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Diamond & Pearl - Nintendo actually listens!

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Cheer up.
A special ticket will be attached to one copy of the January issue of Japanese magazine CoroCoro, the holder of which will be be given the privilege of receiving copies of Pokémon Diamond and Pearl upon their release date, as well as proposing his ideas for the two upcoming games.

This fact can be taken to indicate that the magazine will offer coverage on the said games after a four-months hiatus of focusing on the spin-off Pokémon games; this is further supported by the unveiling of the ninth Pokémon movie's first details, which may include a silhouette of a new Pokémon associated with these games. Even though it is unknown when in 2006 the games will be released, it seems logical to proceed with their advertisement next month.

The January issue of CoroCoro will be published on Dec. 15, as will Volume 6 of the Pokémon Wonderland magazine. With this in mind, it is safe to expect more coverage than in previous months.

src: Bulbanews


There better not be stupid suggestions...


Well-Known Member
I read this too... I hope the winner actually has a decent idea and doesn't put forth a suggestion for some lame legendary or something.


mayby well be luckey and some one from this fourm will win and the'll tell us some of the new pokemon if they can find out


The Deadman
JazzJazz said:
I read this too... I hope the winner actually has a decent idea and doesn't put forth a suggestion for some lame legendary or something.
Or Fusions, or third types, or new types.....


Glacier Trainer
Its been a while since we've heard ANYTHING D/P related. Great find


wonder if serebii will show it on the front page of the main site


AKA Silktree
As the author of the article in question, I would like to clarify some points which would have been inappropriate to stress in the article itself.

First and foremost, the extent of Game Freak's willingness to incorporate fan ideas is questionable; the winner could turn out to be a young fan or a reader of CoroCoro who is not interested in Pokémon. I suspect that they merely plan to design a character after the winner, not unlike certain characters in the current games (such as Kiri in Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald, designed after Jun'ichi Masuda's daughter). If the winner were to be serious and persuasive enough, perhaps he could use the opportunity for something more, but certainly nothing radical. It is also possible that the developers will merely mask one of their many ideas as if formulated by the winner, thus drawing more attention.

I am led to believe that the contest is primarily an advertisement ploy meant to compensate for the long overdue coverage on the games; since their announcement in last year's October, Diamond and Pearl have only been the subject of one interview, taken five months ago. After all, this contest pertains to the release date of the games (the winner will not receive the games beforehand), showing that it is at least less than a year away (contrary to the situation in July).

For the record, the main idea presented in the article is not the possibility of some individual marginally influencing the development of the games, but the fact the development appears to be into its later stages.
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Enemy Of Reality
A fact has been overshadowed that virtually confirms fan’s fears – that the progress of the game is still so underdeveloped that the story line could possibly be influenced, which isn’t a great confidence builder. Oh well, I’m probably reading between imaginary invisible lines…

At least this provides the first true shred of interest since May – an actual shadow of a new pokemon (hopefully) so all I can say to that is “About BLOODY time”, recent CoroCoro issues have failed to provide worthy news or information in recent months, so I’m relived that my enthusiasm will be rekindled.


Yay! D&P exist! (happydance)

Watch the kid make some dumb suggestion like putting him in it, or something.


And, as if by magic, the webmaster appeared...
Staff member
intergalactic platypus said:
its starting to get almost boring, so i would love to have some new info. the info we currently have is getting old
There have been other Pokémon games between now and back then and between now and when DP comes out...thats what they're focusing on showing. Just because you dont care about them doesnt mean nobody else does


Enemy Of Reality
Yeah, but in all fairness Joe, these filler games fail to capture people’s imagination like the actually games do. You cannot deny that, the true generations of games, such as RS receive far more hype than anything else.

Tropical Spirit

YAY! Original>You =3
...Just watch said person suggest pokemon fusion. -_-


one love
Tropical Spirit said:
...Just watch said person suggest pokemon fusion. -_-
I would hope that Nintendo exhibits the good judgement not to put such incredulous features in the game. But then again, some are easily flattered so I wouldn't put it behind them.


OMG! This is great! We finally have some info on DP. I wouldn't worry too much about crap ideas being proposed by the winners because nintendo knows that the pokemon series is very important and if they stuff up DP the pokemon franchise might be lost.

Wolf Goddess

~Lupo Di Autunno~
Fusions will kill me inside.


Let's hope it's someone who's at least half-way intelligent.


Wolf Goddess said:
Fusions will kill me inside.


Let's hope it's someone who's at least half-way intelligent.

True, and Pokemon will become like Digimon. >.>

Hey, maybe for the person who wins the chance to chat with Game Freak, the person will say that they (consumers) don't want ways to obtain legendaries outside of the games, and that they should be in-game. Why am I to complain. I already have Lugia, Ho-oh, Deoxys, and Mew on Emerald...
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