I've recently started to do EV training again, after having played the normal game for 200 hours. I really want to start doing a lot of online battling later, since it's fun. So, here's my first two Pokemon that I've raised fully, plus my third one that I just hatched:
Goukazaru @ Powerful Herb
EVs: 255 in Special Attack, 255 in Speed
Ability: Blaze
Nature: Quiet
- Scheme
- Solarbeam
- Flamethrower
- Focus Bomb
Good old Special Sweeper. I had no idea what his nature was when I first started raising him. When I found out it was Quiet, it was a good/bad situation, since it raises Special Attack but lowers Speed.
Anyway, in case you don't know what the Powerful Herb does, it cuts out charging times on a charge move once, hence Solarbeam. It was funny, in the Battle Tower someone sent out an Omastar against me. I just Solarbeam it for the OHKO. I wish it was a human player, just so I could have heard their response.
Scheme is there to boost all of his attacks, obvioulsy.
Flamethrower and Focus Bomb are there for STAB. However, I only rely on Focus Bomb if I really need it, since it has only 70% accuracy.
Calculating his IVs on the IV calculator, I get this (with this actual stat beside it):
HP: 13 (142)
Att: 13 (115)
Def: 9 (80)
Sp. Att: 1 (155)
Sp. Def: 31 (95)
Speed: 31 (149)
Look at that Speed IV, makes up for the bad nature. Shame about the Sp. Att one, but again, his nature kind of helps there. Oh well.
Mimiroppu @ Nothing Yet
EVs: 255 in Attack, 255 in Speed
Ability: Cute Charm
Nature: Impish
- Thunder Punch
- Ice Punch
- Drain Punch
- Return
Physical Sweeper, that covers most types. IVs and stats are:
HP: 5 (127)
Att: 29 (127)
Def: 27 (112)
Sp. Att: 1 (53)
Sp. Def: 29 (115)
Speed: 29 (156)
Much better, since I've EV trained her in her better stats. What luck.
My last Pokemon is just a projection. I have yet to actually raise it:
Heracross @ Still deciding
EVs in Attack and Speed
Ability: Guts
Nature: Hasty
- Megahorn
- Brick Break
- Stone Edge
- Earthquake
Physical Sweeper. I believe the Choice Band would go well with him.
I've still undecided on my other 3 Pokemon, but I'm pretty sure Gardevoir will get worked in here somehow. Comments please.
Goukazaru @ Powerful Herb
EVs: 255 in Special Attack, 255 in Speed
Ability: Blaze
Nature: Quiet
- Scheme
- Solarbeam
- Flamethrower
- Focus Bomb
Good old Special Sweeper. I had no idea what his nature was when I first started raising him. When I found out it was Quiet, it was a good/bad situation, since it raises Special Attack but lowers Speed.
Anyway, in case you don't know what the Powerful Herb does, it cuts out charging times on a charge move once, hence Solarbeam. It was funny, in the Battle Tower someone sent out an Omastar against me. I just Solarbeam it for the OHKO. I wish it was a human player, just so I could have heard their response.
Scheme is there to boost all of his attacks, obvioulsy.
Flamethrower and Focus Bomb are there for STAB. However, I only rely on Focus Bomb if I really need it, since it has only 70% accuracy.
Calculating his IVs on the IV calculator, I get this (with this actual stat beside it):
HP: 13 (142)
Att: 13 (115)
Def: 9 (80)
Sp. Att: 1 (155)
Sp. Def: 31 (95)
Speed: 31 (149)
Look at that Speed IV, makes up for the bad nature. Shame about the Sp. Att one, but again, his nature kind of helps there. Oh well.
Mimiroppu @ Nothing Yet
EVs: 255 in Attack, 255 in Speed
Ability: Cute Charm
Nature: Impish
- Thunder Punch
- Ice Punch
- Drain Punch
- Return
Physical Sweeper, that covers most types. IVs and stats are:
HP: 5 (127)
Att: 29 (127)
Def: 27 (112)
Sp. Att: 1 (53)
Sp. Def: 29 (115)
Speed: 29 (156)
Much better, since I've EV trained her in her better stats. What luck.
My last Pokemon is just a projection. I have yet to actually raise it:
Heracross @ Still deciding
EVs in Attack and Speed
Ability: Guts
Nature: Hasty
- Megahorn
- Brick Break
- Stone Edge
- Earthquake
Physical Sweeper. I believe the Choice Band would go well with him.
I've still undecided on my other 3 Pokemon, but I'm pretty sure Gardevoir will get worked in here somehow. Comments please.