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did it seem like PUSA was using less of the "origonal BGM" in the last two episodes t

i don't know if this thread should be here or in some other section but anway i just finished watching last saturadays episoides (i missed it on tv so i had to download them) and i kind of sounded like they were changing more of the music then usual! did any of you notice it? and PUSA if you guys are reading this, please keep more of the origonal BGM intact next time!

Neko Godot

Hey! Listen!
I think PUSA has only rights to SOME of the original BGM, so depending on which episode is played, all of the music or none of the music may be kept. Hopefully when DP comes along they'll be able to buy the rights to ALL of the BGM.


Contaminated KFC
I think PUSA has only rights to SOME of the original BGM, so depending on which episode is played, all of the music or none of the music may be kept. Hopefully when DP comes along they'll be able to buy the rights to ALL of the BGM.
That's not true at all. They've been skipping over pieces that they've used in other episodes beforehand.

At the moment, they're doing pretty much exactly the same thing as 4Kids. It was pretty evident 4Kids had more than likely purchased most of the music, because they used a lot of tunes. But some of them they'd only play once or twice, and never use again.
Remember that scene in 'Now that's Flower Power', when Torchic was trying to run up the cliff-face to reach the Bluk berry? The track that was playing during this scene (a rather lighthearted kind of 'panic' music) has been played a hell of a lot of times in the japanese version. In the dub, it was used in this episode and 'A Tail with a Twist'. And that was all. They never bothered with the tune after that.
That's just one example. But the usage of movie music made it more obvious~

Rex Kamex

Well-Known Member
I also wish that PUSA dub the openings, endings, and use all the BGM. The BGM thing was what I've been hoping for. And it doesn't help that PUSA is using both their own music and 4Kids' music. It simply shows that 4Kids still has some kind of influence on the show. Even though there are several pieces of dub music I like (in both), it would be better, and needed, to use the original music. It's the original music anyway.

Hopefully, PUSA will listen to these requests. (The way I see it, at least there's a chance PUSA will listen, unlike with 4Kids.)

Remember that scene in 'Now that's Flower Power', when Torchic was trying to run up the cliff-face to reach the Bluk berry? The track that was playing during this scene (a rather lighthearted kind of 'panic' music) has been played a hell of a lot of times in the japanese version. In the dub, it was used in this episode and 'A Tail with a Twist'. And that was all. They never bothered with the tune after that.
That's just one example. But the usage of movie music made it more obvious~

Actually, that music was also used in the dub in "A Tail With a Twist" where Jessie and James were trying to get the Seviper.

I remember a certain piece of music that was used in the dub only once. Waaaay back in "A Tents Situation" (once of the last OI episodes, where Brock returned), there was a scene where Ash's mom was wiping off Ash's Orange Leage trophy, and there was a certain piece of music that played. That music was taken out of the dub episode "The Princess and the Togepi" (when May looked up Togepi in her PokeDex), and it also wasn't used in a dub Hoso.

Neko Godot

Hey! Listen!
I also wish that PUSA dub the openings, endings, and use all the BGM. The BGM thing was what I've been hoping for. And it doesn't help that PUSA is using both their own music and 4Kids' music. It simply shows that 4Kids still has some kind of influence on the show. Even though there are several pieces of dub music I like (in both), it would be better, and needed, to use the original music. It's the original music anyway.
Well, PUSA did fix the Ekans/Arbok mistake in the MD special, so there IS hope.

Honestly though, why does it seem it's always the snake type Pokemon being mixed up?
Well, PUSA did fix the Ekans/Arbok mistake in the MD special, so there IS hope.

Honestly though, why does it seem it's always the snake type Pokemon being mixed up?

because paris hilton can't help them seperate all the different types of "snakes" lol, dirty comment

Hopefully, PUSA will listen to these requests. (The way I see it, at least there's a chance PUSA will listen, unlike with 4Kids.)

it actualy says acording to bulbapedia that PUSA staff checks forums often to see how fans feel and try their best to do things the way they want it!


Custom User Title
But the fact that they've been on the ball about other things yet seem to be ignoring complaints about the music is all the more puzzling.


Powerplay Champion
i say give it time, they'll eventually come around and change it...


Thank you, SPPf! :)
PUSA hardly kept any of the original music in the first place. The exceptions are tracks that are often used in the dub anyways, such as a few of the ones in the Tucker battle and the first battle between Grovyle and Tropius. (Those are the ones that vividly stick out in my mind right now)

The second half of the Deoxys special had most of its original tracks kept in, though for some reason, the first half of it didn't.
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Lil Brother

Just kinda there.
Didn't someone say something about some of the 4Kids cast carrying over into the TAJ dub? I remember the scriptwriter(s?), at least. We've heard that 4Kids believes that dub-made music is better than original music before. Who's to say they take us seriously, anyway? Whenever someone reads these posts they may be thinking "Oh boy, let's see what the obnoxious fans with no lives think". So when we say that we like the original music better, someone may think "That's because you're stubborn and don't give our better music a chance".

Just ignore me, I'm feeling a bit like jumping to conclusions with no evidence right now. o.o

The Power of Pika

Way Past Cool!!
People try to make this thread as big as possible sying that you want Japanese music. I've sent them a link of this by email. Hopefully it gets through to them.:)
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Thank you, SPPf! :)
That will prove even more useless than a petition.