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Diamond and Pearl Discussion Rules

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Jynxo, I've been here since before the D/P board existed, and I can still say you're overreacting. Yeah, there's stupid people in the world. DUH. The world is full of them. The insta-ban policy is wrong, it's too harsh. It shouldn't be the mods' job to be unfair and insta-ban people for foolish actions that don't jeopordize the boards of the members, it should be the mods' job to make sure no one is abusing the forums with something that's actually bad. They should be representing the member's interests in keeping the forums clean of things like links and words the younger members shouldn't see. Not insta-banning people because they don't like the way they post.
mmmhmmmm... there is absolutely no stupidity in here at all. Ill show you an example from a thread i happily closed which Ron deleted anyway :<

The thread New pre-evos and evos for existing pokemon in D/P is complete false info
The release date has been pushed forward to tomorrow! Yay!
I am as retarted as the day i was born.

the sorce for the release date was at Yummypokemonjellyyy.com Yes the website does have three y's

By the way, I'm so smart i'm the only one who knows that 1. jynxie is realy jynxo
2. Jynxo is a girl
3. I'm not telling you that!

Mmmm. Now, if certain members keep making ridiculous threads like that, I see nothing wrong with giving a short ban. OH NOZ! 3 DAYZ W/0 TEH INTARW3BZ... T1M3 2 C0MMIT E-SU|CID3 !

Seriously. Spam threads ARE bad and DO make said forum look crappy. Yay lets let the spammer skip around! No thanks.


my eyes are hurting of the lack of common sense lol ahwell


Is now imfamous
Team Rocket Admin said:
He only disagrees because he thought up one of these noobish ideas.

fyi TRadmin I didnt make a n00bish idea...idiot I just joined.


Well-Known Member
Renagadez said:
no I didn't idiot go ahead prove me wrong...im waiting...
Renagadez said:
yeah it is embarassing, And that whole choosing what to say would make things complicated...unless it became a mmorpg
Do I win anything for this? :\


Is now imfamous
Jigpuff said:
Do I win anything for this? :\

do you understand anything I wrote??? I said that the idea would never happen unless it became a mmorpg which its not,I never said it would become an online game and i never said i wanted it too....better luck next time jigpuff...im not trying to flame you or anything but just calm down man or girl.


Well-Known Member
Renagadez said:
do you understand anything I wrote??? I said that the idea would never happen unless it became a mmorpg which its not,I never said it would become an online game and i never said i wanted it too....better luck next time jigpuff...im not trying to flame you or anything but just calm down man or girl.
-_-; Can't we just agree that you're a n00b?
Jigpuff stop flaming.
Renegadez stop flaming.
More will result in a ban.

And we wonder why the D/P forum is so fecked up.....?


Aquarius Sphere
I haven't come to this forum for ages,but then I heard people saying the stupidity in here had risen to horrifying levels. I had a look,and saw how dumb people could be. I'm glad it's been put to a stop,so we can discuss D/P without the n00b's spouting out sheer idoicy.
Honestly, I've seen much worse "stupidity" in my life. This ranks pretty far down on the list. The mods and some users are just making a big deal about it because they seem to have something against people speaking their minds.
Oh yes, we like making random arguements just for the hell of it!!!

No, this forum is horrible in the intelligence factor compared to other forums. Its not like just a handfull of people think this.. there was even a thread on it in Site Discussion --; The mods here wouldnt make a threads about stupidity for no reason.


<-Don't wake him up!
Darkeggy said:

LMAO I wish I could've come up with an idea of that kind of product for my economics project a couple years ago.


perpetually tired
THank you. I looked at the new attack ideas, and the attacks were to UBER. Whats next, UBER attacks. Some where horrid, like a new surf (just a TM not HM), or elemental Hyper Beams with different names. Main it was bad.
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