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Diamond and Pearl Discussion Rules

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<-Don't wake him up!
blueguy said:
I'm only fourteen (turning fifteen in November) but I have never spammed or posted anything idiotic here (at least IMO). It all depends on the person. Believe it or not there are some intelligent people below fifteen and some incredibly stupid people over fifteen. ;)
Yes I'm aware of that BG. The majority of the people on these forums are wise beyond their years, but not smarter than me (LoL j/k). I wasn't saying that all young people are stupid and they post stupid things, I just said that some of the younguns just don't know any better, like for instance when an 11 year old on this forum says "I think a charmander pre-evo would be cool", that doesn't make them stupid.
blueguy said:
I'm only fourteen (turning fifteen in November) but I have never spammed or posted anything idiotic here (at least IMO). It all depends on the person. Believe it or not there are some intelligent people below fifteen and some incredibly stupid people over fifteen. ;)
That's nice, kiddo. As far as I know, I'm the only 13-year old here that actually uses grammar and correct spelling in their posts.....


used Metronome!
Bug Catcher Richard said:
That's nice, kiddo. As far as I know, I'm the only 13-year old here that actually uses grammar and correct spelling in their posts.....

Are you saying that I don't? BTW, posting five periods doesn't make an elipses! Ha! Caught you! ;)

Inferno Zangoose

No offense to the REAL good mods around this place but thank you Jesus! I'm getting tired of mods getting mad at people for spamming and then saying sorry. It's just stupid for a mod to yell at someone who didn't mean to do something.


Well-Known Member
Inferno Zangoose said:
No offense to the REAL good mods around this place but thank you Jesus! I'm getting tired of mods getting mad at people for spamming and then saying sorry. It's just stupid for a mod to yell at someone who didn't mean to do something.

That's all well and good, but you must consider that people should be reading the rules before the mods are even given a chance to respond to silly posts...


Okay Its been like two months that I dont come to these forums as I cant stop going to the nintendo forums for 5hit (change 5 to s)cause I can post anything and people who are interested read it and reply and if they dont like it they just let go, but not here we have to come and we cant even start a thread posting our opinions and the mods be thinking that they can just start calling people stupid. I mean come on this is a place where people can share there thoughts as stupid as it is if its related to pokemon if you dont like dont read it, if you dont want people having fun then why would this place even be created they would just have the main site so we can look at the news and be happy with it. I dont care if I get banned as its so easy to creat another email and register myself up again Ill just do it to say IM BACK. So if you want people to grow up, become smarter, and still come to these forums you will have to tolarate it or go outside and call your family stupid for gods sake
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used Metronome!
jetix said:
Okay Its been like two months that I dont come to these forums as I cant stop going to the nintendo forums for 5hit (change 5 to s)cause I can post anything and people who are interested read it and reply and if they dont like it they just let go, but not here we have to come and we cant even start a thread posting our opinions and the mods be thinking that they can just start calling people stupid. I mean come on this is a place where people can share there thoughts as stupid as it is if its related to pokemon if you dont like dont read it, if you dont want people having fun then why would this place even be created they would just have the main site so we can look at the news and be happy with it. I dont care if I get banned as its so easy to creat another email and register myself up again Ill just do it to say IM BACK. So if you want people to grow up, become smarter, and still come to these forums you will have to tolarate it or go outside and call your family stupid for gods sake

You won't be banned... but it wouldn't be as simple as getting another email account. Serebii can easily detect your IP adress and ban it so that your internet cannot access their forums.

Why can't people create tons of threads that clog up the forums? Simple: why can't these people instead reply in a thread with the exact same topic and talk about it there. To me making topics for no reason is like littering on this forum, so keep it clean.


Its as simple as using my sisters, neighbors, cousins internet connection


used Metronome!
jetix said:
Its as simple as using my sisters, neighbors, cousins internet connection

I think talking about ban evasion is a little out of line. It's also as easy as not griping about banning in the first place. The rules are simple, follow them.


Why do people sometimes do posts that don't have any space behind their periods for ending a sentence?

Like this:

Today was a good day.I wonder what tomorrow will be like.I could call my friends and see how they are doing.Well, I better do that.

There's a thing on the keyboard called a space bar. Use it.
...Alright. So anyway, i'd never spam here.

I dont even have any wacked ideas :rolleyes:

Plus, i'm 16, but do you see me tying like:

ZOMG WTF LOL lmafo u got 0wned

Ugh, it just hurt me typing like that.


I don't know if things I say makes sense or not, But I call tell you this; I try my best not to say things that makes me sound stupid, Or makes me get banned...


<-Don't wake him up!
I just think that when you post something; you should give your opinion, don't criticize, and explain yourself as well.
A post saying your idea sucks, or your idea is good isn't a good/intelligent post. Also use proper grammar and not too much IM slang; I ridded myself of the AIM slang habit.
Don't be afraid to sound intelligent; it's better off than sounding stupid.


One other major thing.

If a person is new to the forum for a month or so, they are called a newb. If they have been here longer and act stupid/sarcastic, you call them a n00b.

I had to live by that on FFXI.

I'm a Mentor on there anyway.


I agree, it makes me sick when I go on a forum and see OMG IMO LOL etc.
From now on I will double-check my grammar and spelling in any posts I make, I think everyone else in the forums should also check what they have just typed.

Also, there are some people who don't understand the initials above, so it would help if people would use legible English in their posts.

Don't think of this as much, I am just trying to make this forum a better place.


true love
What annoys me is more people not reading the rules.. and people acting like big snobs.. thinking they're the best, or doing something so blindly.. at least that's what annoys me on forums. ^^;

The spelling stuff.. I'm almost used to seeing that, though it gets a teeny bit (not really, but more than teeny bit) hard to understand. I've always typed with my best English online since I went online. And that was like.. whoa. How long? Um.. five? Six years? But I wouldn't go bashing/insulting those who can't spell.. They're just.. stupid. Ha ha ha. (Seen a lot of those here.)

pik achoo

I don't feel that it's neccesarly Stupidity. Who cares if people guesses are outragous. They're just excited, we all are.


Its the flicken internet in most cases (mostly in Instant Messenger mind you) people dont use grammer so if someone is used to using aolspeak on I.M. they are most likely going to.
A) use aol speak or any other method of bad grammer because they are not in school
B) use the grammer of a college student becuase there is such a thing as internet politeness


I enjoy your wisdom Geodude. but still I must tell you something

You can not stop the birds from flying above, but you can stop them from building thir nest in your tree.

Likewise, you can not stop people from being stupid, but you can stop them from spreading stupidity into your thread
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