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dewford town a locked door

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Well-Known Member
The locked door is actually in Mossdeep, and you get to it by using E-Reader cards. The room gives access to a particular trainer (depending on the E-Reader card you use) and you battle him/her.


The new tuxedo look!
There is no locked door in dewford, the only locked door is the one in mossdeep, just read what acheront said.


oblivion weilder
no theres a house or houses there that you cant get into


Obsessive Beader/Mod
It's in Sootopolis in Emerald, and in Mossdeep in R/S. You can only use the e-cards in R/S--Emerald isn't compatible with the e-reader, so you can't do anything with the door in there.

Please don't request a thread to be locked unless you're the topic creator. >>;;

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