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+ Devil Øf The Hunt + [One Shot/PG 13]


Memories in the Rain
+ Devil Øf The Hunt + [One Shot/PG 13]

A-HEM! Yes, its me again, Knightblazer, the-wannabe-Mew-and-Mewtwo-crap-shipping-fic-one-shot-writer. But luckily, I'm not writing a Mew X Dark Mewtwo fic, because... I have no inspiration. XD But then, I got some after reading Hellsing Volume 5, or more specfically, D: Part Six to Nine - the entire Rip-got-her-socks-knocked-off-by-Alucard. XD So yeah... I writng a One-shot based on that, with a twist of my Midian: City Of The Damned fanfic. About 1,000 words long, and very strange style of writingness, IMHO. And so... here we go!

By rule and credit, the lyrics are from the Opera Der Freischütz (or "The Magic Bullet Marksman") written by Carl Maria von Weber. ^^;

And oh, this is gonna be my entery for the Myths and Legends One Shot contest. Link ish here><;

•| Devil Øf The Hunt |•

What is this thing?
This dread, this valley of fear?​

The endless echoes of gunfire rang as the military began their attack upon the huge winged silhouette. Loud splatters of blood could be heard as the bullets met their mark, but not once did the figure stop. It nose dived, crimson eyes blazing with triumph and insane glee as a pillar of red and orange erupted from its beak.

There is a devilish hunter there,
And he is on the hunt.

Men screamed as the pillar of flames met its target, the area exploding as rubble flew into the night sky. The sound of pebbles ringed as bone shards landed noisily onto the earth. More screams were now audible as some evacuated the area.

All who have heard that sound flee from it.​

The figure continued its suicidal decent towards the building, the smoky trail behind it in a plume of white and gray against the jet-black sky.

As a hunter, what is there to fear?

Ho-Oh screeched out a cry of insane joy as the building edged closer towards him. A silent figure stood upon the winged hunches of the fallen phoenix, its cloak rustling noisily against the violent winds as crimson eyes slowly silted. A gleam of insanity sparkled within those garnet depths.

Does fear exist within the heart of a hunter?​

The figure standing upon Ho-Oh flashed a grin of triumph as he spotted his target. With a wave of his paw, Ho-Oh screeched yet again as released another fiery attack. Mewtwo’s blood-red eyes glowed unnaturally in anticipation as the phoenix reached its target.

I appear within the depths of the night…​

Upon the building, a figure stood, long jet-black hair flying in the breeze, a streak jumping over her garnet eyes and Cheshire grin visible upon her face.

I give no heed to any fears…

The woman’s coal black eyes gleamed with excitement as she raised her musket.

Even when the evergreen is shaken by the storm…

…even when the birds cry out.

A single shot burst from the weapon as a whizzing purple orb with slicing edges flew straight towards the figure, shearing through the attacker. Yet the figure still did not stop.

I am worried,
I am worried.

I am worried,
I am worried.​

There is no need to hurry so;
Don’t go, don’t go.

The bullet continued its destructive path, but Mewtwo just let out a roar of insane laughter as the faintest flicker of flames began to appear all over Ho-Oh.

The moonbeams are still sure;
The moonlight makes it yet like Twilight.

But before long…​

…that light will fade as well.

The grin upon the woman’s face slowly turned into a look of pure shock and then terror as the fallen phoenix burst into a frightening figure of blazing embers and tendrils of pure shadow with a deafening explosion.

A v-voice is c-c-coming from th-there…​

…a-a v-v-voice th-that is c-c-calling t-to m-me.

Every human within the building now gasped out in shock and terror as a huge figure appeared from the Shadow Phoenix, its garnet eyes glowing in excitement for the massacre ahead. A Cheshire grin flashed upon its face as Mewtwo merged with Ho-Oh himself.

Soon, the light of the day shall vanish too…

Fate has driven you.

With a shrill cry, the bird crashed itself hard against the building, immediately exploding in a wave of blood and ashes. The woman screamed as she scrambled away from the area, eyes widening in shock as the lanky form of Mewtwo slowly turned his head towards her, his crimson gaze locked onto hers. A Cheshire grin crept upon his face when he saw the terror in her eyes. Oh, how the Devil loved to taste her fear and horror.

“A magnificent ability, Lieutenant Rip.”

“No doubt the magic bullets of the legendary demonic hunter.”

“J-Jawohl! Herr Major!”

The woman whimpered in fear as Mewtwo slowly walked towards her. Softly, a single name came out from her trembling lips. “Zamiel…”

“Der Freischütz, eh? Certainly this is the same as the devil’s own deed;
But it would be best if you kept something in mind, Lieutenant.”


“…Zamiel…!” whimpered the female as she scrambled away from the clone, her eyes wide in fear.

“Do you know the finale of Der Freischütz, Liuentant?
At the end of the opera, Caspar is taken to hell by the demon hunter king, Zamiel, whom he had duelled with, and his corpse thrown into the Wolf’s Glen.”​

The liuentant stopped when she was faced with a dead end of the place. She turned to see Mewtwo still walking towards her, an insane grin now clearly visible upon his ashen face. Crimson eyes gleamed as a paw slowly reached towards her face. Rip slowly backed away from the outstreched paw.

“For if thou presumeth to flirt with spirits…
…thou shalt join them.”

“Take heed, Liuentant.”​

“ZAMIEL!” she screamed in fright, moments before the clone harshly grabbed her face. With a sinister chuckle, the clone grabbed the musket Rip Van was clenching so tightly and directed it above her chest. A scream escaped the woman as the weapon plunged straight through her chest. As the pain slowly numbed her senses, she felt ice-cold breath creeping along her throat… followed by a sudden flash of pain exactly on her jagular vein as fangs pierced her delicate skin. She looked at the depths of Mewtwo’s garnet vision as her vision began blurring and strength left her like a broken dam. Wrapped by the icy tendrils of shadow, the Liuentant felt her life being slowly drained by the beast. Slowly, as the last of her life flickered away, she remembered the Major’s last words.

“Zamiel may just…

…appear before you, too.”​

As the tranquility of the night slowly returned, the corpse of Rip van Winkle was devoured by the shadows as Mewtwo’s insane roar of laughter rang into the night. For in the end, even the hunter herself had been taken by the Devil of the Hunt.

Knightblazer ;262;
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Sike Saner

Peace to the Mountain
Mewtwo and Ho-oh—two great tastes that taste great together! =D

But yeah, there was something distinctly ***-kicking about the image of Mewtwo riding a fricking PHOENIX—imagine seeing that coming right for you. Sucks to be Rip for sure. XP

Particularly delicious moments:

The grin upon the woman’s face slowly turned into a look of pure shock and then terror as the fallen phoenix burst into a frightening figure of blazing embers and tendrils of pure shadow with a deafening explosion.

With a shrill cry, the bird crashed itself hard against the building, immediately exploding in a wave of blood and ashes.

So, then. That was a boss read, with some nice, memorable, fiery, bloody imagery to boot. Fwee. :D


Well-Known Member
Yuss yuss, I read this. I accidentally commented about it in yoru other thread, though...oops. XD

I'll say it again--AMAZING IMAGERY. And the song goes so well with it too--sets the whole mood and tone of the narrative. ^^


Ah, so this is one of the members that I am going against in the Myths and Legends contest...

Man, this is a really great read. So a woman comes to try to get Mewtwo but failed ey? Awsome! XD

(If I interperet this wrong, then a million sorries.

Yeah, like Scrap said, the song is excellent and all of the description is great.

I think the only think I hate is your repetition of "Cheshire smile". Maybe you could use "a big smile" or "a satisfied grin". Something different. ^^

Well, good luck on the contest!

;134;~Good night, and good luck~


Always watching...
“Do you know the finale of Der Freischütz, Liuentant?

The liuentant stopped when she was faced with a dead end of the place.

“Take heed, Liuentant.”

Wrapped by the icy tendrils of shadow, the Liuentant felt her life being slowly drained by the beast.
XD Woa. Better look in a dictionary for "Lieutenant", since you won't find this one in there! Or is it a rank I've never heard of before?

Darkness is definitely your trump card. You're the twilight warrior all right, but your legacy extends far beyond the sunset. ;)


The Compromise


That was awesome. =D

The description, use of song, the way you have written it... *sighs* Wonderful. =D

...I have no chance. XD

Edit: I forgot to mention: The bullet thing slightly confused me, and I thought Rip Van Winkle was an old guy. XD Goes to show you shouldn't judge a book by its cover... *saw a book called Rip Van Winkle with an old guy on the front* XD I have no clue who she/he is, which didn't help. XD
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Timid Kyogre

Endangered Creature
Personally, I like your other one shot (The Hunter and the Hunted) better...^^; there isn't much to say, really. Don't worry, the description was amazing, it just...didn't catch my attention for some weird reason.

Sorry ^^;


Does fear exist within the heart of a hunter?

That one was cool, in my opinion XD

And KB, my dear friend, the day where you'll write a fic WITHOUT Mewtwo, Mew, or Mightyena is when pigs fly, and I hate peanut butter.



~Timid Kyogre


Memories in the Rain
Heheh... I'm beginning to have second thoughts about using this One Shot for the Myths and Legends contest... maybe I should use The Hunter and The Hunted... ^^; Well, I'll think about it. O.O; *gets stares from readers*

Hahahabvc87: O.O;... Darn Microsoft word.... -.- They corrected the word like that... danggggggggggggg..... T_T "Twilight Warrior"? Maybe I should consider changing to "Twilight Writer!" ! LOLZ. XDXDXD (Sorry, little high on sugar and coke now... XD)

katiekitten: =D Nah, you'll have a chance, mi rusty sword plushie compare; everyone does. ^^ And meh, I had a tough time trying to describe Rip too. O.O; (Never ever try to type fanfics while reading Hellsing at the same time)



Meh, now I'm beginning to wonder if I should switch to The Hunter And The Hunted for my entry... it does seem to do more justice. ><; Yep, I liked that line too. XD A a fic without Mewtwo, Mew or Mightyena...? *tries to think*

...Knightblazer wouldn't exist. T_T

Well, the third Chapter of Midian will be up in... 12 hours, people. Wait until then! ^.~

Knightblazer ;262;