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Did this happen to anyone else?


Well-Known Member
I was battling my friend, my leaf green vs. his and my game just froze. It happened to me before but usually I got the link cable error massage. This time the sound was still working properly on both games, we already selected the attacks and the screens did not change, it stayed on Fight; Bag; Pokemon; Run; screen and all the buttons did not work. Does anyone know what happened?
no scratchy noises? Then I really don't know. I freezing is usally indicated by a scratchy noise.
nope never happend to me... donno


Well-Known Member

no scratchy noises? Then I really don't know. I freezing is usally indicated by a scratchy noise.

No, the sound was 100% normal. The battle music was playing and I heard the ennoying beeper because my pokemon's hp was on red. Weird.