It's good to see someone else here has noticed the unecessary abuse of other members simply because of their ideas.
While I am glad that there is finally a decent effort on the crackdown of meaningless posting, I also think some people just need to cool their jets when retaliating. I will agree, that some posts and ideas are quite ridiculous, but these people are only doing what they have the privilege to do, express their ideas. Just because it's never happened or doesn't seem likely to happen doesn't mean someone can't say they'd like to see it. Just because someone makes a post about Pokemon fusion doesn't grant everyone else the license to scream at them. Yes, sometimes their grammar is horrendous and undecipherable, but a nice response asking them to please read the rules and a point in the right direction towards the Newbie Forum and a link to (hint hint) is fine by all means. The issue at hand is that more and more younger fans are joining and emerging themselves in the Serebii online community. By screaming at them you only scare away kids who are here for the same reason as you, an interest in Pokemon. And to the others who aren't young and have been here for a while, those angry protesters make the Serebiiforums seem like a very unwelcoming place. So if all someone does is state an idea they may have, no matter how dumb it sounds to someone, they haven't done anything wrong. Just because their idea doens't seem probable doesn't mean they've commited a crime by saying they think it would make a good addition. The description of the D/P forum says "Tak about The Next gen Pokémon DS games Diamond and Pearl Here!" (that's a direct quote...yes, it does say Tak, haha). And, as far as I see, all that these newbies (or non-newbies, if that's a term) are doing is
just that, talking about D/P. Do I agree with this new rule about instant bans? Sort of. While it does act as a powerful deterrence, it might be a bit unfair towards the younger members or other members who only want to discuss Pokemon. But, if they were to continue performing the same offenses, I could see where a ban would be necessary. Everyone needs a good smack across the face occasionally to get the picture.