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Diamond and Pearl Discussion Rules

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Well-Known Member
Just a note, but it seems that the amount of pointless and foolish threads is increasing once again... this forum is becoming messy once more.


Yes, it has been, but I've seen a little bit of it. From a scale from one to ten, I'd say a 7.

Can mods close pointless threads and whipe them off of the boards?

I like it when mods close threads and they are left there. I find those threads quite amusing, if you know what I mean, JazzJazz ;)

EDIT: It has come to a conclusion that the insanity scale is starting to rate as a 9 instead of a 7. Just looked at other stuff on this forum and yes, this place is becoming a hell hole.

EDIT 2: Damn, would people STOP with the Lucario and 'Manyula' stuff? It's starting to get annoying, and I mean the threads that are exclusive about those two. It's starting to get pretty annoying and I'm sick of it.
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Fear the light.
JazzJazz said:
Just a note, but it seems that the amount of pointless and foolish threads is increasing once again... this forum is becoming messy once more.
Yeah I've also noticed that I almost never go to the Dia/pearl. Diss. becuase of the 60% pointless thread's there's also a grupe of people posting like n00bs just to get banned>__>
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