omg everyone read my posts first I HATE ALL LEDGENDARIES
omg everyone read my posts first I HATE ALL LEDGENDARIES
StaffClock said:Yeah sorry, I had read that but forgot.
In that case, go with either a Jolteon or Raichu.
...or some other electric pkm.
I don't think you should add another electric poke. I mean the only good ones out there are elctabuzz and zapdos. Raichu and jolteon have no hp and defense and sp. defense whatsoever.
I think you should go with a snorlax. Or a muk with an insane amount of hp ups added to it. In the old days muk could do some real bad damage. All 5 hyper beams couldn't kill muk back then >_<....
Or try parasect of beedrill. Parasect only needs slash, sleep powder, stun spore, and any cut. Just spam slash once the oponnent is asleep ^_^.
i am trying to train for the eliete four (1st time) and this is my party
Vaporeon lv. 65
Ndoking (shiny) lv.60
Arcanine lv.60
Electabuzz lv.60
i do not want anybody telling me if i should change the pokemon in my party i just want to know if i trained too much or not