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Diamond and Pearl Discussion Rules

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Well-Known Member
What's the time limit for threads? How long does a thread go until it is considered dead and shouldn't be commented on again?


Well-Known Member
The amount of sheer STUPIDITY in this forum amazes me. And it will stop. NOW.

I've been slacker than I should have in policing this forum, and it's falling apart. The sheer stupidity of the reported posts I've been catching up on is overwhelming. Please, people, START USING COMMON SENSE. Is it really that hard? Familiarize yourselves with the rules, and grow up.

From now on, no warnings. Minimum 3 day bans will be issued on sight of any rule violations, and I expect the other mods in this forum to follow suit.

Take this as an incentive to post better, people.

intergalactic platypus

Only rescues maidens
oh thanks a million times over for ending stupidity. however, i also think you should try and control the intense hostility of this forum. i find the nasty attitude of a lot of people who go here to be just as bad as the dumbness. but im glad a mod is taking some action


...I feel like I wanna cry...

THANK YOU for taking some action in the D/P forum...the noobiness was such that I almost decided to leave the forums outright.


Good, but face it GEODUDE no one puts stats in COMMON SENSE anymore in fact i'm think about a PETAION to have be renamed UNCOMMON SENSE

talkinglike i'm in a rpg is fun
THANK YOU Geodude, I can't explain to you how happy this makes me, (check my sig) This is great, I was asking for insta bans, and now I got them

May's brother

Now to the Maxtreme!
Yes finally someone took action, but it is too late.

Last night, a fellow called mudkip95 (who is now banned) complained about some info being fake, when it wasn't even info, he soon made 3 threads about it and finally he got banned. there have been many more incidents and opurtunities to make action on the behavior.

But ecleast now, we have this post to warn people. :)


That's good. D: I stay far away from the D/P forum, but now perhaps I won't have to fear as much. "no love type? noes.." xD; Despite taking action having been a posibillity since the stupidity "started" ("wHOAmg, new pkmn game!?"), I'm glad that something occured as opposed to nothing. :x

Thank you. :3

Argoxoz Crucificus

Well, apart from the fact that the rule breakers don't read these kinds of threads- At least now n00bs are going to be cut no slack.


Latios said:
Why is it every generation, people get worse and worse at speculation and wishlists?
because every second humans iq gets lower and lower as does my fath in them


Stone Trainer
I think it's because some of the older fans become more and more adverse to change ("This series is in a decline..."), while some of the newer fans, with strong influences to other recent fads, want to see Pokemon combine with them.


Well-Known Member
Could be fallout from Yu-gi-oh and Digimon and various other children's shows, but nowadays, most younger fans see shows and comics with all these radical, new ideas and they want to see those implemented into the games.


To be honest, I stopped posting here in this forum because of my stupidity here. I'm sorry for all the 'n00bness' I've caused, but I still think some members who post here are also mean!


We wouldn't have to be mean if people actually used the brains God gave them. ;\


prophecy fulfilled
Common Sense + Serebiiforums.com doesn't mix imo.


Well-Known Member
I think there should be a penguin pokemon...

Seriously though, thanks Geodude, I won't be as worried as I used to be when coming to this forum... I used to dread sorting through the rubbish in order to find the decent threads that contained proper discussion.
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