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Detailing Attacks/Combinations

Elemental Charizam

Sudden Genre Shift
I just thought it distorted the air as it was peformed. In the games, the effect was probably just there to show there was an attack going on, like the GSC Leer animation.

But mainly, I make Psychic attacks effect the mind, and thus indirectly the body.


Irredeemable Nerd
Another Fan said:
Just the fact that then there is little point of the rip in space and time. And what mends it again and if they are so powerful why can the pokemon be still alive or their former selves? I think it just causes problems.

notice I said ripple in the fabric of space/time. not rip.

if it did rip it open, there would be a problem, yes. but it only ripples the fabric. it doesn't tear it off/open. think of tossing a pebble into a pond. the water ripples away, because of the force of the pebble, but then it returns to normal.

same thing here.

Charizam, I agree that it was just an effect in the game, but I enjoy finding ways to put the game stuff into reality....this was one way I did that.


Ryano Ra

Verdant Vitality
Hmm...for Shadow Punch, I think of a Dusclops punching furiously at an Alakazam when suddenly, he forms a shadow of himself and they both begin attacking. It's like a Double Team; Dusclops makes a copy of himself, though the Alakazam is 'hypnotized' to believe the fake copy is the real deal, furiously attacking it when the real Dusclops is dealing greater damage. 8D


Well-Known Member
I imagined Shadow Punch as the attacker disappearing into a oily black blur, ending with a impression of a fist as though an invisible hand were punching into the foe (like the musicial tone sound-fists in Kung Fu Hustle).
Sableye flew from the ground, its fist turned into a mass of darkness as he swiped it across the Orange dragon’s face

My Shadow Punch

Ryano Ra

Verdant Vitality
Hmmm...what about the move Featherdance? I think that particular move could be used defensively, offensively, and/or to boost stats.

+Chaos Blade+

Offensively: On Pidgeot, perhaps the bird can use its wings to cover its body, then spin in a circle creating an enormous gale that can cause devastation to its surroundings and, more definitely, its target, for instance, a Bellossom. The Bellossom would be hurled into the gale, feeling the full effect of its almighty power.

Defensively: Almost like Iron Defense, but the Pokémon, in this case Pidgeot, would take the wings and, just how it worked offensively, create a gust of wind that can, a bit, penetrate some of the attack fired at it, and then, with a Gust or Whirlwind attack, can add on to the gale and push the penetrated attack towards the opponent.

Stat-raising: On Pidgeot, each time it uses Featherdance, its talons on its wings would sharpen into feathers with some metallic properties, raising its Attack, then the Pidgeot would use its wings to cover itself [again], protecting itself from harm, if necessary, therefore, increasing Defense. And also, if you could, you can sharpen its talons [like in Defense] and place the wings at its side, and then make it use Quick Attack or some offensive move that requires force, making Pidgeot look like a speeding bullet, therefore, increasing Speed.
Some New Ones:
Wingull and Water Gun
. “Water Gun!” The small Pokemon flapped it’s wings as it stirred the water vapor around it into liquid water, he shot it at Zangoose, the white scared Pokemon leapt back, only getting hit by the end of the attack, not much, but still enough to damage it into a knock out. It vanished in a light as amazing as the one it had entered.

Frenzied Plant Venasaur
. “Frenzied Plant!” Venasaur glowed green, and shot brown vines into the floor. The vines split and multiplied beneath the floor. The brown plants shot up and thrashed around the arena. Wingull attempted to rise above the vines, but he was thrashed, cut, and forced to the ground as the vines subsided back into the ground.

Furry Cutter Zangoose
“ZANGOOSE, FURRY CUTTER!” The Pokemon got down on all fours, it ran around Sableye, the purple eyes glowed greed and it cut across Sableye’s stomach, sending it tumbling across the ground.

Sableye Shadow Ball
!” Sableye shot up and gathered darkness in his hands. He shot it out and pushed the energy into Dragonite’s face, sending it falling down.


A Shadow of Darkness
I'll give featherdance a try... but it's how its effect works in the games.

The majestic eagle's body gave a sudden shiver fluffing out its beige feathers. In one graceful motion it took to the sky and with each flap of it's wings it showered its opponent with shining feathers swirling in the breeze. The opponent just stared at the show, unable to make a move against the curtain softly sweeping towards it.

Once again, I'm pretty sure that's horrible, but it's what I can do.


Lord of The Storm
Has anyone thought of using steel wing for other purposes than just an attack? I think steel wing could do well in defense where as the pokemon folds its steel-hard wings around itself. Just my thoughts, TTFN!


Coral Eye Trainer
Well, I had an idea that when Spenser was tied up by a Weepinbell's vines, Crobat (which was hidden on his back all the time) used Steel Wing and sliced the vines open, releasing its owner.

Evanji Axu

Milotic using attract:

The creamy yellow serpent suddenly slithered away from her hulking foe. As her back was turned, the Swampert raised a foreleg threateningly. Just as he was about to strike the ground for a devastating Earthquake, the Milotic began to glow salmon pink. After a momentary pause, she spun around and went to town...
With her long lashes aflutter, flirtatiously fanning herself with her tail fins, she resembled a beautiful geisha. Taking a deep breath, she emitted a sweet, melodic cry. The Swampert's cheeks flushed hot, his knees grew weak. All his effort to stay upright kept him from moving forward, let alone attacking.

Lugias areoblast: The huge great beast flapped it's huge wings and shot up, up higher than the brave little Jumpluff could comprehend, spinning all the while. Then it stopped and stared down at the frightened little creature. Lugia breathed in deep, and crashed it's wings together creating a huge sonic boom, then he moved his wings appart, and screeched. A giant gust af air hurtled through the vacum created by the sonic boom. It made no sound. The next day a kid was walking towards the place and he found a small, sphere like skeleton. It was Jumpluff......

Go easy on me this is my first try!!!;249;

I also have a combo. Tyranitar picked up the Metagross in it's take down legs-in form, and threw him up into the air. He started spinning and his claws glew silver. He hit Articuno right in the face and kept on spinning hitting the great ice bird all the while.......

Rapid spin/Metal claw combo
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Ryano Ra

Verdant Vitality
Hmm...I can do Water Pulse, Dragonbreath, and Dragon Rage. This is a future scene from Chapter Ten of Rhapsody, but whatever. I'll just have to update my preview thread with an excerpt of the battle, including this part. Enjoy. ^^

+ + + + + + + +​

“Swampert, start with Water Pulse!” Rochelle harshly ordered. The swift mudfish monster opened his mouth widely, forming a glittering, shining bubble over the edges of his maw. The divine dragon serpent glared down at the Swampert, slightly roaring and swaying back and forth.

The gleaming veil suddenly bulleted swift cannonballs of water, whispering across the wind as they danced up the water snake’s long body and struck her face. She fought against the attack, lifting her tail up and blocking the bombs of bubbles. Gyarados continued to rock from left to right, starting to feel her body twitch and shift. She broke out into a slithering dance, sliding up and down the wooden surface. Zale smiled and pointed directly at Swampert.

“Gyarados, Dragonbreath!” the warrior commanded. The large dragon serpent roared angrily, her body suddenly glowing into a white and sky blue glint.

It soon softened and faded away while she spewed out a tongue of glittering teal flames towards Swampert. The monstrous mudfish smirked, abruptly leaping towards the right and dodging the massive draconic attack. The baking flames managed to strike his left limb, churning his head while he somehow crashed to the ground. He momentarily went dizzy, rubbing his forehead before struggling to stand on his strong, swimming feet.

“Follow up with Dragon Rage!” Zale instructed. Once again, the glow returned, encasing her body with infuriating strength, power, and speed. It disappeared, leaving Swampert to watch as a bolt of fire streamed out of her mouth.

It cooked the atmosphere and hungrily swallowed oxygen, swirling and diving and waltzing in the winds. The mudfish monster swiftly evaded the attack successfully, this time sprinting forward and nearing the divine dragon serpent. Gyarados continued breathing out stifling flames, colors of red, orange, and gold intertwining together and striking Swampert on his face. He simply sent out a stream of freezing-cold water out, dying the fiery attack out and lightly hitting the water snake.

Evanji Axu

Combo of Facade and Crunch.
(And Minya is my character)

Things weren't looking good for Sly. Her wings and tail sizzled, burned badly by the Camerupt they'd managed to startle. The beast, being nearsighted and not very bright, thought they were predators come to steal her calf, who now cowered behind his mother.

The indigo bird found herself growing faint from the pain and the hot air. Just as she was about to collapse, something moist and red nudged her -


The Mightyena barked frantically. She was wagging her tail, but not out of joy; rather, she was trying to release her trepidation. <Stay awake! We can't defeat this big oaf alone!> She glanced at their trainer, who was running around trying to distract and tire out the Camerupt, and suddenly hatched a plan...

Sly scuttled about, weakly flapping her wings to catch their enemy's eye. When the Camerupt approached, she dropped limply to the ground. The great beast lurched over, curiously sniffing at the Swellow. In the meantime, Tika crouched behind, waiting for the right moment to strike. Roughly flipping over Sly with her hoof, the flaming camel was sure that the bird was -


Sly sprang right up and nailed her right on the nose, blinding her with her wings. Seizing the moment, Tika struck, her fangs glowing bright red as she clamped down on the Camerupt's leg. Beset on all sides, the red beast began to panic, flinging them both off as she flailed wildly. The bewildered mother stampeded off into the distance, unmindful of her bleeding hindleg as her baby tried to keep up. Exhausted but relieved, Sly and Tika went to seek out Minya, who'd been napping, tuckered out from her running.
I can imagine a Lugia water pulse as a water gun followed by the sonic clap as I
call it used in my areoblast description. BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT the anime
shows it as a glowing ball that created waves when touched.

I can image a Groudons Eruption in two ways. Both start with a crouch and it's
patterns glow blood red.
1:for flying or fast pokemon and pokemon in water: it looks up and spurts lava
like a fountain and molten rocks come flying out of it. The lava would harden
on contact with water, trapping them under hardened rock an before it was
completely covered the water pokemon would have to dodge falling rocks.
2:slow pokemon onthe ground: a water gun type thing of lava flys out of
Groudons mouth and bounces off the ground and creates a wave that fills
the battlefield.

Brian Random

You guys like describing attacks, right? So do I. Normally, when I write battle scenes I like to surprise the audience. I like to use variations of attacks, including combos and usage of weapons.

Move: Focus Punch
Feraligatr slightly crouched as he turned his back towards his opponent, Machamp, while charging up his powers to his clenched paw for maximum damage.

Knowing that Focus Punch would cause the blue crocodile to not be able to move while he powered up, Machamp saw his chance to attack him, attempting to hit him with his Mega Punch.

But he missed his attack, the Feraligatr sensed him coming and barely, yet confidently, dodged out of the way, making Machamp’s miss. Then, he took advantage of Machamp’s shock and slammed his high-powered paw into his face, sending him flying at a great distance until he fell and crashed through the ground.

More coming...
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Ryano Ra

Verdant Vitality
Okay, I'm starting to get back into the describing attacks mode, so I think I'll be describing some attacks in a while. o.o; Also, nice Focus Punch, Brian, I really liked how it was portrayed. It gave me an idea for a brand-new Fire Punch/Ice Punch/Thunderpunch combination. 8D

Brian Random

Got another one...

Move: Body Slam
To everyone surprise, the Sneasel began moving, struggling to get to her feet. Even after taking some heavy beatings, she still wouldn’t stay down.

Slaking ran a few steps before taking a gigantic leap, surprising everyone. He aimed his entire body towards the weakened and battered Sneasel and slammed his over three-hundred-pound body right on top of her, squashing her like a bug and causing the floor to shake, making everyone lose their balance and fall to the floor.
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