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Did i mess up my pikachu :(


Well-Known Member
I had a lvl 22 pikachu i was considering using as my lite type... but i evolved it to raichu *after* checkin to see if it can learn tbolt after he evolved.. but it showed he had it.. why didnt he gain it when he evolved.. or will he next lvl?


welcome to the forums!

ok, there is no lite type, or a light type. moves on the pokedex on serebii with -- for the level it learns it means that it doesnt learn it whil lving up, but you have to go to the move tutor (the one that relearns moves) and raichu would have it w/out lv up. in this game you need 2 tinymushrooms or 1bigmushroom, which may be attached to a wild paras/ parasect, so you have to capture some


Well-Known Member
ok then.. i figured that sumthing like that, but i havent had game for for very long..thx for the welcome guys.. btw.. which would u pick.. buzz or chu?


i like electabuzz personaly, but many people like pikachu too.

and i forgot about thief XD


Well-Known Member
its tough.. i like the style of both them.. when it comes to pokemone these days i go by coolness points in my book.. lol


Natsu no Maboroshi
I prefer Electabuzz over Raichu....But the last one is good, too...


Furret rocks
I think Electabuzz is better.



Electabuzz IS better, but if you want to use Raichu, teach it Thunderbolt/Substitute/Focus Punch/Thunder Wave. All of those are TMs or Move Tutors so you don’t need to worry about evolving it too soon.



Bullet Punch
If you train an Electabuzz, you'll soon be amazed by it's power. Mine is now at level 100, and is yet to be deafeated. With a moveset along these lines, it will pwn.

-Focus Punch

^That's my moveset. It has proved useful very often.



Veteran smartass
ampharos ftw!!11
but there's no mareep in kanto v_v
i'd take a starmie instead =o (water/psychic stab + thunderbolt + fast + high sp.atk)
out of the two....electabuzz

Dragonite 24

Livin' in a bubble!
Electabuzz has it handsdown over Raichu. Able to learn Cross Chop, put it out against a tank like snorlax and aggron, they will be down in no time. I like to use the set of
Cross Chop
Ice Punch
Physic/Any other Special filler move for sweeping

char char

Professional Shut-In
What is a lite type????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ;004;


Neverchanging Avvie
My Female Raichu @ Petaya Berry
Tbolt, Thunder Wave, Focus Punch, Attract. Should I get rid of Attract for Subsitute?

On Topic: I personally prefer Raichu over Electabuzz, but only cuz my favorite Lv. 75 Electabuzz is now an Elekible.


Well-Known Member
Electabuzz soo pwns raichu, a good moveset for electabuzz would be ( All Offensive )

Cross Chop
Ice Punch
Thunder Punch