a few times on TPT, where Fire types can manipulate fire itself).

Another Fan

Nothing Special
Just the fact that then there is little point of the rip in space and time. And what mends it again and if they are so powerful why can the pokemon be still alive or their former selves? I think it just causes problems.