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Did Pokemon go Downhill?


< She's preaty
It's still a hit in Japan I heard but why do people in U.S.A hate Pokemon now?


The show went downhill, but not the games. I think most people actually like it but don't want there friends to know. But I don't think people hate it. They just don't care much about it.


Shiny Hunter
Lol, i'm almost 16 and I make SURE that everyone knows I still watch pokemon and play the games. But yeah, i'm pretty sure most people are just to scared to admit that they watch pokemon still.


Rarely-Used Avatar
I liked Kanto the most :D Misty was sooooo funny lolol I'm glad Brock's still here, becaus I think the show wasn't as funny when Misty leaved. May and Hikari are too girly!! I see girls like them in my private school everyday!!! Misty was had a really unike (Sp??) personality, and she was my favrite part of the show. I wish she wuold come back forever. I liked the Chronices episodes the best...because they showed us a lot of Misty lololol :D



Thank you, SPPf! :)
Yeah, you're a Drone, alright. A Kanto-sucking Misty-humping Drone. Just the latest in line.

How do Brock and Misty inject humor into the series, anyways? I mean, I won't deny that Indigo had more humorous moments on the whole, but it didn't stem from either of those characters. Brock's flirting gig got old halfway through Indigo (though has regained some slight humor due to recent events in DP), and as far as I recall, Misty was never funny in the first place. No, the mallet wasn't funny either.


Yeah, ok!
I knew this thread would attract the Misty/Kanto lovers, it never fails.

Ratings wise, the show has always been a hit. Advanced Battle was tied for first with KidsWB's other shows during its final season there, and it's currently one of Cartoon Network's top rated shows.

Why do you think CN is pimping Pokemon out like crazy all over their channel?

Pokemon Advanced AND Pokemon Chronicles air weekdays on Miguzi, Pokemon: Battle Frontier has 2 new eps each Saturday, reruns of old BF eps are on Toonami, and apparently CN is running a new ep at 8pm for a full week.

This is not even counting the times Mastermind and the Mystery Dungeon special aired on the network.
Any person that says that the Kanto series was the best is obviously mentally challenged. The series is very delicious in it is entirety but Kanto was the weakest even if it had my fave character Misty. The anime has not gone downhill it has been better. Pokemon is the best anime ever created.

dark trainer

Well-Known Member
the anime went way downhill during johto thats when most people i know stoped watching it but advanced was popular and pretty good shinou seems to be a rehash of it, most people are embarrised to say they still watch the anime.

pokemon is the best anime i watch its also the only one
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Meowth Fanatic <3
I think Kanto was the best just because it was still new, then. While the newer episodes have just as good, or better, plots, the show itself has gotten a little repetitive and way too predictable. I honestly stopped watching in the beginning of Johto and have only caught a couple episodes after that... But if I had all the Kanto episodes on DVD, I probably wouldn't watch those episodes much, either.

The games are still roxxors. I honestly wasn't going to buy anything from RSE, 'cause I thought they wouldn't add up to the original games, and didn't/still don't much like the new pokemon designs. But the game itself was still surprisingly good, and I liked the enough pokemon to make a little team. <3

So no, I don't think the series is going downhill. Plenty of my friends are still into pokemon, and one of the school clubs pulled off a pokemon-themed comedy show earlier in the year. I missed it, but heard it was fairly neat.


Well-Known Member
It went downhill during Johto however it rose alot in Hoenn


Come along, dear
It's not, you just have to look around for it is all.

Any person that says that the Kanto series was the best is obviously mentally challenged. The series is very delicious in it is entirety but Kanto was the weakest even if it had my fave character Misty. The anime has not gone downhill it has been better. Pokemon is the best anime ever created.

But, Kanto is where Lance is! :D And I really think that saying it is the best best anime ever is a bit much, just how many other animes do you watch, anyways?


Moon Prism Power!
I can think of so many reasons why Pokemon went downhill here in America but here's one.

It's so freakin repetitive with both the game and the shows (Major reason)

I still like Pokemon but it is very repetitive and even my friends that aren't into it anymore even think so, I only like to play the games and I'm glad they made pokemon games that aren't similiar to the rest like Ranger and Mysterious Dungeon.


I thought Season Two was the best. The last third of Indigo plus most of the Orange League. And Pikachu's Jukebox rocked.

So, yes, the Orange Islands were the best.
I personally say Pokemon only went downhill for those people that missed the show, thought no one else liked it anymore, or had no more fun with their games, I'm not one of those people


Well-Known Member
I kinda think Pokemon's gotten better. I thought Johto got a bit long and too drawn out, but otherwise I've enjoyed Advanced a whole lot. I stopped watching Pokemon about 6 years back, but I watched eps 1-375 in the last month, so it's all pretty fresh in my mind.

I think it's funnier now actually, especially when they're only half intending to be funny.

For example, when Team Rocket are trying to capture Kyogre:

Meowth: I sure hope you have a good plan for dis.

Jessie: Of course we do! We're going to catch it.....with a net!
