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Diablocon's Online Battling Team

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Final Fantasy Fan
I've recently started to do EV training again, after having played the normal game for 200 hours. I really want to start doing a lot of online battling later, since it's fun. So, here's my first two Pokemon that I've raised fully, plus my third one that I just hatched:

Goukazaru @ Powerful Herb
EVs: 255 in Special Attack, 255 in Speed
Ability: Blaze
Nature: Quiet

- Scheme
- Solarbeam
- Flamethrower
- Focus Bomb

Good old Special Sweeper. I had no idea what his nature was when I first started raising him. When I found out it was Quiet, it was a good/bad situation, since it raises Special Attack but lowers Speed.
Anyway, in case you don't know what the Powerful Herb does, it cuts out charging times on a charge move once, hence Solarbeam. It was funny, in the Battle Tower someone sent out an Omastar against me. I just Solarbeam it for the OHKO. :D I wish it was a human player, just so I could have heard their response.
Scheme is there to boost all of his attacks, obvioulsy.
Flamethrower and Focus Bomb are there for STAB. However, I only rely on Focus Bomb if I really need it, since it has only 70% accuracy.

Calculating his IVs on the IV calculator, I get this (with this actual stat beside it):

HP: 13 (142)
Att: 13 (115)
Def: 9 (80)
Sp. Att: 1 (155)
Sp. Def: 31 (95)
Speed: 31 (149)

Look at that Speed IV, makes up for the bad nature. Shame about the Sp. Att one, but again, his nature kind of helps there. Oh well.

Mimiroppu @ Nothing Yet
EVs: 255 in Attack, 255 in Speed
Ability: Cute Charm
Nature: Impish

- Thunder Punch
- Ice Punch
- Drain Punch
- Return

Physical Sweeper, that covers most types. IVs and stats are:

HP: 5 (127)
Att: 29 (127)
Def: 27 (112)
Sp. Att: 1 (53)
Sp. Def: 29 (115)
Speed: 29 (156)

Much better, since I've EV trained her in her better stats. What luck. :)

My last Pokemon is just a projection. I have yet to actually raise it:

Heracross @ Still deciding
EVs in Attack and Speed
Ability: Guts
Nature: Hasty

- Megahorn
- Brick Break
- Stone Edge
- Earthquake

Physical Sweeper. I believe the Choice Band would go well with him.

I've still undecided on my other 3 Pokemon, but I'm pretty sure Gardevoir will get worked in here somehow. Comments please.


I've recently started to do EV training again, after having played the normal game for 200 hours. I really want to start doing a lot of online battling later, since it's fun. So, here's my first two Pokemon that I've raised fully, plus my third one that I just hatched:

Goukazaru @ Leftovers
EVs: 255 in Special Attack, 255 in Speed (I wish you would have done 252 SA/~200 Speed/rest in HP
Ability: Blaze
Nature: Quiet

- HP Ghost
- Scheme
- Flamethrower
- Focus Bomb

Fixed it up. Solar beam is situational, so I decided to replace it with HP Ghost, so you can hit everything for at least Neutral damage.

Mimiroppu @ Leftovers
EVs: Max HP/200 Speed/58 Attack
Ability: Cute Charm
Nature: Jolly

- Agility
- Baton Pass
- Jump Kick
- Return

Why don't we leave coverage to Gouky and send him some speed?

HP: 5 (127)
Att: 29 (127)
Def: 27 (112)
Sp. Att: 1 (53)
Sp. Def: 29 (115)
Speed: 29 (156)

Much better, since I've EV trained her in her better stats. What luck. :)

My last Pokemon is just a projection. I have yet to actually raise it:

Heracross @ Choice Band
252 A/252 S/6 HP
Ability: Guts
Nature: Hasty

- Megahorn
- Focus Punch
- Stone Edge
- Earthquake

Physical Sweeper. I believe the Choice Band would go well with him.

I've still undecided on my other 3 Pokemon, but I'm pretty sure Gardevoir will get worked in here somehow. Comments please.

Hope I helped so far.



HP Ghost on Goukazaru is retarded when Flamethrower does more damage. So is Solarbeam + Powerful Herb. You only get to use the Herb once.

Goukazaru @Leftovers
Modest Nature
-Focus Bomb
-Will-o-wisp/Slack Off

Mimiroppu's biggest use is its ability to Sneak Black Steel Orb onto opponents. It should not be used as a pure sweeper...there are much better Pokemon for that.

Mimiroppu @ Black Steel Orb
Jolly Nature
Trait: Disuse
- Return
- Jump Kick
- Sneak
- Ice Punch


prophecy fulfilled
you do know 255/255 ev spread wastes 6 evs right?


Final Fantasy Fan
Hope I helped so far.

Unfortunately I can't get HP Ghost. Remember, this isn't Net Battle, this is actually in game. Plus, Flamethrower with Scheme can do lots of damage to anything that doesn't resist, so HP Ghost is rather useless. And so is the Leftovers. Goukazaru cannot take a hit at all. One Dig from a Rhyhorn was enough to KO him. :(

As for Baton Passing Mimi, it's a good idea, but Mimi actually does well as a Sweeper. She won't OHKO anything, but she dents things pretty heavily. My idea was to make another Baton Passer with Swords Dance, then pass it onto her. Plus Jump Kick is Ok, but Drain Punch help staying power.

HP Ghost on Goukazaru is retarded when Flamethrower does more damage. So is Solarbeam + Powerful Herb. You only get to use the Herb once.

Retarded? Did you even read my post? I said I was aware that Powerful Herb only worked once, I've already got the Powerful Herb and used it several times in the Battle Tower. The point is that if my opponent sends out a Ground/Water type, I can OHKO it (provided I've Schemed), so I don't have to switch, and loss the stat boost gotten from the aforementioned Scheme. I even provided an example of when this actually happened to me.

you do know 255/255 ev spread wastes 6 evs right?

Yeah, but I'm lazy. I can't be bothered constantly noting down how many EVs I've used. :p
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payne, please don't bump topics.

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