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Detailing Attacks/Combinations



What about a move like Shadow Ball, it can be used by all sorts, like Flareon, Noctowl etc..

For Flareon, I think:

Flareon struggled to his feet, the impact of the last attack on him had been stronger than he had expected, but still he managed to remain calm.

"Flareon, Shadow Ball!" Jack called, his voice more determined than ever.

Flareon nodded in agreement, and began to gather energy from the dark sky above. Slowly small blobs were drawn out of the shadows, floating ghost-like towards the Flareon. When complete, a large black ball was hovering gently in front of Flareon's face, before suddenly rushing forward, striking the camel, enveloping it in a black cloud. When the cloud faded, the Camerupt swayed gently, before falling to the ground, unconscious.

~Phanpy~ ;231;


Well-Known Member
Well, I've got some for swift and swords dance, taken from a battle in my current fic.

He howled passionately, his fur threatening to rip themselves from his body, and began to twirl within the limited space that the swords had sealed him in while sinking his fangs into his prey. With each passing second, the swords started to sink into his body, increasing the velocity in which he spun round. By the time the eighth and final sword had sunk in, he had created a cyclone. A free and Herculean force.

Mewtwo laughed. Cold, heartless laughter. His body started to glow in a white and yellow glint. A flurry of feathers erupted from his back, sprouting wings. The glow encased Charcon, blinding and shocking him onto the ground. A feeling a radiant grace was taking over the minds of those still alive as they saw the final product of the creature squirming from Mewtwo's back.

An angel. She looked so innocent, almost god-like. A golden bow was grasped tightly into her hands. For that single moment when her form transended into this world, everyone felt complete. Untill she sang.

Her voice was carried through the air, entering the mind of every individual. Beautiful notes glided onto the weakest areas of the brain, replacing life funtions with the urge to hear more. Giving them a tuly beautiful thing to witness before death.

Charcon had never felt a light feeling like this enveloping him. It felt unreal, almost heavenly. Forgetting about Mewtwo, he floated up to them, trying to experience this angelic purity properly. At this reaction, the angel fired two bolts from her celestial bow with deadly swiftness.

They walzed elegantly through the air, cascading around Charcon. Directed by their master, they struck, slamming vigorously. Cries of pain erupted in a howl of agony.

Just proving to you that Swift can be many, many things.



how's this one?

"Elmo! GO!" Cyintha commanded as she tossed the pokeball, the ball opened to reveal the Breloom. It bounded on the spot, eager to win the battle and to avenge his teammate.

"Use Sludge Bomb and that Ampharos!"

The breloom started to imagine the most disgusting thing it could imagine. The image cause a gag reflex in the Mushroom pokemon's stomach. The pressure began to bluid until he couldn't hold it in any longer.

Suddenly the pokemon vomited a purple foul-smelling liquid, the vomit shot out of Elmo's mouth and straight at the ampharos. Dousing the poor pokemon's eyes in the noxius fluid.

"YES! Now finish it with Iron Tail!"

Elmo bounded towards the blinded pokemon at break-neck speed, it's tail began to glow with a white light. It took one last jump before tucking himself into a frontflip and landing tail first on the hapless ampharos. Striking it on forhead like a ball and chain.
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Brian Random

Hypnosis used by Gengar

Shakespeare ran towards the opposition and his eyes glowed purple and slowly motioned his paws in a circular motion. The Team Ocean partners curiously looked down on him and slowly became dizzy while the Gengar chanted his own name numerous times.

“We like living in the submarine,” they said in a hypnotised manner, much to curiosity of the young ones.

“Gengar, gengar, gengar,” Shakespeare chanted quietly as he continued to hypnotise Genghis and Kahn.

“We’re going to ride back to our group,” they said in unison, still being hypnotised. “And Backstreet Boys was the best boy band since New Kids on the Block.”

They slowly went back into the submarine and closed the top of it and drove back into the ocean.
A Combo

Flygon use SAND TOMB

The great dragon flapped its diamond shaped wings with emense power trpping the opponent in a tornado of sand

Now use Flamethrower

The flygon suddenly spurt a jet of flames from its mouth, heating up the sand and making glass trpping the opponent in a glass statue

Ryano Ra

Verdant Vitality
o.o; Very inventive, I like that one.

(I really need to start practicing this more if I plan to write more battles)

Hmm...how would someone describe a Dragon Claw or a Dragon Dance attack?


Pokémon Professor?
I don't write fiction or anything, but this seems like a little bit of fun. :3

Dragon Claw

The wild Charizard let out a mighty roar as it started to glow a brilliant crimson. The area around it faded into a dark red colour. The dragon-like Pokémon's claw then changed from its normal grey to a sparkling mix of scarlet and bottle green.

The glowing Fire-type then dived at his opponent, and sharply slashed the Rapidash standing on the way of the mystic locket. Light, yet damaging scars appeared on Rapidash's side, as the fire horse toppled to the ground from the supernatural attack; the elusive, rare ability of Dragon Claw...

I feel it's a bit short. :/ And most likely makes no sense whatsoever. =)
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Lost but Seeking
Meh. For dragon dance:

Flygon thundered into the air, dragonfly wings whipping the air to a frenzy as he shot up into the sky. The desert song that its wings stirred from the wind rose to a keening pitch as he strained ever higher, the air growing thin and close and the arena falling far behind. The deadly cold of the upper air stung his muscles and his breath came in short gasps. Closing his eyes, he reached for just one foot more, every muscle straining--and then his wings cut out.

The desert song snapped mid-note, replaced by the empty roaring of high winds, as flygon continued to soar for a brief instant, his momentum carrying him upward, before it could no longer hold out against the incredible strain of gravity and he began to fall once more.

Eyes still closed, flygon felt suddenly weightless as he abruptly changed direction, tumbling head over heels through a low layer of cloud and towards the earth below. Wind snarled in his ears and teased his wings, which produced a razor-thin whine as they sliced through the atmosphere. He blocked out of the tortured sound and began to dance, moving to the melody of the desert-song that he could now hear only in his head.

While rhydon waited impatiently below, one rocky paw held up to shield his eyes as he searched for some sign of his opponent's return. But flygon was still far above, twisting and rolling over and over in the air, his tail slicing back and forth through the keening wind. Had his eyes been open, he would have been lost in the pitch and whirl of sky blending into earth, the horizon spinning on end and falling in upon itself as up and down became meaningless. The pull of gravity seemed to come from all directions at once and not at all as flygon, his eyes closed, became lost in the dance instead of in the shifting earth. Adrenaline flooded his veins as he focused the power of the sky and of the wind within himself, danger filling him with elation as he plummeted towards the earth. The true dragon was master of earth and sky, afraid of neither and born of both.

As flygon wrapped himself in the last shreds of sky, now a mere ten feet above the earth, he felt the power of the ancients surge through him, acknowledging his risk and lending their strength to his own. His eyes snapped open, alight with an inner fire, and his wings roared to life as he flipped neatly out of his fall, hovering a mere three feet above the earth. The power of dragon dance thundered in his veins as he lunged for ryhdon, the rock-type still baffled by his sudden reappearance. Lashing out with his hind legs, flygon sent the titan toppling backwards with the earth-shattering blow of a double mega kick....

Obviously impractical for standard battles, but for a climax or something I think it could work.

Ryano Ra

Verdant Vitality
Actually, Negrek, that was very, very good for Dragon Dance. O.O;;

For me, I would have done so for the following for Dragon Dance;

Charizard soared under the heavens, wings flapping elegantly while coasting a rising symphony of gales and harsh winds. Looking below with determined, hardened eyes, the winged monster plummeted to earth like a flaming bullet of the Void, blasting through the atmospheric boundaries that seperated spirits and life, the living and the benevolent dead. Lightning streaked from one malicious miasma to the next, and out came the sonata of thunderclaps and an angelic song, mixing together to bring out a sudden bolt of green light. Making strong contact with Charizard, it could only assist in the best way possible - the flame-spewing beast gleamed of the crystalline glow, manuevering and gliding and sailing through the air with sheer beauty. It was a gorgeous sight to see, until alacrity met her heart and she slackened her movement, floating still and calm. She had done it.

o.o;; I would so something of that material in a more serious, powerful, complex battle than the earlier ones in my story.

Evanji Axu

Dammit. All my favorite Pokemon don't learn Dragon Dance or cool stuff like that. And whoever gave poor Mightyena her movepool should be shot.

Thunderpunch for Typhlosion:

The orange dragon crossed his forelegs, drifting in mid-air. <Catch me...if you can. Heh heh heh...> This only further frustrated his opponent, snarling impotently at the smug Charizard. She sprang skyward multiple times, only to be met with a suave dodge. This continued until he tired of toying with her and swooped without warning, knocking the Typhlosion to the ground with his long tail.
<Oh, blast...> She lay prone on the ground, steely-blue back glinting in the sun. Spitting out a little blood, the mustelid forced herself back onto her feet, feeling a little static shock from her fur rubbing together. <Ah, now I get it.> She began to writhe wildly as he launched his claw forward in vain. He clawed again and again, never more than scratching her as electricity built up. Suddenly, she stood still, her eyes glowing blood red as lightning crackled about the back of her neck, flowing into one claw and charging it up.
<Oh, how the tables have turned...> Blinded by the glow, the Charizard didn't notice the danger until he'd been punched square in the gut, bellowing in rage as he was knocked into the fast-flowing river. The Typhlosion smirked as she watched him weakly beat his charred wings. Herself badly injured, she crawled back to her den for some well-deserved rest. <Heh heh, he'll never live this down...>

Anyone can bash Charizard, but I can do it with STYLE!


Friendly POKéMON.
Great thread! I love doing these things!

All right, then, without further ado, let me present some of my attack combinations, detailings and counters:

I always thought of Earthquake and Magnitude as a sort of colossal Stomp on the ground for non-Ground types, and just manipulating the floor so that it has shock waves going through it if a Ground type did it. Usually the user would simply cause the waves to radiate from them, but all Ground types and some very (and by that I mean very) skilled non-Ground types can focus the shock waves in one direction, by tipping the Stomp in a very precise angle if the user wasn't a Ground type, and, in the case of Ground types, simply focussing all the energy in that direction.

Fissure could be done by using two of the Pokemon's appendages - in the case of non-Grounds - to stomp in just the right angle in three directions - forward and to the right and left. If done properly, it would cause a gigantic split in the entire crust of the earth (yes, I think of all OHKO's as fatal moves), so that anyone unlucky enough to fall would go straight to the mantle and a horrible death, or if the user reseals the Fissure before the victim reached the bottom, it would quite literally squish the unfortunate one. Painful, eh? Of course, in the age of Trainers, it would be banned, and even in the time when Pokemon roamed free, it would be restricted to duels. Also, the Ground-type would have to have a great multitasking skill in order to pull it off, as the Pokemon would have to send a very powerful surge of Ground energy one way while simultaneously doing the same for the other way, so that the crust would split in two.

Twister would be really fun to describe. I think I'll make a little snippet.


"Nice try," said the Gyarados. "You actually thought a Quick Attack would even harm me, Pidgey?"

"You don't even know the meaning of pain."

All at once, the sea serpent's aqua blue fins began glowing a neon cerulean. They rapidly grew, soon becoming long protrusions that stuck out as lethally as those of a Steelix, but much more suited for the task they would perform.

"No, no no, no, please, sir, forgive me!' cried the Pidgey. She knew very well the pain the next attack could bring. All the elders had been permanently scarred by it - if they had even survived, that is. She shuddered at the thought.

Before the helpless Pidgey could do any more, the Gyarados began violently twisting in mid-air, creating a gigantic tornado that whipped lethally, screeching with its sheer force. The merciless serpent in the tornado's heart began cruelly approaching a nearby stand of trees, hoping to make the pain for his victim even worse than it would soon be. In a matter of seconds, everything within the stand was sucked into the typhloon, rocks whizzing lethally as the bare skeletons of trees spun about. To add a last finishing touch, the creature within began rapidly spewing fire from his mouth, which joined the mad frenzy of boulders, trees and the occasional Pokemon. Finally prepared, he turned to his opponent, letting his anger for besmirching his territory take full control of him.

"You have never felt true pain... but you will now."


Well, that really sucked... and now I don't want to do anything else...

Although I really want to know how Psych Up would work. Does anybody else have an idea?


Cascade Trainer
i was wonderering what about sheer cold?
here is my vision of it

the Articuno look intensially at the trained trying to catch it. "ok now Syther use false swipe one more time." the trainer said. The green mantis buzzed around and its right sythe started to glow. after it swiped at the air and a long blade of enegry went straight for the Articuno. the Articuno sensed this and rose in to the air, wings spread out and cried out. Then waves of enegry was emmited from the icy bird and with a flash of light everything was covered in ice including the Syther.

so what did you think. anyway I also included mind reader and false swipe too.