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diamond and jade

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first off sorry if anyone has posted this before but anyways

who here hs got/played these games, i got them at this stall at a fair, uaware they were fake about 3/4 years ago.

for fake games i thought it was ok,.

as the utter rubbishness and stupidness of it kept it interesting


grim reaper

Your time has come..
they actually sell it!!???


Mightyena Master
I hate diamond!,never heard of jade though!
diamond doesnt even have real pokemon,
and i dont think vagina is a good name for a town.


UberSorcerer said:
I personaly like telefang, its a silly more adult game

Diamond and Jade were Telefang with a changed title screen.


Ex_Kyogre said:
I hate diamond!,never heard of jade though!
diamond doesnt even have real pokemon,
and i dont think vagina is a good name for a town.

There's a town called Vagina!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!


I've finished Telefang and Telefang 2, but I haven't ever seen a town named vagina. Kelina - yes.

Boring is a graphic side, and You must be really strong to endure this sound. But I've finished this game - that's really great, when You're close to finish.

If You don't like Telefang, try to get Telefang 2 Power/ Speed. It's a GBA game. (Try Emule, or something) The grafic is wonderful, music very good, and this story...

And one more thing: There is no POKEMON Diamond/ Jade. Stop calling that this way. It's Telefang.
Hacked, I think...


Etamitlu said:
I've finished Telefang and Telefang 2, but I haven't ever seen a town named vagina. Kelina - yes.

Boring is a graphic side, and You must be really strong to endure this sound. But I've finished this game - that's really great, when You're close to finish.

If You don't like Telefang, try to get Telefang 2 Power/ Speed. It's a GBA game. (Try Emule, or something) The grafic is wonderful, music very good, and this story...

And one more thing: There is no POKEMON Diamond/ Jade. Stop calling that this way. It's Telefang.
Hacked, I think...

Hacked, yes. They used the name Pokemon to make it sell. X_X


Telefang is a very good idea without using a Pokemon name. They don't need it.
I don't think so. You know - copyrights, they can't do this to sell. It must be hacked by something other...


i may have it in a few weeks........ on one of those mega fake all in one games...keep u posted
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