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Diamond and Pearl Discussion Rules

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F-Zero Addict

Uhh... yes it does. If This (look below) isn't stupidity I don't know what is.

th3r3 sh0l1d b3 a l0ve typ3 p0k3m00n 2 spr3ad th3 lov3 in p0kem0n gam3s.

(simiar to SPPf's spamminess)

Super Hyper Sonic

~MaNyUlA~ said:
Uhh... yes it does. If This (look below) isn't stupidity I don't know what is.

th3r3 sh0l1d b3 a l0ve typ3 p0k3m00n 2 spr3ad th3 lov3 in p0kem0n gam3s.

(simiar to SPPf's spamminess)
If seen worse on GF and even WORSE on GW


Two words: THANK YOU.

About time this stuff was put to an end.


question: whats up with locking the threads that died and then get bumped? it's not against the rules, it's actualy following the rules by searching for topics before starting a new thread.

So isn't bumping better then repeat thread topics? Newcomers may want to post their 2 cents as well, but get yelled at for starting a new thread and now get yelled at for continuing an old thread which is what you yelled at them to do.

So you may want to add the rule about bumping threads, or just lock all the threads in which you think are finished and should never be added to again. Don't yell at people for following the rules.

Wolf Goddess

~Lupo Di Autunno~
kizmitt said:
question: whats up with locking the threads that died and then get bumped? it's not against the rules, it's actualy following the rules by searching for topics before starting a new thread.

So isn't bumping better then repeat thread topics? Newcomers may want to post their 2 cents as well, but get yelled at for starting a new thread and now get yelled at for continuing an old thread which is what you yelled at them to do.

So you may want to add the rule about bumping threads, or just lock all the threads in which you think are finished and should never be added to again. Don't yell at people for following the rules.

The Rules said:
5. Do not bump topics.

Ten characters.


Ok good, i was actually meaning the diamond and pearl discussion rules. Ohh wait never mind i skipped the top of that earlier (naughty skim reading eyes), i withdraw my last comment of my previous post. yell at them all you want. it still doesnt make sense.


How does it not make sense? Would you want to talk about things that are over a month old? THAT doesn't make sense. -_-


ok scenario: theres a thread about new attacks that hasnt been posted in for over a month, a new comer to the forums has thought of some new attacks. They search for a thread that discusses this instead of creating a new one, they read through the pages of posts making sure that noone has already posted their idea. When they finally get to the end, and keep in mind that this discussion is new to them, they post their post in the old thread and are then growled for bumping a thread, which then gets locked so their fresh ideas can not be replied to.

It doesn't make sense.
No, it's because the rules don't allow old threads to be bumped. Sometimes those threads are old news. F.E. If I made a thread about the new Legend of Zelda game being called Twilight Princess in the gaming forums, and it was left until a couple of months later. Then some newb sees it and post in it. Now we know that's old news so it should stay with all of the other old threads. See how that works?

Now let's say that here is a thread about new attacks in D/P. Now it also gets left behind with the old threads. Well isn't that a sign that no one wants to post in it? So why would you want to continue with a topic that no one wants to post in?


Yes i understand the old news stuff. thats just common sense and only idiots would bump those.

Its a sign that no old members want to post in it. So because all the old members have already had their fun with making up new moves you are gonna deprive future and possibly valuble members of their fun?

If no one else cares for that topic then no one would care if that topic gets updated and won't read it. So if you dont care about the old threads why do you care so much when somebody new posts in them?


I think it keeps the members in general updated and on their toes for more updates. If a member wants to post about a subject that has already been discussed and discarded and nobody else wants to talk about it, it forces the new members to maybe look at the NEW topics that the forum is discussing, thus keeping their minds fresh. And fresh minds produce MORE and BETTER ideas for discussion, thus gradually increasing the intelligence of the forum members.

I think that pretty much sums up any defensive stance the Mods might be taking.


ok, i can accept that and move on. mystery solved.
its better to ask questions then to sit and wonder.

Matt Silver

Rest My Chemistry
Lord Deoxys said:
No, it's because the rules don't allow old threads to be bumped. Sometimes those threads are old news. F.E. If I made a thread about the new Legend of Zelda game being called Twilight Princess in the gaming forums, and it was left until a couple of months later. Then some newb sees it and post in it. Now we know that's old news so it should stay with all of the other old threads. See how that works?

Now let's say that here is a thread about new attacks in D/P. Now it also gets left behind with the old threads. Well isn't that a sign that no one wants to post in it? So why would you want to continue with a topic that no one wants to post in?

You might have to remember that some people forget that thier was an old thread or some people NooB it out cause they cant be stuffed to look back and check whether or not.


I hate it on this forum sometimes when people do lack common sense and still act like idiots.

"Do you think Munchlax is obtainable in XD?" or, "Would it be coolz if we could make-up our own Pokemans?"

Some of the members act as if they have ADHD on here and it's a bit bothersome... It's like me babysitting a kid and he/she is speaking Idiotnese or something...
buttersgirl said:
oh thanks a million times over for ending stupidity. however, i also think you should try and control the intense hostility of this forum.
Well said. I'm on the receving end of a lot of it, even when I'm just trying to make a point., or talk about D/P.


Yes, but we're having A LOT of people posting spam messages that are illogical and consist of one or three small sentences.

Such things as "Do you think Charmander should have a pre-evolved form? What about Absol?" -_-'

"Do you think Eevee should have a pre-evolved form? That would be cool."

There's my list of stupid posts I found for the day.


<-Don't wake him up!
Naraku_Diabolos said:
Yes, but we're having A LOT of people posting spam messages that are illogical and consist of one or three small sentences.

Such things as "Do you think Charmander should have a pre-evolved form? What about Absol?" -_-'

"Do you think Eevee should have a pre-evolved form? That would be cool."

There's my list of stupid posts I found for the day.
Yes but you have to understand that a good deal of the members on these forums are no older than 15. So I wouldn't call some of these people stupid, just that they don't know any better. Now I do admit that I've seen my share of real stupidity here like for instance, I've seen a few people go on a "spampage"<spam +rampage(just made up that word), by creating like 5 different threads, for the sole purpose of bashing mods, and cursing for no reason(best example, Mikespike in the RSE discussion forums). Now that is stupidity IMO. So don't get bad ideas confused with stupidity/idiocy.


Oh yeah, I forgot. >.< Duh to me, now I see what you mean.


used Metronome!
Tyranitar-Rex said:
Yes but you have to understand that a good deal of the members on these forums are no older than 15. So I wouldn't call some of these people stupid, just that they don't know any better.

I'm only fourteen (turning fifteen in November) but I have never spammed or posted anything idiotic here (at least IMO). It all depends on the person. Believe it or not there are some intelligent people below fifteen and some incredibly stupid people over fifteen. ;)
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