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Devil May Cry 4 Demo - VIDEO!


Webmaster | Writer
No matter what company I'm a fan of, I couldn't pass up a chance to play this in Japan. I'm currently a foriegn exchange student here, so I got my hands on the excellent PS3 demo for Devil May Cry 4. It was definitely pretty sweet.

To see the video: Click Here


- Graphics:
Ok, so it's the PlayStation 3. Of course they were awesome, and I was impressed. However, it wasn't anything that made my jaw drop such as some of the new FF videos. In fact, it was more of an XBox360 looking game, nothing graphically superior in my opinion. The flame punch was probably the coolest attack and definitely looked the best when compared to the gun and sword. Enemies looked crisp and detailed, very weird mutant clown/scarecrow things with blades for appendages. It was fun shooting/slashing/fire-owning them with the next gen graphics.

- Controls
The basic controls were as follows: Left Analog moved Nero / Right Analog controlled Camera / O = Fire Punch / X = Jump / [Square] = Gun / [Triangle] = Sword. Start button paused obviously, and I didn't use any of the other buttons, maybe I should have. The explanation for the controls was, of course, in Japanese which was no help. L / R...maybe block or something, maybe something else, dunno. The SIXAXIS controller was just used normally, nothing happened when I tilted it all over, which I kind of wanted to try out. Besides my not liking where the analog buttons are, the controllers were sharp and responsive, and so was the controller. Although, I will say that the attacks weren't instantaneous, so when you did a sword slash in the wrong direction, it wastes time and you're very open to enemy attacks. Nice control scheme in my opinion.

- Gameplay
Although the demo was amazingly easy for what I've heard is a tough series, it was enjoyable. I definitely didn't want the demo to be so short, and I was loathe to give it up. Enemies came in basically only two types, so it also didn't give a very broad look at what other things you'll have to kill in the full game. There are "Red Orbs" that come out of enemies as you defeat them, and I have no idea what they do. There's a counter at the top right hand for them, possibly like sonic rings or mario coins. I dunno. "Green Orbs" can come out of destructible objects in the game, which are infrequent, and I had no idea what those did either. No counter for them though. Nero has a combo meter that increases rapidly when you string together attacks so that they're nonstop. They power up your fire punch I believe. The system goes D -> C -> B -> A and has little catchphrases for the letters like Do it for D and so on. Watch the video. Also, there's obviously a health bar. Nothing special about it that I noticed.

Well, hope you guys enjoyed that. I sure enjoyed the demo. If you guys have any questions, feel free to post. That video took a LONG time to get up, since my camera takes them in MOVs, and I needed to convert it for a smaller file format. Ugh. Most of the video is of another kid playing, as I couldn't film *and* play, I tried. So thanks to him...whatever his name was.
:eek: holy **** dude that's crazy def must buy for the PS3


Oh noes, toast =O
It;s games like this that make me consider buying PS3, it looked quite good, but yeah, graphically it didn;t live up to all the PS3 hype, then again, it's only a demo.


Just 10 more days!! i just cant wait the game looks sweet ima buy it :D


Webmaster | Writer
The PS3's first games won't live up to the hype, just to tell you ;<

However...the Wii...now that has Zelda...
The PS3's first games won't live up to the hype, just to tell you ;<

However...the Wii...now that has Zelda...

So the Wii has a gamecube port as it's flagship title...does that tell you something?
It's not Nintendo even commented on it, it's a port franky.
it's being released first, it was made on the gamecube first, get your facts straight.

What the hell does it matter where it was released first, it was made on the gamecube and ported over to the wii and added sensor controls...
it's being released first, it was made on the gamecube first, get your facts straight.

What the hell does it matter where it was released first, it was made on the gamecube and ported over to the wii and added sensor controls...

Well, since the GC version has not been released, it can't be a port, since a port is a game that was created a while ago for another system and is being ported over to some other one.

The Wii version was created while the GC version was still in production.

and ported over to the wii and added sensor controls..
Among other things which you seem to fail to mention.
Well, since the GC version has not been released, it can't be a port, since a port is a game that was created a while ago for another system and is being ported over to some other one.

The Wii version was created while the GC version was still in production.

Among other things which you seem to fail to mention.

um the game started on the gamecube over 2 years ago, the code was *gasp* PORTED to the Wii version. The gamecube version wasn't released so it wouldn't cut into their Wii profit margin of the SAME GAME for the gamecube.


Webmaster | Writer
It's the same game you guys, just two versions. Like releasing Pokemon Mystery Dungeon on two handhelds, the DS version just had extra controls and some nicer features.

In this case, the Wii version has better graphics and a more natural movement-controlled play system that most critics hale as superior to a regular controller.

This is Zelda. Remember that. Not shooter/action game that's just known to be "above average" at very best. Ocarina of Time is still revered by many as one of, if not the, greatest game of all time. The Wii is launching with a Zelda game.

'Nuff said.


Crack the Skye
This is Zelda. Remember that. Not shooter/action game that's just known to be "above average" at very best. Ocarina of Time is still revered by many as one of, if not the, greatest game of all time. The Wii is launching with a Zelda game.

'Nuff said.

Xbox launched with Halo.......Halo 2 was a system seller......but it still faired 2nd place. One game doesn't make a system. :( And Sony still has Resistence to sell like crazy.....

PS3 games are looking like 2nd gen 360 games...I'll give Sony that much (graphic-wise).

Now, I do want to see (once both systems are physically here) which has the stronger overall GPU....because if (like I recall) the 360 has the stronger one but a weaker CPU....we have here an interesting war.


Webmaster | Writer
Playing this demo, to me, just showed that graphics aren't everything.

Yeah...it looked sexy and realistic. But, didn't really add to the game in my opinion. It was just sort of an added bonus. I could play a PS2 or GCN game and be just as happy.

The Wii is at least something new.
Ok and where exactly did you play this demo?