Hmm...I can do Water Pulse, Dragonbreath, and Dragon Rage. This is a future scene from Chapter Ten of
Rhapsody, but whatever. I'll just have to update my preview thread with an excerpt of the battle, including this part. Enjoy. ^^
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“Swampert, start with Water Pulse!” Rochelle harshly ordered. The swift mudfish monster opened his mouth widely, forming a glittering, shining bubble over the edges of his maw. The divine dragon serpent glared down at the Swampert, slightly roaring and swaying back and forth.
The gleaming veil suddenly bulleted swift cannonballs of water, whispering across the wind as they danced up the water snake’s long body and struck her face. She fought against the attack, lifting her tail up and blocking the bombs of bubbles. Gyarados continued to rock from left to right, starting to feel her body twitch and shift. She broke out into a slithering dance, sliding up and down the wooden surface. Zale smiled and pointed directly at Swampert.
“Gyarados, Dragonbreath!” the warrior commanded. The large dragon serpent roared angrily, her body suddenly glowing into a white and sky blue glint.
It soon softened and faded away while she spewed out a tongue of glittering teal flames towards Swampert. The monstrous mudfish smirked, abruptly leaping towards the right and dodging the massive draconic attack. The baking flames managed to strike his left limb, churning his head while he somehow crashed to the ground. He momentarily went dizzy, rubbing his forehead before struggling to stand on his strong, swimming feet.
“Follow up with Dragon Rage!” Zale instructed. Once again, the glow returned, encasing her body with infuriating strength, power, and speed. It disappeared, leaving Swampert to watch as a bolt of fire streamed out of her mouth.
It cooked the atmosphere and hungrily swallowed oxygen, swirling and diving and waltzing in the winds. The mudfish monster swiftly evaded the attack successfully, this time sprinting forward and nearing the divine dragon serpent. Gyarados continued breathing out stifling flames, colors of red, orange, and gold intertwining together and striking Swampert on his face. He simply sent out a stream of freezing-cold water out, dying the fiery attack out and lightly hitting the water snake.