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~*diaruga8317's Art/Anime*~


you cannot resist.
-My Art- ^_^

I'm just gonna say now that I don't color my art very often, so most of it will be in pencil.
Here they are.

This is the first morph I've ever done. (Thanx to AogiriMatsu for the idea.)
Diaruga Morph

Here's my drawing of Kyuubi from Naruto, best demon ever.
Never finished the background, I'll replace it with the Final when I finish it.

A trainer concept, nothing too special. Disregard the fact that he's falling, it's just the angle I drew him at.
Trainer Concept 1

In chinese mythology, these two cretures are known as the "Guardians of Paradise".
Guardians of Paradise
I'm good at drawing dragons, but I have to admit, this is definetly not one of my best.

Just a picture of Death. I tried to make him more "Castlevania".

This was my envisionment of the third new legendary. Now it's Giradina, but I did this before he was introduced.
I thought that a romantization for his english name could be "Opalagia".

This is a picture of a different trainer I drew, but I realized that they look simalar, so they might as well be the same character.
Trainer Concept 2

Just a samurai. The style was inspired by Samurai Champloo.
Note: I used guidlines on this one.

A picture of Link from the Legend of Zelda.
Another with guidlines.

Here's another in line paper.
Future Ninja
Notice that he's from Earth Village.

Here's an anime-style self-portrait I did.
Anime SP
Picture it with blonde hair. Note- Guidelines used.

More stuff on the way!

C&C is really appreciated :D!

NOTE- *GASP* OMIGOSH!!! I finally figured out how to scan without turning the pictures green or yellow!!! Something that so simple I should've realized it ages ago!!! To the point, I will be re-scanning each picture to get to the original color. So basically, they'll look much better. YAY.
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I'm Back!
Not bad, your sense of anatomy is down pretty well, but I have a few comments...

For the Diaruga morph, the head should probably be a bit smaller. Especially since Diaruga has quite a small head anyway. At the moment, using a 'head count' scale, he's just over four heads high... now he does look pretty young, but then his hands and feet are quite small so I'm not quite sure what age you're aiming for.

Kyuubi is cool. He seems a bit unbalanced though, do you draw guidelines before you draw? The shading on this one is particularly excellent. The background is nice too, but I'm not sure whether he's floating above the trees, or whether he's just stepped on it... you may just need to convey that depth a bit better.

Lastly, the trainer. Pretty cool, I like the folds in his pants. Nice try at a face profile, but I think it could be improved by just changing the eye a bit, perhaps so that it's looking forward, or at something, rather than out of the screen at the viewer.

Anyway, great stuff. I hope you take these considerations on board and keep drawing!



Your creature creations are rather well rendered. It is apparent that you’ve had some experience in drawing them from the two examples that you have provided. They are more detailed and look better than your human drawings at any rate (which I’ll get to later).
So…what can I say about your Diaruga and Kyuubi? Well, Diaruga’s portrait looks fine, though I’m not a fan of the mouth. But then again, Diaruga’s mouth has always looked stupid to me anyways, so it’s not your fault. You left it primarily unshaded as only a reference for your morph, so I can understand that. Let’s move on.

Your Kyuubi drawing…Well, I appreciate the use of hard jagged lines all around its body to give it a lively appearance and emphasize its ferocity. You used a reference photo, I guess? Either way, it’s a nice rendition of that monstrous creature. Now, for the background. Yes, you haven’t finished it, but there are still several things you should fix as you go along. First off, the trees don’t really appear to be tree-like, especially the one on the left side of the paper. I take it that you are trying to draw a coniferous tree, right? Well, look at reference photos of those types of trees. They are wide at the bottom and are skinny at the top, like a cone. Of course, some species like redwoods have taller trunks than other species, but they still retain the same basic shape for the most part. None of them have big masses of spiky needles sticking out to the sides like you've portrayed. It seems like you were trying to mix deciduous trees with coniferous ones, and that just appears awkward.
Also, be sure to add more to the surrounding of the overall drawing than what you have now. More trees of course, but no need to draw each individual one. Instead, give the hint of an expansive forest stretching into the mountain backgrounds by simply sketching in the tops of trees. You may also want to add in some elements to the foreground as well.

Well, I think we've spent enough time on your creature drawings, don't you think. Your trainer pics are feeling neglected, and unfortunately, those are the ones that need the most work. It seems that you don't have as much experience with drawing humans since some of their proportions are off.
I have seen that happen with so many amateur artists who draw anime art. They try to draw anime humans, but they don't have a good foundation in drawing real life humans so their results are often flawed.
Let's look at your Diaruga morph. Yes, I like how you've incorporated Diaruga's big back fin and his chest plate into your character. However, like I've mentioned earlier, the proportions are off.
Take his hands for instance. A humans hands should be as wide the face. This means you can grab your face with your hands. However, his hands are TINY, and not only that, but they look bony as well. Make them bigger, and they will seem like nice strong hands instead of small, weak ones.
Now, look at how tall he is. Seems pretty short, eh? He looks like a Hobbit (he even has the pointy ears, lol). His arms almost reach his kneecaps, and that's a no-no. Your arms should only reach about mid-way along your thigh at most. Make him taller by increasing the length of his legs.

Finally, your last drawing. I like this one a lot better. The proportions are better (not perfect, but still better) and I also like the detail you've put into the clothes. There are only two problems - the face and the pose.
The face. Well, the way his eye is shown makes him seem like he's spacing out. Seriously, it's just staring at nothing in particular. Make his gaze more focused, that way he won't seem so absent-minded.
Now his pose. This guy is smiling, but he's falling backwards! I certainly wouldn't be smiling if I was about to fall on my butt. No one will feel comfortable in that position so straighten him up or find a less awkward pose.

That's all I have for you. You have some nice drawing skills, you just have to practice some more.


you cannot resist.
Thanx, Alecat. The Diaruga Morph was hard to get the size on, because I was working on the Diaruga "elemants", such as the chest thing and the back... Thing. The size is just off on him, I wasn't really aiming for an age.

The Kyuubi I especially like, mostly 'cause of the shading. I din't use guidelines, and it was the first time I'd drawn him. I was in depth with the shading at that point. I don't use guidelines often, I prefer to just draw (and I hate erasing all the outlines). He just "crushed" the tree. The problem was that while drawing him, I got bored with the tails so I made him stepping on a tree. Then when I finished, I realized that there was a background piece, being the tree. It looked weird with just one tree and no landscape, so I quickly added the hills, other tree, and the path. I don't like doing backgrounds much, either. I'll post it when I finish the background.

Finally, for the trainer, I was bored so I started drawing, not knowing what to draw until I finished. That's how it turned out, so I added the pokeball he's holding and made the trainer. I did it quickly, so it does't look as good as I could've made it look. Once again, I didn't use guidelines.

As for your rating, Aragornbird, yes, I do realize he's falling backward. Just read next to his link why he's like that. Basically, I know everything about the anatomy of humans, I was just paying closer attention to the fact that I was drawing my first morph. As for backgrounds, I didn't have any pictures of trees to look at, so I just did what I could remember of a tree(s), and that's how it turned out. Kinda funky. And, yes you are right. I was looking at a picture of Kyuubi when I drew that. I'm still working on the background, so be sure to check in from time to time to see if I've finished it yet.

Thanx to both of you :D!
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you cannot resist.
I love the tiger! Facial expresions are perfect, and the bend of the hind leg is particularly well done.

The dragon is well done, too. But he doesn't curve smoothly like I'd expect. It's almost as though his bones don't quite flow or something...

Yeah, that's DEFINETLY NOT one of my best dragons. I have done much better ones. The tiger was hard 'cause I'd never drawn one before, and you don't exactly see tigers everyday, so... I had to run back and forth between my bedroom and the computer, looking at pictures of tigers at the computer, then running back to draw a feature... It took a while... But the result is worth it, eh :D?


you cannot resist.
Very nice to see another Naruto fan.
I hopeone day u finish that background for him. (I can do it ifu'd like me to.)
I'm going to give it a rateing of 8.4/10 (coz of the no background).

Thanx, but I can finish the background myself. I'll post it when I'm done.
Cool, that's a high rating for no background :D!



Number ratings aren’t allowed, really.
Anyways, let’s see. I like your dragon, there’s no major flaws with it. Can’t say the same thing about the tiger though. It's overall body structure look like a rat, not at all like a muscular big cat.
Why don't you just draw in front of the computer. Or print out the picture and then draw it? It's much easier that way.


you cannot resist.

Number ratings aren’t allowed, really.
Anyways, let’s see. I like your dragon, there’s no major flaws with it. Can’t say the same thing about the tiger though. It's overall body structure look like a rat, not at all like a muscular big cat.
Why don't you just draw in front of the computer. Or print out the picture and then draw it? It's much easier that way.

I love the tiger! Facial expresions are perfect, and the bend of the hind leg is particularly well done.

The dragon is well done, too. But he doesn't curve smoothly like I'd expect. It's almost as though his bones don't quite flow or something...

Wow, two virtually opposite ratings... At the time I was drawing the picture though, my dad was using the computer, and, well... He's a subborn old coot, so all he let me do was glance then leave just to come back and glance again.
Thanx to both of you. BTW, although it's technically not allowed, I don't mind number ratings :D!

Also, I figured out why the trainer seems to be looking nowhere. The glint I made in his eye was too small, so it appears as part of his eye. That's why he's looking to the side. I'll re-scan the picture when I'm done with this problem.

EDIT- I got the edited Trainer Concept. The only thing I changed was his eye. Note: I'm replacing the old one with this one, so say good bye!

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Shayden XD

Hooray for art, many crits i have though. The dairuga morph is good but deformed in sum areas. The kyuubi i gots no probs with cept mabye the background but you explained that. The tiger I think is awesome and the trainer has small feets. But theres not much I can say till I get my thread up.(has to get off butt and draw) K then jan ay:D
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I'm Back!
Ah, I think our tastes are just different, diaruga. I like the stylisation in the tiger. I do agree that the body structure could be improved, but I still love the face and that one hind leg...

I think when it comes down to it, you should draw what you're happiest drawing :)

The trainer looks a bit better, the eye focusses a little more. I'd like to see you try drawing him from scratch, maybe with a better structure/pose or something?


you cannot resist.
Yea, I may do that... I was, at the time, just drawing a one-time character, but maybe I could expand him a little more, using him in more drawings. He's simple, so he won't take forever to draw, yet he's cool :cool:, so I might use him again. As for his eye, the glint was just too small, so it appeared as part of his eye. It gave him a spaced out look, but he's fixed now and looks more focused. Hooray.

Shayden XD

Same as light venusaur but I forgot to mention one thing........ Youre shading is flawless!!!!!:D


you cannot resist.
Only for the Kyuubi, really. I was trying my very best to do that one, 'cause I don't often use my fingers to blend the shading, I just use pencil to do it. The Kyuubi has got to be one of my best (minus the crappy background).

EDIT- I got anew picture. I did this one a while ago, too.

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Shayden XD

OOOOoooo Grim reaper. Awesome:D :D Great shading once again. Cool shape too.


you cannot resist.

Shayden XD

Thaz awesome. I cant shade worth a crud. Good job.