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did i train too much

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Well-Known Member
i am trying to train for the eliete four (1st time) and this is my party

Vaporeon lv. 65
Ndoking (shiny) lv.60
Arcanine lv.60
Electabuzz lv.60
i do not want anybody telling me if i should change the pokemon in my party i just want to know if i trained too much or not


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Lol, of course you didn't train too much, you can NEVER train your pokemon too much for the Elite Four.

On the first time I beat the Elite Four on Leaf Green, my pokemon were level 55 or 60, (can't remember which) which is about the same as yours.

It's actually a good thing that you've trained so much, it decreases your chances of loosing, and well, it's better to be safe than sorry.



um, and stuff
No there is (IMO) no such thing as too much tranning
You should add maybye a Flying poke or a Psychic


Well-Known Member
well do you have any suggestions for anyone else to fill up the remaining slot
BTW i HATE ubers


try zapdos and articuno (i would say moltres, but you have arcanine)

many people seem to like using them for the E4

EDIT: oh, you hate ubers...(i dont see why, i like them, i just dont use them in my normal party)

why not try your starter and slowbro?
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Shiny Hunter
I don't think you can train "too much".
When I first battled the E4 on LF my Charizard was lvl 73 or 74.
But yeah, a Zapdos would be a good addition.


Ima chargin ma lazor
I do not get it why do people hate ubers? They are pokemon just like very other one just you know slightly more powerful than the normal pokemon.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
omg everyone read my posts first I HATE ALL LEDGENDARIES

No, you said you hate ubers, and not all legendaries are ubers.
So you can use Zapdos as it is not an uber.

But since I don't use legendaries either, I'd add Lapras/Starmie to your team. I know you already have Vaporeon, but Lapras and Starmie can boltbeam and get double-STAB, so I usually prefer them.

I also like using Dragonite or a psychic pokemon (if I don't have Starmie) when I go to beat the Elite Four first time, they work for me. Use them if you wish.

StaffClock said:
Yeah sorry, I had read that but forgot.
In that case, go with either a Jolteon or Raichu.
...or some other electric pkm.

Why does he need an electric pokemon? He already has an Electabuzz, which is one of the best electrics in Kanto, IMO.

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I don't think you should add another electric poke. I mean the only good ones out there are elctabuzz and zapdos. Raichu and jolteon have no hp and defense and sp. defense whatsoever.

I think you should go with a snorlax. Or a muk with an insane amount of hp ups added to it. In the old days muk could do some real bad damage. All 5 hyper beams couldn't kill muk back then >_<....

Or try parasect of beedrill. Parasect only needs slash, sleep powder, stun spore, and any cut. Just spam slash once the oponnent is asleep ^_^.

super groudon

Master Of Shadows
no of course not,
when i first beat the elite 4 on fire red my part was this:
charizard level 70,
moltres level 69,
zapdos level 68,
nidoking level 65,
arbok level 64,
onix level 60.

so to me no you kep doing it how you want,
but remember the elite 4 have pokemon in the 50's and 60's...
and i almost forgot,stock up on tons of items...


I'm Back
I don't think you should add another electric poke. I mean the only good ones out there are elctabuzz and zapdos. Raichu and jolteon have no hp and defense and sp. defense whatsoever.

I think you should go with a snorlax. Or a muk with an insane amount of hp ups added to it. In the old days muk could do some real bad damage. All 5 hyper beams couldn't kill muk back then >_<....

Or try parasect of beedrill. Parasect only needs slash, sleep powder, stun spore, and any cut. Just spam slash once the oponnent is asleep ^_^.

Actually ;026; Raichu is a good Pokémon to use. ;012; Butterfree is good to use.
i am trying to train for the eliete four (1st time) and this is my party

Vaporeon lv. 65
Ndoking (shiny) lv.60
Arcanine lv.60
Electabuzz lv.60
i do not want anybody telling me if i should change the pokemon in my party i just want to know if i trained too much or not

You are just fine to take on the Elite4.
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