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Dialguy's Item Shop


Item Specialist
I'm gonna give this another shot. If you want any items come here to ask for them. I'm not going to put up all the items i have because I have alot. I don't currently have the power EV items, but I am going to try and get them, so for now don't ask for them. I will change this message when I get them.

Noteworthy Pokemon I Have:
Shiny Psyduck*
Shiny Charizard
Shiny Ho-oh*
Shiny Palkia
Ice Punch/Fire Punch/Cross Chop Elekid
Female Scizor
The 3 Elves
Male Ralts
2nd Gen Starters
Celebi (not legit)

* Means I have more than one of them.

If there is a pokemon you are looking for and it isn't on the list, ask if i have it, and I'll check. I am mainly looking for shinies in return (legitimacy doesn't matter for event pokemon) but i will consider all offers. Enough of me talking, ask away.

Warning: The pokemon I have put up for trade will likely be clones, so if you don't want clones, don't ask, and if you have arranged for a trade that involves one of my clones, I don't have these pokemon cloned, and I don't have the best luck with cloning, so it could be a while. Also I will be unable to trade Monday to Wednesday of next week. Have fun.
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<-- My first shiny!
Do you have a light ball or a soul dew?


Item Specialist
both, i think. what can you trade


pokemon masta
do you have 2 soul dews perhaps because i want one... i also want your psyduck.... i have a shiny legit pkrus lvl 100 celebii...


ESP Used Psychic
2 questions.

Do you have a Black Sludge?

What nature and level are your shinies?


Item Specialist
@ nef: if you could evolve the rhyhorn and stick a protector on it that would be sufficient for the two of them.

@ squal: i do have 2 soul dews (more actually) and if you want the psyduck it could take a while to clone it.

@ ESP: i do have black sludge and
ho-oh is level 73, timid
palkia is level 50, hardy
charizard is level 43, jolly
and psyduck is level 26, lonely


pokemon masta
@ nef: if you could evolve the rhyhorn and stick a protector on it that would be sufficient for the two of them.

@ squal: i do have 2 soul dews (more actually) and if you want the psyduck it could take a while to clone it.

@ ESP: i do have black sludge and
ho-oh is level 73, timid
palkia is level 50, hardy
charizard is level 43, jolly
and psyduck is level 26, lonely

kool, i can wait ^_^


Item Specialist
ok i'll pm you when it's ready.


Item Specialist


ESP Used Psychic
I'll give you shiny Breloom (Lv. 100, Ev trained) holding one of the power Ev Items for one of your shinies holding black sludge.


Item Specialist
@ ESP: ok i already have shiny palkia and ho-oh cloned. i'll be ready in a few seconds. i'm gonna go get a protector myself.


Item Specialist
not yet, i'm trying


Item Specialist
ok i got him. tell me when you're on