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Diamond Team

1. Toritoidon@BrightPowder
- Muddy Water
- Mud Bomb
- Ice Beam
- Substitute/ Recover
Toritoidon@ Leftovers
Nature: Quiet
- Surf
- EQ
- Ice Beam
- Substitute/ Recover

2. Salamence@Concentraition Band
Nature: Adamant
- Dragon Claw
- Aerial Ace
- EQ
- Fire Fang

3. Lucario@ Wisdom Glasses
Nature: Modest
- Pulse Bomb
- Shadow Ball
- Luster Cannon
- Calm Mind

4. Dorapion@ Scope Lense
Nature: Adamant
- Blade Test
- Cross Poison
- Poison Spikes
- Ice Fang

5. Leafia@Hot Rock
Nature: Adamant
- Leaf Blade
- Sunny Day
- Scissor Cross
- Synthesis

6. Ampharos@Leftovers
Nature: Modest
- Thunderbolt
- HP Grass
- Power Gem
- Cotton Spore

Rate Away....
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1. Toritoidon@BrightPowder
- Muddy WaterYour other Toritoidon is Better. Muddy Water = Novelty Move. Surf and Earthquake are Better and Quiet is a Better Nature if you're making it a mixed attacker.
- Mud Bomb
- Ice Beam
- Substitute/ Recover
Toritoidon@ Leftovers
Nature: Quiet
- Surf
- EQ
- Ice Beam
- Substitute/ Recover

2. Salamence@Concentraition BandLooks Decent.
Nature: Adamant
- Dragon Claw
- Aerial Ace
- EQ
- Fire Fang

3. Lucario@ Wisdom GlassesGood
Nature: Modest
- Pulse Bomb
- Shadow Ball
- Dragon Pulse
- Calm Mind

4. Dorapion@ Scope LenseI don't really know, but it looks effective.
Nature: Adamant
- Blade Test
- Cross Poison
- Poison Spikes
- Ice Fang

5. Leafia@Hot RockYep, that looks good for Leafia, It could Baton Pass if you wanted it to though.
Nature: Adamant
- Leaf Blade
- Sunny Day
- Scissor Cross
- Synthesis

6. Ampharos@Leftovers
Nature: Modest
- Thunderbolt
- Power Gem
- Fire Punch
- Cotton SporeI think Signal Beam would be Better here.

Rate Awaym....

Hopefully I was able to help you. I didn't really know for Dorapion but it looks fine to me.
o thanks..for dorapion i think that this set works because of the ability of "snipe"
o and sorry for double post...I clicked too much
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